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Adding DSU entries

Gene M. Angelo, Jr edited this page Jan 5, 2024 · 12 revisions

The next thing you may want to do is add some DSU activities (entries) for a particular day:



Adding DSU entry using this command will add the DSU entry for the given day or date, and then display the DSU entries for that day or date.

NOTE: You cannot add duplicate entries for the same day; that is, entry DESCRIPTIONS need to be unique within an entry group for the given day.


If you need to add a DSU entry for the current day (today), you can use the -n|--today option. Today (-n) is the default; therefore, the -n flag is optional if you want to add a DSU entry for the current day (today). For example, the below commands will both accomplish the same thing:

$ dsu add [-n|--today] "Pair with John on ticket IN-12345"

$ dsu a "Pair with John on ticket IN-12345"


If for some reason you need to add a DSU entry for yesterday, you can use the -y| --yesterday option. Both of the below commands accomplish the same thing:

$ dsu add --yesterday "Pick up ticket IN-12345"

$ dsu a -y "Pick up ticket IN-12345"


If you need to add a DSU entry for tomorrow, you can use the -t|--tomorrow option:

$ dsu add --tomorrow "Pick up ticket IN-12345"

$ dsu a -t "Pick up ticket IN-12345"

Miscellaneous Date

Both of the below examples will accomplish the same thing, assuming the current year is 2023; the current year is assumed when omitted:

NOTE: When omitting year, dates must be entered in MM/DD format. NOTE: When including year, dates must be entered in YYYY/MM/DD format.

$ dsu add --date 2023/12/31 "Attend New Years Coffee Meet & Greet"

$ dsu a -d 12/31 "Attend New Years Coffee Meet & Greet"

See the Dates section for more information on acceptable DATE formats used by dsu.