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Todolist front-end

➡️Initialized with React starter

Getting started


  • node 14+
  • npm 6.14+

Then, you can install dependencies and start the application locally:

npm install
npm start

Congratulations ! Your application is running on http://localhost:4200/. 🎉

Need help to get started ?


Your stack

This starter has been initialized with Vite which is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects. (And more precisely react-ts template).

Next to that, you have interesting tools which are already configure :

Tools Purpose Informations
Eslint & Prettier Linting and formatting You can configure your IDE by adding these tools libraries
Jest Delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. Examples on **.spec.ts or **.spec.tsx files
React Testing library DOM testing library to reproduce user behavior with tests Examples on **.spec.tsx files
React Query Fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state in your React applications a breeze. Examples in <Contests /> component
React router dom Provides Routing Examples in App.tsx component

You can find here how this application has been initialized.

Build your application

Local build (After that, you would be able to find it in Dist folder):

npm run build

Docker build:

docker build -t starter-react:local .

Secrets configuration

Locally, you can edit the configuration directly on public/conf.json.

Going further