Weka package for loader and saver for binary Matlab .mat files, using the MFL library.
The loader:
MatlabMatLoader <file.mat> [options]
-decimal <num>
The maximum number of digits to print after the decimal
place for numeric values (default: 6)
-entry-name <name>
The entry name to retrieve; first if empty
(default: )
-max-nominal-values <int>
The maximum number of distinct values a NOMINAL attribute
can have; beyond that it is considered a STRING attribute.
Use -1 to always convert to NOMINAL, 0 to always convert to STRING.
(default: 25)
The loader outputs all the entries contained
in the .mat file on stderr
. So check the
console output for them, if you are unsure
about what the name of the matrix is that
you are trying to load.
The saver:
MatlabMatSaver options:
-i <the input file>
The input file
-o <the output file>
The output file
-entry-name-meta <name>
The entry name to use for the header
(default: meta)
-entry-name-data <name>
The entry name to use for the data
(default: data)
Use the following dependency in your pom.xml
For more information on how to install the package, see: