We try to codify infrastructure as much as possible using Terraform and Kubernetes YAML. However:
- Not everything can be automated. For example, we need to setup Azure Blob Storage for storing Terraform state, before we can use Terraform.
- Not everything should be automated. For example, the
project contains such sensitive data, that giving access to CI/CD systems would pose a security risk.
This document describes how one can restore the entire infrastructure (including manual steps) in case of a disaster. It is to be performed by an Infra Owner.
Sign up for an Azure subscription and Entra ID tenant.
Sign up for a Google Cloud account.
Install and login to the Azure CLI and Google Cloud CLI.
Set some shell variables:
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=...fill in... TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=fullstaq-ruby-terraform-hisec TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION=westeurope TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME=fsrubyterraformhisec
Modify the default values in the following files to match the shell variables' values:
- terraform-hisec/backend.tf
- terraform-hisec/variables.tf
- terraform/backend.tf (tenant_id and subscription_id only)
- terraform/variables.tf
- ansible/vars/azure.yml
In Entra ID, go to "Manage" -> "User settings".
- Users can register applications: yes.
- Restrict non-admin users from creating tenants: yes.
- Users can create security groups: no.
- Guest user access restrictions: Guest user access is restricted to properties and memberships of their own directory objects (most restrictive).
- Restrict access to Microsoft Entra admin center: no.
In Entra ID, go to "Manage" -> "Enterprise applications" -> "Security" -> "Consent and permissions".
- Select "Do not allow user consent".
Create the resource group, storage account and container:
MY_OBJECT_ID=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query id --output tsv)
az group create --subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --name "$TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --location "$TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION"
az storage account create --subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --resource-group "$TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" --sku Standard_ZRS --allow-shared-key-access false --min-tls-version TLS1_2
az storage account update --subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --resource-group "$TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" --set defaultToOAuthAuthentication=true
az storage container create --subscription "$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --account-name "$TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" --name tfstate --auth-mode login
az role assignment create --assignee "$MY_OBJECT_ID" --role "Storage Blob Data Owner" --scope "/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$TF_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/$TF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME"
cd terraform-hisec
terraform init
terraform apply
cd ..
Generate a GPG private key with these parameters:
- Name: Fullstaq Ruby
- Email: maintainers@fullstaqruby.org
- Algorithm: 4096-bit RSA (or stronger)
Store this in the Azure Key Vault for Infra Owners:
Export the private key to a file "fullstaq-ruby-priv.asc" (ASCII armor). Then:
az keyvault secret set --vault-name fsruby2infraowners --name server-edition-gpg-private-key -f fullstaq-ruby-priv.asc rm fullstaq-ruby-priv.asc
Create the following Github repositories:
- Spin up an Ubuntu >= 24.04 VPS somewhere, for example at Hetzner.
- Setup its reverse DNS as
. - Fill in its IP address in
Run Terraform:
cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply
cd ..
Register the domain fullstaqruby.org
. Configure it to use the Azure DNS zone.
In Entra ID, go to "Manage" -> "Custom domain names".
. You will see a domain verification value under "Destination or points to address". Copy that. -
and fill in theentra_id_domain_validation_value
. -
Run Terraform:
cd terraform terraform init terraform apply cd ..
Finish verifying the Entra ID
domain, then set it as the primary domain. -
Edit all Entra ID users' properties and switch them to the new domain (use the dropdown under "User principal name").
Delete the old Entra ID domain.
Make sure the Azure CLI is logged in, then:
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini -v main.yml
cd ..
In the fullstaq-ruby/server-edition repo, create the following environments:
- test
- deploy
Create these environment-specific secrets:
('test' environment):Fetch the value from the Terraform state:
pushd terraform >/dev/null && terraform show -json | jq -r '.values.root_module.resources[] | select(.address == "azurerm_storage_account.server-edition-ci") | .values.primary_blob_connection_string'; popd >/dev/null
Create these repository variables:
: see corresponding variable in terraform/variables.tfAZURE_TENANT_ID
: see corresponding variable in terraform/variables.tfGCLOUD_PROJECT_ID
: see corresponding variable in terraform/variables.tfGCLOUD_PROJECT_NUM
: lookup the project number in Google Cloud.CI_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET
: fetch usingpushd terraform >/dev/null && terraform show -json | jq -r '.values.root_module.resources[] | select(.address == "google_storage_bucket.server-edition-ci-artifacts") | .values.name'; popd >/dev/null
Create these environment-specific variables:
('test' environment): fetch usingpushd terraform-hisec >/dev/null && terraform show -json | jq -r '.values.root_module.resources[] | select(.address == "azuread_application.server-edition-github-ci-test") | .values.application_id'; popd >/dev/null
('deploy' environment): fetch usingpushd terraform-hisec >/dev/null && terraform show -json | jq -r '.values.root_module.resources[] | select(.address == "azuread_application.server-edition-github-ci-deploy") | .values.application_id'; popd >/dev/null
Onboard everybody in the members list according to the onboarding instructions.