遵循 Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 语义化版本规范。
- 修订版本号:每周末会进行日常 bugfix 更新(如果有紧急的 bugfix,则任何时候都可发布)。
- 次版本号:每月发布一个带有新特性的向下兼容的版本。
- 主版本号:含有破坏性更新和新特性,不在发布周期内。
- Fix: Error about delay and disappear in pre-comp item. #38 @RGCHN
- Feat: Added support for direct parsing and playback of pre-compositions, and unified math library. #3cd9c82
- Fix: Solve pre composition problem in 3D plugin. #27 @liuxi150
- Fix: Errors about visible and transform when setting. #25 @RGCHN
- Fix: HitTest bug in pre-composition. #9 @RGCHN
- Fix: Resolved dragging issue. #8 @liuxi150
- Fix: Add id and transform setting from pre-composition item. #5 @RGCHN
- Chore: Auto tigger bot review for specific branches. #23 @zheeeng
- Test: Fix plugin unit test. #28 @liuxi150
- Test: Fix unit and case test problems. #26 @liuxi150
- Build: Support CHANGELOG generation script. #4 @yiiqii
- Build: Add vite legacy polyfill. #29 @yiiqii
- Feat: Add name suggestion after player dispose. #6 @RGCHN
- Fix: Plugin error message optimization. #10 @liuxi150
- Fix: setRotation does not work after rotate in transform. #11 @RGCHN
- Chore: Add dependabot. #14 @zheeeng
- Chore: Add top language and license badge for README.md. #13 @zheeeng