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File metadata and controls

115 lines (92 loc) · 4.29 KB

Spring-Boot with Micronaut-Data

This is a sample project that uses Spring for dependency injection and controller, and uses Micronaut-Data for the persistence

TLDR; To inject Micronaut beans into a Spring project

See com.example.springwithmndata.config.MicronautConfig

public class MicronautConfig {
    public ApplicationContext micronautApplicationContext() {
        ApplicationContext applicationContext =;
        return applicationContext;
    public BookRepository bookRepository(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        return applicationContext.getBean(BookRepository.class);
    public SynchronousTransactionManager<Connection> transactionManager(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        return (SynchronousTransactionManager<Connection> ) applicationContext.getBean(SynchronousTransactionManager.class);

Also, you might also want to check com.example.springwithmndata.aspect.MicronautTransactionAspect on how I did transactions. I could not use micronaut's integration with spring transaction (as of this writing) because it seems like I would need to downgrade my spring in order for me to do that. If you want to try that path, check the spring version that your version of depends on. For example, for, it depends on and org.springframework:spring-jdbc:5.2.5.RELEASE, if your current versions of these artifacts are substantially higher than these, then you might encounter some runtime issues (like dependency injection not even working) (see micronaut-projects/micronaut-data#602)

Project Requirements

  1. Java 11
  2. Docker (to run the tests which uses mysql testcontainer)

Project Structure

`-- src/main/java
    `-- com.example.springwithmndata
        |-- aspect
        |   |-- MicronautTransactionAspect
        |   `-- @Transactional
        |-- config
        |   `-- MicronautConfig
        |-- controller
        |   |-- BookController
        |   `-- Paths
        |-- entity
        |   `-- Book
        |-- repository
        |   `-- BookRepository
        |-- service
        |   `-- BookService
        `-- Application
  • Application is the starting class of this application. This starts the Spring Boot application.
  • BookController is the entry point for the GET:/book/{id} and POST:/book/ endpoints. This delegates to BookService
  • BookService is a simple service. This is just to test if we can inject the spring-managed bean BookService into BookController. This uses the micronaut-data class BookRepository
  • BookRepository is micronaut-data JdbcRepository.
  • Book is the micronaut-data-based entity used by BookRepository
  • MicronautConfig is what exposes the micronaut managed beans into Spring
  • MicronautTransactionAspect is a Spring-based aspect in order to intercept method invocations of @Transactional methods in order to start a micronaut transaction.


Description Command
Application : Build ./mvnw clean install
Application : Run ./mvnw -Prun
MySQL : Create Database ./mvnw -Pmysql-create
MySQL : Start Database ./mvnw -Pmysql-start
MySQL : Stop Database ./mvnw -Pmysql-stop
MySQL : Destroy Database ./mvnw -Pmysql-destroy
MySQL : Follow Tail ./mvnw -Pmysql-logs

Manual Testing

Creating a Book

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/book/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "title" : "My First Book"

Retrieving Saved Book

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/book/1'


I have also added a postman collection under ./postman/ directory. This collection contains the saving and retrieving of book. You can import this into your postman and run the test to see how it exactly works.