To ensure a reduced attack surface, etcd-wrapper
docker image uses a distroless image as its base image. See Dockerfile. As a consequence there is not going to be any shell available in the container. This constraints the operators who would wish to debug an issue by connecting and querying the etcd process.
The purpose of this document is to demonstrate a way to interact with etcd. This provides a way to access and interact with etcd so that commands can be run on the etcd process itself to test etcd operations and as a way to help debug any issue that etcd might run into.
We propose to use an Ephemeral container as a debug container. Since etcd-wrapper
does not have a shell, nor does it have any etcd cli tools in-built, this ops container helps to exec into a pod and perform operations.
A new container is added to the pod and this container can be exec'd into. Since this container contains bash, curl, and etcdctl by default, it should be sufficient to debug etcd related issues. If other tools are required, they can easily be installed using bash or one could also enhance the image of this ephemeral container.
This process involves building an image to be used in debugging. Since we do not have a dedicated image registry for
yet, you will need to use your own personal image registry to host this image
Use the dockerfile present in
to build the debug imagedocker build -f ops/Dockerfile -t <registry_name>/<image_name>:<image_tag> ./
There are two options to upload the docker image:
After building and tagging the image one can simply use the following command to push the image to a public docker repository or private docker repository which your organization supports via the following command:
docker push <registry_name>/<image_name>:<image_tag>
For local development it is usually much faster to just build the docker image locally (assuming that you have docker-desktop already installed). To enable KIND cluster to pull these images execute the following command:
# cluster-name is optional if you are using the default 'kind' cluster # image-name and image-tag are the same that you have used when building docker images locally > kind load -n <cluster-name> docker-image <image-name:image-tag>
NOTE: If you make any changes to the Dockerfile please do not forget to build and re-load the image for kind cluster to see it.
This step adds a new container to an already running pod. Make sure that an etcd pod is already running before you run this step.
> kubectl debug -it etcd-test-0 --image=<registry_name>/<repo_name>:<version> --target=etcd
Now you have a new container as a part of the pod. You can exec into this newly created container and freely run any bash command or any etcdctl command.
If TLS has been enabled then you will need to provide paths to CA-Cert, Server-Cert and Server-Key to connect to etcd process via etcdctl
. To get the paths a convenience script is provided which will print all required PKI resource paths.
This script also doubles up as a cheatsheet that contains some of the most common etcdctl
commands that an operator might use along with their PKI resource paths
> print-etcd-cheatsheet
📌 ETCD PKI resource paths:
📌 ETCD configuration path:
In etcd-wrapper: proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/home/nonroot/etcd.conf.yaml
In etcd-backup-restore: proc/<backup-restore-process-id>/root/home/nonroot/etcd.conf.yaml
📌 ETCD data directory:
📌 ETCD maintenance commands:
List all etcd members:
etcdctl member list -w table \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Update etcd member peer URL:
etcdctl member update <member-id> \
--peer-urls=<new-peer-url-to-set> \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Get endpoint status for the etcd cluster:
etcdctl endpoint -w table --cluster status \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
List all alarms:
etcdctl alarm list \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Disarm all alarms:
etcdctl alarm disarm \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Defragment etcd:
etcdctl defrag \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Change leadership:
etcdctl move-leader <new-leader-member-id> \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
📌 ETCD Key-Value commands:
Get key details:
etcdctl get <key> \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Get only value for a given key:
etcdctl get <key> --print-value-only \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
List all keys:
etcdctl get "" --prefix --keys-only \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Put a value against a key:
etcdctl put <key> <value> \
--cacert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/ca/bundle.crt \
--cert=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.crt \
--key=proc/<etcd-wrapper-process-id>/root/var/etcd/ssl/client/client/tls.key \
Ephemeral container is started with a non-root user (65532), which does not provide write access to any existing directory. For this reason we have created a work
directory which is owned by non-root (65532) user. You can use this directory for any temporary creation/copy of files.