Demo repo showing how to use Flux v2 and install the Splunk Connector Helm Chart.
There are some secrets and setup needed to get this repo going.
- Clone/Fork this repo
- Create an RG in Azure and note down the name
- Create a GitHub secret holding an Azure Service Principal following this guide: giving it access to the RG in step 2.
- Make sure you have a Splunk instance ready for the logs. You can create a Spunk instance using the free trial at
- Create a Splunk HTTP token that has access to write to the main index. Add the token to a GitHub secret called: SPLUNK_TOKEN.
- Update the URL in the file:
- If you are running in a K8s cluster that is not using Docker, i.e., a type of CRI container runtime, then you need to set the container log format type to cri.
- If you are connecting to the Splunk Cloud trial_, then you need the insecure setting: Splunk Cloud Trial uses self-signed certificates.