All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added 'ubuntu-24.04-arm' runner to compatibility workdlow
- Added method ConfigRuntimeException.convertToRuntimeEx()
- Added CloseableDAOContextAbstract.newCloseableDAOContextDS()
- Added CloseableDAOContextAbstract.newCloseableDAOContextCF()
- SafeFunction.getUsingDefault()
- Fixed oracle jdbc adapter for MetaDataUtils
- MetaDataUtils.createModel with JdbcAdaptor is now public
- LibHelper utility
- SimpleCheckpoint utility
- CheckDuplicationProperties and PropsUtils
- typo in SQLTypeConverter.localTimeToSqlTime()
- support for conversion LocaTime to/from java.sql.Time
- support for conversion from LocalDate/LocalDateTime to Date/Timestamp
- support for conversion from java.util.Date to LocalDate/LocalDateTime
- fj-bom version set to 1.6.5
- DBUtils.indentifyDB() now recognizes h2 (600) and hsqldb (700) databases.
- IdGenerator for h2 is mapped to Postgres by default
- CodeEx interface for CodeException and CodeRuntimeException
- ExUtils to handle UnsupportedOperationException
- jvfs daogen model is not set to next generation (not serializable)
- fj-daogen-version set to 1.8.1
- fj-bom version set to 1.6.4
- IdFinderNG
- BasicWrapperNG with no serialization
- ObjectIO helper for object serialization
- reflect-config for ByteArrayDataHandler and CharArrayDataHandler
- fj-daogen-version set to 1.5.0
- Added publicClass attribute to SimpleJavaGenerator
- fj-bom set to 1.6.1
- utilty FileIO.isInTmpFolder() to check if a file is in temp path
- fj-bom set to 1.6.0
- review workflows
- Upgraded build_maven_package workflow to version 1.0.1, (accespt DISABLE_MAVEN_DEPENDENCY_SUBMISSION)
- method one() (shortcut for getSingleResult) in interface DaoResultList
- fj-daogen set to 1.3.2
- Added java 21 to github action workflow for compatibility check
- fj-bom parent set to 1.5.2
- fj-bom parent set to 1.5.1, fix lombok-maven-plugin compatibility with java 21
- java version helper with major only version (fix for java 21)
- fj-bom parent set to 1.5.0
- javadoc generation for lombok annotated classes
- applyWithMessage() and getWithMessage() special function to SafeFunction
- applyWithMessage() and getWithMessage() special function to ConfigException, DAOException and HelperIOException
- apply() and get() special function to ConfigException, DAOException and HelperIOException
- commons-io version set to 2.14.0
- java and maven badges link
- LICENSE place holder
- RealJFile nows creates a FileWriter and FileReader for getWriter() and getReader() methods.
- Default behavior of SafeFunction is now to wraps only checked exceptions. runtime exception are just re thrown.
- windows run of TestRealJFile.testFullFile()
- transformer config facility
- xml white space remove utility
- StreamHelper.resolveReader() method
- fj-bom version set to 1.4.7
- fj-daogen version set to 1.3.1
- Code of conduct badge and file
- Sample jdk compatibility check workflow on branch develop
- Added BasicDAOResult extensions for stream() and Optional
- Sonar cloud workflow merged in maven build
- fj-bom version set to 1.4.5
- fj-daogen version set to 1.2.4
- jersey-server substituted by fj-test-helper-java-jaxrs dependency
- Sonar cloud workflow yml removed. (after being merged with maven build)
- dependabot workflow ecosystem
- IteratorHelper utils
- Renamed typo in SafeFunction.applyIfNotNull()
- Restored log behavior of setFromElementSafe() (will not print stack trace)
- Renamed typo in SafeFunction.applyIfNotNull()
- All Sonar Cloud issues addressed
- All Sonar Cloud issues addressed
- added java/maven badges
- fj-daogen-version set to 1.2.2 in module fj-core-jvfs
- ImplFinder interface methods does not throw any exception now
- fj-bom updated to 1.4.0 (fj-test-helper8 now managed by parent pom)
- fj-bom updated to 1.3.8 Apache Commons Compress denial of service vulnerability
- fj-test-helper8 to 0.5.0
- MetaDataUtils types constant arrays removed in favor of public builder methods (may raise minor compatibility issues)
- Javadoc generation with java 17
- VirtualPageCache entry store did not work properly
- HelperIOException now exrends IOException
- Api for SafeFunctions handling
- workflow codeql on branch main
- workflow deploy on branch main
- dependabot configuration
- fj-bom updated to to 1.3.6
- better test coverage
- ArgUtils flag (param without values) are now read to default value of '1'
- better coverage of BinaryCalc
- fj-bom updated to to 1.3.5
- workflow for package testing and dependency upload
- fj-bom set to 1.3.4
- fj-daogen test dependency set to 1.1.9
- reference to v1.1.0 in changelog
- schema-catalog-config-1-0.xsd for improved coverage (#21)
- added tag element (HEAD) to scm element. (pom.xml)
- added issueManagement element (pom.xml, url : )
- fj-bom set to 1.3.3
- Changelog badge link set absolute ''
- fj-tester-helper8 set to 0.4.1
- Improved coverage and serialization for BasicValidator XMLSchemaValidatorConifg, FactoryCatalog (#21).
- TreeConfigXML didn't check if multiple root node where present (#21).
- Set the license url in the property 'licenseURL' as in the 'license' tag.
- scm url (.git was missing at the end).
- javadoc badges
- modules description
- fj-bom version set to 1.3.1
- Sonar Cloud Maven Build set to use maven profile sonarfugerit and github environmental variable for sonarKey
- ClassHelper.newInstance(String) no longer throws exception (#23).
- fixed-config-extract, it previously updated the source xlsx.
- Updated module fj-core-jvfs dependancy fj-daogen-maven-plugin to 1.1.6
- only the release notes are available.