- Additional fixes for abilities/languages.
- Fix food roll in scvmfactory.
- Fix abilities not saving for non-English languages.
- Fix ammo tracker error from Foundry v12.
- Fix combat tracker error from Foundry v12.
- Korean language support by @SALtales.
- Updated CSS to make dropdown menus more readable
- Deprecated classUuids in favor of groupedClassUuid that allows adding new classes under a group heading.
- Fixed typo on Gutterborn Scum that prevented Stealthy
- Use two columns when selecting allowed classes as well for consistency with scvm
- Fix defend for async getData().
- Foundry v12 support.
- Spanish language support by kufferino.
- Latest packs files.
- Reroll any duplicate miseries.
- Show different roll card text for 7th misery.
- Localize all Misery Tracker strings.
- Sheet styling improvements! Reorganized header fields, reorganized and more-visible tabs, some font changes, clearer buttons.
- New "Misery Tracker" actor type, for rolling and tracking miseries. With apocalyptic animations!
- Fix token path for Dead God's Prophet items.
- Switch scvmfactory config to uuids instead of pack/table names.
- Move character names from JS code into a roll table.
- Fix Occult Herbmaster brew macro.
- Set packFolders to put all compendiums in a MÖRK BORG folder.
- Fix Wrong Crucifix broken link in Heretical Priest items table.
- Set compatibility version as a string, to preserve 11.300.
- Mark compatibility for v11.300 and higher.
- Fix some leftover references to old compendium names.
- v11 compatibility.
- Use v11 compendium folders to clean up compendiums.
- Remove directory containing illegal character.
- Fix Scvmify button on character sheet.
- Rebuild as an attempt to work around github network issues.
- Add support for @DRAW tags and create-scvm links in journal pages.
- Switch scvmfactory character generator to use an explicit list of class item UUIDs rather than scanning for "Class - Foo" compendiums. (modules adding classes should append their uuids to the CONFIG.MB.scvmfactory.classUuids array)
- Fix bug where custom abilities should only show NaN and not save.
- Add client setting to control delete-on-zero-quantity item behavior.
- Order settings by (english) alphabetical.
- Add support for additional abilities via a settings value (by undonealex99).
- Delete an item when reducing the quantity from 1 to 0.
- Fix TextEditor.enrichHTML() warnings.
- Fix font styling for sheet input and textarea.
- Fix build to include assets/fonts dir.
- Add missing fonts to stylesheet.
- Fix content links in custom actor/item sheets, by calling enrichHTML in getData().
- Switch editors to ProseMirror engine.
- Add custom fonts to ProseMirror font dropdown.
- Tweak editor/journal styling.
- Fix colors for content-links.
- Make TinyMCE editors have default toolbar buttons.
- Fix macro drag-drop for supported items (weapons, armor, etc).
- Fix chat roll card for rolls without outcome text (e.g., feat rollFormula).
- Fix bug in container item carried control css.
- Move various roll tables into a single "Random Tables" compendium pack.
- Replace combat Broken code implementation with a new Broken roll table.
- Make Broken pack/table config variables.
- Make wield power crit/fumble tables and thresholds into config variables.
- Internal code cleanup.
- Add hit automation setting.
- Fix powers field not saving.
- Fix v10 manifest warnings.
- Fix actor.create() for v10.
- Fix scvmfactory token image setting.
- Show notification when scvmfactory user can't create NPC.
- Fix follower max hp field not saving.
- Fix css styling for Journal entries/pages.
- Support Foundry v10. Note: Mork Borg system 2.0.0+ is no longer compatible with Foundry v9.
- Scvmfactory chargen now creates new follower/container actors when rolled.
- Whole lotta code cleanup and refactoring.
- Support classless adventurer 4d6kh3 for 2 ability rolls.
- Wire up power Uses Remaining help text.
- Allow ammo to go into drag-drop containers.
- Added "usesAmmo" field to weapon items.
- New "ammo" item type for arrows, bolts, and sling stones.
- Implemented weapon ammo selection and ammo autodecrement.
- Include missing commit.
- Thanks to @maqloner for implementing several new features and general code cleanup.
- Put stuff in backpacks! Added rag-and-drop container inventory.
- Added system setting to limit what classes are visible in Scvmfactory generator dialog.
- Scvmfactory dialog now remembers most recent checkbox selections.
- Don't set explicit dim/bright vision range for all characters, and instead use Settings Default Token Configuration.
- Reload the page after changing theme color or font.
- Fixed "Cannot initialize the effects EmbeddedCollection from source data which is not an Array" console warning when creating Scvm.
- Fixed Getting Better error when attempting to draw a random scroll.
- Fixed arcane catastrophe 19 to properly reference To Leave Cube-Violet.
- Added weapon critOn and fumbleOn fields to allow per-item increased critical and fumble range. Nat 1 and 20 are still always miss/hit.
- Use parentheses to group crit damage roll before multiplying by 2, in case of damageDie with +/-.
- Changed attack roll card to display pre-evaluation damage formula. E.g., "1d6+1" and not "5".
- Code cleanup: add linter (eslint), formatter (prettier), and presubmit (husky).
- Formatted and de-linted entire codebase.
- Refactored css/scss files.
- Fixed style for Dice Tray module dialog textarea/buttons.
- Fixed unreadable text for Edit World editor.
- Treat empty/zero morale as "always stands firm".
- Added system setting to enable/disable character overcapacity encumbrance penalty.
- Fixed scvmfactory food quantity not getting set.
- Made creature sheet default to details tab.
- Fixed party initiative + combat tracker reordering.
- Fixed displayed formula for wield power roll.
- Minor tweaks to character sheet: "CLASS:" text instead of icon, omens usage rules as hover text for "OMENS:".
- Increased default character sheet width to prevent wrapping.
- Fixed bug in Scvmfactory when reducing armor die if character rolled scroll.
- Fixed incorrectly-deleted line of code.
- Added French translation by Italemyae.
- Fixed occult herbmaster macro for Foundry v9.
- Fixed bug when deleting item from character sheet.
- Localized more stuff: Rest dialog, Make Scvm dialog, Broken roll card.
- Added more German translations by Samurro.
- Increased editor font size.
- Fixed bug in +Add item on Treasures tab.
- Added German translations by Samurro.
- Added Arcane Catastrophes roll table.
- Roll on catastrophes for wield power fumble, elevations (if available) for crit.
- Improved various displayed formula and formatting in roll cards.
- Set url in system.json for better system info display.
- Made MÖRK BORG system compatible with v9.
- Fixed character creation "roll d2 for armor if you rolled a scroll".
- Added call to new hook morkborgReady after system is ready.
- Change character image and token name/image when scvmifying.
- Show weapon type (melee/ranged) instead of 1h/2h.
- Adjusted weapon name display width.
- Refactored logic for default class and single class per character.
- Tweaked flail damage die: "d8" => "1d8".
- Fixed drag-and-drop of Class from sidebar Items Directory.
- Added more error logging to scvmfactory.
- Added support for Feat rollMacro field.
- Changed Scvmfactory to set new random name when scvmifying existing character.
- Moved numerous scvmfactory config values into MB.scvmfactory.
- Fixed dice API error appearing in console.
- Fixed bug in weapon/feat macro drop using a non-existent item id field.
- Fixed logic for equip a weapon help text showing.
- Fixed torch quantity.
- Added support for new scroll type: Tablet of Ochre Obscurity.
- Compatibility with Foundry 0.8.9.
- Fixed party initiative button on the combat tracker.
- Marked system as compatible with Foundry 0.8.8.
- Added Party and Individual initiative buttons to character and follower sheet violence tab.
- Added new misc item icons from vil.
- Fixed 0.8.x-related issues with Party initiative and the combat tracker.
- Marked system as compatible with Foundry 0.8.7.
- Fixed several broken fields on item sheets: weapon damage die, scroll type, default item carry weight.
- Fixed armor/shield not being used in defense.
- Fixed numerous warning messages.
- Added Terribler Traits, Brokener Bodies, and Badder Habits tables.
- Added trait/body/habit rolls to Scvmfactory character generation.
- Fixed default class for new Character actors.
- Fixed description on various item sheets.
- Fixed character capacity/container calculations.
- Fixed container destructive drag-drop.
- Compatibility with Foundry 0.8.6.
- Fixed create item function on actors.
- Fixed broken template paths.
- Added inventory plus / minus buttons to follower sheet.
- Implemented destructive drag-and-drop for container actor inventory.
- Set sensible default disposition. actor link, and vision for all actor types.
- Added "Foundry default" color scheme.
- Made minor tweaks to color styling of various Foundry UI elements, so things are visible for all color schemes.
- Implemented "container" type actors, to allow having shared containers as tokens on the map.
- Added "Containers" actor compendium pack, with Small Wagon and Donkey.
- Added Barbarister as a follower.
- Added tokens for wagon, donkey, and Barbarister.
- Lowered donkey capacity to 15.
- Implemented support for broken, as a button on the character sheet + custom roll card.
- Fixed bug when using Scvmfactory from Foundry console.
- Fixed bug when calling Scvmfactory from character sheet.
- Added checkboxes to select generated classes to Scvmfactory dialog.
- Updated Scvmfactory to include all compendiums with name prefix "class-".
- Added "Scumify" skull-button and confirmation dialog to character sheet, to allow players to re-roll their characters.
- Changed "Create Scvm" button to show for any user with permissions to create actors.
- Add minimum 1 hp and 0 power uses for newly-rolled characters.
- Fixed newly-rolled characters to have correct default disposition, actor link, and vision.
- Added cancel button to "Get Better" dialog.
- Made all weapon/armor/feat/scroll/item names hoverable and clickable, to open the item sheet.
- Changed item sheet to default to description tab.
- Added GM-visible "Create Scvm" button and character generation... AKA "The Scvmfactory".
- Added fields to Class schema to allow auto-generation.
- Populated new fields for all classes.
- Moved class-specific roll tables into separate Compendiums. E.g., "Rolls - Fanged Deserter".
- Added new roll tables for various class creation rolls. E.g., Gutterborn Scum's "Bad Birth".
- Renamed "You are What You Own" roll tables to "Starting Equipment".
- Added "All Scrolls" roll table to allow random draw of both sacred + unclean scrolls.
- Fixed typo in Rest dialog text.
- Fixed img path for Silver Crucifix in equipment roll table.
- Fixed potion and poison weights to be 0.25. I.e., 4 doses per inventory slot.
- Added Stealthy feat for Gutterborn Scum.
- Added "Get Better" button to roll Getting Better (hp, abilities, left in the debris).
- Added new Rest dialog window to select long/short rest, eat/donteat/starve, infected-or-not choices.
- Created new "Wield a Power" chat roll card, showing success/failure, damage & dizziness, etc.
- Made "Wield a Power" deduct power uses.
- Show "no power uses remaining" when attempting to use a power when <1 power uses remaining.
- Added standard-style roll cards for omens and power uses rolls.
- Changed defend dialog to default to 1d4 attack.
- Fixed typo in Palms scroll.
- Made crossbow 2-handed.
- Added back MB.PartyInitiative translation.
- Added "Roll Party Initiative" button to Combat Tracker, along with custom chat roll card.
- Added Combat Tracker sorting by player/monsters, based on party initiative roll and token disposition (friendly vs. neutral/hostile).
- Added more misc item icons from Vil!
- Added better display of target DR and "exploded" roll result for Attack and Defend chat roll cards.
- Added back accidentally deleted Bite Attack for Fanged Deserter.
- Added back accidentally deleted Hook Hand weapon.
- Fixed bug where agility was incorrectly used instead of presence for ranged attacks.
- Fixed bug with setting new character default adventurer class.
- Fixed omens and powers rolls not properly updating fields.
- New container and misc item icons from Vil!
- Re-added "Armored Caster" Heretical Priest feat.
- Fixed Toughness test roll bug.
- Reorganized compendiums.
- Broke up big class items/feats into separate per-class compendiums.
- Re-did roll tables for new compendiums.
- Added "Class - " and "Equipment - " prefixes to compendium names for better sorting.
- Added quantity for misc inventory type, along with +/- buttons.
- Added weapon compendium items for arrows, bolts, and sling stones.
- Added drag-and-drop macro toolbar support for weapons, armor/shield, feats, and scrolls.
- Changed default tab on item sheets to Details (instead of Description).
- Added "Equip armor to absorb damage" message when no armor/shield equipped.
- Added "You have no Feats/Scrolls" messages when no feats/scrolls.
- New armor, follower, and item icons from vil!
- Updated compendiums to refer to all creatures by type (e.g., "Goblin") and not by first name (e.g., "Seth").
- Added tier 0 for armor, so players can wear useless armor. You're welcome?
- Fixed Dice So Nice integration so dice rolls show up for all players.
- Fixed heretical priest crucifix item to read "MʁOИҼ ՂEƧꓵƧ".
- Updated creature, follower, and item sheets to show bigger images.
- Removed now-unneeded alt name field from creature and follower sheets.
- Updated all item sheets to show item type.
- Added followers for Hamfund and Poltroon. Now you can play them as either RP-only items on a character sheet or as actual followers on the map.
- New token assets from iPwnedMSCS and Nohr!
- New weapon icon assets from vil!
- Added short and long rest buttons for hit point regain.
- Fixed adding container items to followers.
- Changed color and font scheme settings to be per-user.
- Changed settings alt-text / notes styling to be less obnoxious.
- Fixed github release workflow to include new css dir.
NOTE: 0.2.0 migrates a variety of world data. PLEASE BACK UP YOUR WORLD(S) BEFORE UPGRADING!
- Added default 12 DR for attack and defense dialogs.
- Added support for armor and encumbrance DR modifiers (strength and agility tests, defense).
- Switched to Alegreya font for default chat text, for better readability.
- Fixed You are What You Own (2) roll table.
- Fixed metal file and lockpicks roll table entry to return two objects.
- Added new "Feat" item type to represent special abilities and feats.
- Added Class Feats compendium with feats for all classes. (Note: you have to manually drag these to the Character sheet yourself.)
- Fixed character actor creation to default token link, vision, and disposition.
- Added data migration framework.
- Added migrations to clean up numerous fields: actor hp, omens, powerUses, str/agi/pre/tou; armor tier.
- Modified hp, omens, and powerUses to be usable as token resource bars.
- Set hp as primary attribute in system.
- Switched to scss, gulp, and yarn under the hood.
- Added system settings for font and color schemes.
- Added initial color schemes (a la scvmbirther) and fonts (blackletter, legible).
- Fixed Dice So Nice integration for attack, defense, and ability tests.
- Made flail and battle axe 1h.
- Added roll tables for class-specific starting items/feats.
- Added Portable Laboratory item for Occult Herbmaster.
- Added dialog popup for attack and defend to prompt for DR and target armor / incoming attack. Last entered values are persisted for easier repeat actions.
- Updated attack and defend logic to check DR before rolling damage / soak.
- Updated attack and defend roll cards to show outcome text (e.g., "Hit", "Miss", "Dodge") as well as crit/fumbles.
- Implemented crits and fumbles for attack and defend.
- Violence tab now shows "Equip a weapon to attack" message if no weapons are equipped.
- Fixed Player Configuration dialog style for readability.
- Changed character sheet header to allow center column to expand with window.
- Changed character class name to show icon instead of "Class:" text.
- Fixed Class item sheet name text style.
- Fixed select and textfield style on Journal dialog window.
- Fixed creature and follower name textfield width.
- Added alternateName field to followers and follower sheet.
- Populated alternateName to "outcast" in follower compendium.
- Added morale button to Follower sheet.
- Added reaction and morale buttons to Creature sheet.
- Improve readability for Journal text style.
- Tweaked chat message style for readability.
- Added numbered list button to editor toolbar.
- Changed unordered (bullet) lists to ordered (number) in class and follower detail text.
- Fixed font and button color issues on Journal image tab.
- Fixed hard-to-read dark text on various system Dialogs and tabs.
- Added initial Swedish translations.
- Combined multiple Attack and Defend chat rolls into unified roll cards.
- Code cleanup (translation keys, commented-out code).
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Updated editor and journal style.
- Fixed bug where enter on Character sheet textfield would submit Attack button.
- Use github workflow for automated release.
- Fixed omens roll on character sheet header.
- Character now gets default Class (Adventurer) at creation time.
- Fixed Module Management list item text color.
- First public release.