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Gustav configuration

Lucas Krause edited this page Jan 22, 2015 · 10 revisions

Gustav provides several configuration options, short options, to adjust its behavior.


Gustav is configured using a file named conf.json located in the same directory as the PHP files defining the Gustav classes.
That file's content must be encoded in UTF-8 and must be valid JSON describing an object containing the configuration options' names as keys and their values as values. For more information on JSON see

##Configuration options

All available configuration options are listed below, grouped by function and category.

bool enable_log = true
____ __________   ____
 |         |       |
Expected   |     Default value
datatype   |
          Configuartion option

How an option's value is processed is described for each option individually. If no default value is specified (i.e. no =), the configuration option is required. An option's default value is not processed any more.

###Location options

Options defining URLs or paths of files and directories.

####string dest_dir

The directory the destination files are located in, if not specified differently. The value describes the path of that directory. If the path doesn't start with a directory separator, one is prepended. The path is considered to be relative to the document root. The path, with the document root prepended, must point on a directory that should be located beneath the document root. The destination directory should not be located underneath the source directory and should also not be the same one. If not a string, the value is casted as one.

####string src_dir

The directory the source files are located in. The value describes the path of that directory. If the path doesn't start with a directory separator, one is prepended. The path is considered to be relative to the document root. The path, with the document root prepended, must point on a directory. The document root can be left by using .. path segments. The source directory should not be located underneath the destination directory and should also not be the same one. If not a string, the value is casted as one.

####string templs_dir

The directory the template files are located in. The value describes the path of that directory. If the path doesn't start with a directory separator, one is prepended. The path is considered to be relative to the document root. The path, with the document root prepended, must point on a directory. The document root can be left by using .. path segments. If not a string, the value is casted as one.

####string 404_error_doc = "/"

The document the user is redirected to when a Gustav-404-error is thrown. The redirection happens using a 303 status code. The value is passed directly to the Location HTTP header field described in RFC 7231 (HTTP/1.1). The value for that haeder field can be either an absolute URL (i.e. a fully qualified URL including a scheme) or a relative one. If not a string, the value is casted as one.

####string site_url = <requested site>

When Gustav provides or uses absolute URLs, this option's value is used to built them. If the option is specified, it must describe an absolute URL. It is casted as a string, if not already one, and trailing /s are removed. If it's not defined, the absolute URL is built upon the Host HTTP request header field or, if that isn't available, the server's configuration options defining its name and the port. If the request has been made using HTTPS, https is used as the URL's protocol, otherwise, http is used.

###Log and error options

####bool enable_log = true

Whether Gustav should write to the log file. If disabled, nothing is logged. Regardless of this option's value, Gustav-fatal-errors always cause a log-entry. If not a boolean, the value is casted as one.

####string|int log_file_max_size = -1

The maximum file size of a log file. If that size is exceeded, the log file is renamed to gustav.<last modification>.<random string>.log and a new gustav.log file is created. A value of -1 means that no size limit is specified. Other integer values are not supported. A string value is treated as a shothand byte value described in the PHP documentation's FAQ on using PHP. If not an integer, the value is casted as a string.
Unlike the parser used by PHP for shorthand byte values in the php.ini file, Gustav's parser accepts spaces between the number and the symbol, as well als spaces wrapping the whole value. These are simply ignored. Negative numbers aren't supported, instead the whole value would be considered to be a symbol and 0 would be used as number. If no number has been specified, 1 is used if a valid symbol has been specified, otherwise 0 is used. The final byte value is calculated as follows: bytes = number * 1024 ^ symbol-value. symbol-value can be 1 for k, 2 for m and 3 for g. For any other (invalid) symbol, symbol-value would be 0.

####bool exit_on_error = true

By default, Gustav calls exit if a Gustav-error is thrown. If this option is set to false, it doesn't. Disabling this behavior is not recommended since the code often assumes that when throwing a Gustav-error the script execution is stopped. If the script is executed on, many (non-Gustav-)errors may be thrown. Regardless of this option's value, Gustav-fatal-errors always stop the script execution. If not a boolean, the value is casted as one.

####bool check_status = true

Defines whether Gustav should check whether everything is properly set up when initializing the Gustav class. The following things are checked.

  • Do all configuration options exist? If not, a log-entry is created. In case of the src_dir, dest_dir and templs_dir options a Gustav-error is thrown instead.
  • Do the configuration option values' datatypes match the expected ones? If not, a log-entry is created.
  • Are the src_dir, dest_dir and templs_dir options pointing on a directory? If not, a Gustav-error is thrown.
  • Does a .htaccess file exist in the root of the destination directory? If not, a log-entry is created.
  • Does the PHP file handling the auto-generation of destination files exist? If not, a log-entry is created.
  • If the exit_on_error configuration option is disabled, a log-entry is created.
  • Is PHP's open_basedir configuration option set to a null value (i.e. all files can be read)? If not, a log-entry is created.

Regardless of this option's value, the following checks are always executed.

  • Does the conf.json file exist? If not a Gustav-fatal-error is thrown.
  • Does the conf.json file describe an object? If not a Gustav-fatal-error is thrown.

If not a boolean, the value is casted as one.

###Auto-generation options

For more information on how the configuration options in this category are used see Automatic generation of destination files.

####bool generator_search_recursive = false

If set to true, Gustav searches for matching source files in the source directory and all of its subdirectories. Otherwise, only the directory matching the dirname of the URL path is searched. If not a boolean, the value is casted as one.

####string[] preferred_convs = []

Defines the preferred converters used for choosing a source file to use when auto-generating a destination file. If not an array, a new array with the specified value as its only item is created and used as value. The array should contain string values. If an items isn't a string, it is casted as one. The string describes a converter name. If the string matches one of a hardcoded converter's names (case-insensitively), the string is replaced with an array containing all of that converter's names. Otherwise, it is left as defined, even if no converter with the specified name exists.

###Miscellaneous options

####string replace_directory_separator = ""

Defines the character to replace with the OS's directory separator when processing the GvBlock options. This is done for paths defined by the _ext and _dest options. For more information see those options in GvBlock option processing. Non-string value is casted as a string. If set to an empty string, nothing is replaced. The specified string is truncated to one character.

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