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module logbook where

open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (suc; zero; _+_) renaming (Nat to ℕ) 

    A B : Set

infixr 5 _∷_
data List A : Set where
  []  : List A
  _∷_ : A  List A  List A

W.5 and W.6

Read the following:

  • @cockx2022
  • @reinking2020 (proofs)

Did the following:

  • Finished the new code generator, which correctly handles nested case
    expressions among other things.

  • Defined some provable/testable properties about our Perceus algorithm.

W.3 and W.4

  • Reworked how updates are done throughout the compiler:

    1. For the Perceus algorithm to be sound we need to know
      the current tag when performing an update. Hence,
      we move all updates into the case expression inlined by
      eval. Another benlefit of this is that we avoid all
      unecessary updates (when there is already an C-tag).

    2. If the function can return multiple tags, then we
      insert another case expression to determine the new


    sum x1 = 
      fetch 0 [1] ; λ x2 → 
      (case 0 o
        C[]  → unit (C[])
        C_∷_ → 
          fetch 1 [2] ; λ x3 →
          fetch 2 [3] ; λ x4 →
          unit (C_∷_ 1 0)
        FdownFrom → 
          fetch 1 [1] ; λ x5 →
          downFrom 0  ; λ x6 x7 x8 →
          (case 2 of
             C[]  → update 4 (C[]) 
             C_∷_ → update 4 (C_∷_ 1 0) 
          ) ; λ () → 
          unit (2 1 0)
      ) λ x9 x10 x11 → 
      case 2 of
        C[] → 
        C_∷_ → 

    Previously updates looked like this:

    sum x1 = 
      fetch 0 [1] λ x2 → 
      (case 0 o
        C[]  → unit (C[])
        C_∷_ → 
          fetch 1 [2] λ x3 →
          fetch 2 [3] λ x4 →
          unit (C_∷_ 1 0)
        FdownFrom → 
          fetch 1 [1] λ x5 →
          downFrom 0 λ x6 x7 x8 →
          unit (2 1 0)
      ) λ x9 x10 x11 → 
      case 2 of
        C[] → 
          update 4 (C[]) λ () → 
        C_∷_ → 
          update 4 (C_∷_ 1 0) λ () → 
  • Updated the Perceus rules to reflect the new update approach.
    The new rules are fewer and not as ad hoc.

  • Refactored many of the previous GRIN transformations, and added 5 new
    transformations: constant propagation, fetch_reuse, drop raising,
    dup_lowering, and a new dup/drop fusion.

  • Started working on an new LLVM IR codegen.

  • Experimented with "trees-that-grow".

  • How to demonstrate correctness of the Perceus algorihm?

    Option 1: Prove some properties of the algorihm in Agda
    and use agda2hs to derive the normal haskell

    + Cool  
    + Mechanically and statically verified  
    + Only have to prove the Perceus algorithm  
    + Can postulate necessary invariants  
    - Hard and tedious to prove things  
    - I've little experience writing big proofs

    Option 2: Property-based testing using QuickCheck.
    Generate the initial GRIN code and then
    run the points-to analysis and all the

    + Tests the the whole compiler
    - Tests the the whole compiler
    - GRIN is untyped, so how do we create valid GRIN programs?  

    Option 3: Write manual proofs.

    - High likelihood of making a mistake
    - Little experience writing complex proofs


Did the following:

  • Finished the course report.

  • Some fixes to the compiler.


Read the following:

  • @wadler1987
  • @reynolds1972
  • @hausmann2015
  • @pepels1988cyclic
  • @kaser1992
  • @mycroft1980
  • more...

Did the following:

  • I did a complete refactoring of the interpreter, and added a highest_allocation statistic.

  • I modified the program from the previous week, which reduces the worst case space
    complexity from roughly half of the input size to a constant of five nodes regardless
    of the input size. I have tested this with the interpreter for small instances, and
    with valgrind using the tool massif on large instances. With an instance of 1 million
    the old program uses 60MiB at peak memory usage meanwhile the new one only uses 128B
    (not sure why not 8*4*5=160).

    module DownFromOpt where
      open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (suc; zero; _+_) renaming (Nat to ℕ) 
      open import Agda.Builtin.Strict using (primForce)
      {-# TERMINATING #-}
      downFrom : List ℕ
      downFrom zero = []
      downFrom (suc n) = primForce n (λ n  n ∷ downFrom n)
      sum : List ℕ  ℕ
      sum acc [] = acc
      sum acc (x ∷ xs) = sum (primForce x _+_ acc) xs
      main = sum 0 (downFrom 100) 

    The key was making downFrom not tail recursive to make the list lazy generated.
    Then, I made sure to force the value n which otherwise is the thunk n - 1
    (where n is the suc n). By doing this, we can drop the two references to n in
    downFrom. Therefore, the n in sum will have a reference count of 1 which means
    it can be freed by _+_ after evaluating the next accumulator primForce n _+_ acc.

  • I think this example nicely shows of the effects of combining precise reference counting
    with laziness. Due of the pulling nature of lazy evaluating we never have to create
    the entire list, and precise reference counting frees the pulled object as soon as
    we are done with it.

  • Removed the agda submodule

  • Report stuff.

W.44 W.45

Read the following:

  • @wadler1988
  • @johnson2017

Did the following:

  • Started on a new solver for the heap points-to analysis which uses depth-first ordering [@aho2006]
    which was recommened by [@boquist1996]. The new solver should converge for all programs
    which is not the case for the current one. The new solver would also redcuce the number of
    fix-point interations. The new algorithm is implemented but something is wrong; it doesn't
    even terminate for our test program. I need to look into this once I have more time.

  • Implemented primForce{.agda} which enables strictness. Now, we can avoid stack overflows completely by
    making the accumlator strict.

    module DownFromTail′ where
      open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (suc; zero; _+_) renaming (Nat to ℕ) 
      open import Agda.Builtin.Strict using (primForce)
      downFrom : List ℕ  List ℕ
      downFrom acc zero    = acc
      downFrom acc (suc n) = downFrom (n ∷ acc) n
      sum : List ℕ  ℕ
      sum acc [] = acc
      sum acc (x ∷ xs) = sum (primForce x _+_ acc) xs
      -- Your computer's memory is the limit!
      main = sum 0 (downFrom [] 10_000_000)
  • I have updated the Github README somewhat.

  • I have fixed bunch things in the report based on Patrik's feedback. There is now a section for
    related work in the report. I have also started to refactor parts of Sections 1 and 2.

W.38 & W.39

Read the following:

  • @teeuwissen2023
  • @wadler1984

Did the following:

  • Modified the Perceus algorithm so arguments are dupped by caller instead of the callee (See report of details).

  • Implemented drop specialization and dup/drop fusion to avoid reference counting operations (See report for details).

  • Wrote sections 2, 3, 4, and 5. The report is basically finished but it lacks a related works section.


Read the following:

  • @johnsson1991
  • @davis1991
  • @jonsson2008
  • @bolingbroke2010
  • @petersen2013
  • @liu2013
  • @bergstrom2010
  • @kaser1997
  • @johnsson1984

Did the following:

  • Added allocation tag counts to the interpreter.

    Result: 4950
    Allocations Cnat: 101
                FDownFrom.downFrom: 101
                FAgda.Builtin.Nat._-_: 100
                FDownFrom.sum: 100
                Total: 402
    In use at exit: ∅
  • Added tailcalls with the tail attribute in LLVM. LLVM has a musttail for
    garanteed tailcalls but this only works for some calls even if they are in
    tail call positions. I did this to avoid stack overflows. It worked partially
    now the program stack overflows at input of 74 000 elements instead of 58 000.
    Another intresting result is that the allocations basically didn't change, however,
    different tags where allocated.

    module DownFromTail where
      downFrom : List ℕ  List ℕ
      downFrom acc zero    = acc
      downFrom acc (suc n) = downFrom (n ∷ acc) n
      sum : List ℕ  ℕ
      sum acc [] = acc
      sum acc (x ∷ xs) = sum (x + acc) xs
      -- Current max: 74 000
      main = sum 0 (downFrom [] 100)
    Result: 4950
    Allocations Cnat: 102
                CDownFromTail.List._∷_: 100
                FAgda.Builtin.Nat._+_: 100
                FAgda.Builtin.Nat._-_: 100
                CDownFromTail.List.[]: 1
                FDownFromTail.downFrom: 1
                Total: 404
    In use at exit: ∅
  • I finished the abstract and the introduction in the report, and continued writing
    on the rest of the sections.

W.35 & W.36

Read the following:

  • @lorenzen2021
  • @pinto2023

Did the following:

  • Created a new transformation called fetch specialization, which is similiar to
    Boquist's update specialization. The motivation for this transformation is the
    conflict between Perceus algorithm [@reinking2020] and the Cnat tag.
    Perceus assumes that all offsets 2≥ are pointers, and should therefore be reference
    counted. This is true for all tags except Cnat which stores a integer at offset 2.

    Cnat →
      dup 2 ; λ () →
      fetch 2 [2] ; λ x3716 →
      drop 0 ; λ () →  -- BAD: drop takes a pointer but offset 2 of Cnat is an integer
      unit (Cnat 0)
    Cnat →
      dup 2 ; λ () →
      fetchCnat 2 [2] ; λ x3716 →
      unit (Cnat 0)

    The transformation is easily integrated in the eval inlining and fetch right-hoisting transformations.
    Another satisfactory property of this change is the symmetry between fetch and update.
    Moreover, I think fetch specialization may enable very powerful optimizations. For example,
    it could enable per-node custom data layouts for the arguments, which would alleviate GRIN's
    weakness of requiring a uniform node layout. However, a uniform data layout may be more advantageous
    for memory resue between different nodes.

  • Implemented precise reference counting mostly based on the Perceus algorithm, but I had to change
    mulitple parts because of the difference between GRIN and the calculus used by @reinking2020.
    One big difference is that my implementation needs to deal with borrowing for the primitives
    store, fetch, and update. This should not consume references similiar to how dup and drop doesn't.
    However, borrowing in dup and drop doesn't interfere with the algorithm which GRIN's primitives
    do. The only operation which consumes values are function calls and returning unit. Another difference,
    is that in GRIN the return value of a function is not allocated by the callee. Instead it is passed in
    registers to the caller. Following is the downFrom function with reference counting operations.

    DownFrom.downFrom x7 =
    fetch 0 [1] ; λ x56 →
    (case 0 of
       Cnat →
         fetchCnat 1 [2] ; λ x72 →
         unit (Cnat 0)
       FAgda.Builtin.Nat._-_ →
         fetchFAgda.Builtin.Nat._-_ 1 [2] ; λ x73 →
         fetchFAgda.Builtin.Nat._-_ 2 [3] ; λ x74 →
         Agda.Builtin.Nat._-_ 1 0
    ) ; λ Cnat x55 →
    updateCnat 2 (Cnat 0) ; λ () →
    case 0 of
      0 →
        drop 2 ; λ () →
        unit (CDownFrom.List.[])
      _ →
        store (Cnat #1) ; λ x2 →
        store (FAgda.Builtin.Nat._-_ 3 0) ; λ x5 →
        dup 0 ; λ () →
        store (FDownFrom.downFrom 0) ; λ x4 →
        dup 0 ; λ () →
        dup 1 ; λ () →
        unit (CDownFrom.List._∷_ 1 0)
  • I have fixed both the interpreter and the code generator so they work with reference counting.
    The interpreter now reports the status of the heap after execution. We can also check the memory
    usage of the compiled binary with the program valgrind, which output is shown below. The
    result shows that the reference counting operations successfully deallocated all allocated memory.
    Another intresting information is that there were 403 allocation for the program. The same Haskell
    program only require 49 allocations. This is definitely due to the demand analyzer of Haskell which
    makes some operations strict which avoid allocations for thunks . Our implementation doesn't yet
    have such an analysis. Another way to minimize the amount of allocations is to implement drop
    specialization and reuse analysis in Perceus.

    ==10406== memcheck, a memory error detector
    ==10406== copyright (c) 2002-2022, and gnu gpl'd, by julian seward et al.
    ==10406== Using Valgrind-3.20.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
    ==10406== Command: ./program
    ==10406== HEAP SUMMARY:
    ==10406==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
    ==10406==   total heap usage: 403 allocs, 403 frees, 13,888 bytes allocated
    ==10406== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
    ==10406== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
    ==10406== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


Read the following:

  • @boquist1995
  • @collins1960
  • @appel1997
  • @jones1996
  • @peytonjones1992
  • @wilson1992

Did the following:

  • Primitive operations are now wrapped in a function which forces the operands:

    Agda.Builtin.Nat._+_ r30 x28 x29 =
     eval 1 ; λ Cnat x27 →
     eval 1 ; λ Cnat x26 →
     PAdd 1 0 ; λ x25 →
     unit (Cnat 0)
  • Removed the register introduction transformation (see [W.33]) because LLVM IR does
    not allow literals to be assigned to registers. For example, %1 = 100{.llvm} is not allowed.
    Addionally, It doesn't make the LLVM code generator easier to implement, unlike
    the RISC code generator by @boquist1999. The register introduction is, however,
    a precondition for the (unimplemented) common sub-expression elimination optimization.

  • Finished implementing the code generator.

  • Started refactoring the treeless-to-GRIN phase using de Bruijn substitution instances,
    and ReaderT instead of StateT. However, the refactor is currently archived and put on

  • I wrote another Agda test program which is more suitable for testing reuse. This program
    required "Returning eval" in the first clause of mapDouble{.agda} [@boquist1999, p. 95].

    module Example where
      downFrom : List ℕ
      downFrom zero    = []
      downFrom (suc n) = n ∷ downFrom n 
      mapDouble : List ℕ  List ℕ
      mapDouble []       = []
      mapDouble (x ∷ xs) = x + x ∷ mapDouble xs
      sum : List ℕ  ℕ
      sum []       = 0
      sum (x ∷ xs) = x + sum xs
      main = sum (mapDouble (downFrom 10000)) 
  • Rewrote the introduction in the report.


Read the following:

  • @racordon2021
  • @racordon2022

Did the following:

  • Implemented the right hoisting fetch tranformation, which hoists fetches
    with offset > 0 into the the appropriate case alternatives.

    fetch 0 [0] ; λ x10 →
    fetch 1 [1] ; λ x9 →
    fetch 2 [2] ; λ x8 →
    (case 2 of
       FPrim.Sub →
         PSub 1 0 ; λ x0 →
         unit (Cnat 0)
       Cnat → unit (Cnat 1)
    ) ; λ Cnat x7 →
    updateCnat 4 (Cnat 0) ; λ () →
    -- >>>
    fetch 0 [0] ; λ x10 →
    (case 0 of
       FPrim.Sub →
         fetch 1 [1] ; λ x11 →
         fetch 2 [2] ; λ x13 →
         PSub 1 0 ; λ x0 →
         unit (Cnat 0)
       Cnat →
         fetch 1 [1] ; λ x12 →
         unit (Cnat 0)
    ) ; λ Cnat x7 →
    updateCnat 2 (Cnat 0) ; λ () →
  • Implemented the last simplifying (and necessary) tranformation: register introduction.
    The tranformation gives names to all values, and ensures that arguments to (e.g.) the
    store operation only contains variables.

    storel21 (Cnat #100) ; λ x24 →
    storel22 (FDownFrom.downFrom 0) ; λ x23 →
    DownFrom.sum 0 ; λ Cnat x25 →
    -- >>>
    unit #100 ; λ x3690 →
    unit (Cnat 0) ; λ x3689 →
    storel21 0 ; λ x24 →
    unit (FDownFrom.downFrom 0) ; λ x3691 →
    storel22 0 ; λ x23 →
  • Implemented approx. 90% of the code generator.


Read the following:

  • @xi2018
  • more...

Did the following:

  • Added build instructions and dependencies to README.

  • Major refactoring. Datatype Term was split into Term and Val. Alt was split into LAlt (lambda alternative) and CAlt (case alternative).

  • Fixed various issues in (e.g.) the sharing analysis and the substitution instances.

  • Implemented vectorization which replaces node variables with explicit nodes. This is an important transformation for the code generation.

    <t1> ; λ x₁ →
    -- >>>
     <t1> ; λ tag x₂ x₃ →
     <t2> [tag x₂ x₃ / x₁]
  • Implemented case simplification. After the transformation, case expression only scrutinize tag variables, and case patterns do not bind any variables.

     case tag x₁ x₂ of
       Cnil        → <t2>
       Ccons x₃ x₄ → <t3>
     -- >>>
     case tag of
       Cnil  → <t2>
       Ccons → <t3> [x₁ / x₃, x₂ / x₄]
  • Implemented fetch splitting using offsets:

     fetch p ; λ tag x₁ x₂ →
     -- >>>
     fetch p [0]; λ tag →
     fetch p [1]; λ x₁ →
     fetch p [2]; λ x₂ →
  • Did a lot of work on the right-hoisting fetch operations, however, I encountered some issues with substitutions and de Bruijn indices.

  • Properly configured the lagda.tex document for the report.

  • Started writing the introduction and noted down ideas for the related work section.

W.30 & W.31

Did the following:

  • Implemented instances for Subst and DeBruijn for GRIN, which
    makes it easier to correctly manipulate DeBruijn indices.

  • Implemented normalisation for GRIN expression, to make the monadic
    binds right-skewed.

    store (Cnil) λ x0 →
    ( store (Cnat #1) ; λ x1 →
      store (FdownFrom 0) ; λ x2 →
      unit 0
    ) ; λ x3 →
    unit (Ccons 1 0)
    -- >>>
    store (Cnil) λ x0 →
    store (Cnat #1) ; λ x1 →
    store (FdownFrom 0) ; λ x2 →
    unit 0 ; λ x3 →
    unit (Ccons 3 0)
  • Set up testing, and tested the normalisation using 'golden testing'.

  • Implemented update specialization transformation, which converts
    general (unknown tag) update to a tag-specialized operation updateᶜᶜᵒⁿˢ.
    However, there is currently a small bug in the implementation.

    update v₁ v₂ ; λ () →
    〈m₁ 〉
    case v₂ of
      CNil       → 〈m₂ 〉
      CCons x xs → 〈m₃ 〉
    -- >>>
    〈m₁ 〉
    case v₂ of
      CNil       →
        updateᶜᴺⁱˡ v₁ v₂ ; λ () →
        〈m₂ 〉
      CCons x xs →
        updateᶜᶜᵒⁿˢ v₁ v₂ ; λ () →
        〈m₃ 〉
  • Implemented a GRIN interpreter to check that the program produces the expected result,
    and to check that the transformations does not change the program semantics. In doing
    this, I discovered and fixed multiple bugs. I also gained a better understanding on how
    allocations work in GRIN.

W. 29

Read the following papers:

  • @hage2008
  • @ende2010
  • @dijkstra2009
  • @boeijink2010
  • @johnsson2004
  • @podlovics2021
  • @huang2023
  • @okabe2014

Did the following:

  • Rewrote the heap points-to analysis and incorporated the sharing analysis.

    -- * GRIN
    DownFrom.downFrom r9 x8 =
      eval 0 ; λ Cnat x7 →
      case 0 of
        0 → unit (CDownFrom.List.[])
        _ → storel0 (Cnat #1) ; λ x3 →
            storel1 (FPrim.sub 2 0) ; λ x2 →
            storel4 (FDownFrom.downFrom 0) ; λ x5 →
            unit (CDownFrom.List._∷_ 4 0)
    DownFrom.sum r20 x19 =
      eval 0 ; λ x18 →
      case 0 of
        CDownFrom.List.[] → unit (Cnat #0)
        CDownFrom.List._∷_ x16 x17 →
          storel10 (FDownFrom.sum 0) ; λ x11 →
          eval 0 ; λ x15 →
          eval 3 ; λ x14 →
          PAdd 1 0 ; λ x13 →
          unit 0
    DownFrom.main =
      storel21 (Cnat #4) ; λ x24 →
      storel22 (FDownFrom.downFrom 0) ; λ x23 →
      DownFrom.sum 0 ; λ Cnat x25 →
      printf 0
    -- * Heap points-to analysis
    Abstract heap:
    l0 → Cnat [BAS]
    l1 → FPrim.sub [l1 ∪ l21, l0]
    l4 → FDownFrom.downFrom [l1]
    l10 → FDownFrom.sum [l4]
    l21 → Cnat [BAS]
    l22 → FDownFrom.downFrom [l21]
    Abstract env:
    x2 → l1
    x3 → l0
    x5 → l4
    x7 → BAS
    x8 → l1 ∪ l21
    x9 → CDownFrom.List._∷_ [l1 ∪ l21, l4] ∪ CDownFrom.List.[] []
    x11 → l10
    x13 → Cnat [BAS]
    x14 → Cnat [BAS]
    x15 → Cnat [BAS]
    x16 → l1 ∪ l21
    x17 → l4
    x18 → CDownFrom.List._∷_ [l1 ∪ l21, l4] ∪ CDownFrom.List.[] []
    x19 → l4 ∪ l22
    x20 → Cnat [BAS]
    x23 → l22
    x24 → l21
    x25 → BAS
    Shared: {0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 21, 24}
  • Implemented eval inlining which uses the heap points-to analysis to generate specialized eval functions for each call.

    -- * Inlining eval
    DownFrom.downFrom r9 x8 =
      (fetch 0 ; λ x30 →
       (case 0 of
          CDownFrom.List._∷_ x27 x28 → unit 0
          CDownFrom.List.[] → unit 0
       ) ; λ x29 →
       update 2 0 ; λ () →
       unit 0
      ) ; λ Cnat x7 →
      case 0 of
        0 → unit (CDownFrom.List.[])
        _ → storel0 (Cnat #1) ; λ x3 →
            storel1 (FPrim.sub 2 0) ; λ x2 →
            storel4 (FDownFrom.downFrom 0) ; λ x5 →
            unit (CDownFrom.List._∷_ 4 0)
    DownFrom.sum r20 x19 =
      (fetch 0 ; λ x34 →
       (case 0 of
          CDownFrom.List._∷_ x31 x32 → unit 0
          CDownFrom.List.[] → unit 0
       ) ; λ x33 →
       update 2 0 ; λ () →
       unit 0
      ) ; λ x18 →
      case 0 of
        CDownFrom.List.[] → unit (Cnat #0)
        CDownFrom.List._∷_ x16 x17 →
          storel10 (FDownFrom.sum 0) ; λ x11 →
          (fetch 0 ; λ x37 →
           (case 0 of
              FDownFrom.sum x35 → DownFrom.sum 0
           ) ; λ x36 →
           update 2 0 ; λ () →
           unit 0
          ) ; λ x15 →
          (fetch 3 ; λ x42 →
           (case 0 of
              FPrim.sub x38 x39 → Prim.sub 1 0
              Cnat x40 → unit 0
           ) ; λ x41 →
           update 2 0 ; λ () →
           unit 0
          ) ; λ x14 →
          PAdd 1 0 ; λ x13 →
          unit 0
    DownFrom.main =
      storel21 (Cnat #4) ; λ x24 →
      storel22 (FDownFrom.downFrom 0) ; λ x23 →
      DownFrom.sum 0 ; λ Cnat x25 →
      printf 0
  • Read papers that have cited Boquist's writings about GRIN (see [Related work]).

  • I have decided to shift the focus from LLVM to GRIN because all of the planned
    optimization uses GRIN. Addionally, the GRIN-to-LLVM transformation is uncomplicated,
    and can be easily substituted for a C backend or a native code backend.

W. 28

Read the following papers:

  • @boquist1996
  • @aho2006

Did the following:

  • Implemented the heap points-to analysis, which gives a safe approximation
    of the possible values of each abstract heap location.
    It also determines the possible values of each variable.

    variable                                            location
    x1      DownFrom.downFrom #1 =
    x2        eval @0 ; λ Cnat #1 →
              case @0 of
                0 → unit (CDownFrom.List.[])
    x3          _ → store (Cnat 1) ; λ #1 →                   l0
    x4              store (FPrim.sub @2 @0) ; λ #1 →          l1
    x5              store (FDownFrom.downFrom @0) ; λ #1 →    l2
                    unit (CDownFrom.List._∷_ @4 @0) 
    ... rest of the program ...
    Heap points-to analysis
    Solved heap:
    l0 → Cnat [BAS]
    l1 → FPrim.sub [l1 ∪ l4, l0]
    l2 → FDownFrom.downFrom [l1] ∪ CDownFrom.List.[] [] ∪ CDownFrom.List._∷_ [l1 ∪ l4, l2]
    Solved env:
    x0 → CDownFrom.List.[] [] ∪ CDownFrom.List._∷_ [l1 ∪ l4, l2]
    x1 → l1 ∪ l4
    x2 → BAS
    x3 → l0
    x4 → l1
    x5 → l2
  • Started incorporating sharing analysis which makes the heap points-to
    analysis more precise.

W. 27 and prior

Read the following papers:

  • @jones1992
  • @boquist1999
  • @reinking2020
  • more...

Did the following:

  • Tried to implement STG-like thunks manually in LLVM IR.

  • Manually translated the the following program first to GRIN and then to LLVM IR.

    module DownFrom where
      downFrom : List ℕ
      downFrom zero = []
      downFrom (suc n) = suc n ∷ downFrom n 
      sum : List ℕ  ℕ
      sum [] = 0
      sum (x ∷ xs) = x + sum xs
      main = sum (downFrom 4)
  • Created a transformation for the treeless syntax that simplify applications.

    f a (g b) (h c)
    -- >>>
    let b' = g b in
    let c' = h c in
    f a b' c'
  • Implemented treeless-to-GRIN transformation for the example program,
    and started on the GRIN-to-LLVM transformation.

  • Checked out literate agda using both markdown and latex.

  • Prepared the documents for the logbook and the report.

Related work

  • @ullrich2021 proposes a mechanism for reclaiming non-shared allocations, and an
    approach to minimize reference counts operations through borrowed refereces. Owned
    references need to be consumed exactly once. A reference is consumed when it is
    returned, stored as a heap value, and passed to another function (as an owned reference).
    Addionally, there is dec and inc for consuming and copying references,
    respectively. A borrowed references is not allowed to be consumed.

  • @hage2008 presented a destructive assignment operator variable@constructor-expr
    to indicate when to reuse. The operator is designed to be compatible with existing
    languages' memory models and memory strategies. Safety is garanteed through a uniqueness
    analysis. One limiting aspect is that reuse is only prohibited if the variable is unique
    and the constructors are identical. So, for example, an cons-node can only be reused by
    another cons-node.

    rev []         acc = acc
    rev l@(x : xs) acc = rev xs l@(x : acc)

    The authors mention GRIN's approach which enables reuse between nodes of different tags.
    This is accomplished by a uniform node representation called the small layout which can be
    for example 3 words. Nodes with more than 3 - 1 arguments are split into two parts. The first
    part can reuse an allocation whereas the second part needs a fresh allocation. Another aspect of
    the GRIN mermory model is that there cannot be a node which is smaller than the small layout,
    which is unfortunate because, for instance, the nil-node only require 1 word but occupy 3.

    In comparison to @hage2008, my approach aims for automatic reuse without any
    syntax annotations. Thereby, optimization are applied to all programs, and the programmer do
    not have to think about memory implementation details. On the other hand, this project does
    not attempt to be compatible with current programming languages' compilers and runtime systems.

    Another difference is that the system presented by @hage2008 require modifications
    to the type system for the uniqueness (or sharing) analysis. In GRIN the analysis is trivial, and does
    not require changes to the type system because all variables are available due to whole-program compilation.

  • The Utrecht Haskell Compiler used GRIN and LLVM [@dijkstra2009; @ende2010]. However, they
    seem to have extended GRIN with A tags for applications of higher order functions, and H tags for holes.

  • @johnsson2004 suggest that there are more efficient implementation of lazy functional languages than
    the G-machine, or any of the variations (including GHC's STG machine). Addionally, he suggests GRIN as
    a more efficent alternative.

  • @huang2023 present the first formally-specified type-preserving defunctionalization translation
    for dependenlty-typed languages. Defunctionalization transforms higher-order program into first-order
    program, and it is used extensively in GRIN. Ideas from this paper may be useful for developing a type
    system for GRIN that will work with dependenlty-typed languages, such as Agda.

  • The Ajhc uses GRIN to compile Haskell to C. It has been used to program a NetBSD sound driver in
    Haskell [@okabe2014].
