From 5e30fce71918bb5f2f18d4a387261192aee40057 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Qiusheng Wu <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:11:09 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add pre-commit cli

 .github/workflows/pypi.yml           |   2 +-
 README.rst                           |  29 +--
 docs/                        |   1 +
 docs/workshops/.jupytext.toml        |   2 +-
 examples/heroku/requirements.txt     |   2 +-
 examples/javascripts/grid.js         |  32 +--
 examples/workshops/jupytext.toml     |   2 +-
 geemap/data/template/ee_api_docs.csv | 312 +++++++++++++--------------
 geemap/                     |  10 +-
 geemap/                |   6 +-
 10 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-)

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--- a/.github/workflows/pypi.yml
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@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ jobs:
                   TWINE_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.PYPI_USERS }}
                   TWINE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.PYPI_PASSWORD }}
               run: |
-                  pip install build  
+                  pip install build
                   python -m build
                   twine upload dist/*
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 143bcaa0a7..3245c40339 100644
--- a/README.rst
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@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ geemap
 .. image::
-.. image::   
+.. image::
 .. image::
@@ -42,7 +42,12 @@ geemap
 .. image::
-        :target:       
+        :target:
+.. image::
+        :target:
+        :alt: status
 **A Python package for interactive geospatial analysis and visualization with Google Earth Engine.**
@@ -78,10 +83,10 @@ purchasing the book, please visit this URL:
-**Geemap** is a Python package for geospatial analysis and visualization with `Google Earth Engine <>`__ (GEE), which is a cloud computing platform with a `multi-petabyte catalog <>`__ of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets. During the past few years, 
-GEE has become very popular in the geospatial community and it has empowered numerous environmental applications at local, regional, and global scales. GEE provides both JavaScript and Python APIs for 
-making computational requests to the Earth Engine servers. Compared with the comprehensive `documentation <>`__ and interactive IDE (i.e., `GEE JavaScript Code Editor <>`__) of the GEE JavaScript API, 
-the GEE Python API has relatively little documentation and limited functionality for visualizing results interactively. The **geemap** Python package was created to fill this gap. It is built upon `ipyleaflet <>`__ and `ipywidgets <>`__, and enables users to 
+**Geemap** is a Python package for geospatial analysis and visualization with `Google Earth Engine <>`__ (GEE), which is a cloud computing platform with a `multi-petabyte catalog <>`__ of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets. During the past few years,
+GEE has become very popular in the geospatial community and it has empowered numerous environmental applications at local, regional, and global scales. GEE provides both JavaScript and Python APIs for
+making computational requests to the Earth Engine servers. Compared with the comprehensive `documentation <>`__ and interactive IDE (i.e., `GEE JavaScript Code Editor <>`__) of the GEE JavaScript API,
+the GEE Python API has relatively little documentation and limited functionality for visualizing results interactively. The **geemap** Python package was created to fill this gap. It is built upon `ipyleaflet <>`__ and `ipywidgets <>`__, and enables users to
 analyze and visualize Earth Engine datasets interactively within a Jupyter-based environment.
 **Geemap** is intended for students and researchers, who would like to utilize the Python ecosystem of diverse libraries and tools to explore Google Earth Engine. It is also designed for existing GEE users who would like to transition from the GEE JavaScript API to Python API. The automated JavaScript-to-Python `conversion module <>`__ of the **geemap** package
@@ -91,10 +96,10 @@ For video tutorials and notebook examples, please visit `<
 If you find geemap useful in your research, please consider citing the following papers to support my work. Thank you for your support.
-- Wu, Q., (2020). geemap: A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine. *The Journal of Open Source Software*, 5(51), 2305. `<>`__ 
+- Wu, Q., (2020). geemap: A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine. *The Journal of Open Source Software*, 5(51), 2305. `<>`__
 - Wu, Q., Lane, C. R., Li, X., Zhao, K., Zhou, Y., Clinton, N., DeVries, B., Golden, H. E., & Lang, M. W. (2019). Integrating LiDAR data and multi-temporal aerial imagery to map wetland inundation dynamics using Google Earth Engine. *Remote Sensing of Environment*, 228, 1-13. (`pdf <>`_ | `source code <>`_)
-Check out the geemap workshop presented at the GeoPython Conference 2021. This workshop gives a comprehensive introduction to the key features of geemap. 
+Check out the geemap workshop presented at the GeoPython Conference 2021. This workshop gives a comprehensive introduction to the key features of geemap.
 .. image::
@@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ To use **geemap**, you must first `sign up <
   conda create -n gee python=3.10
   conda activate gee
   conda install -n base mamba -c conda-forge
-  mamba install geemap -c conda-forge 
+  mamba install geemap -c conda-forge
 If you have installed **geemap** before and want to upgrade to the latest version, you can run the following command in your terminal:
@@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ If you have installed **geemap** before and want to upgrade to the latest versio
 If you use conda, you can update geemap to the latest version by running the following command in your terminal:
 .. code:: python
   conda update -c conda-forge geemap
@@ -184,11 +189,11 @@ To install the development version from GitHub directly within Jupyter notebook
   import geemap
 To support my work, please consider citing the following articles:
-- **Wu, Q.**, (2020). geemap: A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine. *The Journal of Open Source Software*, 5(51), 2305. 
+- **Wu, Q.**, (2020). geemap: A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine. *The Journal of Open Source Software*, 5(51), 2305.
 - **Wu, Q.**, Lane, C. R., Li, X., Zhao, K., Zhou, Y., Clinton, N., DeVries, B., Golden, H. E., & Lang, M. W. (2019). Integrating LiDAR data and multi-temporal aerial imagery to map wetland inundation dynamics using Google Earth Engine. *Remote Sensing of Environment*, 228, 1-13. (`pdf <>`_ | `source code <>`_)
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+[![ status](](
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 # Install jupytext using: conda install jupytext -c conda-forge
-# Always pair ipynb notebooks to md files. 
+# Always pair ipynb notebooks to md files.
 # formats = "ipynb,md"
 formats = "ipynb,myst"
diff --git a/examples/heroku/requirements.txt b/examples/heroku/requirements.txt
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index dd9d3634ec..f6960ed69e 100644
--- a/examples/javascripts/grid.js
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@@ -9,60 +9,60 @@ Credits to Gennadii Donchyts.
 var generateRasterGrid= function(origin, dx, dy, proj) {
     var coords = origin.transform(proj).coordinates();
     origin = ee.Image.constant(coords.get(0)).addBands(ee.Image.constant(coords.get(1)));
     var pixelCoords = ee.Image.pixelCoordinates(proj);
     var grid = pixelCoords
        .divide([dx, dy]).floor()
     var xy = pixelCoords.reproject(proj.translate(coords.get(0), coords.get(1)).scale(dx, dy));
     var id = xy.multiply(ee.Image.constant([1, 1000000])).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).rename('id');
     return grid
  * Generates a regular grid using given bounds, specified as geometry.
 var generateGrid = function(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, dx, dy, marginx, marginy, opt_proj) {
     var proj = opt_proj || 'EPSG:4326';
     dx = ee.Number(dx);
     dy = ee.Number(dy);
     var xx = ee.List.sequence(xmin, ee.Number(xmax).subtract(ee.Number(dx).multiply(0.1)), dx);
     var yy = ee.List.sequence(ymin, ee.Number(ymax).subtract(ee.Number(dy).multiply(0.1)), dy);
     var cells = {
       return {
         var x1 = ee.Number(x).subtract(marginx);
         var x2 = ee.Number(x).add(ee.Number(dx)).add(marginx);
         var y1 = ee.Number(y).subtract(marginy);
         var y2 = ee.Number(y).add(ee.Number(dy)).add(marginy);
         var coords = ee.List([x1, y1, x2, y2]);
         var rect = ee.Algorithms.GeometryConstructors.Rectangle(coords, proj, false);
         var nx = x1.add(dx.multiply(0.5)).subtract(xmin).divide(dx).floor();
         var ny = y1.add(dy.multiply(0.5)).subtract(ymin).divide(dy).floor();
         return ee.Feature(rect)
-          .set({ 
+          .set({
             nx: nx.format('%d'),
             ny: ny.format('%d'),
           // .set({cell_id: x1.format('%.3f').cat('_').cat(y1.format('%.3f')) })
     return ee.FeatureCollection(cells);
-  }; 
+  };
 var grid_test = function() {
diff --git a/examples/workshops/jupytext.toml b/examples/workshops/jupytext.toml
index 9e8db5e8ff..2066067f53 100644
--- a/examples/workshops/jupytext.toml
+++ b/examples/workshops/jupytext.toml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Install jupytext using: conda install jupytext -c conda-forge
-# Always pair ipynb notebooks to md files. 
+# Always pair ipynb notebooks to md files.
 # formats = "ipynb,md"
 formats = "ipynb,myst"
diff --git a/geemap/data/template/ee_api_docs.csv b/geemap/data/template/ee_api_docs.csv
index bba1e4c5a8..20869ed794 100644
--- a/geemap/data/template/ee_api_docs.csv
+++ b/geemap/data/template/ee_api_docs.csv
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ ee.Array.accum	Accumulates elements of an array along the given axis, by setting
 ee.Array.acos	On an element-wise basis, computes the arc cosine in radians of the input.	Array.acos()	Array	input	Array	The input array.
 ee.Array.add	On an element-wise basis, adds the first value to the second.	Array.add(right)	Array	left|right	Array|Array	The left-hand value.|The right-hand value.
 ee.Array.and	On an element-wise basis, returns 1 iff both values are non-zero.	Array.and(right)	Array	left|right	Array|Array	The left-hand value.|The right-hand value.
-ee.Array.argmax	Returns the position, as a list of indices in each array axis, of the maximum value in an array, or null if the array is empty. If there are multiple occurrences of the maximum, returns the position of the first.	Array.argmax()	List	array	Array	
+ee.Array.argmax	Returns the position, as a list of indices in each array axis, of the maximum value in an array, or null if the array is empty. If there are multiple occurrences of the maximum, returns the position of the first.	Array.argmax()	List	array	Array
 ee.Array.asin	On an element-wise basis, computes the arc sine in radians of the input.	Array.asin()	Array	input	Array	The input array.
 ee.Array.atan	On an element-wise basis, computes the arc tangent in radians of the input.	Array.atan()	Array	input	Array	The input array.
 ee.Array.atan2	On an element-wise basis, calculates the angle formed by the 2D vector [x, y].	Array.atan2(right)	Array	left|right	Array|Array	The left-hand value.|The right-hand value.
 ee.Array.bitCount	On an element-wise basis, calculates the number of one-bits in the 64-bit two's complement binary representation of the input.	Array.bitCount()	Array	input	Array	The input array.
-ee.Array.bitsToArray	Convert the bits of an integer to an Array.  The array has as many elements as the position of the highest set bit, or a single 0 for a value of 0.	ee.Array.bitsToArray(input)	Array	input	Number	
+ee.Array.bitsToArray	Convert the bits of an integer to an Array.  The array has as many elements as the position of the highest set bit, or a single 0 for a value of 0.	ee.Array.bitsToArray(input)	Array	input	Number
 ee.Array.bitwiseAnd	On an element-wise basis, calculates the bitwise AND of the input values.	Array.bitwiseAnd(right)	Array	left|right	Array|Array	The left-hand value.|The right-hand value.
 ee.Array.bitwiseNot	On an element-wise basis, calculates the bitwise NOT of the input, in the smallest signed integer type that can hold the input.	Array.bitwiseNot()	Array	input	Array	The input array.
 ee.Array.bitwiseOr	On an element-wise basis, calculates the bitwise OR of the input values.	Array.bitwiseOr(right)	Array	left|right	Array|Array	The left-hand value.|The right-hand value.
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ ee.Array.uint32	On an element-wise basis, casts the input value to an unsigned 3
 ee.Array.uint8	On an element-wise basis, casts the input value to an unsigned 8-bit integer.	Array.uint8()	Array	input	Array	The input array.
 ee.Blob	Loads a Blob from a Google Cloud Storage URL.	ee.Blob(url)	Blob	url	String	The Blob's Google Cloud Storage URL.
 ee.Blob.string	Returns the contents of the blob as a String.	Blob.string(encoding)	String	blob|encoding	Blob|String, default: null	|
-ee.Blob.url	Returns the Blob's Google Cloud Storage URL.	Blob.url()	String	blob	Blob	
+ee.Blob.url	Returns the Blob's Google Cloud Storage URL.	Blob.url()	String	blob	Blob
 ee.Classifier.cart	Creates an empty CART classifier. See:	ee.Classifier.cart(crossvalidationFactor, maxDepth, minLeafPopulation, minSplitPoplulation, minSplitCost, prune, pruneErrorTolerance, quantizationResolution, quantizationMargin, randomSeed)	Classifier	crossvalidationFactor|maxDepth|minLeafPopulation|minSplitPoplulation|minSplitCost|prune|pruneErrorTolerance|quantizationResolution|quantizationMargin|randomSeed	Integer, default: 10|Integer, default: 10|Integer, default: 1|Integer, default: 1|Float, default: 1e-10|Boolean, default: false|Float, default: 0.5|Integer, default: 100|Float, default: 0.1|Integer, default: 0	The cross-validation factor for pruning.|Do not grow initial tree deeper than this many levels.|Only create nodes whose training set contains at least this many points.|Do not split unless node has at least this many points.|Do not split if training set cost less than this.|Whether to skip pruning; i.e., only impose stopping criteria while growing the tree.|The standard error threshold to use in determining the simplest tree whose accuracy is comparable to the minimum cost-complexity tree.|The quantization resolution for numerical features.|The margin reserved by quantizer to avoid overload, as a fraction of the range observed in the training data.|The randomization seed.
 ee.Classifier.confusionMatrix	Computes a 2D confusion matrix for a classifier based on its training data (ie: resubstitution error).  Axis 0 of the matrix correspond to the input classes, and axis 1 to the output classes.  The rows and columns  start at class 0 and increase sequentially up to the maximum class value, so some rows or columns might be empty if the input classes aren't 0-based or sequential.	Classifier.confusionMatrix()	ConfusionMatrix	classifier	Classifier	The classifier to use.
 ee.Classifier.decisionTree	Creates a classifier that applies the given decision tree.	ee.Classifier.decisionTree(treeString)	Classifier	treeString	String	The decision tree, specified in the text format generated by R and other similar tools.
@@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ ee.Classifier.explain	Describe the results of a trained classifier.	Classifier.e
 ee.Classifier.gmoMaxEnt	Creates an empty GMO Maximum Entropy classifier. See:	ee.Classifier.gmoMaxEnt(weight1, weight2, epsilon, minIterations, maxIterations)	Classifier	weight1|weight2|epsilon|minIterations|maxIterations	Float, default: 0|Float, default: 0.000009999999747378752|Float, default: 0.000009999999747378752|Integer, default: 0|Integer, default: 100	The weight for L1 regularization.|The weight for L2 regularization.|The epsilon for stopping optimization.|The minimum number of iterations of optimizer.|The maximum number of iterations of optimizer.
 ee.Classifier.libsvm	Creates an empty Support Vector Machine classifier.	ee.Classifier.libsvm(decisionProcedure, svmType, kernelType, shrinking, degree, gamma, coef0, cost, nu, terminationEpsilon, lossEpsilon, oneClass)	Classifier	decisionProcedure|svmType|kernelType|shrinking|degree|gamma|coef0|cost|nu|terminationEpsilon|lossEpsilon|oneClass	"String, default: ""Voting""|String, default: ""C_SVC""|String, default: ""LINEAR""|Boolean, default: true|Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null"	The decision procedure to use for classification. Either 'Voting' or 'Margin'. Not used for regression.|The SVM type. One of C_SVC, NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, EPSILON_SVR or NU_SVR.|The kernel type. One of LINEAR (u′×v), POLY ((γ×u′×v + coef₀)ᵈᵉᵍʳᵉᵉ), RBF (exp(-γ×|u-v|²)) or SIGMOID (tanh(γ×u′×v + coef₀)).|Whether to use shrinking heuristics.|The degree of polynomial. Valid for POLY kernels.|The gamma value in the kernel function. Defaults to the reciprocal of the number of features. Valid for POLY, RBF and SIGMOID kernels.|The coef₀ value in the kernel function. Defaults to 0. Valid for POLY and SIGMOID kernels.|The cost (C) parameter. Defaults to 1. Only valid for C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR.|The nu parameter. Defaults to 0.5. Only valid for nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR.|The termination criterion tolerance (e). Defaults to 0.001. Only valid for epsilon-SVR.|The epsilon in the loss function (p). Defaults to 0.1. Only valid for epsilon-SVR.|The class of the training data on which to train in a one-class SVM.  Defaults to 0. Only valid for one-class SVM.  Possible values are 0 and 1.  The classifier output is binary (0/1) and will match this class value for the data determined to be in the class.
 ee.Classifier.minimumDistance	Creates a minimum distance classifier for the given distance metric.	ee.Classifier.minimumDistance(metric)	Classifier	metric	"String, default: ""euclidean"""	The distance metric to use.  Options are:|  'euclidean' - euclidean distance from the unnormalized class mean.|  'cosine' - spectral angle from the unnormalized class mean.|  'mahalanobis' - Mahalanobis distance from the class mean.
-ee.Classifier.mode	Returns the classifier mode: CLASSIFICATION, REGRESSION or PROBABILITY.	Classifier.mode()	String	classifier	Classifier	
+ee.Classifier.mode	Returns the classifier mode: CLASSIFICATION, REGRESSION or PROBABILITY.	Classifier.mode()	String	classifier	Classifier
 ee.Classifier.naiveBayes	Creates an empty Fast Naive Bayes classifier.	ee.Classifier.naiveBayes(lambda)	Classifier	lambda	Float, default: 0.000001	A smoothing lambda. Used to avoid assigning zero probability to classes not seen during training, instead using lambda / (lambda * nFeatures).
 ee.Classifier.randomForest	Creates an empty Rifle Serial classifier, which uses the Random Forest algorithm.	ee.Classifier.randomForest(numberOfTrees, variablesPerSplit, minLeafPopulation, bagFraction, outOfBagMode, seed)	Classifier	numberOfTrees|variablesPerSplit|minLeafPopulation|bagFraction|outOfBagMode|seed	Integer, default: 1|Integer, default: 0|Integer, default: 1|Float, default: 0.5|Boolean, default: false|Integer, default: 0	The number of Rifle decision trees to create per class.|The number of variables per split. If set to 0 (default), defaults to the square root of the number of variables.|The minimum size of a terminal node.|The fraction of input to bag per tree.|Whether the classifier should run in out-of-bag mode.|Random seed.
-ee.Classifier.schema	Returns the names of the inputs used by this classifier, or null if this classifier has not had any training data added yet.	Classifier.schema()	List	classifier	Classifier	
+ee.Classifier.schema	Returns the names of the inputs used by this classifier, or null if this classifier has not had any training data added yet.	Classifier.schema()	List	classifier	Classifier
 ee.Classifier.setOutputMode	Sets the output mode.	Classifier.setOutputMode(mode)	Classifier	classifier|mode	Classifier|String	An input classifier.|The output mode. One of:|  - CLASSIFICATION (default): The output is the class number.|  - REGRESSION: The output is the result of standard regression.|  - PROBABILITY: The output is the probability that the classification is correct.|Not all classifier types support REGRESSION and PROBABILITY modes.
 ee.Classifier.smileCart	Creates an empty CART classifier. See:	ee.Classifier.smileCart(maxNodes, minLeafPopulation)	Classifier	maxNodes|minLeafPopulation	Integer, default: null|Integer, default: 1	The maximum number of leaf nodes in each tree. If unspecified, defaults to no limit.|Only create nodes whose training set contains at least this many points.
 ee.Classifier.smileNaiveBayes	Creates an empty Naive Bayes classifier.	ee.Classifier.smileNaiveBayes(lambda)	Classifier	lambda	Float, default: 0.000001	A smoothing lambda. Used to avoid assigning zero probability to classes not seen during training, instead using lambda / (lambda * nFeatures).
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest	Creates an empty Random Forest classifier.	ee.Cl
 ee.Classifier.spectralRegion	Creates a classifier that tests if its inputs lie within a polygon defined by a set  of coordinates in an arbitrary 2D coordinate system.  Each input to be classified  must have 2 values (e.g.: images must have 2 bands).  The result will be 1 wherever  the input values are contained within the given polygon and 0 otherwise.	ee.Classifier.spectralRegion(coordinates, schema)	Classifier	coordinates|schema	List|List, default: null	The coordinates of the polygon, as a list of rings. Each ring is a list of coordinate pairs (e.g.: [u1, v1, u2, v2, ..., uN, vN]).  No edge may intersect any other edge. The resulting classification will be a 1 wherever the input values are within the interior of the given polygon, that is, an odd number of polygon edges must be crossed to get outside the polygon and 0 otherwise.|The classifier's schema.  A list of band or property names that the classifier will operate on.  Since this classifier doesn't undergo a training step, these have to be specified manually.  Defaults to ['u', 'v'].
 ee.Classifier.svm	Creates a Support Vector Machine classifier.	ee.Classifier.svm(decisionProcedure, svmType, kernelType, shrinking, degree, gamma, coef0, cost, nu, terminationEpsilon, lossEpsilon, oneClass)	Classifier	decisionProcedure|svmType|kernelType|shrinking|degree|gamma|coef0|cost|nu|terminationEpsilon|lossEpsilon|oneClass	"String, default: ""Voting""|String, default: ""C_SVC""|String, default: ""LINEAR""|Boolean, default: true|Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null"	The decision procedure to use for classification. Either 'Voting' or 'Margin'. Not used for regression.|The SVM type. One of C_SVC, NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, EPSILON_SVR or NU_SVR.|The kernel type. One of LINEAR (u′×v), POLY ((γ×u′×v + coef₀)ᵈᵉᵍʳᵉᵉ), RBF (exp(-γ×|u-v|²)) or SIGMOID (tanh(γ×u′×v + coef₀)).|Whether to use shrinking heuristics.|The degree of polynomial. Valid for POLY kernels.|The gamma value in the kernel function. Defaults to the reciprocal of the number of features. Valid for POLY, RBF and SIGMOID kernels.|The coef₀ value in the kernel function. Defaults to 0. Valid for POLY and SIGMOID kernels.|The cost (C) parameter. Defaults to 1. Only valid for C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR.|The nu parameter. Defaults to 0.5. Only valid for of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR.|The termination criterion tolerance (e). Defaults to 0.001. Only valid for epsilon-SVR.|The epsilon in the loss function (p). Defaults to 0.1. Only valid for epsilon-SVR.|The class of the training data on which to train in a one-class svm.  Defaults to 0. Only valid for one-class SVM.  Possible values are 0 and 1.  The classifier output is binary (0/1) and will match this class value for the data determined to be in the class.
 ee.Classifier.train	Trains the classifier on a collection of features, using the specified numeric properties of each feature as training data. The geometry of the features is ignored.	Classifier.train(features, classProperty, inputProperties, subsampling, subsamplingSeed)	Classifier	classifier|features|classProperty|inputProperties|subsampling|subsamplingSeed	Classifier|FeatureCollection|String|List, default: null|Float, default: 1|Integer, default: 0	An input classifier.|The collection to train on.|The name of the property containing the class value. Each feature must have this property, and its value must be numeric.|The list of property names to include as training data. Each feature must have all these properties, and their values must be numeric.  This argument is optional if the input collection contains a 'band_order' property, (as produced by Image.sample).|An optional subsampling factor, within (0, 1].|A randomization seed to use for subsampling.
-ee.Clusterer.schema	Returns the names of the inputs used by this Clusterer, or null if this Clusterer has not had any training data added yet.	Clusterer.schema()	List	clusterer	Clusterer	
+ee.Clusterer.schema	Returns the names of the inputs used by this Clusterer, or null if this Clusterer has not had any training data added yet.	Clusterer.schema()	List	clusterer	Clusterer
 ee.Clusterer.train	Trains the Clusterer on a collection of features, using the specified numeric properties of each feature as training data. The geometry of the features is ignored.	Clusterer.train(features, inputProperties, subsampling, subsamplingSeed)	Clusterer	clusterer|features|inputProperties|subsampling|subsamplingSeed	Clusterer|FeatureCollection|List, default: null|Float, default: 1|Integer, default: 0	An input Clusterer.|The collection to train on.|The list of property names to include as training data. Each feature must have all these properties, and their values must be numeric.  This argument is optional if the input collection contains a 'band_order' property, (as produced by Image.sample).|An optional subsampling factor, within (0, 1].|A randomization seed to use for subsampling.
 ee.Clusterer.wekaCascadeKMeans	Cascade simple k-means, selects the best k according to the Calinski-Harabasz criterion. For more information see:	ee.Clusterer.wekaCascadeKMeans(minClusters, maxClusters, restarts, manual, init, distanceFunction, maxIterations)	Clusterer	minClusters|maxClusters|restarts|manual|init|distanceFunction|maxIterations	"Integer, default: 2|Integer, default: 10|Integer, default: 10|Boolean, default: false|Boolean, default: false|String, default: ""Euclidean""|Integer, default: null"	Min number of clusters.|Max number of clusters.|Number of restarts.|Manually select the number of clusters.|Set whether to initialize using the probabilistic farthest first like method of the k-means++ algorithm (rather than the standard random selection of initial cluster centers).|Distance function to use.  Options are: Euclidean & Manhattan|Maximum number of iterations for k-means.
 ee.Clusterer.wekaCobweb	Implementation of the Cobweb clustering algorithm. For more information see:	ee.Clusterer.wekaCobweb(acuity, cutoff, seed)	Clusterer	acuity|cutoff|seed	Float, default: 1|Float, default: 0.002|Integer, default: 42	Acuity (minimum standard deviation).|Cutoff (minimum category utility).|Random number seed.
@@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ ee.Clusterer.wekaKMeans	Cluster data using the k means algorithm. Can use either
 ee.Clusterer.wekaLVQ	A Clusterer that implements the Learning Vector Quantization algorithm. For more details, see:	ee.Clusterer.wekaLVQ(numClusters, learningRate, epochs, normalizeInput)	Clusterer	numClusters|learningRate|epochs|normalizeInput	Integer, default: 7|Float, default: 1|Integer, default: 1000|Boolean, default: false	The number of clusters.|The learning rate for the training algorithm. (Value should be greaterthan 0 and less or equal to 1).|Number of training epochs. (Value should be greater than or equal to 1).|Skip normalizing the attributes.
 ee.Clusterer.wekaXMeans	X-Means is K-Means with an efficient estimation of the number of clusters. For more information see:	ee.Clusterer.wekaXMeans(minClusters, maxClusters, maxIterations, maxKMeans, maxForChildren, useKD, cutoffFactor, distanceFunction, seed)	Clusterer	minClusters|maxClusters|maxIterations|maxKMeans|maxForChildren|useKD|cutoffFactor|distanceFunction|seed	"Integer, default: 2|Integer, default: 8|Integer, default: 3|Integer, default: 1000|Integer, default: 1000|Boolean, default: false|Float, default: 0|String, default: ""Euclidean""|Integer, default: 10"	Minimum number of clusters.|Maximum number of clusters.|Maximum number of overall iterations.|The maximum number of iterations to perform in KMeans.|The maximum number of iterations in KMeans that is performed on the child centers.|Use a KDTree.|Takes the given percentage of the splitted centroids if none of the children win.|Distance function to use.  Options are: Chebyshev, Euclidean & Manhattan.|The randomization seed.
 ee.ConfusionMatrix	Creates a confusion matrix. Axis 1 (the rows) of the matrix correspond to the actual values, and Axis 0 (the columns) to the predicted values.	ee.ConfusionMatrix(array, order)	ConfusionMatrix	array|order	Object|List, default: null	A square, 2D array of integers, representing the confusion matrix.|The row and column size and order, for non-contiguous or non-zero based matrices.
-ee.ConfusionMatrix.accuracy	Computes the overall accuracy of a confusion matrix defined as correct / total.	ConfusionMatrix.accuracy()	Float	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix	
-ee.ConfusionMatrix.array	Returns a confusion matrix as an Array.	ConfusionMatrix.array()	Array	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix	
-ee.ConfusionMatrix.consumersAccuracy	Computes the consumer's accuracy (reliability) of a confusion matrix defined as (correct / total) for each row.	ConfusionMatrix.consumersAccuracy()	Array	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix	
-ee.ConfusionMatrix.kappa	Computes the Kappa statistic for the confusion matrix.	ConfusionMatrix.kappa()	Float	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix	
-ee.ConfusionMatrix.order	Returns the name and order of the rows and columns of the matrix.	ConfusionMatrix.order()	List	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix	
-ee.ConfusionMatrix.producersAccuracy	Computes the producer's accuracy of a confusion matrix defined as (correct / total) for each column.	ConfusionMatrix.producersAccuracy()	Array	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix	
+ee.ConfusionMatrix.accuracy	Computes the overall accuracy of a confusion matrix defined as correct / total.	ConfusionMatrix.accuracy()	Float	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix
+ee.ConfusionMatrix.array	Returns a confusion matrix as an Array.	ConfusionMatrix.array()	Array	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix
+ee.ConfusionMatrix.consumersAccuracy	Computes the consumer's accuracy (reliability) of a confusion matrix defined as (correct / total) for each row.	ConfusionMatrix.consumersAccuracy()	Array	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix
+ee.ConfusionMatrix.kappa	Computes the Kappa statistic for the confusion matrix.	ConfusionMatrix.kappa()	Float	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix
+ee.ConfusionMatrix.order	Returns the name and order of the rows and columns of the matrix.	ConfusionMatrix.order()	List	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix
+ee.ConfusionMatrix.producersAccuracy	Computes the producer's accuracy of a confusion matrix defined as (correct / total) for each column.	ConfusionMatrix.producersAccuracy()	Array	confusionMatrix	ConfusionMatrix
 ee.Date	Constructs a new Date object.	ee.Date(date, tz)	Date	date|tz	ComputedObject|Date|Number|String|String, optional	The date to convert, one of: a number (number of milliseconds since the epoch), an ISO Date string, a JavaScript Date or a ComputedObject.|An optional timezone only to be used with a string date.
 ee.Date.advance	Create a new Date by adding the specified units to the given Date.	Date.advance(delta, unit, timeZone)	Date	date|delta|unit|timeZone	Date|Float|String|String, default: null	||One of 'year', 'month' 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', or 'second'.|The time zone (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles'); defaults to UTC.
 ee.Date.aside	Calls a function passing this object as the first argument, and returning itself. Convenient e.g. when debugging:	Date.aside(func, var_args)	ComputedObject	computedobject|func|var_args	ComputedObject|Function|VarArgs	The ComputedObject instance.|The function to call.|Any extra arguments to pass to the function.
@@ -210,20 +210,20 @@ ee.Date.getFraction	Returns this date's elapsed fraction of the specified unit (
 ee.Date.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	Date.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Date.getRange	Returns a DateRange covering the unit of the specified type that contains this date, e.g. Date('2013-3-15').getRange('year') returns DateRange('2013-1-1', '2014-1-1').	Date.getRange(unit, timeZone)	DateRange	date|unit|timeZone	Date|String|String, default: null	|One of 'year', 'month' 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', or 'second'.|The time zone (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles'); defaults to UTC.
 ee.Date.getRelative	Returns the specified (0-based) unit of this date relative to a larger unit, e.g. getRelative('day', 'year') returns a value between 0 and 365.	Date.getRelative(unit, inUnit, timeZone)	Long	date|unit|inUnit|timeZone	Date|String|String|String, default: null	|One of 'month' 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', or 'second'.|One of 'year', 'month' 'week', 'day', 'hour', or 'minute'.|The time zone (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles'); defaults to UTC.
-ee.Date.millis	The number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.	Date.millis()	Long	date	Date	
+ee.Date.millis	The number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.	Date.millis()	Long	date	Date
 ee.Date.parse	Parse a date string, given a string describing its format.	ee.Date.parse(format, date, timeZone)	Date	format|date|timeZone	String|String|String, default: null	A pattern, as described at|A string matching the given pattern.|The time zone (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles'); defaults to UTC.
 ee.Date.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Date.serialize()	String	computedobject	ComputedObject	The ComputedObject instance.
 ee.Date.unitRatio	Returns the ratio of the length of one unit to the length of another, e.g. unitRatio('day', 'minute') returns 1440.  Valid units are 'year', 'month' 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', and 'second'.	ee.Date.unitRatio(numerator, denominator)	Float	numerator|denominator	String|String	|
 ee.Date.update	Create a new Date by setting one or more of the units of the given Date to a new value.  If a timeZone is given the new value(s) is interpreted in that zone.	Date.update(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timeZone)	Date	date|year|month|day|hour|minute|second|timeZone	Date|Integer, default: null|Integer, default: null|Integer, default: null|Integer, default: null|Integer, default: null|Integer, default: null|String, default: null	|||||||The time zone (e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles'); defaults to UTC.
 ee.DateRange	Creates a DateRange with the given start (inclusive) and end (exclusive), which may be Dates, numbers (interpreted as milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), or strings (such as '1996-01-01T08:00'). If 'end' is not specified, a 1-millisecond range starting at 'start' is created.	ee.DateRange(start, end, timeZone)	DateRange	start|end|timeZone	Object|Object, default: null|String, default: null	||If start and/or end are provided as strings, the time zone in which to interpret them; defaults to UTC.
 ee.DateRange.contains	Returns true if the given Date or DateRange is within this DateRange.	DateRange.contains(other)	Boolean	dateRange|other	DateRange|Object	|
-ee.DateRange.end	Returns the (exclusive) end of this DateRange.	DateRange.end()	Date	dateRange	DateRange	
+ee.DateRange.end	Returns the (exclusive) end of this DateRange.	DateRange.end()	Date	dateRange	DateRange
 ee.DateRange.intersection	Returns a DateRange that contains all points in the intersection of this DateRange and another.	DateRange.intersection(other)	DateRange	dateRange|other	DateRange|DateRange	|
 ee.DateRange.intersects	Returns true if the given DateRange has at least one point in common with this DateRange.	DateRange.intersects(other)	Boolean	dateRange|other	DateRange|DateRange	|
-ee.DateRange.isEmpty	Returns true if this DateRange contains no dates (i.e. start >= end).	DateRange.isEmpty()	Boolean	dateRange	DateRange	
-ee.DateRange.isUnbounded	Returns true if this DateRange contains all dates.	DateRange.isUnbounded()	Boolean	dateRange	DateRange	
-ee.DateRange.start	Returns the (inclusive) start of this DateRange.	DateRange.start()	Date	dateRange	DateRange	
-ee.DateRange.unbounded	Returns a DateRange that includes all possible dates.	ee.DateRange.unbounded()	DateRange			
+ee.DateRange.isEmpty	Returns true if this DateRange contains no dates (i.e. start >= end).	DateRange.isEmpty()	Boolean	dateRange	DateRange
+ee.DateRange.isUnbounded	Returns true if this DateRange contains all dates.	DateRange.isUnbounded()	Boolean	dateRange	DateRange
+ee.DateRange.start	Returns the (inclusive) start of this DateRange.	DateRange.start()	Date	dateRange	DateRange
+ee.DateRange.unbounded	Returns a DateRange that includes all possible dates.	ee.DateRange.unbounded()	DateRange
 ee.DateRange.union	Returns a DateRange that contains all points in the union of this DateRange and another.	DateRange.union(other)	DateRange	dateRange|other	DateRange|DateRange	|
 ee.Dictionary	Constructs a new Dictionary.	ee.Dictionary(dict)	Dictionary	dict	ComputedObject|Object, optional	An object to convert to a dictionary. This constructor accepts the following types: 1) Another dictionary. 2) A list of key/value pairs. 3) A null or no argument (producing an empty dictionary)
 ee.Dictionary.aside	Calls a function passing this object as the first argument, and returning itself. Convenient e.g. when debugging:	Dictionary.aside(func, var_args)	ComputedObject	computedobject|func|var_args	ComputedObject|Function|VarArgs	The ComputedObject instance.|The function to call.|Any extra arguments to pass to the function.
@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@ ee.Dictionary.getGeometry	Extracts a named geometry value from a dictionary.	Dic
 ee.Dictionary.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	Dictionary.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Dictionary.getNumber	Extracts a named number value from a dictionary.	Dictionary.getNumber(key)	Number	dictionary|key	Dictionary|String	|
 ee.Dictionary.getString	Extracts a named string value from a dictionary.	Dictionary.getString(key)	String	dictionary|key	Dictionary|String	|
-ee.Dictionary.keys	Retrieve the keys of a dictionary as a list.  The keys will be sorted in natural order.	Dictionary.keys()	List	dictionary	Dictionary	
+ee.Dictionary.keys	Retrieve the keys of a dictionary as a list.  The keys will be sorted in natural order.	Dictionary.keys()	List	dictionary	Dictionary	Map an algorithm over a dictionary.  The algorithm is expected to take 2 arguments, a key from the existing dictionary and the value it corresponds to, and return a new value for the given key.  If the algorithm returns null, the key is dropped.	Dictionary	dictionary|baseAlgorithm	Dictionary|Algorithm	|
 ee.Dictionary.remove	Returns a dictionary with the specified keys removed.	Dictionary.remove(selectors, ignoreMissing)	Dictionary	dictionary|selectors|ignoreMissing	Dictionary|List|Boolean, default: false	|A list of keys names or regular expressions of key names to remove.|Ignore selectors that don't match at least 1 key.
 ee.Dictionary.rename	Rename elements in a dictionary.	Dictionary.rename(from, to, overwrite)	Dictionary	dictionary|from|to|overwrite	Dictionary|List|List|Boolean, default: false	|A list of keys to be renamed.|A list of the new names for the keys listed in the 'from' parameter.  Must have the same length as the 'from' list.|Allow overwriting existing properties with the same name.	Returns a dictionary with only the specified keys., ignoreMissing)	Dictionary	dictionary|selectors|ignoreMissing	Dictionary|List|Boolean, default: false	|A list of keys or regular expressions to select.|Ignore selectors that don't match at least 1 key.
 ee.Dictionary.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Dictionary.serialize()	String	computedobject	ComputedObject	The ComputedObject instance.
 ee.Dictionary.set	Set a value in a dictionary.	Dictionary.set(key, value)	Dictionary	dictionary|key|value	Dictionary|String|Object	||
-ee.Dictionary.size	Returns the number of entries in a dictionary.	Dictionary.size()	Integer	dictionary	Dictionary	
+ee.Dictionary.size	Returns the number of entries in a dictionary.	Dictionary.size()	Integer	dictionary	Dictionary
 ee.Dictionary.toArray	Returns numeric values of a dictionary as an array. If no keys are specified, all values are returned in the natural ordering of the dictionary's keys. The default 'axis' is 0.	Dictionary.toArray(keys, axis)	Array	dictionary|keys|axis	Dictionary|List, default: null|Integer, default: 0	||
 ee.Dictionary.toImage	Creates an image of constants from values in a dictionary. The bands of the image are ordered and named according to the names argument.  If no names are specified, the bands are sorted alpha-numerically.	Dictionary.toImage(names)	Image	dictionary|names	Dictionary|List, default: null	The dictionary to convert.|The order of the output bands.
 ee.Dictionary.values	Returns the values of a dictionary as a list.  If no keys are specified, all values are returned in the natural ordering of the dictionary's keys.	Dictionary.values(keys)	List	dictionary|keys	Dictionary|List, default: null	|
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ ee.Feature.intersection	Returns a feature containing the intersection of the geo
 ee.Feature.intersects	Returns true iff the feature geometries intersect.	Feature.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Element|Element|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The feature containing the geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The feature containing the geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Feature.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry of a given feature. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	Feature.length(maxError, proj)	Float	feature|maxError|proj	Element|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The feature from which the geometry is taken.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Feature.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry of a given feature. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	Feature.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	feature|maxError|proj	Element|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The feature from which the geometry is taken.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Feature.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	Feature.propertyNames()	List	element	Element	
+ee.Feature.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	Feature.propertyNames()	List	element	Element	Selects properties from a feature by name or RE2-compatible regex and optionally renames them., newProperties, retainGeometry)	Element	input|propertySelectors|newProperties|retainGeometry	Element|List|List, default: null|Boolean, default: true	The feature to select properties from.|A list of names or regexes specifying the properties to select.|Optional new names for the output properties.  Must match the number of properties selected.|When false, the result will have a NULL geometry.
 ee.Feature.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Feature.serialize()	String	computedobject	ComputedObject	The ComputedObject instance.
 ee.Feature.set	Overrides one or more metadata properties of an Element.	Feature.set(var_args)	Element	element|var_args	Element|VarArgs	The Element instance.|Either a dictionary of properties, or a vararg sequence of properties, e.g. key1, value1, key2, value2, ...
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ ee.FeatureCollection.limit	Limit a collection to the specified number of element
 ee.FeatureCollection.makeArray	Add a 1-D Array to each feature in a collection by combining a list of properties for each feature into a 1-D Array. All of the properties must be numeric values.  If a feature doesn't contain all of the named properties, or any of them aren't numeric, the feature will be dropped from the resulting collection.	FeatureCollection.makeArray(properties, name)	FeatureCollection	collection|properties|name	"FeatureCollection|List|String, default: ""array"""	The input collection from which properties will be selected.|The properties to select.|The name of the new array property.	Maps an algorithm over a collection., dropNulls)	Collection	collection|algorithm|dropNulls	Collection|Function|Boolean, optional	The Collection instance.|The operation to map over the images or features of the collection. A JavaScript function that receives an image or features and returns one. The function is called only once and the result is captured as a description, so it cannot perform imperative operations or rely on external state.|If true, the mapped algorithm is allowed to return nulls, and the elements for which it returns nulls will be dropped.
 ee.FeatureCollection.merge	Merges two collections into one. The result has all the elements that were in either collection.	FeatureCollection.merge(collection2)	FeatureCollection	collection1|collection2	FeatureCollection|FeatureCollection	The first collection to merge.|The second collection to merge.
-ee.FeatureCollection.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	FeatureCollection.propertyNames()	List	element	Element	
+ee.FeatureCollection.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	FeatureCollection.propertyNames()	List	element	Element
 ee.FeatureCollection.randomColumn	Adds a column of deterministic pseudorandom numbers to a collection.  The numbers are double-precision floating point numbers in the range 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive).	FeatureCollection.randomColumn(columnName, seed)	FeatureCollection	collection|columnName|seed	"FeatureCollection|String, default: ""random""|Long, default: 0"	The input collection to which to add a random column.|The name of the column to add.|A seed used when generating the random numbers.
 ee.FeatureCollection.randomPoints	Generates points that are uniformly random on the sphere, and within the given region.	ee.FeatureCollection.randomPoints(region, points, seed, maxError)	FeatureCollection	region|points|seed|maxError	Geometry|Integer, default: 1000|Long, default: 0|ErrorMargin, optional	The region to generate points for.|The number of points to generate.|A seed for the random number generator.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.
 ee.FeatureCollection.reduceColumns	Apply a reducer to each element of a collection, using the given selectors to determine the inputs.	FeatureCollection.reduceColumns(reducer, selectors, weightSelectors)	Dictionary	collection|reducer|selectors|weightSelectors	FeatureCollection|Reducer|List|List, default: null	The collection to aggregate over.|The reducer to apply.|A selector for each input of the reducer.|A selector for each weighted input of the reducer.
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ ee.Filter.maxDifference	Creates a unary or binary filter that passes if the left
 ee.Filter.neq	Filter to metadata not equal to the given value.	ee.Filter.neq(name, value)	Filter	name|value	String|Object	The property name to filter on.|The value to compare against.
 ee.Filter.not	Returns the opposite of the input filter, i.e. the resulting filter will match if and only if the input filter doesn't match.	Filter.not()	Filter	filter	Filter	The Filter instance.
 ee.Filter.notEquals	Creates a unary or binary filter that passes unless the two operands are equals.	ee.Filter.notEquals(leftField, rightValue, rightField, leftValue)	Filter	leftField|rightValue|rightField|leftValue	String, default: null|Object, default: null|String, default: null|Object, default: null	A selector for the left operand. Should not be specified if leftValue is specified.|The value of the right operand. Should not be specified if rightField is specified.|A selector for the right operand. Should not be specified if rightValue is specified.|The value of the left operand. Should not be specified if leftField is specified.
-ee.Filter.notNull	Returns a filter that passes if all the named properties are not null.	ee.Filter.notNull(properties)	Filter	properties	List	
+ee.Filter.notNull	Returns a filter that passes if all the named properties are not null.	ee.Filter.notNull(properties)	Filter	properties	List
 ee.Filter.or	Combine two or more filters using boolean OR.	ee.Filter.or(var_args)	Filter	var_args	VarArgs	The filters to combine.
 ee.Filter.rangeContains	Returns a filter that passes if the value of the selected field is in the specified range (inclusive).	ee.Filter.rangeContains(field, minValue, maxValue)	Filter	field|minValue|maxValue	String|Object|Object	A selector for the property being tested.|The lower bound of the range.|The upper bound of the range.
 ee.Filter.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Filter.serialize()	String	computedobject	ComputedObject	The ComputedObject instance.
@@ -400,30 +400,30 @@ ee.Geometry.LineString.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-dim
 ee.Geometry.LineString.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	LineString.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	LineString.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	LineString.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.LineString.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	LineString.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LineString.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	LineString.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LineString.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	LineString.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	LineString.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	LineString.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	LineString.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	LineString.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.LineString.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	LineString.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LineString.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	LineString.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LineString.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	LineString.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.LineString.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	LineString.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.LineString.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	LineString.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LineString.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	LineString.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.LineString.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	LineString.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LineString.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	LineString.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	LineString.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	LineString.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.LineString.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	LineString.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LineString.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	LineString.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LineString.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	LineString.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	LineString.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.LineString.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	LineString.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LineString.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	LineString.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LineString.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	LineString.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	LineString.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.LineString.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	LineString.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	LineString.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	LineString.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	LineString.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.LineString.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	LineString.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LineString.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	LineString.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LineString.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	LineString.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LineString.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	LineString.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing	Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a LinearRing. If the last point is not equal to the first, a duplicate of the first point will be added at the end.	ee.Geometry.LinearRing(coords, proj, geodesic, maxError)	Geometry.LinearRing	coords|proj|geodesic|maxError	List|Projection, optional|Boolean, optional|ErrorMargin, optional	A list of points in the ring. May be a list of coordinates in the GeoJSON|'LinearRing' format, a list of at least three ee.Geometry describing a point, or a list of at least six numbers defining the [x,y] coordinates of at least three points.|The projection of this geometry. If unspecified, the default is the projection of the input ee.Geometry, or EPSG:4326 if there are no ee.Geometry inputs.|If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth. The default is the geodesic state of the inputs, or true if the inputs are numbers.|Max error when input geometry must be reprojected to an explicitly requested result projection or geodesic state.
@@ -435,30 +435,30 @@ ee.Geometry.LinearRing.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-dim
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	LinearRing.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	LinearRing.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	LinearRing.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.LinearRing.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	LinearRing.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LinearRing.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	LinearRing.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	LinearRing.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	LinearRing.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	LinearRing.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	LinearRing.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	LinearRing.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.LinearRing.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	LinearRing.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LinearRing.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	LinearRing.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	LinearRing.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.LinearRing.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	LinearRing.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.LinearRing.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	LinearRing.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LinearRing.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	LinearRing.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.LinearRing.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	LinearRing.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	LinearRing.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	LinearRing.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	LinearRing.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.LinearRing.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	LinearRing.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LinearRing.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	LinearRing.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	LinearRing.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	LinearRing.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.LinearRing.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	LinearRing.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LinearRing.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	LinearRing.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	LinearRing.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	LinearRing.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	LinearRing.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	LinearRing.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	LinearRing.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	LinearRing.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.LinearRing.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	LinearRing.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.LinearRing.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	LinearRing.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	LinearRing.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.LinearRing.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	LinearRing.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString	Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a MultiLineString.	ee.Geometry.MultiLineString(coords, proj, geodesic, maxError)	Geometry.MultiLineString	coords|proj|geodesic|maxError	List|Projection, optional|Boolean, optional|ErrorMargin, optional	A list of linestrings. May be a list of coordinates in the GeoJSON|'MultiLineString' format, a list of at least two ee.Geometry describing a LineString, or a list of number defining a single linestring.|The projection of this geometry. If unspecified, the default is the projection of the input ee.Geometry, or EPSG:4326 if there are no ee.Geometry inputs.|If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth. The default is the geodesic state of the inputs, or true if the inputs are numbers.|Max error when input geometry must be reprojected to an explicitly requested result projection or geodesic state.
@@ -470,30 +470,30 @@ ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highes
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	MultiLineString.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	MultiLineString.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	MultiLineString.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	MultiLineString.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	MultiLineString.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	MultiLineString.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	MultiLineString.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	MultiLineString.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	MultiLineString.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	MultiLineString.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	MultiLineString.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	MultiLineString.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	MultiLineString.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	MultiLineString.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	MultiLineString.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	MultiLineString.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	MultiLineString.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	MultiLineString.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	MultiLineString.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	MultiLineString.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	MultiLineString.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	MultiLineString.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	MultiLineString.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	MultiLineString.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	MultiLineString.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	MultiLineString.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	MultiLineString.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	MultiLineString.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	MultiLineString.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	MultiLineString.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	MultiLineString.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	MultiLineString.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	MultiLineString.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	MultiLineString.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	MultiLineString.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiLineString.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	MultiLineString.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint	Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a MultiPoint.	ee.Geometry.MultiPoint(coords, proj)	Geometry.MultiPoint	coords|proj	List|Projection, optional	A list of points, each in the GeoJSON 'coordinates' format of a Point, or a list of the x,y coordinates in the given projection, or an ee.Geometry describing a point.|The projection of this geometry. If unspecified, the default is the projection of the input ee.Geometry, or EPSG:4326 if there are no ee.Geometry inputs.
@@ -505,30 +505,30 @@ ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-dim
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	MultiPoint.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	MultiPoint.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	MultiPoint.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	MultiPoint.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	MultiPoint.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	MultiPoint.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	MultiPoint.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	MultiPoint.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	MultiPoint.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	MultiPoint.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	MultiPoint.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	MultiPoint.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	MultiPoint.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	MultiPoint.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	MultiPoint.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	MultiPoint.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	MultiPoint.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	MultiPoint.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	MultiPoint.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	MultiPoint.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	MultiPoint.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	MultiPoint.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	MultiPoint.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	MultiPoint.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	MultiPoint.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	MultiPoint.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	MultiPoint.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	MultiPoint.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	MultiPoint.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	MultiPoint.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	MultiPoint.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	MultiPoint.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	MultiPoint.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	MultiPoint.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	MultiPoint.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPoint.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	MultiPoint.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon	Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a MultiPolygon.	ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon(coords, proj, geodesic, maxError, evenOdd)	Geometry.MultiPolygon	coords|proj|geodesic|maxError|evenOdd	List|Projection, optional|Boolean, optional|ErrorMargin, optional|Boolean, optional	A list of polygons. May be a list of coordinates in the GeoJSON|'MultiPolygon' format, a list of ee.Geometry describing a Polygon, or a list of number defining a single polygon boundary.|The projection of this geometry. The default is the projection of the inputs, where Numbers are assumed to be EPSG:4326.|If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth. The default is the geodesic state of the inputs, or true if the inputs are numbers.|Max error when input geometry must be reprojected to an explicitly requested result projection or geodesic state.|If true, polygon interiors will be determined by the even/odd rule, where a point is inside if it crosses an odd number of edges to reach a point at infinity. Otherwise polygons use the left- inside rule, where interiors are on the left side of the shell's edges when walking the vertices in the given order. If unspecified, defaults to true.
@@ -540,30 +540,30 @@ ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-d
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	MultiPolygon.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	MultiPolygon.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	MultiPolygon.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	MultiPolygon.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	MultiPolygon.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	MultiPolygon.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	MultiPolygon.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	MultiPolygon.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	MultiPolygon.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	MultiPolygon.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	MultiPolygon.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	MultiPolygon.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	MultiPolygon.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	MultiPolygon.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	MultiPolygon.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	MultiPolygon.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	MultiPolygon.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	MultiPolygon.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	MultiPolygon.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	MultiPolygon.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	MultiPolygon.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	MultiPolygon.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	MultiPolygon.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	MultiPolygon.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	MultiPolygon.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	MultiPolygon.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	MultiPolygon.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	MultiPolygon.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	MultiPolygon.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	MultiPolygon.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	MultiPolygon.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	MultiPolygon.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	MultiPolygon.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	MultiPolygon.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	MultiPolygon.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.MultiPolygon.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	MultiPolygon.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point	Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a point.	ee.Geometry.Point(coords, proj)	Geometry.Point	coords|proj	List|Projection, optional	A list of two [x,y] coordinates in the given projection.|The projection of this geometry, or EPSG:4326 if unspecified.
@@ -575,30 +575,30 @@ ee.Geometry.Point.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-dimensio
 ee.Geometry.Point.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	Point.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	Point.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	Point.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Point.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Point.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Point.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Point.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Point.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	Point.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.Point.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	Point.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	Point.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	Point.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.Point.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	Point.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Point.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Point.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Point.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Point.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Point.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	Point.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.Point.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Point.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.Point.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Point.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Point.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Point.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.Point.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Point.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Point.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	Point.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.Point.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	Point.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	Point.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Point.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Point.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Point.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Point.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Point.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	Point.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.Point.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	Point.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.Point.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Point.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Point.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Point.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Point.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Point.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Point.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	Point.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.Point.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	Point.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	Point.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Point.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	Point.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Point.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	Point.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.Point.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Point.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Point.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Point.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Point.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	Point.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Point.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	Point.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon	Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a polygon.	ee.Geometry.Polygon(coords, proj, geodesic, maxError, evenOdd)	Geometry.Polygon	coords|proj|geodesic|maxError|evenOdd	List|Projection, optional|Boolean, optional|ErrorMargin, optional|Boolean, optional	A list of rings defining the boundaries of the polygon. May be a list of coordinates in the GeoJSON 'Polygon' format, a list of ee.Geometry describing a LinearRing, or a list of number defining a single polygon boundary.|The projection of this geometry. The default is the projection of the inputs, where Numbers are assumed to be EPSG:4326.|If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth. The default is the geodesic state of the inputs, or true if the inputs are numbers.|Max error when input geometry must be reprojected to an explicitly requested result projection or geodesic state.|If true, polygon interiors will be determined by the even/odd rule, where a point is inside if it crosses an odd number of edges to reach a point at infinity. Otherwise polygons use the left- inside rule, where interiors are on the left side of the shell's edges when walking the vertices in the given order. If unspecified, defaults to true.
@@ -610,30 +610,30 @@ ee.Geometry.Polygon.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-dimens
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	Polygon.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	Polygon.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	Polygon.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Polygon.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Polygon.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Polygon.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Polygon.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	Polygon.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	Polygon.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	Polygon.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	Polygon.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	Polygon.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Polygon.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Polygon.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Polygon.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Polygon.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	Polygon.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.Polygon.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Polygon.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.Polygon.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Polygon.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Polygon.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Polygon.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.Polygon.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Polygon.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	Polygon.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	Polygon.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	Polygon.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Polygon.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Polygon.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Polygon.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Polygon.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	Polygon.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	Polygon.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.Polygon.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Polygon.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Polygon.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Polygon.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Polygon.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	Polygon.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	Polygon.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	Polygon.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	Polygon.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	Polygon.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.Polygon.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Polygon.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Polygon.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Polygon.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	Polygon.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Polygon.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	Polygon.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle	Constructs an ee.Geometry describing a rectangular polygon.	ee.Geometry.Rectangle(coords, proj, geodesic, evenOdd)	Geometry.Rectangle	coords|proj|geodesic|evenOdd	List|Projection, optional|Boolean, optional|Boolean, optional	The minimum and maximum corners of the rectangle, as a list of two points each in the format of GeoJSON 'Point' coordinates, or a list of two ee.Geometry describing a point, or a list of four numbers in the order xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax.|The projection of this geometry. If unspecified, the default is the projection of the input ee.Geometry, or EPSG:4326 if there are no ee.Geometry inputs.|If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth. The default is the geodesic state of the inputs, or true if the inputs are numbers.|If true, polygon interiors will be determined by the even/odd rule, where a point is inside if it crosses an odd number of edges to reach a point at infinity. Otherwise polygons use the left- inside rule, where interiors are on the left side of the shell's edges when walking the vertices in the given order. If unspecified, defaults to true.
@@ -645,30 +645,30 @@ ee.Geometry.Rectangle.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-dime
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	Rectangle.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	Rectangle.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	Rectangle.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Rectangle.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Rectangle.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Rectangle.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Rectangle.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	Rectangle.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	Rectangle.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	Rectangle.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	Rectangle.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	Rectangle.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Rectangle.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Rectangle.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Rectangle.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Rectangle.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	Rectangle.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.Rectangle.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Rectangle.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.Rectangle.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Rectangle.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Rectangle.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Rectangle.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.Rectangle.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Rectangle.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	Rectangle.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	Rectangle.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	Rectangle.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.Rectangle.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Rectangle.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Rectangle.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Rectangle.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	Rectangle.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	Rectangle.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.Rectangle.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Rectangle.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Rectangle.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Rectangle.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Rectangle.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	Rectangle.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	Rectangle.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	Rectangle.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	Rectangle.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	Rectangle.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.Rectangle.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Rectangle.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.Rectangle.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Rectangle.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	Rectangle.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.Rectangle.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	Rectangle.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.area	Returns the area of the geometry. Area of points and line strings is 0, and the area of multi geometries is the sum of the areas of their componenets (intersecting areas are counted multiple times).	Geometry.area(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry input.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it  will be in square meters.
@@ -679,30 +679,30 @@ ee.Geometry.centroid	Returns a point at the center of the highest-dimension comp
 ee.Geometry.containedIn	Returns true iff one geometry is contained in the other.	Geometry.containedIn(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.contains	Returns true iff one geometry contains the other.	Geometry.contains(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.convexHull	Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of  everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.	Geometry.convexHull(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Calculates the convex hull of this geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Geometry.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.coordinates	Returns a GeoJSON-style list of the geometry's coordinates.	Geometry.coordinates()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.cutLines	Converts LineStrings into a MultiLineString by cutting it in two at each distance along the length of the LineString.	Geometry.cutLines(distances, maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|distances|maxError|proj	Geometry|List|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	Cuts the lines of this geometry.|Distances along each LineString to cut the line into separate pieces, measured in units of the given proj, or meters if proj is unspecified.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|Projection of the result and distance measurements, or WGS84 if unspecified.
 ee.Geometry.difference	Returns the result of subtracting the 'right' geometry from the 'left' geometry.	Geometry.difference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.disjoint	Returns true iff the geometries are disjoint.	Geometry.disjoint(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.dissolve	Returns the union of the geometry. This leaves single geometries untouched, and unions multi geometries.	Geometry.dissolve(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry to union.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any  necessary reprojection.|If specified, the union will be performed in this projection. Otherwise it will be performed in a spherical coordinate system.
 ee.Geometry.distance	Returns the minimum distance between two geometries.	Geometry.distance(right, maxError, proj)	Float	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Geometry.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.edgesAreGeodesics	Returns true if the geometry edges, if any, are geodesics along a spherical model of the earth; if false, any edges are straight lines in the projection.	Geometry.edgesAreGeodesics()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	Geometry.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
-ee.Geometry.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Geometry.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
-ee.Geometry.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Geometry.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.geodesic	If false, edges are straight in the projection. If true, edges are curved to follow the shortest path on the surface of the Earth.	Geometry.geodesic()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
+ee.Geometry.geometries	Returns the list of geometries in a GeometryCollection, or a singleton list of the geometry for single geometries.	Geometry.geometries()	List	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.getInfo	Retrieves the value of this object from the server.	Geometry.getInfo(callback)	Object	computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function, optional	The ComputedObject instance.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.Geometry.intersection	Returns the intersection of the two geometries.	Geometry.intersection(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.intersects	Returns true iff the geometries intersect.	Geometry.intersects(right, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
-ee.Geometry.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Geometry.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.isUnbounded	Returns whether the geometry is unbounded.	Geometry.isUnbounded()	Boolean	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.length	Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.	Geometry.length(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
 ee.Geometry.perimeter	Returns the length of the perimeter of the polygonal parts of the geometry. The perimeter of multi geometries is the sum of the perimeters of their components.	Geometry.perimeter(maxError, proj)	Float	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The input geometry.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|If specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.
-ee.Geometry.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Geometry.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.projection	Returns the projection of the geometry.	Geometry.projection()	Projection	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	Geometry.serialize()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.simplify	Simplifies the geometry to within a given error margin. Note that this does not respect the error margin requested by the consumer of this algorithm, unless maxError is explicitly specified to be null.	Geometry.simplify(maxError, proj)	Geometry	geometry|maxError|proj	Geometry|ErrorMargin|Projection, default: null	The geometry to simplify.|The maximum amount of error by which the result may differ from the input.|If specified, the result will be in this projection. Otherwise it will be in the same projection as the input. If the error margin is in projected units, the margin will be interpreted as units of this projection
 ee.Geometry.symmetricDifference	Returns the symmetric difference between two geometries.	Geometry.symmetricDifference(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.toGeoJSON	Returns a GeoJSON representation of the geometry.	Geometry.toGeoJSON()	GeoJSONGeometry	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.toGeoJSONString	Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the geometry.	Geometry.toGeoJSONString()	String	geometry	Geometry	The Geometry instance.
 ee.Geometry.transform	Transforms the geometry to a specific projection.	Geometry.transform(proj, maxError)	Geometry	geometry|proj|maxError	Geometry|Projection, optional|ErrorMargin, default: null	The geometry to reproject.|The target projection. Defaults to WGS84. If this has a geographic CRS, the edges of the geometry will be interpreted as geodesics. Otherwise they will be interpreted as straight lines in the projection.|The maximum projection error.
-ee.Geometry.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Geometry.type()	String	geometry	Geometry	
+ee.Geometry.type	Returns the GeoJSON type of the geometry.	Geometry.type()	String	geometry	Geometry
 ee.Geometry.union	Returns the union of the two geometries.	Geometry.union(right, maxError, proj)	Geometry	left|right|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Geometry.withinDistance	Returns true iff the geometries are within a specified distance.	Geometry.withinDistance(right, distance, maxError, proj)	Boolean	left|right|distance|maxError|proj	Geometry|Geometry|Float|ErrorMargin, default: null|Projection, default: null	The geometry used as the left operand of the operation.|The geometry used as the right operand of the operation.|The distance threshold. If a projection is specified, the distance is in units of that projected coordinate system, otherwise it is in meters.|The maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.|The projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.
 ee.Image	An object to represent an Earth Engine image. This constructor accepts a variety of arguments:	ee.Image(args)	Image	args	Image|List, optional	Constructor argument.
@@ -855,13 +855,13 @@ ee.Image.normalizedDifference	Computes the normalized difference between two ban
 ee.Image.not	Returns 0 if the input is non-zero, and 1 otherwise.	Image.not()	Image	value	Image	The image to which the operation is applied.
 ee.Image.or	Returns 1 iff either input value is non-zero for each matched pair of bands in image1 and image2. If either image1 or image2 has only 1 band, then it is used against all the bands in the other image. If the images have the same number of bands, but not the same names, they're used pairwise in the natural order. The output bands are named for the longer of the two inputs, or if they're equal in length, in image1's order. The type of the output pixels is boolean.	Image.or(image2)	Image	image1|image2	Image|Image	The image from which the left operand bands are taken.|The image from which the right operand bands are taken.
 ee.Image.paint	Paints the geometries of a collection onto an image.	Image.paint(featureCollection, color, width)	Image	image|featureCollection|color|width	Image|FeatureCollection|Object, default: 0|Object, default: null	The image on which the collection is painted.|The collection painted onto the image.|Either the name of a color property or a number.|Either the name of a line-width property or a number.
-ee.Image.pixelArea	Generate an image in which the value of each pixel is the area of that pixel in square meters.	ee.Image.pixelArea()	Image			
+ee.Image.pixelArea	Generate an image in which the value of each pixel is the area of that pixel in square meters.	ee.Image.pixelArea()	Image
 ee.Image.pixelCoordinates	Creates a two band image containing the x and y coordinates of each pixel in the given projection.	ee.Image.pixelCoordinates(projection)	Image	projection	Projection	The projection in which to provide pixels.
-ee.Image.pixelLonLat	Creates an image with two bands named 'longitude' and 'latitude', containing the longitude and latitude at each pixel, in degrees.	ee.Image.pixelLonLat()	Image			
+ee.Image.pixelLonLat	Creates an image with two bands named 'longitude' and 'latitude', containing the longitude and latitude at each pixel, in degrees.	ee.Image.pixelLonLat()	Image
 ee.Image.polynomial	Compute a polynomial at each pixel using the given coefficients.	Image.polynomial(coefficients)	Image	image|coefficients	Image|List	The input image.|The polynomial coefficients in increasing order of degree starting with the constant term.
 ee.Image.pow	Raises the first value to the power of the second for each matched pair of bands in image1 and image2. If either image1 or image2 has only 1 band, then it is used against all the bands in the other image. If the images have the same number of bands, but not the same names, they're used pairwise in the natural order. The output bands are named for the longer of the two inputs, or if they're equal in length, in image1's order. The type of the output pixels is float.	Image.pow(image2)	Image	image1|image2	Image|Image	The image from which the left operand bands are taken.|The image from which the right operand bands are taken.
 ee.Image.projection	Returns the default projection of an Image.  Throws an error if the bands of the image don't all have the same projection.	Image.projection()	Projection	image	Image	The image from which to get the projection.
-ee.Image.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	Image.propertyNames()	List	element	Element	
+ee.Image.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	Image.propertyNames()	List	element	Element
 ee.Image.random	Generates a uniform random number at each pixel location, in the range of 0 to 1.	ee.Image.random(seed)	Image	seed	Long, default: 0	Seed for the random number generator.
 ee.Image.randomVisualizer	Creates a vizualization image by assigning a random color to each unique value of the pixels of the first band. The first three bands of the output image will contan 8-bit R, G and B values, followed by all bands of the input image.	Image.randomVisualizer()	Image	image	Image	Image with at least one band.
 ee.Image.reduce	Applies a reducer to all of the bands of an image.	Image.reduce(reducer)	Image	image|reducer	Image|Reducer	The image to reduce.|The reducer to apply to the given image.
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ ee.ImageCollection.mode	Reduces an image collection by calculating the most comm
 ee.ImageCollection.mosaic	Composites all the images in a collection, using the mask.	ImageCollection.mosaic()	Image	collection	ImageCollection	The collection to mosaic.
 ee.ImageCollection.or	Reduces an image collection by setting each pixel to 1 iff any of the non-masked values at that pixel are non-zero across the stack of all matching bands. Bands are matched by name.	ImageCollection.or()	Image	collection	ImageCollection	The image collection to reduce.
 ee.ImageCollection.product	Reduces an image collection by calculating the product of all values at each pixel across the stack of all matching bands. Bands are matched by name.	ImageCollection.product()	Image	collection	ImageCollection	The image collection to reduce.
-ee.ImageCollection.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	ImageCollection.propertyNames()	List	element	Element	
+ee.ImageCollection.propertyNames	Returns the names of properties on this element.	ImageCollection.propertyNames()	List	element	Element
 ee.ImageCollection.qualityMosaic	Composites all the images in a collection, using a quality band as a per-pixel ordering function.	ImageCollection.qualityMosaic(qualityBand)	Image	collection|qualityBand	ImageCollection|String	The collection to mosaic.|The name of the quality band in the collection.
 ee.ImageCollection.randomColumn	Adds a column of deterministic pseudorandom numbers to a collection.  The numbers are double-precision floating point numbers in the range 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive).	ImageCollection.randomColumn(columnName, seed)	FeatureCollection	collection|columnName|seed	"FeatureCollection|String, default: ""random""|Long, default: 0"	The input collection to which to add a random column.|The name of the column to add.|A seed used when generating the random numbers.
 ee.ImageCollection.reduce	Applies a reducer across all of the images in a collection.	ImageCollection.reduce(reducer, parallelScale)	Image	collection|reducer|parallelScale	ImageCollection|Reducer|Float, default: 1	The image collection to reduce.|The reducer to apply to the given collection.|A scaling factor used to limit memory use; using a larger parallelScale (e.g. 2 or 4) may enable computations that run out of memory with the default.
@@ -1014,11 +1014,11 @@ ee.ImageCollection.toList	Returns the elements of a collection as a list.	ImageC
 ee.ImageCollection.union	Merges all geometries in a given collection into one and returns a collection containing a single feature with only an ID of 'union_result' and a geometry.	ImageCollection.union(maxError)	FeatureCollection	collection|maxError	FeatureCollection|ErrorMargin, default: null	The collection being merged.|The maximum error allowed when performing any necessary reprojections. If not specified, defaults to the error margin requested from the output.
 ee.Join.apply	Joins two collections.	Join.apply(primary, secondary, condition)	FeatureCollection	join|primary|secondary|condition	Join|FeatureCollection|FeatureCollection|Filter	The join to apply; determines how the the results are constructed.|The primary collection.|The secondary collection.|The join condition used to select the matches from the two collections.
 ee.Join.inner	Returns a join that pairs elements from the primary collection with matching elements from the secondary collection. Each result has a 'primary' property that contains the element from the primary collection, and a 'secondary' property containing the matching element from the secondary collection. If measureKey is specified, the join measure is also attached to the object as a property.	ee.Join.inner(primaryKey, secondaryKey, measureKey)	Join	primaryKey|secondaryKey|measureKey	"String, default: ""primary""|String, default: ""secondary""|String, default: null"	The property name used to save the primary match.|The property name used to save the secondary match.|An optional property name used to save the measure of the join condition.
-ee.Join.inverted	Returns a join that produces the elements of the primary collection that match no elements of the secondary collection. No properties are added to the results.	ee.Join.inverted()	Join			
+ee.Join.inverted	Returns a join that produces the elements of the primary collection that match no elements of the secondary collection. No properties are added to the results.	ee.Join.inverted()	Join
 ee.Join.saveAll	Returns a join that pairs each element from the first collection with a group of matching elements from the second collection. The list of matches is added to each result as an additional property. If measureKey is specified, each match has the value of its join measure attached. Join measures are produced when withinDistance or maxDifference filters are used as the join condition.	ee.Join.saveAll(matchesKey, ordering, ascending, measureKey, outer)	Join	matchesKey|ordering|ascending|measureKey|outer	String|String, default: null|Boolean, default: true|String, default: null|Boolean, default: false	The property name used to save the matches list.|The property on which to sort the matches list.|Whether the ordering is ascending.|An optional property name used to save the measure of the join condition on each match.|If true, primary rows without matches will be included in the result.
 ee.Join.saveBest	Returns a join that pairs each element from the first collection with a matching element from the second collection. The match with the best join measure is added to each result as an additional property. Join measures are produced when withinDistance or maxDifference filters are used as the join condition.	ee.Join.saveBest(matchKey, measureKey, outer)	Join	matchKey|measureKey|outer	String|String|Boolean, default: false	The key used to save the match.|The key used to save the measure of the join condition on the match.|If true, primary rows without matches will be included in the result.
 ee.Join.saveFirst	Returns a join that pairs each element from the first collection with a matching element from the second collection. The first match is added to the result as an additional property.	ee.Join.saveFirst(matchKey, ordering, ascending, measureKey, outer)	Join	matchKey|ordering|ascending|measureKey|outer	String|String, default: null|Boolean, default: true|String, default: null|Boolean, default: false	The property name used to save the match.|The property on which to sort the matches before selecting the first.|Whether the ordering is ascending.|An optional property name used to save the measure of the join condition on the match.|If true, primary rows without matches will be included in the result.
-ee.Join.simple	Returns a join that produces the elements of the primary collection that match any element of the secondary collection. No properties are added to the results.	ee.Join.simple()	Join			
+ee.Join.simple	Returns a join that produces the elements of the primary collection that match any element of the secondary collection. No properties are added to the results.	ee.Join.simple()	Join
 ee.Kernel.add	Adds two kernels (pointwise), after aligning their centers.	Kernel.add(kernel2, normalize)	Kernel	kernel1|kernel2|normalize	Kernel|Kernel|Boolean, default: false	The first kernel.|The second kernel.|Normalize the kernel.
 ee.Kernel.chebyshev	Generates a distance kernel based on Chebyshev distance (greatest distance along any dimension).	ee.Kernel.chebyshev(radius, units, normalize, magnitude)	Kernel	radius|units|normalize|magnitude	"Float|String, default: ""pixels""|Boolean, default: false|Float, default: 1"	The radius of the kernel to generate.|The system of measurement for the kernel ('pixels' or 'meters'). If the kernel is specified in meters, it will resize when the zoom-level is changed.|Normalize the kernel values to sum to 1.|Scale each value by this amount.	Generates a circle-shaped boolean kernel., units, normalize, magnitude)	Kernel	radius|units|normalize|magnitude	"Float|String, default: ""pixels""|Boolean, default: true|Float, default: 1"	The radius of the kernel to generate.|The system of measurement for the kernel ('pixels' or 'meters'). If the kernel is specified in meters, it will resize when the zoom-level is changed.|Normalize the kernel values to sum to 1.|Scale each value by this amount.
@@ -1047,11 +1047,11 @@ ee.List.aside	Calls a function passing this object as the first argument, and re	Concatenates the contents of other onto list.	List	list|other	List|List	|
 ee.List.contains	Returns true if list contains element.	List.contains(element)	Boolean	list|element	List|Object	|
 ee.List.containsAll	Returns true if list contains all of the elements of other, regardless of order.	List.containsAll(other)	Boolean	list|other	List|List	|
-ee.List.distinct	Returns a copy of list without duplicate elements.	List.distinct()	List	list	List	
+ee.List.distinct	Returns a copy of list without duplicate elements.	List.distinct()	List	list	List
 ee.List.equals	Returns true if list contains the same elements as other, in the same order.	List.equals(other)	Boolean	list|other	List|List	|
 ee.List.evaluate	Asynchronously retrieves the value of this object from the server and passes it to the provided callback function.	List.evaluate(callback)		computedobject|callback	ComputedObject|Function	The ComputedObject instance.|A function of the form function(success, failure), called when the server returns an answer. If the request succeeded, the success argument contains the evaluated result.  If the request failed, the failure argument will contains an error message.
 ee.List.filter	Filters a list to only the elements that match the given filter. To filter list items that aren't images or features, test a property named'item', e.g.:'item', 3)	List.filter(filter)	List	list|filter	List|Filter	|
-ee.List.flatten	Flattens any sublists into a single list.	List.flatten()	List	list	List	
+ee.List.flatten	Flattens any sublists into a single list.	List.flatten()	List	list	List
 ee.List.frequency	Returns the number of elements in list equal to element.	List.frequency(element)	Integer	list|element	List|Object	|
 ee.List.get	Returns the element at the specified position in list.  A negative index counts backwards from the end of the list.	List.get(index)	Object	list|index	List|Integer	|
 ee.List.getArray	Returns the array at the specified position in list.  A negative index counts backwards from the end of the list. If the value is not a array, an error will occur.	List.getArray(index)	Array	list|index	List|Integer	|
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ ee.List.insert	Inserts element at the specified position in list. A negative ind
 ee.List.iterate	Iterate an algorithm over a list.  The algorithm is expected to take two objects, the current list item, and the result from the previous iteration or the value of first for the first iteration.	List.iterate(function, first)	Object	list|function|first	List|Algorithm|Object	||
 ee.List.join	Returns a string containing the elements of the list joined together with the specified separator between elements.	List.join(separator)	String	list|separator	"List|String, default: """""	|
 ee.List.lastIndexOfSubList	Returns the starting position of the last occurrence of target within list, or -1 if there is no such occurrence.	List.lastIndexOfSubList(target)	Integer	list|target	List|List	|
-ee.List.length	Returns the number of elements in list.	List.length()	Integer	list	List	
+ee.List.length	Returns the number of elements in list.	List.length()	Integer	list	List	Map an algorithm over a list.  The algorithm is expected to take an Object and return an Object., dropNulls)	List	list|baseAlgorithm|dropNulls	List|Algorithm|Boolean, default: false	||If true, the mapped algorithm is allowed to return nulls, and the elements for which it returns nulls will be dropped.
 ee.List.reduce	Apply a reducer to a list.  If the reducer takes more than 1 input, then each element in the list is assumed to be a list of inputs.  If the reducer returns a single output, it is returned directly, otherwise returns a dictionary containing the named reducer outputs.	List.reduce(reducer)	Object	list|reducer	List|Reducer	|
 ee.List.remove	Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from list, if it is present.	List.remove(element)	List	list|element	List|Object	|
@@ -1073,12 +1073,12 @@ ee.List.removeAll	Removes from list all of the elements that are contained in ot
 ee.List.repeat	Returns a new list containing value repeated count times.	ee.List.repeat(value, count)	List	value|count	Object|Integer	|
 ee.List.replace	Replaces the first occurrence of oldVal in list with newVal.	List.replace(oldval, newval)	List	list|oldval|newval	List|Object|Object	||
 ee.List.replaceAll	Replaces all occurrences of oldVal in list with newVal.	List.replaceAll(oldval, newval)	List	list|oldval|newval	List|Object|Object	||
-ee.List.reverse	Reverses the order of the elements in list.	List.reverse()	List	list	List	
+ee.List.reverse	Reverses the order of the elements in list.	List.reverse()	List	list	List
 ee.List.rotate	Rotates the elements of the list by the specified distance.	List.rotate(distance)	List	list|distance	List|Integer	|
 ee.List.sequence	Generate a sequence of numbers from start to end (inclusive) in increments of step, or in count equally-spaced increments.  If end is not specified it is computed from start + step * count, so at least one of end or count must be specified.	ee.List.sequence(start, end, step, count)	List	start|end|step|count	Number|Number, default: null|Number, default: 1|Integer, default: null	|||
 ee.List.serialize	Returns the serialized representation of this object.	List.serialize()	String	computedobject	ComputedObject	The ComputedObject instance.
 ee.List.set	Replaces the value at the specified position in list with element.  A negative index counts backwards from the end of the list.	List.set(index, element)	List	list|index|element	List|Integer|Object	||
-ee.List.size	Returns the number of elements in list.	List.size()	Integer	list	List	
+ee.List.size	Returns the number of elements in list.	List.size()	Integer	list	List
 ee.List.slice	Returns a portion of list between the start index, inclusive, and end index, exclusive.  Negative values for start or end count backwards from the end of the list.  Values greater than the size of the list are legal but are truncated to the size of list.	List.slice(start, end)	List	list|start|end	List|Integer|Integer, default: null	||
 ee.List.sort	Sorts the list into ascending order.  If the 'keys' argument is provided, then it is sorted first, and the elements of 'list' are placed in the same order.	List.sort(keys)	List	list|keys	List|List, default: null	The list to sort.|Optional keys to sort by.  If 'keys' is provided, it must have the same length as 'list'.
 ee.List.splice	Starting at the start index, removes count elements from list and insert the contents of other at that location.  If start is negative, it counts backwards from the end of the list.	List.splice(start, count, other)	List	list|start|count|other	List|Integer|Integer|List, default: null	|||
@@ -1185,78 +1185,78 @@ ee.Number.uint32	Casts the input value to an unsigned 32-bit integer.	Number.uin
 ee.Number.uint8	Casts the input value to an unsigned 8-bit integer.	Number.uint8()	Number	input	Number	The input value.
 ee.Number.unitScale	Scales the input so that the range of input values [min, max] becomes [0, 1]. Values outside the range are NOT clamped.  If min == max, 0 is returned.	ee.Number.unitScale(number, min, max)	Float	number|min|max	Float|Float|Float	||
 ee.PixelType	Returns a PixelType of the given precision with the given limits per element, and an optional dimensionality.	ee.PixelType(precision, minValue, maxValue, dimensions)	PixelType	precision|minValue|maxValue|dimensions	Object|Number, default: null|Number, default: null|Integer, default: 0	The pixel precision, one of 'int', 'float', or 'double'.|The minimum value of pixels of this type. If precision is 'float' or 'double', this can be null, signifying negative infinity.|The maximum value of pixels of this type. If precision is 'float' or 'double', this can be null, signifying positive infinity.|The number of dimensions in which pixels of this type can vary; 0 is a scalar, 1 is a vector, 2 is a matrix, etc.
-ee.PixelType.double	Returns the 64-bit floating point pixel type.	ee.PixelType.double()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.float	Returns the 32-bit floating point pixel type.	ee.PixelType.float()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.int16	Returns the 16-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int16()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.int32	Returns the 32-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int32()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.int64	Returns the 64-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int64()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.int8	Returns the 8-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int8()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.uint16	Returns the 16-bit unsigned integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.uint16()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.uint32	Returns the 32-bit unsigned integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.uint32()	PixelType			
-ee.PixelType.uint8	Returns the 8-bit unsigned integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.uint8()	PixelType			
+ee.PixelType.double	Returns the 64-bit floating point pixel type.	ee.PixelType.double()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.float	Returns the 32-bit floating point pixel type.	ee.PixelType.float()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.int16	Returns the 16-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int16()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.int32	Returns the 32-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int32()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.int64	Returns the 64-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int64()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.int8	Returns the 8-bit signed integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.int8()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.uint16	Returns the 16-bit unsigned integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.uint16()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.uint32	Returns the 32-bit unsigned integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.uint32()	PixelType
+ee.PixelType.uint8	Returns the 8-bit unsigned integer pixel type.	ee.PixelType.uint8()	PixelType
 ee.Projection	Returns a Projection with the given base coordinate system and the given transform between projected coordinates and the base. If no transform is specified, the identity transform is assumed.	ee.Projection(crs, transform, transformWkt)	Projection	crs|transform|transformWkt	Object|List, default: null|String, default: null	The base coordinate reference system of this Projection, given as a well-known authority code (e.g. 'EPSG:4326') or a WKT string.|The transform between projected coordinates and the base coordinate system, specified as a 2x3 affine transform matrix in row-major order: [xScale, xShearing, xTranslation, yShearing, yScale, yTranslation]. May not specify both this and 'transformWkt'.|The transform between projected coordinates and the base coordinate system, specified as a WKT string. May not specify both this and 'transform'.
 ee.Projection.atScale	Returns the projection scaled such that its units have the given scale in linear meters, as measured at the point of true scale.	Projection.atScale(meters)	Projection	projection|meters	Projection|Float	|	Returns the authority code (e.g. 'EPSG:4326') for the base coordinate system of this projection, or null if the base coordinate system is not found in any available database.	String	projection	Projection	
-ee.Projection.nominalScale	Returns the linear scale in meters of the units of this projection, as measured at the point of true scale.	Projection.nominalScale()	Float	proj	Projection	Returns the authority code (e.g. 'EPSG:4326') for the base coordinate system of this projection, or null if the base coordinate system is not found in any available database.	String	projection	Projection
+ee.Projection.nominalScale	Returns the linear scale in meters of the units of this projection, as measured at the point of true scale.	Projection.nominalScale()	Float	proj	Projection
 ee.Projection.scale	Returns the projection scaled by the given amount in each axis.	Projection.scale(x, y)	Projection	projection|x|y	Projection|Float|Float	||
-ee.Projection.transform	Returns a WKT representation of the transform of this Projection. This is the transform that converts from projected coordinates to the base coordinate system.	Projection.transform()	String	projection	Projection	
+ee.Projection.transform	Returns a WKT representation of the transform of this Projection. This is the transform that converts from projected coordinates to the base coordinate system.	Projection.transform()	String	projection	Projection
 ee.Projection.translate	Returns the projection translated by the given amount in each axis.	Projection.translate(x, y)	Projection	projection|x|y	Projection|Float|Float	||
-ee.Projection.wkt	Returns a WKT representation of the base coordinate system of this Projection.	Projection.wkt()	String	projection	Projection	
-ee.Reducer.allNonZero	Returns a Reducer that returns 1 if all of its inputs are non-zero, 0 otherwise.	ee.Reducer.allNonZero()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.anyNonZero	Returns a Reducer that returns 1 if any of its inputs are non-zero, 0 otherwise.	ee.Reducer.anyNonZero()	Reducer			
+ee.Projection.wkt	Returns a WKT representation of the base coordinate system of this Projection.	Projection.wkt()	String	projection	Projection
+ee.Reducer.allNonZero	Returns a Reducer that returns 1 if all of its inputs are non-zero, 0 otherwise.	ee.Reducer.allNonZero()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.anyNonZero	Returns a Reducer that returns 1 if any of its inputs are non-zero, 0 otherwise.	ee.Reducer.anyNonZero()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.autoHistogram	Create a reducer that will compute a histogram of the inputs.  The output is a Nx2 array of the lower bucket bounds and the counts of each bucket, and is suitable for use per-pixel.	ee.Reducer.autoHistogram(maxBuckets, minBucketWidth, maxRaw)	Reducer	maxBuckets|minBucketWidth|maxRaw	Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null	The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.|The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.|The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.
-ee.Reducer.bitwiseAnd	Returns a Reducer that computes the bitwise-and summation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.bitwiseAnd()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.bitwiseOr	Returns a Reducer that computes the bitwise-or summation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.bitwiseOr()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance	Creates a reducer that reduces some number of 1-D arrays of the same length N to a covariance matrix of shape NxN.  WARNING: this reducer requires that the data has been mean centered.	ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.bitwiseAnd	Returns a Reducer that computes the bitwise-and summation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.bitwiseAnd()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.bitwiseOr	Returns a Reducer that computes the bitwise-or summation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.bitwiseOr()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance	Creates a reducer that reduces some number of 1-D arrays of the same length N to a covariance matrix of shape NxN.  WARNING: this reducer requires that the data has been mean centered.	ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.combine	Creates a Reducer that runs two reducers in parallel.  The combined reducer's outputs will be those of reducer1 followed by those of reducer2, where the output names of reducer2 are prefixed with the given string.	Reducer.combine(reducer2, outputPrefix, sharedInputs)	Reducer	reducer1|reducer2|outputPrefix|sharedInputs	"Reducer|Reducer|String, default: """"|Boolean, default: false"	||Prefix for reducer2's output names.|
-ee.Reducer.count	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.count()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.countDistinct	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of distinct inputs.	ee.Reducer.countDistinct()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.countEvery	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of inputs.	ee.Reducer.countEvery()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.countRuns	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of runs of distinct, non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.countRuns()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.covariance	Creates a reducer that reduces some number of 1-D arrays of the same length N to a covariance matrix of shape NxN.  This reducer uses the one-pass covariance formula from Sandia National Laboratories Technical Report SAND2008-6212, which can lose accuracy if the values span a large range.	ee.Reducer.covariance()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.count	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.count()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.countDistinct	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of distinct inputs.	ee.Reducer.countDistinct()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.countEvery	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of inputs.	ee.Reducer.countEvery()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.countRuns	Returns a Reducer that computes the number of runs of distinct, non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.countRuns()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.covariance	Creates a reducer that reduces some number of 1-D arrays of the same length N to a covariance matrix of shape NxN.  This reducer uses the one-pass covariance formula from Sandia National Laboratories Technical Report SAND2008-6212, which can lose accuracy if the values span a large range.	ee.Reducer.covariance()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.disaggregate	Separates aggregate inputs (Arrays, Lists or Dictionaries) into individual items that are then each passed to the specified reducer.  When used on dictionaries, the dictionary keys are ignored.  Non-aggregated inputs (ie: numbers or strings) are passed to the underlying reducer directly.	Reducer.disaggregate(axis)	Reducer	reducer|axis	Reducer|Integer, default: null	The reducer for which to disaggregate inputs.|If specified, indicates an array axis along which to disaggregate.  If not specified, arrays are completely disaggregated.  Ignored for non-array types.
-ee.Reducer.first	Returns a Reducer that returns the first of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.first()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.firstNonNull	Returns a Reducer that returns the first of its non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.firstNonNull()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.first	Returns a Reducer that returns the first of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.first()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.firstNonNull	Returns a Reducer that returns the first of its non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.firstNonNull()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram	Creates a reducer that will compute a histogram of the inputs using a fixed number of fixed width bins. Values outside of the [min, max) range are ignored.  The output is a Nx2 array of bucket lower edges and counts and is suitable for use per-pixel.	ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(min, max, steps)	Reducer	min|max|steps	Float|Float|Integer	The lower (inclusive) bound of the first bucket.|The upper (exclusive) bound of the last bucket.|The number of buckets to use.
 ee.Reducer.forEach	Creates a Reducer by combining a copy of the given reducer for each output name in the given list.  If the reducer has a single output, the output names are used as-is; otherwise they are prefixed to the original output names.	Reducer.forEach(outputNames)	Reducer	reducer|outputNames	Reducer|List	|
 ee.Reducer.forEachBand	Creates a Reducer by combining a copy of the given reducer for each band in the given image, using the band names as output names.	Reducer.forEachBand(image)	Reducer	reducer|image	Reducer|Image	|
 ee.Reducer.forEachElement	Separately reduces each position in array inputs of equal shape, producing an array output of the same shape.	Reducer.forEachElement()	Reducer	reducer	Reducer	The reducer to apply to each array element.
-ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram	Returns a Reducer that returns a (weighted) frequency table of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.getOutputs	Returns a list of the output names of the given reducer.	Reducer.getOutputs()	List	reducer	Reducer	
+ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram	Returns a Reducer that returns a (weighted) frequency table of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.getOutputs	Returns a list of the output names of the given reducer.	Reducer.getOutputs()	List	reducer	Reducer	Groups reducer records by the value of a given input, and reduces each group with the given reducer., groupName)	Reducer	reducer|groupField|groupName	"Reducer|Integer, default: 0|String, default: ""group"""	The reducer to apply to each group, without the group field.|The field that contains record groups.|The dictionary key that contains the group. Defaults to 'group'.
 ee.Reducer.histogram	Create a reducer that will compute a histogram of the inputs.	ee.Reducer.histogram(maxBuckets, minBucketWidth, maxRaw)	Reducer	maxBuckets|minBucketWidth|maxRaw	Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null	The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.|The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.|The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.
 ee.Reducer.intervalMean	Creates a Reducer to compute the mean of all inputs in the specified percentile range.  For small numbers of inputs (up to maxRaw) the mean will be computed directly; for larger numbers of inputs the mean will be derived from a histogram.	ee.Reducer.intervalMean(minPercentile, maxPercentile, maxBuckets, minBucketWidth, maxRaw)	Reducer	minPercentile|maxPercentile|maxBuckets|minBucketWidth|maxRaw	Float|Float|Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null	The lower bound of the percentile range.|The upper bound of the percentile range.|The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.|The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.|The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.
 ee.Reducer.kendallsCorrelation	Creates a reducer that computes the Kendall's Tau-b rank correlation.  A positive tau value indicates an increasing trend; negative value indicates a decreasing trend. See for details.	ee.Reducer.kendallsCorrelation(numInputs)	Reducer	numInputs	Integer, default: 1	The number of inputs to expect (1 or 2).  If 1 is specified, automatically generates sequence numbers for the x value (meaning there can be no ties).
-ee.Reducer.kurtosis	Returns a Reducer that Computes the kurtosis of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.kurtosis()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.last	Returns a Reducer that returns the last of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.last()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.lastNonNull	Returns a Reducer that returns the last of its non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.lastNonNull()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.linearFit	Returns a Reducer that computes the slope and offset for a (weighted) linear regression of 2 inputs.  The inputs are expected to be x data followed by y data..	ee.Reducer.linearFit()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.kurtosis	Returns a Reducer that Computes the kurtosis of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.kurtosis()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.last	Returns a Reducer that returns the last of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.last()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.lastNonNull	Returns a Reducer that returns the last of its non-null inputs.	ee.Reducer.lastNonNull()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.linearFit	Returns a Reducer that computes the slope and offset for a (weighted) linear regression of 2 inputs.  The inputs are expected to be x data followed by y data..	ee.Reducer.linearFit()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.linearRegression	Creates a reducer that computes a linear least squares regression with numX independent variables and numY dependent variables.	ee.Reducer.linearRegression(numX, numY)	Reducer	numX|numY	Integer|Integer, default: 1	The number of input dimensions.|The number of output dimensions.
 ee.Reducer.max	Creates a reducer that outputs the maximum value of its (first) input.  If numInputs is greater than one, also outputs the corresponding values of the additional inputs.	ee.Reducer.max(numInputs)	Reducer	numInputs	Integer, default: 1	The number of inputs.
-ee.Reducer.mean	Returns a Reducer that computes the (weighted) arithmetic mean of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.mean()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.mean	Returns a Reducer that computes the (weighted) arithmetic mean of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.mean()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.median	Create a reducer that will compute the median of the inputs.  For small numbers of inputs (up to maxRaw) the median will be computed directly; for larger numbers of inputs the median will be derived from a histogram.	ee.Reducer.median(maxBuckets, minBucketWidth, maxRaw)	Reducer	maxBuckets|minBucketWidth|maxRaw	Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null	The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.|The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.|The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.
 ee.Reducer.min	Creates a reducer that outputs the minimum value of its (first) input.  If numInputs is greater than one, also outputs the corresponding values of the additional inputs.	ee.Reducer.min(numInputs)	Reducer	numInputs	Integer, default: 1	The number of inputs.
-ee.Reducer.minMax	Returns a Reducer that computes the minimum and maximum of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.minMax()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.minMax	Returns a Reducer that computes the minimum and maximum of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.minMax()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.mode	Create a reducer that will compute the mode of the inputs.  For small numbers of inputs (up to maxRaw) the mode will be computed directly; for larger numbers of inputs the mode will be derived from a histogram.	ee.Reducer.mode(maxBuckets, minBucketWidth, maxRaw)	Reducer	maxBuckets|minBucketWidth|maxRaw	Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null	The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.|The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.|The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.
-ee.Reducer.pearsonsCorrelation	Creates a two-input reducer that computes Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient and the 2-sided p-value test for correlation = 0.	ee.Reducer.pearsonsCorrelation()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.pearsonsCorrelation	Creates a two-input reducer that computes Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient and the 2-sided p-value test for correlation = 0.	ee.Reducer.pearsonsCorrelation()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.percentile	Create a reducer that will compute the specified percentiles, e.g. given [0, 50, 100] will produce outputs named 'p0', 'p50', and 'p100' with the min, median, and max respectively.  For small numbers of inputs (up to maxRaw) the percentiles will be computed directly; for larger numbers of inputs the percentiles will be derived from a histogram.	ee.Reducer.percentile(percentiles, outputNames, maxBuckets, minBucketWidth, maxRaw)	Reducer	percentiles|outputNames|maxBuckets|minBucketWidth|maxRaw	List|List, default: null|Integer, default: null|Float, default: null|Integer, default: null	A list of numbers between 0 and 100.|A list of names for the outputs, or null to get default names.|The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.|The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.|The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.
-ee.Reducer.product	Returns a Reducer that computes the product of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.product()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.product	Returns a Reducer that computes the product of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.product()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.repeat	Creates a Reducer by combining the specified number of copies of the given reducer.  Output names are the same as the given reducer, but each is a list of the corresponding output from each of the reducers.	Reducer.repeat(count)	Reducer	reducer|count	Reducer|Integer	|
 ee.Reducer.ridgeRegression	Creates a reducer that computes a ridge regression with numX independent variables (not including constant) followed by numY dependent variables.  Ridge regression is a form of Tikhonov regularization which shrinks the regression coefficients by imposing a penalty on their size. With this implementation of ridge regression there NO NEED to include a constant value for bias.	ee.Reducer.ridgeRegression(numX, numY, lambda)	Reducer	numX|numY|lambda	Integer|Integer, default: 1|Float, default: 0.1	the number of independent variables being regressed.|the number of dependent variables.|Regularization parameter.
 ee.Reducer.robustLinearRegression	Creates a reducer that computes a robust least squares regression with numX independent variables and numY dependent variables, using iteratively reweighted least squares with the Talwar cost function. A point is considered an outlier if the RMS of residuals is greater than beta.	ee.Reducer.robustLinearRegression(numX, numY, beta)	Reducer	numX|numY|beta	Integer|Integer, default: 1|Float, default: null	The number of input dimensions.|The number of output dimensions.|Residual error outlier margin. If null, a default value will be computed.
-ee.Reducer.sampleStdDev	Returns a Reducer that computes the sample standard deviation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.sampleStdDev()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.sampleVariance	Returns a Reducer that computes the sample variance of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.sampleVariance()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.sensSlope	Creates a two-input reducer that computes the Sen's slope estimator.  The inputs are expected to be x data followed by y data.  It returns two double values; the estimated slope and the offset.	ee.Reducer.sensSlope()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.sampleStdDev	Returns a Reducer that computes the sample standard deviation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.sampleStdDev()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.sampleVariance	Returns a Reducer that computes the sample variance of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.sampleVariance()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.sensSlope	Creates a two-input reducer that computes the Sen's slope estimator.  The inputs are expected to be x data followed by y data.  It returns two double values; the estimated slope and the offset.	ee.Reducer.sensSlope()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.setOutputs	Returns a Reducer with the same inputs as the given Reducer, but with outputs renamed and/or removed.	Reducer.setOutputs(outputs)	Reducer	reducer|outputs	Reducer|List	|The new output names; any output whose name is null or empty will be dropped.
-ee.Reducer.skew	Returns a Reducer that Computes the skewness of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.skew()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.spearmansCorrelation	Creates a two-input reducer that computes the Spearman's rank-moment correlation.  See for details.	ee.Reducer.spearmansCorrelation()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.splitWeights	Returns a Reducer with the same outputs as the given Reducer, but with each weighted input replaced by two unweighted inputs.	Reducer.splitWeights()	Reducer	reducer	Reducer	
-ee.Reducer.stdDev	Returns a Reducer that computes the standard deviation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.stdDev()	Reducer			
-ee.Reducer.sum	Returns a Reducer that computes the (weighted) sum of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.sum()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.skew	Returns a Reducer that Computes the skewness of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.skew()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.spearmansCorrelation	Creates a two-input reducer that computes the Spearman's rank-moment correlation.  See for details.	ee.Reducer.spearmansCorrelation()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.splitWeights	Returns a Reducer with the same outputs as the given Reducer, but with each weighted input replaced by two unweighted inputs.	Reducer.splitWeights()	Reducer	reducer	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.stdDev	Returns a Reducer that computes the standard deviation of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.stdDev()	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.sum	Returns a Reducer that computes the (weighted) sum of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.sum()	Reducer
 ee.Reducer.toCollection	Returns a reducer that collects its inputs into a FeatureCollection.	ee.Reducer.toCollection(propertyNames, numOptional)	Reducer	propertyNames|numOptional	List|Integer, default: 0	The property names that will be defined on each output feature; determines the number of reducer inputs.|The last numOptional inputs will be considered optional; the other inputs must be non-null or the input tuple will be dropped.
 ee.Reducer.toList	Creates a reducer that collects its inputs into a list, optionally grouped into tuples.	ee.Reducer.toList(tupleSize, numOptional)	Reducer	tupleSize|numOptional	Integer, default: null|Integer, default: 0	The size of each output tuple, or null for no grouping. Also determines the number of inputs (null tupleSize has 1 input).|The last numOptional inputs will be considered optional; the other inputs must be non-null or the input tuple will be dropped.
-ee.Reducer.unweighted	Returns a Reducer with the same inputs and outputs as the given Reducer, but with no weighted inputs.	Reducer.unweighted()	Reducer	reducer	Reducer	
-ee.Reducer.variance	Returns a Reducer that computes the variance of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.variance()	Reducer			
+ee.Reducer.unweighted	Returns a Reducer with the same inputs and outputs as the given Reducer, but with no weighted inputs.	Reducer.unweighted()	Reducer	reducer	Reducer
+ee.Reducer.variance	Returns a Reducer that computes the variance of its inputs.	ee.Reducer.variance()	Reducer
 ee.String	Constructs a new String.	ee.String(string)	String	string	Object|String	A string or a computed object.
 ee.String.aside	Calls a function passing this object as the first argument, and returning itself. Convenient e.g. when debugging:	String.aside(func, var_args)	ComputedObject	computedobject|func|var_args	ComputedObject|Function|VarArgs	The ComputedObject instance.|The function to call.|Any extra arguments to pass to the function.	Concatenates two strings.	String	string1|string2	String|String	The first string.|The second string.
@@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@	Creates a table asset ingestion task.	Updates an asset., asset, updateFields, callback)	Object	assetId|asset|updateFields|callback	String|api.EarthEngineAsset|List|Function, optional	"The ID of the asset to update.|The updated version of the asset, containing only the new values of the fields to be updated. Only the|""start_time"", ""end_time"", and ""properties"" fields can be updated. If a value is named in ""updateMask"", but is unset in ""asset"", then that value will be deleted from the asset.|A list of the field names to update. This may contain:|""start_time"" or ""end_time"" to update the corresponding timestamp,|""properties.PROPERTY_NAME"" to update a given property, or|""properties"" to update all properties. If the list is empty, all properties and both timestamps will be updated.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously."	Update one or more tasks' properties. For now, only the following properties may be updated: State (to CANCELLED), action, callback)	List	taskId|action|callback	List|TaskUpdateActions|Function, optional	ID of the task or an array of multiple task IDs.|Action performed on tasks.|An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously.
 ee.initialize	Initialize the library.  If this hasn't been called by the time any object constructor is used, it will be called then.  If this is called a second time with a different baseurl or tileurl, this doesn't do an un-initialization of e.g.: the previously loaded Algorithms, but will overwrite them and let point at alternate servers.	ee.initialize(baseurl, tileurl, successCallback, errorCallback, xsrfToken)		baseurl|tileurl|successCallback|errorCallback|xsrfToken	String, optional|String, optional|Function, optional|Function, optional|String, optional	"The (proxied) EarthEngine REST API endpoint.|The (unproxied) EarthEngine REST tile endpoint.|An optional callback to be invoked when the initialization is successful. If not provided, the initialization is done synchronously.|An optional callback to be invoked with an error if the initialization fails.|A string to pass in the ""xsrfToken"" parameter of EE API XHRs."
-ee.reset	Reset the library to its base state. Useful for re-initializing to a different server.	ee.reset()				
+ee.reset	Reset the library to its base state. Useful for re-initializing to a different server.	ee.reset()
 Export.image.toAsset	Creates a batch task to export an Image as a raster to an Earth Engine asset. Tasks can be started from the Tasks tab.	Export.image.toAsset(image, description, assetId, pyramidingPolicy, dimensions, region, scale, crs, crsTransform, maxPixels)		image|description|assetId|pyramidingPolicy|dimensions|region|scale|crs|crsTransform|maxPixels	Image|String, optional|String, optional|Object, optional|Number|String, optional|Geometry.LinearRing|Geometry.Polygon|String, optional|Number, optional|String, optional|List, optional|Number, optional	"The image to export.|A human-readable name of the task. Defaults to ""myExportImageTask"".|The destination asset ID.|The pyramiding policy to apply to each band in the image, keyed by band name. Values must be one of: mean, sample, min, max, or mode. Defaults to ""mean"". A special key,|"".default"" may be used to change the default for all bands.|The dimensions to use for the exported image. Takes either a single positive integer as the maximum dimension or|""WIDTHxHEIGHT"" where WIDTH and HEIGHT are each positive integers.|A LinearRing, Polygon, or coordinates representing region to export. These may be specified as the Geometry objects or coordinates serialized as a string. If not specified, the region defaults to the viewport at the time of invocation.|Resolution in meters per pixel. Defaults to 1000.|CRS to use for the exported image.|Affine transform to use for the exported image. Requires ""crs"" to be defined.|Restrict the number of pixels in the export. By default, you will see an error if the export exceeds 1e8 pixels. Setting this value explicitly allows one to raise or lower this limit."
 Export.image.toCloudStorage	Creates a batch task to export an Image as a raster to Google Cloud Storage. Tasks can be started from the Tasks tab.	Export.image.toCloudStorage(image, description, bucket, fileNamePrefix, dimensions, region, scale, crs, crsTransform, maxPixels, shardSize, fileDimensions, skipEmptyTiles, fileFormat, formatOptions)		image|description|bucket|fileNamePrefix|dimensions|region|scale|crs|crsTransform|maxPixels|shardSize|fileDimensions|skipEmptyTiles|fileFormat|formatOptions	Image|String, optional|String, optional|String, optional|Number|String, optional|Geometry.LinearRing|Geometry.Polygon|String, optional|Number, optional|String, optional|List, optional|Number, optional|Number, optional|List, optional|Boolean, optional|String, optional|ImageExportFormatConfig, optional	"The image to export.|A human-readable name of the task. Defaults to ""myExportImageTask"".|The Cloud Storage destination bucket.|The string used as the output's prefix. A trailing ""/"" indicates a path. Defaults to the task's description.|The dimensions to use for the exported image. Takes either a single positive integer as the maximum dimension or|""WIDTHxHEIGHT"" where WIDTH and HEIGHT are each positive integers.|A LinearRing, Polygon, or coordinates representing region to export. These may be specified as the Geometry objects or coordinates serialized as a string. If not specified, the region defaults to the viewport at the time of invocation.|Resolution in meters per pixel. Defaults to 1000.|CRS to use for the exported image.|Affine transform to use for the exported image. Requires ""crs"" to be defined.|Restrict the number of pixels in the export. By default, you will see an error if the export exceeds 1e8 pixels. Setting this value explicitly allows one to raise or lower this limit.|Size in pixels of the shards in which this image will be computed. Defaults to 256.|The dimensions in pixels of each image file, if the image is too large to fit in a single file. May specify a single number to indicate a square shape, or an array of two dimensions to indicate (width,height). Note that the image will still be clipped to the overall image dimensions. Must be a multiple of shardSize.|If true, skip writing empty (i.e. fully-masked) image tiles. Defaults to false.|The string file format to which the image is exported. Currently only 'GeoTIFF' and 'TFRecord' are supported, defaults to 'GeoTIFF'.|A dictionary of string keys to format specific options."
 Export.image.toDrive	"Creates a batch task to export an Image as a raster to Drive. Tasks can be started from the Tasks tab. ""crsTransform"", ""scale"", and ""dimensions"" are mutually exclusive."	Export.image.toDrive(image, description, folder, fileNamePrefix, dimensions, region, scale, crs, crsTransform, maxPixels, shardSize, fileDimensions, skipEmptyTiles, fileFormat, formatOptions)		image|description|folder|fileNamePrefix|dimensions|region|scale|crs|crsTransform|maxPixels|shardSize|fileDimensions|skipEmptyTiles|fileFormat|formatOptions	Image|String, optional|String, optional|String, optional|Number|String, optional|Geometry.LinearRing|Geometry.Polygon|String, optional|Number, optional|String, optional|List, optional|Number, optional|Number, optional|List, optional|Boolean, optional|String, optional|ImageExportFormatConfig, optional	"The image to export.|A human-readable name of the task. Defaults to ""myExportImageTask"".|The Google Drive Folder that the export will reside in.|The Google Drive filename for the export. Defaults to the description.|The dimensions to use for the exported image. Takes either a single positive integer as the maximum dimension or|""WIDTHxHEIGHT"" where WIDTH and HEIGHT are each positive integers.|A LinearRing, Polygon, or coordinates representing region to export. These may be specified as the Geometry objects or coordinates serialized as a string. If not specified, the region defaults to the viewport at the time of invocation.|Resolution in meters per pixel. Defaults to 1000.|CRS to use for the exported image.|Affine transform to use for the exported image. Requires ""crs"" to be defined.|Restrict the number of pixels in the export. By default, you will see an error if the export exceeds 1e8 pixels. Setting this value explicitly allows one to raise or lower this limit.|Size in pixels of the shards in which this image will be computed. Defaults to 256.|The dimensions in pixels of each image file, if the image is too large to fit in a single file. May specify a single number to indicate a square shape, or an array of two dimensions to indicate (width,height). Note that the image will still be clipped to the overall image dimensions. Must be a multiple of shardSize.|If true, skip writing empty (i.e. fully-masked) image tiles. Defaults to false.|The string file format to which the image is exported. Currently only 'GeoTIFF' and 'TFRecord' are supported, defaults to 'GeoTIFF'.|A dictionary of string keys to format specific options."
@@ -1325,12 +1325,12 @@	"Creates a batch task to export an ImageCollection as a vid
 Map.add	Adds an item to the map. Can also be used to add widgets like ui.Label as well as some non-widget objects like ui.Map.Layer.	Map.add(item)	ui.Map	item	Object	The item to add.
 Map.addLayer	Adds a given EE object to the map as a layer.	Map.addLayer(eeObject, visParams, name, shown, opacity)	ui.Map.Layer	eeObject|visParams|name|shown|opacity	Collection|Feature|Image|MapId|FeatureVisualizationParameters|ImageVisualizationParameters, optional|String, optional|Boolean, optional|Number, optional	"The object to add to the map.|The visualization parameters. For Images and ImageCollection, see for valid parameters. For Features and FeatureCollections, the only supported key is ""color"", as a CSS 3.0 color string or a hex string in ""RRGGBB"" format.|The name of the layer. Defaults to ""Layer N"".|A flag indicating whether the layer should be on by default.|The layer's opacity represented as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1."
 Map.centerObject	Centers the map view on a given object.	Map.centerObject(object, zoom)	ui.Map	object|zoom	Element|Geometry|Number, optional	An object to center on - a geometry, image or feature.|The zoom level, from 1 to 24. If unspecified, computed based on the object's bounding box.
-Map.clear	Clears the map by removing all layers, listeners, and widgets and restoring the options to their defaults.	Map.clear()	ui.Map			
+Map.clear	Clears the map by removing all layers, listeners, and widgets and restoring the options to their defaults.	Map.clear()	ui.Map
 Map.getBounds	Returns the bounds of the current map view, as a list in the format [west, south, east, north] in degrees.	Map.getBounds(asGeoJSON)	GeoJSONGeometry|List|String	asGeoJSON	Boolean, optional	If true, returns map bounds as GeoJSON.
-Map.getCenter	Returns the coordinates at the center of the map.	Map.getCenter()	Geometry.Point			
-Map.getScale	Returns the approximate pixel scale of the current map view, in meters.	Map.getScale()	Number|String			
-Map.getZoom	Returns the current zoom level of the map.	Map.getZoom()	Number			
-Map.layers	Returns the list of layers associated with the default map.	Map.layers()			
+Map.getCenter	Returns the coordinates at the center of the map.	Map.getCenter()	Geometry.Point
+Map.getScale	Returns the approximate pixel scale of the current map view, in meters.	Map.getScale()	Number|String
+Map.getZoom	Returns the current zoom level of the map.	Map.getZoom()	Number
+Map.layers	Returns the list of layers associated with the default map.	Map.layers()
 Map.onChangeBounds	Registers a callback that's fired when the map bounds change. This is fired during pan, zoom, and when the map's bounds are changed programmatically.	Map.onChangeBounds(callback)	String	callback	Function	The callback to fire when the map bounds change. The callback is passed two parameters: an object containing the coordinates of the new map center (with keys lon, lat, and zoom) and the map widget itself.
 Map.onChangeCenter	Registers a callback that's fired when the map center changes. This is fired during pan or when the map's center is changed programmatically.	Map.onChangeCenter(callback)	String	callback	Function	The callback to fire when the map center changes. The callback is passed two parameters: an object containing the coordinates of the new center (with keys lon and lat) and the map widget itself.
 Map.onChangeZoom	Registers a callback that's fired when the map zoom level changes.	Map.onChangeZoom(callback)	String	callback	Function	The callback to fire when the map zoom change. The callback is passed two parameters: the new zoom level and the map widget itself.
@@ -1343,10 +1343,10 @@ Map.setGestureHandling	Controls how gestures are handled on the map.	Map.setGest
 Map.setLocked	Sets the lock state of the map. A locked map cannot be zoomed or panned.	Map.setLocked(locked)		locked	Boolean	Whether to lock the map.
 Map.setOptions	Modifies the Google Maps basemap.  Allows for:	Map.setOptions(mapTypeId, styles, types)	ui.Map	mapTypeId|styles|types	String, optional|Object, optional|List, optional	"A mapTypeId to set the basemap to. Can be one of ""ROADMAP"", ""SATELLITE"", ""HYBRID"" or ""TERRAIN"" to select one of the standard Google Maps API map types, or one of the keys specified in the opt_styles dictionary. If left as null and only 1 style is specified in opt_styles, that style will be used.|A dictionary of custom MapTypeStyle objects keyed with a name that will appear in the map's Map Type Controls. See:|A list of mapTypeIds to make available. If omitted, but opt_styles is specified, appends all of the style keys to the standard Google Maps API map types."
 Map.setZoom	Sets the zoom level of the map.	Map.setZoom(zoom)	ui.Map	zoom	Number	The zoom level, from 1 to 24, to set for the map.	Returns the Map's style ActiveDictionary, which can be modified to update the Map's styles.	Returns the Map's style ActiveDictionary, which can be modified to update the Map's styles.
 Map.unlisten	Deletes callbacks.	Map.unlisten(idOrType)		idOrType	String, optional	Either an ID returned by listen() when a callback was registered, an event type, or nothing. If an ID is passed, the corresponding callback is deleted. If an event type is passed, all callbacks registered with that event type are deleted. If nothing is passed, all callbacks are deleted.
-Map.widgets	Returns the list of the widgets currently on the map.	Map.widgets()			
-exports	The reserved namespace for exporting objects as module members.	exports()				
+Map.widgets	Returns the list of the widgets currently on the map.	Map.widgets()
+exports	The reserved namespace for exporting objects as module members.	exports()
 print	Prints the arguments to the console.	print(var_args)		var_args	VarArgs	The objects to print.
 require	Retrieves the script found at a given path as a module. The module is used to access exposed members of the required script.	require(path)	Object	path	String	"The path to the script to include as a module. Paths must be absolute, such as: ""users/homeFolder/repo:path/to/file""."
 ui.Button	A clickable button with a text label.	ui.Button(label, onClick, disabled, style)	ui.Button	label|onClick|disabled|style	String, optional|Function, optional|Boolean, optional|Object, optional	The button's label. Defaults to an empty string.|A callback fired when the button is clicked. The callback is passed the button widget.|Whether the button is disabled. Defaults to false.|An object of whitelisted CSS styles with their values to be set for this widget. Defaults to an empty object.
@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@	Returns the map's style ActiveDictionary, which can be modified to
 ui.Map.unlisten	Deletes callbacks.	Map.unlisten(idOrType)|idOrType	ui.Map|String, optional	The ui.Map instance.|Either an ID returned by listen() when a callback was registered, an event type, or nothing. If an ID is passed, the corresponding callback is deleted. If an event type is passed, all callbacks registered with that event type are deleted. If nothing is passed, all callbacks are deleted.
 ui.Map.widgets	Returns the list of widgets currently in the panel.	Map.widgets()	ui.panel	ui.Panel	The ui.Panel instance.
 ui.Panel	A widget that can hold other widgets. Use panels to construct complex combinations of nested widgets.	ui.Panel(widgets, layout, style)	ui.Panel	widgets|layout|style	List, optional|String|ui.Panel.Layout, optional|Object, optional	The list of widgets or a single widget to add to the panel. Defaults to an empty array.|The layout to use for this panel. If a string is passed in, it’s taken as a shortcut to the layout constructor with that name. Defaults to 'flow'.|An object of whitelisted CSS styles with their values to be set for this widget. See style() documentation.
-ui.Panel.Layout.absolute	Returns a layout that places its widgets absolutely relative to the panel.	ui.Panel.Layout.absolute()	ui.Panel.Layout			
+ui.Panel.Layout.absolute	Returns a layout that places its widgets absolutely relative to the panel.	ui.Panel.Layout.absolute()	ui.Panel.Layout
 ui.Panel.Layout.flow	Returns a layout that places its widgets in a flow, either horizontal or vertical.	ui.Panel.Layout.flow(direction, wrap)	ui.Panel.Layout	direction|wrap	String, optional|Boolean, optional	The direction of the flow. One of|'horizontal' or 'vertical'. Defaults to 'vertical'.|Whether to wrap children in the layout if there are too many to show in one line. Defaults to false.
 ui.Panel.add	Adds a widget to the panel.	Panel.add(widget)	ui.Panel	ui.panel|widget	ui.Panel|ui.Widget	The ui.Panel instance.|The widget to be added.
 ui.Panel.clear	Removes all widgets from the panel.	Panel.clear()	ui.Panel	ui.panel	ui.Panel	The ui.Panel instance.
@@ -1556,15 +1556,15 @@	Removes the specified element from the list.	ActiveLis	Replaces all elements in list with a new list or, if no list is provided, removes all elements from list.	ActiveList.reset(list)	List|list|List, optional	The instance.|A list of elements.	Sets an element at the specified index. If the index exceeds that of the list's last element, the element will be added to the end of the list.	ActiveList.set(index, el)|index|el|Number|Object	The instance.|The index to overwrite.|The element to set.
 ui.root.add	Adds a widget to the root panel.	ui.root.add(widget)	ui.Panel	widget	ui.Widget	The widget to be added.
-ui.root.clear	Clears the root panel.	ui.root.clear()				
-ui.root.getLayout	Returns layout The root panel's layout.	ui.root.getLayout()	ui.Panel.Layout			
+ui.root.clear	Clears the root panel.	ui.root.clear()
+ui.root.getLayout	Returns layout The root panel's layout.	ui.root.getLayout()	ui.Panel.Layout
 ui.root.insert	Inserts a widget into to the root panel at the specified index.	ui.root.insert(index, widget)	ui.Panel	index|widget	Number|ui.Widget	The index at which to insert the widget.|The widget to insert.
 ui.root.onResize	"Registers a callback that's fired when the script starts and whenever the browser window size changes. It will be passed an object with boolean fields ""is_mobile"", ""is_tablet"", ""is_desktop"", ""is_portrait"" and ""is_landscape"", and numeric fields ""width"" and ""height""."	ui.root.onResize(callback)		callback	Function	The callback to fire after the window has been resized. The callback is passed an object with the information of the device.
 ui.root.remove	Removes the given widget from the root panel, if it exists.	ui.root.remove(widget)	Object	widget	ui.Widget	The widget to remove.
 ui.root.setKeyHandler	Sets a keydown event handler to the root panel with a non-predefined key. The handler is fired only once when a user presses the bound key command. The same key will be bound to the latest handler set to it.	ui.root.setKeyHandler(keyCode, handler, description)		keyCode|handler|description	List|Function|String, optional	A key code or an array of key codes. For example, ui.Key.A or [ui.Key.SHIFT, ui.Key.A].|The handler for the key command.|A short description that explains this key command. The description will be visible in the Shortcuts Menu.
 ui.root.setLayout	Sets the ui.root panel's layout.	ui.root.setLayout(layout)	ui.Panel	layout	String|ui.Panel.Layout	The root panel's new layout.
-ui.root.widgets	Returns the list of widgets currently in the root panel.	ui.root.widgets()			
-ui.util.clear	Clears all state related to utility functions, including cancelling any active timeouts, intervals, debounces, etc.	ui.util.clear()				
+ui.root.widgets	Returns the list of widgets currently in the root panel.	ui.root.widgets()
+ui.util.clear	Clears all state related to utility functions, including cancelling any active timeouts, intervals, debounces, etc.	ui.util.clear()
 ui.util.clearTimeout	Clears a timeout set via ui.util.setTimeout or ui.util.setInterval.	ui.util.clearTimeout(timeoutKey)		timeoutKey	Number	The key to the timeout or interval to clear.
 ui.util.debounce	Wraps a function to allow it to be called, at most, once for each sequence of calls fired repeatedly so long as they are fired less than a specified interval apart (in milliseconds). This can be used to reduce the number of invocations of an expensive function while ensuring it eventually runs.	ui.util.debounce(func, delay, scope)	Function	func|delay|scope	Function|Number|Object, optional	The function to debounce.|After the function is called once, the number of milliseconds to delay for an additional invocation of the function before allowing it to run.|Object in whose scope to call the function.
 ui.util.getCurrentPosition	Gets the user's current geographic position from the browser's geolocation service.	ui.util.getCurrentPosition(success, error)		success|error	Function|Function, optional	A callback function that takes a ee.Geometry.Point object as its input parameter.|An optional callback function that takes an error message as its input parameter.
diff --git a/geemap/ b/geemap/
index 8e64701951..ec44d2e98b 100644
--- a/geemap/
+++ b/geemap/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 """Main module for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine Python API and ipyleaflet.
-Keep in mind that Earth Engine functions use both camel case and snake case, 
+Keep in mind that Earth Engine functions use both camel case and snake case,
 such as setOptions(), setCenter(), centerObject(), addLayer().
 ipyleaflet functions use snake case, such as add_tile_layer(), add_wms_layer(), add_minimap().
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ def add_cog_layer(
             titiler_endpoint (str, optional): Titiler endpoint. Defaults to "".
             **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments, including bidx, expression, nodata, unscale, resampling, rescale, color_formula, colormap, colormap_name, return_mask. See and To select a certain bands, use bidx=[1, 2, 3]
         tile_url = cog_tile(url, bands, titiler_endpoint, **kwargs)
         bounds = cog_bounds(url, titiler_endpoint)
         self.add_tile_layer(tile_url, name, attribution, opacity, shown)
@@ -4702,11 +4702,11 @@ def add_text(
         if background:
-            text = f"""<div style="font-size: {fontsize}px; color: {fontcolor}; font-weight: {'bold' if bold else 'normal'}; 
-            padding: {padding}; background-color: {bg_color}; 
+            text = f"""<div style="font-size: {fontsize}px; color: {fontcolor}; font-weight: {'bold' if bold else 'normal'};
+            padding: {padding}; background-color: {bg_color};
             border-radius: {border_radius};">{text}</div>"""
-            text = f"""<div style="font-size: {fontsize}px; color: {fontcolor}; font-weight: {'bold' if bold else 'normal'}; 
+            text = f"""<div style="font-size: {fontsize}px; color: {fontcolor}; font-weight: {'bold' if bold else 'normal'};
             padding: {padding};">{text}</div>"""
         self.add_html(text, position=position, **kwargs)
diff --git a/geemap/ b/geemap/
index 6e72d529c7..30f283b11f 100644
--- a/geemap/
+++ b/geemap/
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ def _set_css_in_cell_output(info):
                     --jp-layout-color2: #454545;
                     background-color: #383838;
                 .geemap-dark .jupyter-button {
                     --jp-layout-color3: #383838;
                 .geemap-colab {
                     background-color: var(--colab-primary-surface-color, white);
                 .geemap-colab .jupyter-button {
                     --jp-layout-color3: var(--colab-primary-surface-color, white);