Wait... what is a Koza? It is a sheep in Polish.
KozaJudge is a basic (also probably stupid) solutions checker for Python excerises. Made by ❤️ for Unical first year Computer Science students.
Before downloading the repository, organise your exercises and solutions folder. One folder for the exercises and the second one for the solutions.
The structure of the solutions folder is this:
├── excercise1/
│ ├── excercise1_1.in
│ ├── excercise1_1.out
│ ├── excercise1_2.in
│ └── excercise1_2.out
├── excercise2/
│ ├── excercise2_1.in
│ ├── excercise2_1.out
├── excercise3/
│ ├── excercise3_1.in
│ ├── excercise3_1.out
├── excercise1.py
├── excercise2.py
├── excercise3.py
For each testcase there is a file with {name_excerise}_{testcase_number}.in and {name_excerise}_{testcase_number}.out
After that, clone the repository and follow the istructions' program.
Download the last release. Then, open a terminal from the folder where the release is located.
Execute the following command as shown:
or you can put the Exercise in the parameters of the command.
If you would like to contribute to this project, here there is a list of things to do.
Translate the readme in italian.
Test it on windows.
Deploy it as a Python Package or make a GUI.
Insert a sort of guide before entering the paths in the setup.
Create a sort of debug mode for us
Make a decent logo.
Add license