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DIY Home-made IoT: Electric Meter Monitoring

by Uwe Zimmermann

Gambit Communications

1. Abstract

Smart meter analytics are common on an industrial scale, eg.

This DIY project affordably implements collection and simple statistical analysis for a residential electric meter in your own home or business. Follow-up projects can expand on the analytics of the collected data set.

2. Overview

Every month your electric utility sends you a statement with some crude monthly analytics comparing the last month to the prior months.

But, wouldn't it be nice to report better analytics, such as relative hourly electricity usage, so that you know when you are using the most electricity? Or alert you in a timely way when your usage is out of the ordinary? This would let you fine-tune your electricity consumption, find waste, and ultimately save money.

There are commercial systems on the market that attempt to help you (google "electric usage monitor") either based on an electrical plug widget, or whole house (such as the Sense for $300).

This project implements such a system in under $100 added cost (assuming you already have a PC) using off-the-shelf, standards-based hardware and modular, open-source or low-cost software:

  1. a Raspberry Pi ($50)

  2. a SDR receiver ($40)

  3. MQTT


  5. Home Assistant

  6. Python-based Pandas, Matplotlib

  7. MIMIC MQTT Lab ($0.10/hour)

The added benefit is that this setup is extensible to use a miriad of applicable software out there.

3. Hardware

Many electric meters in the U.S. broadcast consumption telemetry that can be received with low-cost SDR (software defined radio) receivers

To check whether yours is compatible, google "ERT compatible meter" or look at

The SDR receiver

is connected over USB to an old Raspberry Pi (Model B Rev 2) with 512 MB RAM

and it receives the telemetry broadcast by your electric meter. Since all your neighbors' electric (and other utility) meters are also broadcasting, you need to identify your meter's ID visually. For privacy, I blocked out the meter's ID below:

4. Software

4.1. Collection

The open-source SDR software tools running on the Raspberry Pi


build and run fine on the Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) version. Only 2 lines needed to be fixed in

to run on Python 2.7.16.

They collect the periodic telemetry (several times per hour, at seemingly random intervals) and publish it via MQTT

to a MQTT broker running on the intranet. You could also publish to any public broker (google "public MQTT broker").

From there it can now be digested by MQTT subscriber clients to display and archive. The JSON telemetry appears such as

metermon/690xxxxxx {"Type": "Electric", "Unit": "kWh", "Protocol": "SCM+", "ID": "690xxxxx", "Consumption": 24043.43}

The open-source Home Assistant

has an electric meter integration that shows absolute electric consumption

or hourly, daily, monthly

but does not store long-term data, nor does it provide neat hourly or daily usage graphs.

4.2. Archival

That's where NODE-RED running on a virtual machine (VM) comes in

to collect the telemetry and store it. You could store the telemetry in a database, but a flat file suffices. This NODE-RED flow collects JSON telemetry from the MQTT topic and stores it in CSV format with a timestamp in a file:

and the flow is in nodered-to-csv.json.

The resulting .csv contains a time series such as


4.3. Analysis

The telemetry data is a time series

of absolute energy consumption values at irregular intervals. As such, the absolute values are of little value, as shown in this plot using pandas

and Matplotlib

with this simple code

[uwe@localhost python]$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Nov 21 2019, 19:31:34) 
[GCC 8.3.1 20190507 (Red Hat 8.3.1-4)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
>>> df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.timestamp)
>>> df.plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f7430120a90>

4.3.1. First derivative

We want to get the rate of consumption during each time interval, ie. the first-derivative plot. This had to be developed, because time-series with irregular intervals are not common

So we had to develop the first phase analysis to at least plot the hourly rate of consumption. This simple code plots 2 different alternatives in separate or joint figures. We like the second one better, because it allows us to expand (zoom and pan) both plots simultaneously.

The blue circles are the original measurements, the light blue line is the first derivative, and the red line is the overall mean average. Those short-term spikes now have to be smoothed out by aggregating into "hour", "day" and "month" buckets.

4.3.2. Regular intervals

The next step is to convert the irregular intervals to regular, hourly intervals via linear interpolation with this code. That smoothes out some of those short-term spikes for the hourly graph

as we can see after we zoom in on a couple of days

The blue data points are the original samples, and the green is the resampling onto full hours "on the hour" (eg. 1:00 to 2:00, rather than 1:23:45 to 2:23:45). The flat light blue line was an outage in our collection, and effectively got upsampled.

This now allows us to do simple resampling for the daily and weekly graphs. A couple of line changes in this code plots the hourly consumption averaged over 24 hours (cyan triangles are the daily down-sampling):

Now we can do hourly usage histograms to find the average hourly usage during a typical day with this code:

shows a definite trend in the hourly usage during the day.


Since the meter only generates telemetry a couple of times per hour, it takes forever to accumulate a time series large enough to do testing. Also, the data is arbitrary, so it's hard to verify accuracy of the processing and analysis.

For that reason, we used the MQTT simulator in MIMIC MQTT Lab

to publish artificial telemetry (in addition to the real telemetry) to generate different data sets to test the analytics.

Now, you can use any MQTT publisher client to generate the telemetry to be consumed by NODE-RED, or even generate the data files by hand. And we tried that. But in the early stages of this project we needed to test the NODE-RED telemetry collection, rather than short-circuiting parts of the system.

We setup a MQTT lab sensor to publish the telemetry in the same format as the real-world sensor to the topic metermon/test the public broker, then had a NODE-RED flow read that telemetry and process it, as shown here

Since our simulated sensor was publishing at a much higher rate than the real sensor, eg. every couple of seconds, rather than a couple of times per hour, we got that task done in a fraction of the time.

Then we quickly generated test data sets to develop and exercise our statistical analysis and plotting. We could generate the same data sets with scripting and or text editting, but since we already had the lab setup, it was just a matter of tweaking a couple of values and MIMIC scripts.

and we used it for the regularizing work in 4.3.2 above

5. Next steps

  1. Instead of a flat file, use a database such as MySQL.

  2. Longer term analytics, such as seasonal.

  3. Correlation to other factors, such as weather.

  4. Investigate how commercial IoT platforms handle this use case.

Gambit Communications