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Deploy Claims API on Azure Stack Edge

Functional Architecture:

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  1. Create a new branch (e.g. "ase-test") on GitHub.
  2. Checkout the new branch.
  3. Rename your existing claims-api directory to aks-aspnet-sqldb-rest/claims-api.orig.
  4. Copy aks-aspnet-sqldb-rest/extensions/azure-stack-edge/claims-api to aks-aspnet-sqldb-rest/claims-api.
  5. Make necessary changes (registry url, username, password, email) under "imageCredentials" in values.yaml.
  6. Commit and push changes to new branch.
  7. Go to the ADO project and update the build pipeline using your new branch (instead of master): EXT-ase-branch
  8. Create a new container registry service connection for your edge container registry and update the build pipeline (e.g. ""): EXT-ase-cr
  9. Create a new Kubernetes service connection using the KubeConfig file for the user who's grant access to the namespace for deployment: EXT-ase-kubeconfig
  10. In the release pipeline, edit the namespace and use the one you created for Claims API deployment.
  11. Run pipeline and verify result with curl:
azureuser@Ubuntu1804:~$ helm ls -n claims-api-dev
NAME                    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
aks-aspnetcore-lab      claims-api-dev  1               2021-03-31 23:44:33.354484376 +0000 UTC deployed        claims-api-0.1.0        1.0
azureuser@Ubuntu1804:~$ kubectl get services -n claims-api-dev
NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
claims-api-svc   LoadBalancer   80:31608/TCP   154m
azureuser@Ubuntu1804:~$ curl -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2021 15:41:39 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Server: Kestrel
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

[{"claimItemId":100,"claimStatus":"02","claimType":"InstClaim","senderID":"CLPCSVNTEST2","receiverID":"APPCSVNTEST1","originatorID":"ORGNCSVTEST1","destinationID":"DESMEDSTEST1","claimInputMethod":"E","subscriberInfo":[{"subscriberInfoId":100,"subscriberRelationship":"18","subscriberPolicyNumber":"12345","insuredGroupName":"MD000004","subscriberLastName":"Doe","subscriberFirstName":"John","subscriberMiddleName":"","subscriberIdentifierSSN":"489-88-7001","subscriberAddressLine1":"5589 Hawthorne Way","subscriberAddressLine2":"","subscriberCity":"Sacramento","subscriberState":"CA","subscriberPostalCode":"95835","subscriberCountry":"US","subDateOfBirth":"12-19-1984","subscriberGender":"Male","payerName":"","patientLastName":"","patientFirstName":"","patientSSN":"489-88-7001","patientMemberID":"12345","patientDOB":"12-19-1984","patientGender":"Male","catgOfService":"Consultation","claimItemId":100}],"claimNumber":"1234121235","totalClaimCharge":1234.50,"patientStatus":"01","patientAmountDue":0.00,"serviceDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","policyNumber":"898435","claimPaidDate":"2021-02-03T00:06:38.4030071","serviceLineDetails":[{"serviceLineDetailsId":100,"statementDate":"2018-10-31T08:30:00","lineCounter":1,"serviceCodeDescription":"INPT","lineChargeAmount":15000.00,"drugCode":"UN","drugUnitQuantity":23,"pharmacyPrescriptionNumber":"123897","serviceType":"Consultation","providerCode":"72","providerLastName":"Longhorn","providerFirstName":"Dr. James","providerIdentification":"20120904-20120907","inNetworkIndicator":true,"claimItemId":100}],"planPayment":[{"planPaymentId":100,"primaryPayerID":"MEDICAID","cobServicePaidAmount":15000.00,"serviceCode":"ABC","paymentDate":"2021-02-03T00:00:00","claimAdjGroupCode":"HIPAA","claimAdjReasonCode":"CO","claimAdjAmount":500.00,"claimAdjQuantity":"3","claimItemId":100}]}]

At this point, we have successfully deployed Claims API to the ASE. In the following steps, we will add API Management functionalities to this lab.

  1. Deploy APIM in Azure and create a new API: "Claims API" and define the backend endpoint by specifying the k8s internal endpoint for Claims API: "". image image
  2. Make sure you have followed instructions to enable Arc for K8S on ASE: image
  3. Install Azure Arc extension: API Management gateway (preview) in k8s namespace "apim": image
  4. Add "Claims API" to the APIM Gateway: image
  5. Confirm the APIM Gateway service is running: APIM self-hosted gateway is deployed in the k8s namespace "apim" (configured in step 14 above), take a note of the External Endpoint of the gateway. From the screenshot below, it is image
  6. Use Postman to invoke the Claims API by sending a request to APIM Gateway: Create a new request in Postman and configure the request URL as "". Verify the response is the same as in step 11. image
  7. Examin the APIM gateway metrics: image

In the following steps, we will integrate Azure AD to protect the Claims API on Azure Stack Edge.

  1. Create an App Registration in Azure AD to represent the Claims web API. On the app Overview page, find the Application (client) ID value and record it for later. image Expose the API and define a scope. Take a note of the scope. image
  2. Register another application in Azure AD to represent a client application (in this example, Postman). Add client secret. image Add Redirect URIs. image
  3. Grant permissions in Azure AD so the client app can access the Claims API. Optionally, grant admin consent if you have permissions. Otherwise user consent will be granted later. image
  4. Enable OAuth 2.0 user authorization for the APIM instance in Azure Portal. image
  5. Configure a JWT validation policy for the APIM to pre-authorize requests before passing them to Claims API. image
  6. Configure OAuth2 Auth Code Grant and obtain a JWT token while submitting request to Claims API. image
  7. Verify the response. It should be the same as in step 17 above.


  • Since we are using the edge container registry (ECR) instead of ACR, we will need to create imagePullSecret on k8s to store the ECR credential "regcred", see below:
azureuser@Ubuntu1804:~$ kubectl get secrets -n claims-api-dev
NAME                                       TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
default-token-424lf                 3      4d20h
regcred                                  1      15h
sec-smbcredentials                                    2      46h
sh.helm.release.v1.aks-aspnetcore-lab.v1                    1      15h
azureuser@Ubuntu1804:~$ kubectl get secret regcred -n claims-api-dev --output=yaml
apiVersion: v1
  .dockerconfigjson: eyJhdXRocyI6eyJodHRwczovL2Vjci5kYmUtNzBjOXI1My5taWNyb3NvZnRkYXRhYm94LmNvbTozMTAwMSI6eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFzZS1lY3ItdXNlciIsInBhc3N3b3JkIjoiTG5KbFF5V0owZlRXNEZsIiwiZW1haWwiOiJrOHNhZG1pbkByZWRvbmRvYXNlLm9yZyIsImF1dGgiOiJZWE5sTFdWamNpMTFjMlZ5T2t4dVNteFJlVmRLTUdaVVZ6UkdiQT09In19fQ==
kind: Secret
  annotations: aks-aspnetcore-lab claims-api-dev
  creationTimestamp: "2021-03-31T23:44:33Z"
  labels: Helm
  name: regcred
  namespace: claims-api-dev
  resourceVersion: "394062"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/claims-api-dev/secrets/regcred
  uid: 1ce2902e-78b3-433b-a289-f6c0fa2b655c
  • Finally, seeing is believing: InkedEXT-ase-redondo_LI