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info: downloading installer Failure writing output to destination dgedb-init: command failed #4840

Answered by tailhook
Tk8and15 asked this question in Q&A
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  1. Fixing script error: you should make sure that mktemp -d returns a valid writable directory with enough space on the filesystem to download the file. You can customize that via setting $TMPDIR:
    mkdir -p ~/.tmp
    export TMPDIR=~/.tmp
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  2. If you manually downloaded the binary you can put it into your home dir, making it executable, and ensure that it's in PATH:
    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
    mv edgedb-cli-2.2-whatever-version-youve-donwloaded ~/.local/bin/edgedb
    chmod +x ~/.local/bin/edgedb
    With typical modern configs you now can exit the shell and start a new one, and edgedb command will be working. If it's not you can do:
    echo 'export PAT…

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