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You've been asked to add some debugging to the Delete My Account policy in order to see what happens when a user tries to log in with a social identity that doesn't exist in the B2C tenant. For example, if the user tries to delete the account name@github.com
(which is a valid GitHub login) but that account doesn't exist in the B2C tenant, what step is this being handled in the User Journey?
The CMC Product Team would like to know:
- How can we tell, by using metrics, how many "delete request" events were requested by users?
- How many "successful delete" events were encountered by users?
You will be successful with this challenge if you are able to:
- Inject Application Insights into your User Journey
- Record specific events for "delete requested" and "successful delete"
- Display the recorded events to your Coach
- Make sure your Custom Policy is in
deployment mode.