This is the CLI (command line interface) package for OpenJsCAD for server-side computations with NodeJS.
IMPORTANT: you need a recent , LTS version of Node.js > 6.x.x we test OpenJSCAD on node.js version 6.x.x and above all other versions are not guaranteed to work !
An easy way to install any Node.js version is to use NVM
- after installing nvm type
nvm install v8
(recomended) - then
nvm use v8
CLI(command-line interface) use
npm install -g @jscad/cli
- simply run
openjscad <InputFile> <options> <OutputFile>
examples :
openjscad example005.jscad # -- creates example005.stl as default
openjscad example001.jscad -o test.stl
openjscad example001.scad -o example001scad.jscad # -- convert .scad into .jscad
openjscad frog.stl -o test.jscad # -- convert .stl into .jscad
openjscad logo.jscad -of amf # -- convert logo.jscad into logo.amf
- you can also provide the parameters to your script directly by passing -- to the cli
openjscad name_plate.jscad --name "Just Me" --title "Geek" -o output.stl
get the examples
- via git
git clone
cp -r .
- via npm
npm install @jscad/examples
cp -r node_modules/@jscad/examples .
run them through the CLI
% cd examples/
% openjscad example005.jscad # -- creates example005.stl as default
% openjscad example001.jscad -o test.stl
% openjscad example001.scad -o example001scad.jscad # -- convert .scad into .jscad
% openjscad frog.stl -o test.jscad # -- convert .stl into .jscad
% openjscad logo.jscad -of amf # -- convert logo.jscad into logo.amf
You can also run JSCAD designs created as node modules/npm packages through the CLI:
see examples/module-design for such a design
- install the design using npm :
- then just pass the folder containing your design to the CLI
- or run the CLI on the main file if you know which one it is
openjscad <PATH TO DESIGN FOLDER>/index.js <OPTIONS>
Note: when passing a folder to the CLI, it will:
- first check if there is a package.json file in the folder and try to use its "main" field
- if that does not work if it will try to look for index.js/jscad, main.js/jscad or a file with same name as the folder
You have to deal with your dependencies yourself, NO code is injected 'magically' / globals this means you have to import the design API yourself (this will be the case for all designs in the future, including the in-browser playground)
ie you should have things like this at the top of your design file(s)
use what you need, this is just an example :)
const {color} = require('@jscad/csg/api').color
const {cube, sphere, cylinder} = require('@jscad/csg/api').primitives3d
const {square, circle} = require('@jscad/csg/api').primitives2d
const {linear_extrude} = require('@jscad/csg/api').extrusions
const {union, difference} = require('@jscad/csg/api').booleanOps
const {translate} = require('@jscad/csg/api').transformations
//then use the functions above
const main = (parameters) => {
return [
union(cube(), sphere({r: 10})),
difference(sphere(), color([1, 0, 0], cylinder()))
const getParameterDefinitions = () => {
return []
module.exports = {main, getParameterDefinitions}
The main
and getParameterDefinitions
functions should be exported in the following manner:
module.exports = {main, getParameterDefinitions}
you can find out more on node modules in the official docs here or with this nice presentation
- create a base directory
- clone the base repository
git clone
- go into folder
- install dependencies & setup inter package links
npm run bootstrap
- go into the cli folder:
cd packages/cli
- you can change the code , and run the cli again as you see fit
node cli.js <params>
Note : you can also change the code in all the other packages/xxx folders and it will also impact the cli (ie : if you make changes to packages/core in parts that are used in the CLI, you do not need to run additional commands) is part of the JSCAD Organization, and is maintained by a group of volunteers. We welcome and encourage anyone to pitch in but please take a moment to read the following guidelines.
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to this project:
If you want to submit a bug report please make sure to follow the Reporting Issues guide. Bug reports are accepted as Issues via GitHub.
If you want to submit a change or a patch, please see the Contributing guidelines. New contributions are accepted as Pull Requests via GithHub.
We only accept bug reports and pull requests on GitHub.
If you have a question about how to use the, then please start a conversation at the User Group. You might find the answer in the User Guide.
If you have a change or new feature in mind, please start a conversation with the Core Developers and start contributing changes.
Small Note: If editing this README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
See for more details
- G+ Announcements
- G+ OpenJSCAD Community to discuss with other user and developers.
OpenJSCAD and its sub components are built upon great open source work, contribution & modules
- csg.js core & improvements by Evan Wallace, Eduard Bespalov, Joost Nieuwenhuijse, Alexandre Girard
For input/output
and many more!
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]
The MIT License (MIT) (unless specified otherwise)
- OpenJsCAD, starting point of
-, another place of inspiration, where the OpenSCAD translator was adapted from
- CoffeeSCad, JavaScript simplified (no more {}) (defunct)
- stl2pov to convert .stl to .pov, and then render via
- P3D STL/AMF/OBJ viewer
That's all for now,
Rene K. Mueller, Jeff Gay, Mark Moissette & JSCAD Organization