- Cleanup bluez source in the /root directory
- Try to use bluex package created by checkinstall if available
- Set raspberry pi locale
- Set raspberry pi timezone
- Move MPU9255 functions to a class. Accept the bus and address as a constructor parameter
- Add MPU9255 Documentation to the code
- Configure the pi-gen sumbmodule in git
- reorganize the top level directories:
- move client -> device
- move pi-image -> device/os
- create server
- Add eq notification - monitor USGS feeds
- Try to generate prose base on: economic impact, history of eqs, moment, etc. Add some "educational" component to the notification
- notify WPA
- post to Reddit
- Add git to os image
- Use git to update scripts, like zsh does
add --experimental flag for /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service- ~~ add sudo modprobe btusb to /etc/modules ~~
patch /usr/bin/btuart to use btattach rather than hci attact see Re4son/re4son-kernel-builder#7Already enabled. enable the bluetooth service : sudo systemctl enable bluetooth (double check this, maybe not needed), links appears to be in /etv/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants