Releases: gecos-lab/FracAbility
Releases · gecos-lab/FracAbility
Minor release
This release includes some minor changes on the API and some general refactoring. In particular:
- tidy_intersection is now a method of fracture_networks (the function is still accessible separately).
- nodes_conn is now a method of fracture_networks (the function is still accessible separately).
The nodes_conn function now returns a dict {point_geometry: (class, origin)}
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
Main release fix
Pypi package management
Main release fix
Fixed issues related to past pycharm refactoring.
Added project urls for the pypi page
FracAbility first release!
FracAbility release 1.0.0 includes:
- Shapefile importing support
- VTK import support
Topological analysis
- I,Y,X and U nodes classification
- Fraction censored value
- Empirical CDF and SF calculation
- Distribution fitting using survival analysis
- Plot network objects using matplotlib or vtk
- Ternary node plot
- PDF, CDF, SF and summary statistical plot