< Using loops and conditions
Use the scripts and Bicep files that are in the simple-storage-account demo as a starting point for this lab.
You may want to deploy multiple storage accounts in a single deployment; we are going to start with adding a parameter to the deployment that allows you to specify the number of storage accounts to deploy.
Here are some starting code snippets for you to use:
[for i in range(0, storageLoopCount): { }]
Once you have that working; have a look at the output and how it has changed.
We have now added a loop into the deployment, but we have not yet added any conditions. We can use the if
keyword to add conditions to our deployment. For example, we can add a deployStorageAccounts
bool parameter and add if (deployStorageAccounts)
within our loop. Try adding that now and see what happens (See final hint if required).
If you get on well with the above, consider the common scenario where a deployment may need to deploy the same configured resource to many regions and how a loop can be used to achieve this. Hint: You may need to look at the Loops Syntax and also update the locations
Error: Code=InvalidTemplate
If you removed the storageAccountName
parameter from the Bicep file you will also need to remove it from the simple-storage-account.parameters.json
Parameters Hint
@description('Storage loop counter')
param storageLoopCount int = 3
Output Hint
output storageAccounts array = [for i in range(0, storageLoopCount): {
id: sa[i].id
blobEndpoint: sa[i].properties.primaryEndpoints.blob
status: sa[i].properties.statusOfPrimary
Condition Hint
Add the parameter:
@description('Do we deploy the storage account or not?')
param deployStorageAccount bool = true
Update the loop:
output storageAccounts array = [for i in range(0, storageLoopCount): {
id: sa[i].id
blobEndpoint: sa[i].properties.primaryEndpoints.blob
status: sa[i].properties.statusOfPrimary
Note that the outputs will either error (if this is a greenfield deployment) or wrong (if brownfield) as we are looping using a count.