This directory contains tests for rolling upgrades on K8S.
To run the tests, you need to have a K8S cluster running. You can use the k3d
tool to create a local K8S cluster.
You need also a Pulumi access token to run the tests. You can create one by following the instructions here.
curl -s | bash
k3d cluster create
kubectl create serviceaccount testing
kubectl create clusterrolebinding testing --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:testing
export KUBE_TOKEN=$(kubectl create token testing --duration=999999h)
export KUBE_APISERVER=$(kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
export PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your pulumi access token>
earthly --push --no-output +run \
k3d cluster delete
The test :
- creates a K8S deployment with a single replica of the server
- then create a test pod in charge of sending requests to the web server and checking if the response is ok.
- then updates the deployment with a new image and waits for the new pod to be ready.
- then checks if the test pod is still alive. If alive, it indicates no errors during the rolling upgrade.
Under the hood, the test will create a VCluster on your k3d cluster. This VCluster will be used to run the tests and simulate a real rolling upgrade on a K8S cluster.