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🔮 project-euler

fredericojordan's progress

Tackling Project Euler's weekly problems, one by one.

Also used as a playground for learning Elixir (and maybe some other languages).

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72 Solved Problems:

Level 3 Progress

ID Description / Title Difficulty Computational time
001 Multiples of 3 and 5 5% 0.738 s
002 Even Fibonacci numbers 5% 0.414 s
003 Largest prime factor 5% 0.421 s
004 Largest palindrome product 5% 1.466 s
005 Smallest multiple 5% 28.421 s
006 Sum square difference 5% 0.431 s
007 10001st prime 5% 0.973 s
008 Largest product in a series 5% 0.366 s
009 Special Pythagorean triplet 5% 0.532 s
010 Summation of primes 5% 22.129 s
011 Largest product in a grid 5% 0.778 s
012 Highly divisible triangular number 5% 1.144 s
013 Large sum 5% 0.392 s
014 Longest Collatz sequence 5% 8.741 s
015 Lattice paths 5% 0.756 s
016 Power digit sum 5% 0.438 s
017 Number letter counts 5% 0.426 s
018 Maximum path sum I 5% 0.566 s
019 Counting Sundays 5% 0.530 s
020 Factorial digit sum 5% 0.393 s
021 Amicable numbers 5% 2.855 s
022 Names scores 5% 0.391 s
023 Non-abundant sums 5% 2 min 51.632 s
024 Lexicographic permutations 5% 0.498 s
025 1000-digit Fibonacci number 5% 4.450 s
026 Reciprocal cycles 5% 5.300 s
027 Quadratic primes 5% 55.706 s
028 Number spiral diagonals 5% 0.375 s
029 Distinct powers 5% 0.394 s
030 Digit fifth powers 5% 0.758 s
031 Coin sums 5% 10 min 23.920 s
032 Pandigital products 5% 21.188 s
033 Digit cancelling fractions 5% 0.776 s
034 Digit factorials 5% 0.466 s
035 Circular primes 5% 11.197 s
036 Double-base palindromes 5% 2.106 s
037 Truncatable primes 5% 8.696 s
038 Pandigital multiples 5% 0.864 s
039 Integer right triangles 5% 21.257 s
040 Champernowne's constant 5% 0.978 s
041 Pandigital primes 5% 0.714 s
042 Coded triangle numbers 5% 0.379 s
043 Sub-string divisibility 5% 15.714 s
044 Pentagon numbers 5% 1.798 s
045 Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal 5% 0.429 s
046 Goldbach's other conjecture 5% 0.484 s
047 Distinct primes factors 5% 33.148 s
048 Self powers 5% 0.532 s
049 Prime permutations 5% 0.441 s
050 Consecutive prime sum 5% 25.386 s
052 Permuted multiples 5% 1.490 s
053 Combinatoric selections 5% 0.670 s
054 Poker hands 10% 0.593 s
055 Lychrel numbers 5% 0.630 s
056 Powerful digit sum 5% 0.749 s
057 Square root convergents 5% 1.271 s
058 Spiral primes 5% 14.554 s
059 XOR decryption 5% 4.338 s
062 Cubic permutations 15% 4.100 s
063 Powerful digit counts 5% 0.570 s
074 Digit factorial chains 15% 56.409 s
089 Roman numerals 20% 0.508 s
092 Square digit chains 5% 25.55 s
097 Large non-Mersenne prime 5% 0.480 s
102 Triangle containment 15% 0.373 s
104 Pandigital Fibonacci ends 25% 6 min 40.04 s
112 Bouncy numbers 15% 11.936 s
144 Investigating multiple reflections of a laser beam 50% 0.393 s
145 How many reversible numbers are there below one-billion? 20% 30 min 32.579 s
206 Concealed Square 5% 3 min 17.635 s
686 Powers of Two 5% 207.87 s
719 Number Splitting 5% 201.44 min


Baby Steps The Journey Begins Decathlete Flawless Fifty