Those robots are made unsing zumo or round platform.
There are two chassy version of them:
Round chassy (using two weel drive) round
Zumo chassy zumo
If an object is in front when the droid is moving forward it will stop until another unconficting command is given.
If an object is in rear when the droid is moving in reverse it will stop until another unconficting command is given.
V# return the maximum power allowed.
v# return the minimum power allowed.
c# return the current power.
C# return the number of count for each encoder.
R# reset the counter for each encoder.
b# break the engines.
Vxxx# set the maximum power to xxx.
vxxx# set the minimum power to xxx.
cxxx# set the current power to xxx.
Mxxx,yyy# move or rotate with current power this is used by droidControlCenter when a human use the arrows:
- for xxx < 0 it will move in reverse
- for xxx > 0 it will move forward
- for yyy < 0 it will rotate left
- for yyy > 0 it will rotate right
- for xxx = 0 and yyy = 0 it will coast
mxxx,yyy# move or rotate with current power with specific distance or degree:
- for xxx < 0 it will move in reverse for -xxx cm
- for xxx > 0 it will move forward for xxx cm
- for yyy < 0 it will rotate left with -yyy degrees
- for yyy > 0 it will rotate right with yyy degrees
- for xxx = 0 and yyy = 0 it will coast
n# clear the path in memory
Nxxxx# add command path
D# move in direct path (as the commands where enter)
B# move in reverse order (as the command where enter)