Based on Trello, Tasks manager app is a mern stack (MongoDb - express - React - Node) aimed to manage tasks. You can:
- perform crud operations (Create - Read - Update - Delete)
- sort tasks
- move tasks between lists.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You need to have Node.js installed. If you don't, install it from here
You also need to have MongoDb installed. For more, read here
Download the repository
$git clone && cd task-manager-mern-stack
$ npm install
Set up a database in any name you like, and set it in server/apiServer.js
Or if it's database with username/password/other options...
For Development, run:
npm run start
For Production, run:
npm run build
Note: In the demo, the database is locked in read mode only. So making any CUD(create-update-delete) operations isn't possible in this demo.