- Added WMTS support
- Small text changes in dialog
- Fixed bug where processing began when clicking the toolbar icon twice. Instead, the currently open dialog gets shown when clicking on the toolbar icon again.
- Now displaying layer name in success message
- Fixed bugs where the lexocad support files were not generated correctly
- Fixed bug occuring when target CRS was different from layer CRS
- Added geoTiff input support
- added resampling method choice "nearest neighbour" and "cubic spline"
- layer dropdown is now only displaying raster layers
- now deleting the ".aux.xml" files when they are not required by QGIS (when "add to map" is not checked)
- updated tooltips & help mode text
- added support to export XYZ (TMS WMS) layers
- added option to add exported raster image to map
- updated labels & tooltips
- Closing datasets properly
- changed dialogue layout
- Added a message bar success message
- changed window icon
- changed icon
- now checking if a file will be overwritten, and if yes, the user is prompted
- path seperators are now OS specific
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed errors
- First public release with limited functionality