FreeCodeCamp course lottery using VRF V2 Mocks, Goerli Testnet and Solidity 0.8
- Users can enter lottery with ETH based on USD fee
- An admin will choose when the lottery is over
- The lottery will select a random winner
How to test?
with mocks, random number test returned with fulfillRandomWordsWithOverride() functiontestnet
*** credentials are available, however not currently available to fund subscription through fork, so no random number is returned
- Using ChainLink VRF V2, so subscription creation/delete and LINK subscription funding/cancelation are programmatic so that we can use mocks
- For unit test, use mock V2 coordinator functions fundSubscription() and fulfillRandomWordsWithOverride()
- Only openzeppelin dependencies are programmatically imported. For VRFCoordinator, V3Aggregator and LinkToken contracts and its dependencies, are already imported in order to make code understanding easier
- Integrity test and actual deployment, only available for goerli testnet. Nevertheless, deployment will run for development and fork without returning a random number.
- For goerli testnet usage, account must have LINK tokens, available at LINK is returned to account after deployment and testing is finished though subscription cancelation
- Contract return two random number, if changed to one, it also must be changed at unit test function test_can_pick_winner_correctly(), as input to the mock function fulfillRandomWordsWithOverride()