- : maybe we need to reload wines here ??? TODO react-101/instructions/2-the-wine-app.md
- Appropriate docs section? TODO public/bundle.js
- cache mechanism and backend 304 if data in the response is the same TODO src/js/map/features.js
- check if we are drawing if unfinished, ask user if he wants to cancel TODO src/js/ui/tools.js
- Check semantics - isn't the pixel origin the 0,0 coord relative to TODO public/bundle.js
- do we need this sate at all? TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- don't load everything if geolocation fails TODO src/js/map/features.js
- dont use verbs in REST API? TODO src/js/ui/router.js
- encapsulate router methods TODO src/js/ui/router.js
- fill the form templates with the current marker data TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- finish this TODO src/js/session/auth.js
- finish this TODO src/js/session/auth.js
- geographical information scraper from text resources (standalone library) TODO src/js/ui/tools.js
- get type from object TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- International date line? TODO public/bundle.js
- Link markers in backend TODO src/js/map/features.js
- make one get players and one getdata method for zones/tiles TODO src/js/social/social.js
- make this more intuitive as an option TODO react-101/public/js/materialize.js
- make this return a Promise.all so we can wait for items to load up on the map if we need to act on them TODO src/js/map/features.js
- make this with templates TODO src/js/session/auth.js
- make this without a switch by e.g. calling _bind[type] TODO src/js/forms/forms.js
- mechanism to accomodate auth calls that don't need a body param TODO src/js/ui/tools.js
- merge attendCleaning, confirmGarbage and cleanGarbage as they all have the similar mechanism TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- merge with confirmGarbage() and change backend route for /attend/ TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- more secure way to restrict edition, check session.checkLogin() TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- need to change this logic for loading newly created features TODO src/js/forms/submit.js
- Object.freeze() or use set setAccount(...) to create a setter function TODO src/js/session/auth.js
- optimization: 1 fill/stroke for all features with equal style instead of 1 for each feature TODO public/bundle.js
- pass by router? TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- Push the data to the form on .btn-edit click (requires to build all forms with templates) TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- refactor to be able to adjust map pane position after zoom TODO public/bundle.js
- refactor, move to CRS TODO public/bundle.js
- remove all the conditions blocks once we load a larger area TODO src/js/map/features.js
- remove jquery TODO src/js/ui/alerts.js
- remove much of hardcoding here TODO src/js/ui/router.js
- replace with universal implementation after refactoring projections TODO public/bundle.js
- set navigo links in template TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- set writeability / Object.freeze() TODO src/js/ui/tools.js
- simplify this TODO src/js/map/map.js
- strip unwanted attributes\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn svg ? createSvgElement(name) : createElement(name);\n}\n\nfunction ... TODO public/bundle.js.map
- this needs refactoring of markers TODO src/js/map/features.js
- this, need to use tools.checkOpenUiElement() TODO src/js/ui/ui.js
- ugly, refactor TODO public/bundle.js
- use ${value} inline templates instead of string concat TODO src/js/social/social.js
- use fetch TODO src/js/ui/tools.js
- use fetch TODO src/js/ui/tools.js
- use return Object.freeze({}) everywhere TODO src/js/map/map.js
- use setter function for states? TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- warn user before deletion TODO src/js/map/actions.js
- event listener worksonly once? FIXME src/js/ui/ui.js
- event not triggered FIXME src/js/map/actions.js
- L.Hash overrides router hash because of map move event that triggers L.Hash after features actions FIXME src/js/ui/router.js
- make a loadOne() call for that single feature and load the rest in background FIXME src/js/ui/router.js
- non-mobile? FIXME src/js/session/auth.js
- parse error and check for 200 FIXME src/js/map/features.js
- redraw markers if inside the same bounds and they are exploded from markerGroup else styles aren't applied FIXME src/js/map/features.js
- return null if FIXME src/js/map/features.js
- this doesn't work as expected FIXME src/js/ui/tools.js
- wait for feature load api call to finish else this doesn't work on first load FIXME src/js/ui/router.js
- when inbound linking to a sidebar form it seems the listeners aren't set properly FIXME src/js/ui/router.js
- when jumping from a form to a saved feature on the map the url gets stripped from location because the reset route ge... FIXME src/js/ui/router.js
- For now we use a timeout after the loadFeature is called, use Promise once loadFeature() is Promisified HACK src/js/ui/router.js
- ABOUT CSS ANIMATION PROPERTIES (keanulee): NOTE react-101/public/css/materialize.css
- the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X. NOTE react-101/public/css/materialize.css
- the event listeners for most map feature actions are set in the ui/ui.js file in ui.setContent() NOTE src/js/map/actions.js
- We need to fetch the leaflet obj if we pass by the router NOTE src/js/ui/router.js