- Convert 'TNULL' to '0' value @bjk7119 (#138)
- Support cycloneDX format @dd-jy (#136)
- Fix to exclude path @bjk7119 (#132)
- Fix the notice screen @ethanleelge (#134)
- Print option name with error msg @bjk7119 (#131)
- Apply simple mode @bjk7119 (#130)
- Support spdx (only Linux) @dd-jy (#126)
- Refactor existing tox test to pytest @s-cu-bot (#123)
- Refactoring OSS Item classes @soimkim (#121)
- Limit installation to fosslight_util 1.4.* @soimkim (#120)
- Exclude specific file and folder @bjk7119 (#118)
- Enable multiple input for -f option @JustinWonjaePark (#117)
- Bug fix to run executable on Windows @bjk7119 (#116)
- Modify to print binary DB result @bjk7119 (#115)
- Remove related to binary.txt @bjk7119 (#112)
- Supports for excluding paths @SeongjunJo (#109)
- Bug fix to print column @bjk7119 (#114)
- Modify column name @bjk7119 (#113)
- Update help message @SeongjunJo (#111)
- Change the cover message @dd-jy (#110)
- Analyze image and icon extension file @bjk7119 (#108)
- Print tlsh, sha1 if no oss info at report @bjk7119 (#106)
- Add detection summary message (cover sheet) @dd-jy (#107)
- Change column name : checksum -> SHA1 @bjk7119 (#105)
- Add TLSH and checksum column at report @bjk7119 (#104)
- Exclude 'json' and 'js' file @bjk7119 (#103)
- Use common github actions @bjk7119 (#101)
- Merge OSS info result to one row @bjk7119 (#99)
- Add test binaries @bjk7119 (#96)
- Update the minimum version of fl util @dd-jy (#98)
- Change the default path to find sbom-info.yaml @dd-jy (#97)
- Update the minimum version of fl util @dd-jy (#98)
- Change the default path to find sbom-info.yaml @dd-jy (#97)
- Add to correct with sbom-info.yaml @dd-jy (#95)
- Update the ubuntu version for deploy action @dd-jy (#92)
- Bug fix to print jar analysis @bjk7119 (#91)
- Change priority for report @bjk7119 (#94)
- Exclude .dat file to analyze @bjk7119 (#93)
- Add simple mode (-s option) @soimkim (#89)
- Fix the bug that does not print excel @soimkim (#90)
- Set comment if occurs exception when finding bin @bjk7119 (#87)
- Add the package name to opossum result file @bjk7119 (#88)
- Add the pkg name to log and result file @bjk7119 (#86)
- Modify typo of set_comment in BinaryItem @bjk7119 (#85)
- Add error handling to find file path @bjk7119 (#84)
- Fix to get OSS info from pkg info @bjk7119 (#83)
- Add error handling to analyze jar file @bjk7119 (#82)
- Update package name for ARM Mac @soimkim (#81)
- Change package to get release package @bjk7119 (#80)
- Update version of packages for actions @bjk7119 (#79)
- Use allowlist_externals instead of whitelist_externals @soimkim (#78)
- Modify not to generate binary.txt if no binaries @dd-jy (#76)
- Print license text through notice parameter @dd-jy (#75)
- Modify OSS name from OWASP Result @bjk7119 (#74)
- Change yaml output file name @soimkim (#73)
- Change the output file name @soimkim (#72)
- Fix memory bug when checking file type @soimkim (#71)
- Fix bug without -p option @bjk7119 (#70)