If you have found a bug, would like to request a new feature, or update the documentation, please feel free to open a new issue or submit a new pull request.
All new pull requests must run cleanly through make prcheck
which uses several
tools to perform tests and code analysis including
- pytest - executes tests
- coverage.py - measures code coverage
- flake8 - checks for pep8 compliance and performs linting
- doc8 - checks styling of sphinx docs
- pydocstyle - checks styling of docstrings
- pylint - performs additional linting beyond flake8
On every commit and PR, make prcheck
is executed as part of the Travis CI build.
Additionally, all tests are executed on Windows as part of the Appveyor CI build.
Pipenv is used to manage dependencies. To setup up a development environment to work with declxml, first ensure pipenv is installed
pip install pipenv
Then install all development dependencies
pipenv install --dev
Next activate the virtual environment created by pipenv
pipenv shell
Now you can run all tests and code analyses
make test
make prcheck