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Managing dsu Projects

Gene M. Angelo, Jr edited this page Feb 18, 2024 · 22 revisions

With the advent of dsu v3.0.0, Projects have been introduced.

A dsu Project is a way of grouping DSU entries together. All DSU entries belong to a Project. Consequently, projects allow you manage DSU entries for different teams. For example, if you belonged to multiple agile development teams, you would want to keep your DSU entries for these teams separate.

The default project

When you install dsu 3.0.0, any entries you may have had prior, are added to the dsu default project. The dsu default project can be renamed to something more meaningful (see dsu project help rename).

Creating a project

You can create dsu "projects" to manage DSU entries. Typically you would want to use dsu projects to segregate your DSU entries to be shared with different agile teams.

dsu p c PROJECT_NAME [PROJECT_DESCRIPTION] # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts


dsu project create "GSA" "General Services Administration"
dsu p c "GSA" "General Services Administration" # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

PROJECT_DESCRIPTION is optional. If omitted, a project description of "<PROJECT_NAME> project" is used, where PROJECT_NAME is the name of the project entered.

dsu project create "DHS Global"
dsu p c "DHS Global"

Deleting a project

You can delete dsu "projects" if you don't need them anymore. Deleting a dsu project permanently removes the project and all DSU entries associated with the project, so be sure you want to do this. Projects can be deleted using the PROJECT_NAME or PROJECT_NUMBER. If PROJECT_NAME is used, the project will be deleted. If PROJECT_NUMBER is used, the project equating to the nth project in the list of projects will be deleted (see Listing projects).

dsu project delete [PROJECT_NAME|PROJECT_NUMBER]
dsu p d [PROJECT_NAME|PROJECT_NUMBER] # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts


dsu project delete "GSA"
dsu p d "GSA" # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

The below command deletes the project equating to the 2nd project in the projects list (see Listing projects). Consequently, the "DHS Global" project would be deleted.

dsu project delete 2
dsu p d 2 # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts
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Listing projects

You can display a list of dsu projects at any time using the dsu project list command. This command will also highlight the default project and the current project.


dsu project list
dsu p l # Equivalent to the above, only using shortcuts

Renaming a project

Using a project