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Trigonometric Degree Functions

deg2rad deg = deg*pi/180.0  -- convert degrees to radians
rad2deg rad = rad*180.0/pi  -- convert radians to degrees

sind = sin . deg2rad        
cosd = cos . deg2rad        
tand = tan . deg2rad
atand = rad2deg . atan
atan2d y x = rad2deg (atan2 y x )


> map rad2deg [pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, pi/2, pi]

> map sind [30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 90.0, 180.0 ]

Piecewise Functions

Implement the following functions in Haskell

       /  0.10    if 0.0      <= x <= 7150.0
       |  0.15    if 7150.0   <  x <= 29050.0
       |  0.25    if 29050.0  <  x <= 70350.0
f1(x)= |  0.28    if 70350.0  <  x <= 146750.0
       |  0.33    if 146750.0 <  x <= 319100.0
       \  0.35    if 139100.0 <  x < +infinitum

       /  x^2 - 1  if x < 0
f2(x) = |  x   - 1  if 0 <= x < 4
       \  3        if x > 4
import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple

(|>) x f = f x
(|>>) x f = map f x

pairs xs = zip xs (tail xs)

infp =    1.0e30  -- Plus Infinite
infm = (-1.0e30)  -- Minus Infinite

inInterval x (p1, p2) = (fst p1) < x && x <= (fst p2) 

piecewiseFactory intervalTable x = f x
    f =  filter (inInterval x) (pairs intervalTable) 
        |> head 
        |> fst 
        |> snd 

arange start stop step = [start,(start+step)..(stop-step)]

plotFxs f xs  = do
    let ys = map f xs
    plotList [] (zip xs ys)

f1_table = 
    (0.0,        const 0.10),
    (7150.0,     const 0.15),
    (29050.0,    const 0.25),
    (70350.0,    const 0.28),
    (146750.0,   const 0.33),  
    (319100.0,   const 0.35),  
    (1.0e30,     const 0.35)

f2_table = [
    (infm,  \x -> x**2 - 1), --  if -∞ < x <= 0  -> x^2 - 1 
    (0.0,   \x -> x - 1.0 ), --  if 0  < x <= 4  -> x   - 1
    (4.0,   \x -> 3.0),      --  if 4  < x <= +∞ -> 3.0
    (infp,  \x -> 3.0 )

f1 = piecewiseFactory f1_table
f2 = piecewiseFactory f2_table
> plotFxs f1 $ arange (1.0) 400000 1000.0

!f1 chart

> plotFxs f2 $ arange (-4) 4 0.01

!f2 chart

Numerical Methods


Polynomial evaluation by the horner method.

polyval :: Fractional a => [a] -> a -> a
polyval coeffs x = foldr (\b c -> b + x*c) 0 coeffs

polyderv :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a] 
polyderv coeffs = zipWith (*) (map fromIntegral [1..n]) (tail coeffs )
    n = (length coeffs) - 1    



f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3 + a4x4 + a5x5
f(x0) = a0 + x0(a1 + x0(a2 + x0(a3 + x0(a4 + a5x0)))) 

Example: Evaluate the polynomial 
    f(x)  =  1x4 + 3x3 + 5x2 + 7x + 9 at x = 2 
    df(x) =  3x3 + 6x2 + 10x +  7
> let coeffs  = [9.0, 7.0, 5.0, 3.0, 1.0] 
> let f  = polyval  coeffs

let df = polyval $  polyderv coeffs

> polyderv coeffs 

> f 2

> df 2

> (\x -> 7 + 10*x + 9*x^2 + 4*x^3) 2

Numerical Derivate

derv dx f x = (f(x+dx) - f(x))/dx

f x = 2*x**2 - 2*x
df = derv 1e-5 f

*Main> map f [2, 3, 4, 5] 

*Main> let df = derv 1e-5 f
*Main> map df  [2, 3, 4, 5]

*Main> let dfx x = 4*x - 2
*Main> map dfx [2, 3, 4, 5]

Nonlinear Equation - Root-finding

See also:

Bisection Method

bisection_iterator :: (Floating a, Floating a1, Ord a1) => (a -> a1) -> [a] -> [a]
bisection_iterator f guesslist = newguess
    a =  guesslist !! 0
    b =  guesslist !! 1
    c = (a+b)/2.0
    p = f(a)*f(c)
    newguess = (\p -> if p < 0.0 then [a, c] else [c, b] ) p

bisectionSolver eps itmax f x1 x2 = (root, error, iterations) 
    bisection_error xlist = abs(f $ xlist !! 1)
    check_error xlist = bisection_error xlist > eps

    iterator = bisection_iterator  f

    rootlist = [x1, x2] |> iterate iterator |> takeWhile check_error |> take itmax

    pair = last rootlist |> iterator
    root = last pair
    error = bisection_error pair

    iterations = length rootlist    

*Main> let f x  =  exp(-x) -3*log(x)
*Main> bisectionSolver 1e-5 100 f 0.05 3

Newton Raphson Method

Newton-Raphson Method Iterator, builds an iterator function
from the function to be solved and its derivate.

newton_iterator f df x = x - f(x)/df(x)

    newtonSolver(eps, itmax, f, df, guess)

    Solve equation using the Newton-Raphson Method.
        eps   :  Tolerance of the solver
        itmax :  Maximum number of iterations
        f     :  Function which the root will be computed
        df    :  Derivate of the function
        guess :  Initial guess 

  :: (Fractional t, Ord t) =>
     t -> Int -> (t -> t) -> (t -> t) -> t -> (t, t, Int)
newtonSolver :: (Floating t, Ord t) => t -> Int -> (t -> t) -> (t -> t) -> t -> (t, t, Int)
newtonSolver eps itmax f df guess = (root, error, iterations)
    check_root x = abs(f(x)) > eps                                  
    iterator = newton_iterator f df   -- Builds the Newton Iterator                              
    generator = iterate $ iterator    -- Infinite List that will that holds the roots (Lazy Evaluation)

    rootlist = take itmax $ takeWhile check_root $ generator guess                                  
    root = iterator $ last $ rootlist                                  
    error = abs(f(root))
    iterations = length rootlist

square_root a | a > 0       = newtonSolver 1e-6 50 (\x -> x^2 -a) (\x -> 2*x) a 
              | otherwise   = error ("The argument must be positive")

    Solve f(x) = x^2 - 2 = 0 
    The solution is sqrt(2)
> let f x = x^2 - 2.0
> let df x = 2*x
> let df x = 2.0*x
> newtonSolver 1e-3 100 f df 5
> newtonSolver 1e-3 100 f df 50

Secant Method

(|>) x f = f x
(|>>) x f = map f x

secant_iterator :: Floating t => (t -> t) -> [t] -> [t]
secant_iterator f guesslist = [x, xnext]
    x =  guesslist !! 0
    x_ = guesslist !! 1
    xnext = x - f(x)*(x-x_)/(f(x) - f(x_))

secantSolver eps itmax f x1 x2 = (root, error, iterations) 
    secant_error xlist = abs(f $ xlist !! 1)
    check_error xlist = secant_error xlist > eps

    iterator = secant_iterator  f

    rootlist = [x1, x2] |> iterate iterator |> takeWhile check_error |> take itmax

    pair = last rootlist |> iterator
    root = last pair
    error = secant_error pair

    iterations = length rootlist

*Main> let f x = x^2 - 2.0
*Main> secantSolver  1e-4 20 f 2 3
*Main> let f x = exp(x) - 3.0*x^2
*Main> secantSolver 1e-5 100 f (-2.0)  3.0

Differential Equations

Euler Method

The task is to implement a routine of Euler’s method and then to use it to solve the given example of Newton’s cooling law with it for three different step sizes of 2 s, 5 s and 10 s and to compare with the analytical solution. The initial temperature T0 shall be 100 °C, the room temperature TR 20 °C, and the cooling constant k 0.07. The time interval to calculate shall be from 0 s to 100 s


Solve differential equation by the Euler's Method.

    ---- =  -k(T(t) - Tr)
    T(t) = Tr + k(T0(t) - Tr).exp(-k*t)
import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple

eulerStep f step (x, y)= (xnew, ynew)
                    xnew = x + step
                    ynew = y + step * (f (x, y))

euler :: ((Double, Double) -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double)]
euler f x0 xf y0 step = xypairs
                     iterator = iterate $ eulerStep f step
                     xypairs = takeWhile (\(x, y) -> x <= xf ) $ iterator (x0, y0)

> let dTemp k temp_r (t, temp) = -k*(temp - temp_r)

> euler (dTemp 0.07 20.0) 0.0 100.0 100.0 5.0
[(0.0,100.0),(5.0,72.0),(10.0,53.8),(15.0,41.97) \.\.\.

let t_temp = euler (dTemp 0.07 20.0) 0.0 100.0 100.0 5.0

plotList [] t_temp


Runge Kutta RK4

See also: Runge Kutta Methods

import Graphics.Gnuplot.Simple

rk4Step f h (x, y) = (xnext, ynext)
                      k1 = f (x, y)
                      k2 = f (x+h/2, y+h/2*k1)
                      k3 = f (x+h/2, y+h/2*k2)
                      k4 = f (x+h,y+h*k3)
                      xnext = x + h
                      ynext = y + h/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
rk4 :: ((Double, Double) -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double)]
rk4 f x0 xf y0 h = xypairs
                     iterator = iterate $ rk4Step f h
                     xypairs = takeWhile (\(x, y) -> x <= xf ) $ iterator (x0, y0)

> let dTemp k temp_r (t, temp) = -k*(temp - temp_r)
> let t_temp = rk4 (dTemp 0.07 20.0) 0.0 100.0 100.0 5.0
> plotList [] t_temp

Statistics and Time Series

Some Statistical Functions

Arithmetic Mean of a Sequence

mean lst = sum lst / fromIntegral (length lst)

Geometric Mean of Sequence

geomean lst = (product lst) ** 1/(fromIntegral (length lst))

Convert from decimal to percent

to_pct   lst = map (100.0 *) lst {- Decimal to percent -}
from_pct lst = map (/100.0)  lsd {- from Percent to Decimal -}

Lagged Difference of a time serie

  • lagddif [xi] = [x_i+1 - x_i]
lagdiff lst = zipWith (-) (tail lst) lst

Growth of a Time Series

  • growth [xi] = [(x_i+1 - x_i)/xi]
growth lst = zipWith (/) (lagdiff lst) lst

Percentual Growth

growthp = to_pct . growth

Standard Deviation and Variance of a Sequence

{- Standard Deviation-}
stdev values =  values   |>> (\x -> x -  mean values ) |>> (^2) |> mean |> sqrt

{- Standard Variance -}
stvar values = stdev values |> (^2)

Example: Investment Return

The annual prices of an Blue Chip company are given below, find the percent growth rate at the end of each year and the CAGR Compound annual growth rate.

year    0    1     2     3     4     5
price  16.06 23.83 33.13 50.26 46.97 39.89


> let (|>) x f = f x
> let (|>>) x f = map f x
> let cagr prices = (growthp prices |>> (+100) |> geomean ) - 100
> let prices = [16.06, 23.83, 33.13, 50.26, 46.97, 39.89 ]
> {- Percent Returns -}
> let returns = growthp prices
> returns

> let annual_cagr = cagr prices 
> annual_cagr 

Monte Carlo Simulation Coin Toss

The simplest such situation must be the tossing of a coin. Any individual event will result in the coin falling with one side or the other uppermost (heads or tails). However, common sense tells us that, if we tossed it a very large number of times, the total number of heads and tails should become increasingly similar. For a greater number of tosses the percentage of heads or tails will be next to 50% in a non-biased coin. Credits: Monte Carlo Simulation - Tossing a Coin

See Law of Large Numbers


File: coinSimulator.hs

import System.Random
import Control.Monad (replicateM)

    0 - tails
    1 - means head


flipCoin :: IO Integer
flipCoin = randomRIO (0, 1)

flipCoinNtimes n = replicateM n flipCoin

frequency elem alist = length $ filter (==elem) alist

relativeFreq :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Double
relativeFreq elem alist = 
    fromIntegral (frequency elem alist) / fromIntegral (length alist)

simulateCoinToss ntimes =  do
    series <- (flipCoinNtimes  ntimes)
    let counts = map (flip frequency series)   [0, 1]
    let freqs = map (flip relativeFreq series) [0, 1]
    return (freqs, counts)

showSimulation ntimes = do
    result <- simulateCoinToss ntimes
    let p_tails = (fst result) !! 0
    let p_heads = (fst result) !! 1
    let n_tails = (snd result) !! 0
    let n_heads = (snd result) !! 1
    let tosses = n_tails + n_heads
    let p_error = abs(p_tails - p_heads)
    putStrLn $ "Number of tosses : " ++ show(tosses)
    putStrLn $ "The number of tails is : " ++ show(n_tails)        
    putStrLn $ "The number of heads is : " ++ show(n_heads)
    putStrLn $ "The % of tails is : " ++ show(100.0*p_tails)
    putStrLn $ "The % of heads is :" ++ show(100.0*p_heads)
    putStrLn $ "The %erro is : "  ++ show(100*p_error)
    putStrLn "\n-------------------------------------"
> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( coinSimulator.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.

> :t simulateCoinToss 
simulateCoinToss :: Int -> IO ([Double], [Int])

> :t showSimulation 
showSimulation :: Int -> IO ()

> simulateCoinToss 30
> simulateCoinToss 50
> simulateCoinToss 100
> simulateCoinToss 1000

> mapM_ showSimulation [1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000]
Number of tosses : 1000
The number of tails is : 492
The number of heads is : 508
The % of tails is : 49.2
The % of heads is :50.8
The %erro is : 1.6000000000000014

Number of tosses : 10000
The number of tails is : 4999
The number of heads is : 5001
The % of tails is : 49.99
The % of heads is :50.01
The %erro is : 1.9999999999997797e-2

Number of tosses : 100000
The number of tails is : 49810
The number of heads is : 50190
The % of tails is : 49.81
The % of heads is :50.19
The %erro is : 0.38000000000000256

Number of tosses : 1000000
The number of tails is : 499878
The number of heads is : 500122
The % of tails is : 49.9878
The % of heads is :50.01219999999999
The %erro is : 2.4399999999996647e-2



Dot Product of Two Vectors / Scalar Product

  • v1.v2 = (x1, y1, z1) . (x2, y2, z2) = x1.y1 + y1.y2 + z2.z1
  • v1.v2 = Σ
> let dotp v1 v2 = sum ( zipWith (*) v1 v2 )   - With Parenthesis
> let dotp v1 v2 = sum $ zipWith (*) v1 v2     - Without Parenthesis with $ operator

> dotp [1.23, 33.44, 22.23, 40] [23, 10, 44, 12]

Norm of a Vector

  • norm = sqrt( Σxi^2)
> let norm vector = (sqrt . sum) (map (\x -> x^2) vector)

> norm [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

-- Vector norm in multiple line statements in GHCI interactive shell

> :{
| let {
|      norm2 vec =  sqrt(sum_squares)
|      where 
|      sum_squares = sum(map square vec)
|      square x = x*x
|      }
| :}
> norm2 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Linspace and Range Matlab Function

linspace d1 d2 n = [d1 + i*step | i <- [0..n-1] ]
    step = (d2 - d1)/(n-1)

range start stop step =  [start + i*step | i <- [0..n] ]
    n = floor((stop - start)/step)

Tax Brackets

Progressive Income Tax Calculation

Credits: Ayend - Tax Challange

The following table is the current tax rates in Israel:

                        Tax Rate
Up      to 5,070        10%
5,071   up to 8,660     14%
8,661   up to 14,070    23%
14,071  up to 21,240    30%
21,241  up to 40,230    33%
Higher  than 40,230     45%

Here are some example answers:

5,000 –> 500
5,800 –> 609.2
9,000 –> 1087.8
15,000 –> 2532.9
50,000 –> 15,068.1

This problem is a bit tricky because the tax rate doesn’t apply to the whole sum, only to the part that is within the current rate.

A progressive tax system is a way to calculate a tax for a given price using brackets each taxed separately using its rate. The french tax on revenues is a good example of a progressive tax system.

To calculate his taxation, John will have to do this calculation 
(see figure on left):

= (10,000 x 0.105) + (35,000 x 0.256) + (5,000 x 0.4)
= 1,050 + 8,960 + 2,000
= 12,010
John will have to pay $ 12,010

If John revenues was below some bracket definition (take $ 25,000 for 
example), only the last bracket containing the remaining amount to be 
taxed is applied :

= (10,000 x 0.105) + (15,000 x 0.256)

Here nothing is taxed in the last bracket range at rate 40.


(|>) x f = f x
(|>>) x f = map f x
joinf functions element = map ($ element) functions

-- Infinite number
above = 1e30 

pairs xs = zip xs (tail xs)

    Tax rate function - Calculates the net tax rate in %
    taxrate = 100 *  tax / (gross revenue)

taxrate taxfunction income = 100.0*(taxfunction income)/income

progressivetax :: [[Double]] -> Double -> Double
progressivetax taxtable income = amount
            rates = taxtable |>> (!!1) |>> (/100.0)  |> tail
            levels = taxtable |>> (!!0)
            table = zip3 levels (tail levels) rates            
            amount = table |>> frow income |> takeWhile (>0) |> sum
            frow x (xlow, xhigh, rate) | x > xhigh = (xhigh-xlow)*rate 
                                       | otherwise = (x-xlow)*rate   
taxsearch taxtable value = result        
        rows = takeWhile (\row -> fst row !! 0 <= value) (pairs taxtable)       
        result = case rows of 
                    [] -> taxtable !! 0
                    xs -> snd $ last rows

   This is useful for Brazil income tax calculation

  [(Gross Salary  – Deduction - Social Security ) • Aliquot – Deduction] = IRRF 
  [(Salário Bruto – Dependentes – INSS) • Alíquota – Dedução] =

incometax taxtable income  = amount--(tax, aliquot, discount)
                row = taxsearch taxtable income                
                aliquot = row !! 1
                discount = row !! 2                
                amount = income*(aliquot/100.0) - discount

{- Progressive Tax System -}
israeltaxbrackets = [
    [0,          0],
    [ 5070.0, 10.0],
    [ 8660.0, 14.0],
    [14070.0, 23.0],
    [21240.0, 30.0],
    [40230.0, 33.0],
    [above  , 45.0]

taxOfIsrael     = progressivetax israeltaxbrackets
taxRateOfIsrael = taxrate taxOfIsrael

braziltaxbrackets = [
    [1787.77,    0,   0.00],
    [2679.29,  7.5, 134.48],
    [3572.43, 15.0, 335.03],
    [4463.81, 22.5, 602.96],
    [above,    27.5, 826.15]

taxOfBrazil = incometax braziltaxbrackets
taxRateOfBrazil = taxrate  taxOfBrazil

    Unit test of a function of numerical input and output.
    input       - Unit test case values             [t1, t2, t2, e5]
    expected    - Expected value of each test case  [e1, e2, e3, e4]
    tol         - Tolerance 1e-3 typical value 
    f           - Function:                         error_i = abs(e_i-t_i)
    Returns true if in all test cases  error_i < tol
testCaseNumeric :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a1] -> [a] -> a -> (a1 -> a) -> Bool
testCaseNumeric input expected tol f = all (\t -> t && True) ( zipWith (\x y -> abs(x-y) < tol) (map f input) expected )

testIsraelTaxes = testCaseNumeric  
    [5000, 5800, 9000, 15000, 50000]
    1e-3 taxOfIsrael

> testIsraelTaxes 
> taxOfIsrael 5000
> taxOfIsrael 5800
> taxOfIsrael 1087.8
> taxOfIsrael 15000.0
> taxOfIsrael 50000.0
> taxRateOfIsrael 5000
> taxRateOfIsrael 5800
> taxRateOfIsrael 15000
> taxRateOfIsrael 50000


Small DSL Domain Specific Language

Simple DSL for describing cups of Starbucks coffee and computing prices (in dollars). Example taken from:


data Size  = Tall | Grande | Venti
            deriving (Eq, Enum, Read, Show, Ord)
data Drink = Latte | Cappuccino | Mocha | Americano            
            deriving (Eq, Enum, Read, Show, Ord)

data Extra = Shot | Syrup
            deriving (Eq, Enum, Read, Show, Ord)

data Cup = Cup {
                cupDrink :: Drink,
                cupSize  :: Size,
                cupExtra :: [Extra]         
               deriving(Eq, Show, Read)

 -                  Table in the format:
 -                 -------------------
 -                  tall, grande, venti 
 -    Latte         p00   p01     p02
 -    Cappuccino    p10   p11     p12
 -    Mocha         p20   p21     p22
 -    Amaericano    p30   p31     p32

table = [
    [2.69, 3.19, 3.49],
    [2.69, 3.19, 3.49],
    [2.99, 3.49, 3.79],
    [1.89, 2.19, 2.59]

extraPrice :: Extra -> Double
extraPrice Syrup = 0.59
extraPrice Shot  = 0.39

priceOfcup cup =  baseprice + extraprice
            drinkrow = table !!  fromEnum  (cupDrink cup)
            baseprice   = drinkrow !!  fromEnum  (cupSize cup)
            extraprice = sum $ map extraPrice (cupExtra cup)

{- Constructor of Cup -}
cupOf drink size extra = Cup { 
                             cupSize = size, 
                             cupDrink = drink, 
                             cupExtra = extra}

drink_options = [ Latte, Cappuccino, Mocha, Americano]
size_options  = [ Tall, Grande, Venti]  
extra_options = [[], [Shot], [Syrup], [Shot, Syrup]]

cup_combinations =  
            [ cupOf drink size extra | drink <- drink_options, size <- size_options, extra <- extra_options]


> :load starbucks_dsl.hs 
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( starbucks_dsl.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.

> let myCup = cupOf Latte Venti [Syrup]
> let price = priceOfcup myCup 
> myCup 
Cup {cupDrink = Latte, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = [Syrup]}
> price

> priceOfcup (cupOf Cappuccino Tall [Syrup, Shot])

> let cups = [ cupOf Americano Venti extra |  extra <- extra_options]
> cups
[Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = []},
Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = [Shot]},
Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = [Syrup]},
Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = [Shot,Syrup]}]

> let prices = map priceOfcup cups
> prices

> let cupPrices = zip cups prices
> cupPrices
[(Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = []},2.59),
(Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = [Shot]},2.98),
(Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = [Syrup]},3.1799999999999997),
(Cup {cupDrink = Americano, cupSize = Venti, cupExtra = [Shot,Syrup]},3.57)]

String Processing