Randomly rearranges the contents of an array.
Here is a implementation of Shuffle in kotlin:
fun <T:Comparable<T>>shuffle(items:MutableList<T>):List<T>{
val rg : Random = Random()
for (i in 0..items.size - 1) {
val randomPosition = rg.nextInt(items.size)
val tmp : T = items[i]
items[i] = items[randomPosition]
items[randomPosition] = tmp
return items
Shuffle implementation provide by Markus Kramer. This implementation reuses existing code to do the shuffling and can be called like other kotlin collection functions.
* Returns a randomized list.
fun <T> Iterable<T>.shuffle(seed: Long? = null): List<T> {
val list = this.toMutableList()
val random = if (seed != null) Random(seed) else Random()
Collections.shuffle(list, random)
return list