Disclaimer : This is for educational purposes only. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
- https://github.com/RasaHQ/rasa for Rasa obviously
- https://github.com/JiteshGaikwad/Chatbot-Widget for the chatbot widget
Run the start.sh script. You need to have an OpenAI token in order to run the explanation tasks
After everything is set up, open a browser and navigate to: http://localhost:8080
Run the test.sh script
It uses 3 containers:
- rasa_actions for Rasa custom actions
- the Dockerfile installs openai with pip in order to use the API
- uses .env file that can be generated from the start.sh script
- rasa for the Rasa model
- the Dockerfile installs ro_core_news_lg language package for spacy
- webapp for the Nginx server that serves a static page with the widget
Can be used with the cleanup parameter to remove old models. It will train Rasa if no models are found, then it will run docker-compose for the docker-compose.yml file.
Executes docker-compose for the docker-compose.test.yml file that contains 2 containers:
- rasa_actions for Rasa custom actions
- rasa with the test command
All containers used in the docker-compose.test.yml are used in the production environment as well
In order to check if all the stories result in a color code, run stories_graph.py and check for red nodes. All the nodes with a path to the leaves will be in green and all the leaves in blue
python3 stories_graph.py
The start.sh script will generate the .env file used by the rasa_actions container