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440 lines (300 loc) · 13.1 KB

File metadata and controls

440 lines (300 loc) · 13.1 KB

Bluetooth parameters

Currently, NRF52 SDK is used to provide Nordic UART Service, which provides a BLE virtual serial port to communicate with the host.

Device name: Pixl.js

Service list:

  1. Nordic UART Service

NUS_SERVICE_UUID: 6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e

Two features are provided:

  • NUS_CHAR_TX_UUID: 6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e => Provides data transmission, supports writing and writing without return.
  • NUS_CHAR_RX_UUID: 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e => Provides data reading and only supports notification.

(The official version of the above descriptors may be modified.)

Protocol format

Protocol definition

Considering efficiency, the BLE protocol is a binary protocol. This protocol is a request response protocol, and all requests must be initiated by the client. To simplify protocol implementation, there will only be one reply packet per request.

Package structure definition

To simplify the protocol, both requests and replies use the same packet structure.

The general package structure is as follows

Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 command type
status uint8 1 Status code, see the status code definition below, the request packet is fixed to 0
chunk uint16 2 fragment sequence number
data byte N Data, related to the specific package definition

chunk transfer mode

The current MTU defined by pixl.js device is 250. In an ATT data transmission, up to 247 bytes of data can be transmitted.

Maximum packet size: The fixed packet header is 4 bytes, so each packet can transmit up to 243 bytes. If the transmitted data exceeds 243 bytes, it needs to be transmitted in blocks.

When the transmitted request or return result exceeds the MTU, it needs to be transmitted in chunks, and the chunk value is increased by 1 for each transmission. When the highest bit of the chunk is 1, it means that data is still being sent. When it is 0, it means that the data has been read.

Writing and reading files requires enabling chunk transfer. The chunk field is 2 bytes, and the chunk transport stream can transmit up to 7.8M bytes. If it exceeds this 7.8M bytes, a new chunk transmission stream needs to be opened.

For example, writing to a file process:

c -> s: 0x12, mode: wc, open file
s -> c: 0x12, status 0, file id 0xa1, the file has been created and can be written
c -> s: 0x15, chunk 0 | 0x8000, file id 0xa1, 246 bytes of data
c -> s: 0x15, chunk 1 | 0x8000, file id 0xa1, 246 bytes of data
c -> s: 0x15, chunk N, file id 0xa1, 56 bytes of data
s -> c: 0x15, status 0, writing completed
c -> s: 0x13, file id 0xa1, close the file,
s -> c: 0x13, status 0,

Read file process

c -> s: 0x12, mode: r, open file
s -> c: 0x12, status 0, file id 0xa1, the file is open and can be read
c -> s: 0x14, chunk 0, file id 0xa1
s -> c: 0x14, status 0, chunk 1 | 0x8000, file id 0xa1, 246 bytes of data
s -> c: 0x14, status 0, chunk N, file id 0xa1, 56 bytes of data
c -> s: 0x13, file id 0xa1, close the file,
s -> c: 0x13, status 0,

Path definition

File operations require the transfer of the complete file path for files. Standard Windows path expression with drive letter. For example, E:/amiibo/mifa.bin.


Numeric types are all unsigned integers, little endian mode. The string encoding is 2 bytes long + string array, and the strings are uniformly encoded using utf8.

File meta information

File metainformation is used to store some data related to the file, with a maximum length of 128 bytes. It is distinguished based on the type field. The data is of variable length and the data is parsed according to the type.

The basic format is as follows:

Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
meta size uint8 1 The size of all meta information, 0xFF or 0 without metadata
meta N type uint8 1 Meta information type, defined in the following section
meta N data byte N The length varies depending on the type

The currently defined types can take on the following values:

1: amiibo remarks

Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
note length uint8 1 note length
note data byte N Note string, maximum 90 bytes, UTF8 encoding.

2: File properties

Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
flag uint8 N Attributes of the file, bitwise defined
  • 0b0000_0001: The file is set as a hidden attribute and will not be displayed on the amiibo page, but can be displayed on the web page. settings.bin will set this flag by default.
  • 0bxxxx_xxxx: Other bits are temporarily undefined.

3: amiibo attributes

Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
head uint32 N amiibo id head
tail uint32 N amiibo id tail


  • This attribute is currently only used in amiibo/data/*.bin and is used to quickly identify whether it is an amiibo file.

Global status code definition

Status code Description
0 The request has been completed successfully
0xFF The firmware does not support the current message

TODO Supplement the error code in detail. .

#Protocol definition

0x01: Get version information

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x01
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x01
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0
version length uint16 2 version string length
version byte N version

0x02: Enter DFU mode

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x02
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x102
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0

0x10: Get disk list

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x10
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x10
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0
drive count uint8 1 Number of disks
drive N status code uint8 1 Disk N status code 0: The disk is available, non-0 disk is unavailable
drive N label char 1 disk drive letter
drive N name length uint16 2 disk name length
drive N name byte N disk name string
drive N total size uint32 4 Total disk space
drive N used size uint32 4 disk free space

0x11: Format disk

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x11
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
drive label char 1 Disk drive letter: E/I

0x12: Open file

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x12
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
path length uint16 2 path length
path byte N path string
mode uint8 1 turn on mode
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 fixed 0x12
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0
file id uint8 1 file id, used for subsequent read and write requests

0x13: Close file

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x13
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
file id uint8 1 file id
  1. Service response
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x13
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0
file id uint8 1 file id, used for subsequent read and write requests

0x14: Read file

  1. The client sends a request

Only support sequential reading.

Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x14
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
file id uint8 1 file id
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x14
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 Enable chunk transfer
data byte N File data

0x15 Write to file

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x15
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 Enable chunk transfer
file id uint8 1 file id
data byte N File data, max length = MTU - 4
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x15
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 Same as Request

0x16:Read folder

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x16
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
path length uint16 2 Path length under bytes
path byte N Path string bytes
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x16
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 Enable chunk transfer
file N name length uint16 2 File name bytes length
file N name byte N File name bytes
file N size uint32 4 File size
file N type uint8 1 File Type: 0 => File, 1 => Folder
file N meta length uint8 1 File meta data length, 64 max
file N meta byte N File meta data

0x17 Create folder

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x17
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
path length uint16 2 Path length under bytes
path byte N Path string bytes
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x17
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0

0x18 Delete file or folder

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x18
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
path length uint16 2 Path length under bytes
path byte N Path string bytes
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x18
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0

0x19 Rename file or folder

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x18
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 Enable chunk transfer
old path length uint16 2 Path length under bytes
old path byte N Path string bytes
new path length uint16 2 Path length under bytes
new path byte N Path string bytes

If data length is larger than MTU, use chunk transfer.

  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x18
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0

0x1A Update file meta

  1. The client sends a request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x1a
status uint8 1 0
chunk uint16 2 0
path length uint16 2 Path length under bytes
path byte N Path string bytes
meta data byte N File Meta Data
  1. The server responds to the request
Field name Type Length (bytes) Description
cmd uint8 1 0x1a
status uint8 1 Status code, see status code description
chunk uint16 2 0