-Circle b
-Circle b: Circle through B with center A
-Circle c
-Circle c: Circle through A with center B
-Line a
-Line a: Line A, B
-Line d
-Line d: Line E, F
-Line f
-Line f: Line A, E
-Line g
-Line g: Line B, E
-Line h
-Line h: Line A, F
-Line i
-Line i: Line B, F
-Line j
-Line j: Line J, M
-Line k
-Line k: Line I, K
-Circle e
-Circle e: Circle through K with center H
-Line l
-Line l: Line A, K
-Polygon t1
-Triangle t1: Polygon A, E, B
-Polygon t2
-Triangle t2: Polygon A, F, B
-Polygon t3
-Triangle t3: Polygon E, I, K
-Quadrilateral q2
-Quadrilateral q2: Polygon S, U, B, A
-Quadrilateral q4
-Quadrilateral q4: Polygon A, B, V, T
-Quadrilateral q5
-Quadrilateral q5: Polygon W, A_1, Z, D_1
-Quadrilateral q6
-Quadrilateral q6: Polygon E, B, E_1, F_1
-Quadrilateral q7
-Quadrilateral q7: Polygon A, E, C_1, G_1
-Quadrilateral q8
-Quadrilateral q8: Polygon J_1, L_1, I_1, K_1
-Hexagon poly1
-Hexagon poly1: Polygon H, N_1, T_1, Q_2, R_1, M_1
-Polygon t4
-Triangle t4: Polygon L, C_2, D_2
-Circle p
-Circle p: Circle through C with center B
-Circle q
-Circle q: Circle through D with center A
-Circle r
-Circle r: Circle through B with center C
-Circle s
-Circle s: Circle through A with center D
-Circle c_1
-Circle c_1: Circle through U with center G
-Circle d_2
-Circle d_2: Circle through Z with center B_1
-Circle c_2
-Circle c_2: Circle through E_1 with center E
-Circle c_3
-Circle c_3: Circle through D with center H_1
-Circle d_3
-Circle d_3: Circle through H with center M_1
-Circle s_3
-Circle s_3: Circle through H with center N_1
-Circle r_3
-Circle r_3: Circle through M_1 with center P_1
-Circle c_4
-Circle c_4: Circle through A with center S_1
-Circle d_4
-Circle d_4: Circle through M with center S_1
-Line h_2
-Line h_2: Line I, B
-Line n
-Line n: Line P, O
-Line t
-Line t: Line R, Q
-Line g_1
-Line g_1: Line S, U
-Line h_1
-Line h_1: Line T, V
-Line j_1
-Line j_1: Line T, U
-Line l_1
-Line l_1: Line V, S
-Line q_1
-Line q_1: Line U, A
-Line r_1
-Line r_1: Line S, B
-Line i_2
-Line i_2: Line C, E
-Line j_2
-Line j_2: Line D, E
-Line p_2
-Line p_2: Line E, E_1
-Line q_2
-Line q_2: Line E, G_1
-Line s_2
-Line s_2: Line T, B
-Line t_2
-Line t_2: Line V, A
-Line m_3
-Line m_3: Line H_1, D
-Line n_3
-Line n_3: Line H_1, Z
-Line f_3
-Line f_3: Line J_1, K_1
-Line g_3
-Line g_3: Line L_1, I_1
-Line p_3
-Line p_3: Line J_1, L_1
-Line q_3
-Line q_3: Line K_1, I_1
-Line m_4
-Line m_4: Line J, B
-Line n_4
-Line n_4: Line A, M
-Segment q1
-Segment q1: Segment A, B
-Segment m
-Segment m: Segment H, K
-Segment g0101c
-Segment g0101c: ABCBAsection(C, L, A, B, N, D)
-Segment g0101b_2
-Segment g0101b_2: ABCBAsection(C, L, A, B, N, D)
-Segment g0101b_1
-Segment g0101b_1: ABCBAsection(C, L, A, B, N, D)
-Segment g0101a_2
-Segment g0101a_2: ABCBAsection(C, L, A, B, N, D)
-Segment g0101a_1
-Segment g0101a_1: ABCBAsection(C, L, A, B, N, D)
-Segment n_1
-Segment n_1: Segment B, C
-Segment p_1
-Segment p_1: Segment A, D
-Segment m_1
-Segment m_1: Segment G, U
-Segment d_1
-Segment d_1: Segment B_1, Z
-Segment r_2
-Segment r_2: Segment E, E_1
-Segment h_3
-Segment h_3: Segment H_1, D
-Segment f_4
-Segment f_4: Segment P_1, N_1
-Segment p_4
-Segment p_4: Segment S_1, B
-Segment q_4
-Segment q_4: Segment S_1, M
-Point O
-Point O: Intersection point of p, r
-Point P
-Point P: Intersection point of p, r
-Point Q
-Point Q: Intersection point of s, q
-Point R
-Point R: Intersection point of s, q
-Point S
-Point S: Intersection point of b, n
-Point T
-Point T: Intersection point of b, n
-Point U
-Point U: Intersection point of c, t
-Point V
-Point V: Intersection point of c, t
-Point W
-Point W: Intersection of h_1 and q_1
-Point Z
-Point Z: Intersection of h_1 and r_1
-Point A_1
-Point A_1: Intersection of q_1 and r_1
-Point B_1
-Point B_1: Intersection of h_1 and d
-Point D_1
-Point D_1: Intersection of d_2 and d
-Point E_1
-Point E_1: Intersection of c and h_2
-Point G_1
-Point G_1: Intersection of b and l
-Point C_1
-Point C_1: Intersection of r_1 and j_2
-Point F_1
-Point F_1: Intersection of q_1 and i_2
-Point H_1
-Point H_1: Intersection of t_2 and s_2
-Point I_1
-Point I_1: Intersection point of c_3, t_2
-Point J_1
-Point J_1: Intersection point of c_3, t_2
-Point K_1
-Point K_1: Intersection point of c_3, s_2
-Point L_1
-Point L_1: Intersection point of c_3, s_2
-Point M_1
-Point M_1: Intersection of l and j
-Point N_1
-Point N_1: Intersection of j and h_2
-Point O_1
-Point O_1: Intersection point of d_3, d
-Point P_1
-Point P_1: Intersection point of d_3, d
-Point S_1
-Point S_1: Intersection of m_4 and n_4
-Point B_2
-Point B_2: Intersection point of d_4, f
-Point C_2
-Point C_2: Intersection point of d_4, f
-Point D_2
-Point D_2: Intersection point of d_4, g
-Point E_2
-Point E_2: Intersection point of d_4, g
-Point A
-Point A: Point on xAxis
-Point B
-Point B: Point on xAxis
-Point C
-Point C: Intersection of b and a
-Point D
-Point D: Intersection of c and a
-Point E
-Point E: Intersection point of b, c
-Point F
-Point F: Intersection point of b, c
-Point G
-Point G: Intersection of a and d
-Point I
-Point I: Intersection of b and f
-Point K
-Point K: Intersection of c and g
-Point M
-Point M: Intersection of c and i
-Point J
-Point J: Intersection of b and h
-Point H
-Point H: Intersection of l and d
-Point L
-Point L: Intersection point of e, a
-Point N
-Point N: Intersection point of e, a