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React Warp

Travis CI (pending) License


This is a study project about React and related technologies, mainly the following:

Getting Started

  1. Install Node Package Manager version 2
  2. Run npm i to install the dependencies
  3. Run npm i webpack -g to install webpack globally
  4. Run npm run prod to generate the bundled JS code production-ready (or npm run dev) for debugging-ready
  5. Open index.html in a web browser


  • package.json: provides list of project dependencies
  • webpack.config.js: provides Babel configuration to generate bundled Javascript (./js/bundle.js)
  • index.html: web page, includes a <div> identified as root that will be used to inject the Javascript code
  • app
    • index.jsx: provides the page layout, includes a navigation bar, a body with 2 tabs (see below), and a footer
    • github.jsx: includes the configuration and the component to render the github information
    • debug.jsx: includes the log panel
    • components.jsx: provides a template to generate custom tables based on configuration and real or fake data
    • logger.jsx: provides the functions required to wire logs generated by tables with the log panel
    • data.jsx: provides fake data to test the application without connecting to data endpoints


At the moment data is retrieving by means of GET requests to the following data endpoints:

Entity Data Endpoints

The response received will be in JSON format.

How To

  • To change the links in the navigation bar or the text in the footer edit ./app/index.jsx file
  • To change data endpoints, table contents, table format for an entity edit ./app/github.jsx
  • To change fake data edit ./app/data.jsx
  • To use fake data use this.fakeData(); in function componentDidMount() from ./app/components.jsx
  • To use real data use this.fetchData(); in function componentDidMount() from ./app/components.jsx
  • To develop with hot-reloading run npm run start and then open http://localhost:9001/
    • After that changes made in any .jsx file will be automatically reloaded in the browser


Core Technologies

  • React: JS library for building view layer based on components and in a declarative manner
    • JSX: JS extension that allows HTML tag syntax to render components
    • ES6: is the major update for ECMAScript standard since ES5 (2009): arrows, classes, generators…
    • A quick comparison: Angular 2 puts JS into HTML while React puts HTML into JS
  • React Bootstrap: JS library that provides reusable React components similar to Bootstrap
  • React Bootstrap Table: JS library that provides a React component for an advanced Bootstrap table
  • Redux: JS library for state containment: single source of truth, read-only state, change with reducers
  • Axios: JS library for promise (asynchronous) based HTTP clients
  • Extras:
    • Moment: JS library to parse, validate, manipulate and display dates
    • Immutable: JS library for immutable collections (Maps, Lists…)

Development Environment

  • NPM: Node Package Manager is the package manager for JS
  • Webpack: module bundler which takes modules with dependencies and generates a single bundle
    • React Hot Loader Plugin: plugin for Webpack and Babel that enables hot reloading
  • Babel: provides a transpiler for writing next generation JS
    • Development with React based on JSX and ES6 is more productive
    • However JSX syntax and ES6 are not supported by all browsers
    • Babel uses loaders to translate the source code before bundling


  • Add ESLint to Babel
  • Add auto-reloading (every minute or so) with setInterval; should be possible to disable
  • Explore usage or React Scripts and React Router
  • Fix script for webpack -p in package.json
  • Store data collected from endpoints into redux so that we can create tabs joining data from different sources
  • Explore usage of actions / reducers for axios requests
  • Upgrade to use npm 3 instead of npm 2
  • Fix warning (iterator) reported by Chrome Developer Tool
  • Explore migrating to Semantic UI (vs Bootstrap), creating a branch for that
  • Work on existing and additional contents / tabs! LinkedIn, Twitter, to start with...
  • Configure Travis CI and other integrations