<Status>|<WPos:|MPos:><axis positions>[|Bf:<block buffers free>,<RX characters free>][|PN:<signals>][WPos:][|MPG:<0|1>][|H:<0|1>][|D:<0|1>]
New status, Tool, for manual tool change, driver dependent.
If supported the NEWOPT:
report contains TC
(see below) and a M6
triggers the new state, if not M6
returns error as before.
After the sender application receives a Tool state RT report it should suspend sending further blocks and acknowledge by sending 0xA3 (CMD_TOOL_ACK)
. Grbl will then switch to a secondary input buffer allowing jogging commands etc, this until a cycle start is issued. Upon receiving the cycle start command grbl will revert to the primary input buffer and resume normal processing.
NOTE: currently state is not saved/restored so spindle stop/start etc. needs to be added to the gcode.
New status message |MPG:<0|1>
used to inform that a pendant has released/taken control of the input stream.
0 - pendant has released control, senders should resume normal operation - pendant enters listening mode.
1 - pendant has taken over input stream, senders should disable UI but still update controls.
New status message |SD:<pct complete>[,<filename>]
used to inform status when streaming from SD card.
New status message |H:<0|1>
used to report homing status changes.
0 - homing is not complete.
1 - homing complete.
This status is only reported when homing is enabled and then on homing status changes.
New status message |D:<0|1>
used to report radius/diameter mode changes.
0 - G8: radius mode (default).
1 - G7: diameter mode.
This status is only reported when lathe mode is enabled, also G7 and G8 will return an error if not.
Number of supported axes added to first line:
[OPT:<options>,<block buffer size>,<RX buffer size>,<number of axes>]
A second line of options is added:
NEWOPT:<comma separated list>]
<comma separated list>
can contain any of the following values:
SD - SD Card streaming available.
BT - Bluetooth streaming available.
WIFI - Wi-Fi streaming available.
ETH - Ethernet streaming available.
TC - Manual tool change (M6) available.
ATC - Automatic tool change (M6) available.
LATHE - Lathe mode configured.
SS - Spindle sync available.
PID - PID log data available.
If scaling is active scaling factors are reported:
[G51:<axis scaling factors>]
If a tool table is available (option in config.h) tool table contents is added.
[T:<tool number>,<axis offsets>]
parameter includes offsets for all axes.
<n> = integer value
<float> = floating point value
<boolean> = 0 = false, 1 = true
<string> = ASCII string with some limitations for acceptable characters. To be revised.
<axis mask> = bitmask where bit 0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z, 3 = A...
<coolant mask> = bitmask where bit 0 = flood, 1 = mist
<spindle mask> = bitmask where bit 0 = spindle on, 1 = spindle ccw
<control mask> = bitmask where bit 0 = reset, 1 = feed hold, 2 = cycle start, 3 = safety door, 4 = block delete, 5 = stop disable
$14=<control mask> default from INVERT_CONTROL_PIN_MASK
Invert control input signals.
$15=<coolant mask> default from INVERT_COOLANT_FLOOD_PIN
Invert coolant output signals.
$16=<spindle mask> default from INVERT_SPINDLE_ENABLE_PIN
Invert spindle output signals.
$17=<control mask> default from DISABLE_CONTROL_PINS_PULL_UP_MASK
Disable control signal pullup, replaces #define DISABLE_CONTROL_PIN_PULL_UP
$18=<axis mask> default from DISABLE_LIMIT_PINS_PULL_UP_MASK
Disable limit signals pull up, replaces #define DISABLE_LIMIT_PIN_PULL_UP
Driver may apply pull down instead.
$19=<boolean> default from DISABLE_PROBE_PIN_PULL_UP
Disable probe pull up.
Driver may apply pull down instead.
Changed from original boolean for enabling hard limits.
bit0 - enable hard limits.
bit1 - enable strict mode when hard limits enabled
bit 1
replaces #define CHECK_LIMITS_AT_INIT
NOTE: In strict mode switches will also be checked when $X
is issued, if still engaged error 45
will be reported. Homing is still possible, but for $X
to work limit switches has to be disengaged or overridden.
$28=<float> default from DEFAULT_G73_RETRACT
Specifies G73
retract distance in mm.
$29=<n> : default from DEFAULT_STEP_PULSE_DELAY
, range 0 - 10.
Stepper pulse delay in microseconds, replaces #define STEP_PULSE_DELAY
$31=<n> default value derived from DEFAULT_LASER_MODE
Changed from original boolean for enabling laser mode.
0 - normal mode.
1 - laser mode.
2 - lathe mode.
$33=<float> : default from DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_FREQ
, range driver dependent.
Spindle PWM frequency i Hz (from LPC port).
$34=<n> : default from DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_OFF_VALUE
, range 0 - 100.
Spindle off PWM duty cycle in percent (from LPC port).
$35=<n> : default from DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_MIN_VALUE
, range 0 - 100.
Spindle minimum PWM duty cycle in percent.
$36=<n> : default from DEFAULT_SPINDLE_PWM_MAX_VALUE
, range 0 - 100.
Spindle maximum PWM duty cycle in percent (from LPC port).
$37=<axis mask> : defaults to all axes.
Defines which steppers is to be deenergized when motion completes.
Driver/hardware dependent which are supported. At least X should be, disables all motors.
$38=<n> : default driver dependent.
Spindle encoder pulses per revolution. Usage is driver dependent (for spindle synchronized motion).
$39=<n> : default 1, enable printable realtime command characters.
Set to 0 to disable, when disabled these characters (?
, !
and ~
) are ignored as realtime commands and added to the input instead when part of a comment or a $-setting.
NOTE: top bit set alternatives are provided as a safer alternative, see config.h.
$40=<boolean> default 0 (off).
Enable soft limits for jogging. When enabled jog targets will be limited to machine travel limits for homed axes.
$43=<n> : default from DEFAULT_N_HOMING_LOCATE_CYCLE, range 0 - 255.
Number of homing locate cycles
$44=<axis mask> : default 0.
$45=<axis mask> : default 0.
$46=<axis mask> : default 0.
$47=<axis mask> : default 0.
$48=<axis mask> : default 0.
$49=<axis mask> : default 0.
Axis priority for homing lowest numbered executed first, number of available settings is same as number of supported axes.
Replaces #define HOMING_CYCLE_0 etc.
$50=<float> : default driver dependent.
Jogging step speed in mm/min. Not used by core, indended use by driver and/or sender.
Senders may query this for keyboard jogging modified by CTRL key.
$51=<float> : default driver dependent.
Jogging slow speed in mm/min. Not used by core, indended use by driver and/or sender.
Senders may query this for keyboard jogging.
$52=<float> : default driver dependent.
Jogging fast speed in mm/min. Not used by core, indended use by driver and/or sender.
Senders may query this for keyboard jogging modified by SHIFT key.
$53=<float> : default driver dependent.
Jogging step distance in mm. Not used by core, indended use by driver and/or sender.
Senders may query this for keyboard jogging modified by CTRL key.
$54=<float> : default driver dependent.
Jogging slow distance in mm. Not used by core, indended use by driver and/or sender.
Senders may query this for keyboard jogging.
$55=<float> : default driver dependent.
Jogging fast distance in mm. Not used by core, indended use by driver and/or sender.
Senders may query this for keyboard jogging modified by SHIFT key.
$60=<boolean> : default 1 (on).
Restore default overrides when program ends. Replaces #define RESTORE_OVERRIDES_AFTER_PROGRAM_END.
$61=<boolean> : default 0 (off).
Ignore safety door signal when idle. If on only the spindle (laser) will be switched off.
May be useful if positioning a laser head with the lid open is needed.
$62=<boolean> : default 0 (off).
Enable sleep function. Replaces #define SLEEP_ENABLE (ATMega port)
$63=<boolean> : default 0 (on).
Disable laser during hold. Replaces #define DISABLE_LASER_DURING_HOLD.
$64=<boolean> : default 0 (off).
Force grbl to enter alarm mode on startup. Replaces #define FORCE_INITIALIZATION_ALARM.
$66=<boolean> : default 0 (off).
Require homing sequence to be executed at startup(?). Replaces #define HOMING_INIT_LOCK.
$70=<n> : default 0, range 0 - 4 (driver dependent).
Input stream selection:
0: Serial (default) 1: Bluetooth 2: Ethernet 3: WiFi 4: SD Card (?)
$71=<string> : max 64 characters, default empty.
$72=<string> : max 32 characters, default empty.
WiFi password.
$73=<n> : Default 23, range 1 - 65535.
WiFi port number listening for incoming connections.
$74=<string> : max 32 characters, default "GRBL".
Bluetooth device name.
$75=<string> : max 32 characters, default "GRBL serial port".
Bluetooth service name.
$80=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle PID regulator proportional gain. Usage is driver dependent.
$81=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle PID regulator integral gain. Usage is driver dependent.
$82=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle PID regulator derivative gain. Usage is driver dependent.
$84=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle PID max output error. Usage is driver dependent.
$85=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle PID regulator max integral error. Usage is driver dependent.
$90=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle synced motion PID regulator proportional gain. Usage is driver dependent.
$91=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle synced motion PID regulator integral gain. Usage is driver dependent.
$92=<float> : default driver dependent.
Spindle synced motion PID regulator derivative gain. Usage is driver dependent.