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Mailbox - old new way of inter-thread communication.


A bit of history, a bit of theory

Mailboxes are one of the fundamental parts of the actor model originated in 1973:

An actor is an object that carries out its actions in response to communications it receives. Through the mailbox mechanism, actors can decouple the reception of a message from its elaboration. A mailbox is nothing more than the data structure (FIFO) that holds messages.

I first encountered MailBox in the late 80s while working on a real-time system:

"A mailbox is object that can be used for inter-task communication. When task A wants to send an object to task B, task A must send the object to the mailbox, and task B must visit the mailbox, where, if an object isn't there, it has the option of waiting for any desired length of time..." iRMX 86™ NUCLEUS REFERENCE MANUAL _Copyright @ 1980, 1981 Intel Corporation.

Since than I have used it in:

OS Language(s)
iRMX PL/M-86
Windows C++/C#
Linux Go

Now it's Zig time!!!


If your thread runs in "Fire and Forget" mode, you don't need Mailbox.

But in real multithreaded applications, threads communicate with each other as members of a work team.

Mailbox provides a convenient and simple inter-thread communication:

  • thread safe
  • asynchronous
  • non-blocking
  • cancelable
  • no own allocations
  • unbounded
  • fan-out/fan-in

Example of usage - 'Echo'

    // Mbx is Mailbox with usize letter(data)
    const Mbx = mailbox.MailBox(usize);

    // Echo - runs on own thread
    // It has two mailboxes
    // "TO" and "FROM" - from the client point of the view
    // Receives letter via 'TO' mailbox
    // Replies letter without change (echo) to "FROM" mailbox
    const Echo = struct {
        const Self = @This();

        to: Mbx = undefined,
        from: Mbx = undefined,
        thread: Thread = undefined,

        // Mailboxes creation and start of the thread
        // Pay attention, that client code does not use
        // any thread "API" - all embedded within Echo
        pub fn start(echo: *Self) void {
   = .{};
            echo.from = .{};
            echo.thread = std.Thread.spawn(.{}, run, .{echo}) catch unreachable;

        // Echo thread function
        fn run(echo: *Self) void {
            // Main loop:
            while (true) {
                // Receive - exit from the thread if mailbox was closed
                const envelope = catch break;
                // Reply to the client
                // Exit from the thread if mailbox was closed
                _ = echo.from.send(envelope) catch break;

        // Wait exit from the thread
        pub fn waitFinish(echo: *Self) void {

        // Close mailboxes
        // As result Echo should stop processing
        // and exit from the thread.
        pub fn stop(echo: *Self) !void {
            _ =;
            _ = echo.from.close();

    var echo = try std.testing.allocator.create(Echo);

    // Start Echo(on own thread)
    defer echo.stop();

    defer {
        // Wait finish of Echo

    // because nothing was send to 'TO' mailbox, nothing should be received
    // from 'FROM' mailbox
    try testing.expectError(error.Timeout, echo.from.receive(100));

    // Create wrapper for the data
    const envl = try std.testing.allocator.create(Mbx.Envelope);
    defer std.testing.allocator.destroy(envl);

    // Send/Receive loop
    for (0..6) |indx| {
        // Set value for send [0-5]
        envl.letter = indx;

        // Send to 'TO' mailbox

        // Wait received data from OUT mailbox
        const back = echo.from.receive(1000000);

        if (back) |val| {
            // Expected value == index [0-5]
            try testing.expect(val.letter == indx);
        } else |_| {
            try testing.expect(false);

Boring details

Mailbox of []const u8 'Letters':

const Rumors = mailbox.MailBox([]const u8);
const rmrsMbx : Rumors = .{};

Envelope is a wrapper of actual user defined type Letter.

        pub const Envelope = struct {
            prev: ?*Envelope = null,
            next: ?*Envelope = null,
            letter: Letter,

In fact Mailbox is a queue(FIFO) of Envelope(s).

MailBox supports following operations:

  • send Envelope to MailBox (enqueue) and wakeup waiting receiver(s)
  • receive Envelope from Mailbox (dequeue) with time-out
  • close Mailbox:
    • disables further operations
    • first close returns List of non-processed Envelope(s) for free/reuse etc.

Feel free to suggest improvements in doc and code.




You finally got to installation!


Create folder 'deps' under 'src' and mailbox submodule:

mkdif src/deps        
git submodule add src/deps/mailbox

Import mailbox:

const mailbox = @import("deps/mailbox/src/mailbox.zig");

Use mailbox:

const MsgBlock = struct {
    len: usize = undefined,
    buff: [1024]u8 = undefined,

const Msgs = mailbox.MailBox(MsgBlock);

var msgs: Msgs = .{};
_ = msgs.close();

Periodically update submodule(s):

git submodule update --remote

Package Manager

With an existing Zig project, adding Mailbox to it is easy:

  1. Add mailbox to your build.zig.zon
  2. Add mailbox to your build.zig

To add mailbox to build.zig.zon simply run the following in your terminal:

cd my-example-project
zig fetch --save=mailbox git+

and in your build.zig.zon you should find a new dependency like:

    .name = "My example project",
    .version = "0.0.1",

    .dependencies = .{
        .mailbox = .{
            .url = "git+",
            .hash = "122068e7811ec1bfc2a81c9250078dd5dafa9dca4eb3f1910191ba060585526f03fe",
    .paths = .{

Then, in your build.zig's build function, add the following before b.installArtifact(exe):

    const mailbox = b.dependency("mailbox", .{
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,

    exe.root_module.addImport("mailbox", mailbox.module("mailbox"));

From then on, you can use the Mailbox package in your project.

Last warning

First rule of multithreading:

If you can do without multithreading - do without.

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