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Mojaloop Deployment

The document is intended for an audience with a stable technical knowledge that would like to setup an environment for development, testing and contributing to the Mojaloop project.

Deployment and Setup

1. Pre-requisites

A list of the pre-requisite tool set required for the deployment of Mojaloop;

  • Kubernetes An open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Find out more about Kubernetes,
    • kubectl - Kubernetes CLI for Kubernetes Management is required. Find out more about kubectl,
    • microk8s - MicroK8s installs a barebones upstream Kubernetes for a single node deployment generally used for local development. We recommend this installation on Linux (ubuntu) OS. Find out more about microk8s and microk8s documents,
    • kubectx - Not required but useful. Find out more about kubectx,
    • kubetail - Not required but useful. Bash script that enables you to aggregate (tail/follow) logs from multiple pods into one stream. Find out more about kubetail,
  • Docker Provides containerized environment to host the application. Find out more about Docker,
  • Helm A package manager for Kubernetes. Find out more about Helm,
  • Postman Postman is a Google Chrome application for the interacting with HTTP API's. It presents you with a friendly GUI for the construction requests and reading responces. Find out more about Postman.

For local guides on how to setup the pre-requisites on your laptop or desktop, refer to the appropriate link document below;

2. Deployment Recommendations

This provides environment resource recommendations with a view of the infrastructure architecture.

Resources Requirements:

Mojaloop Deployment Recommendations - Infrastructure Architecture

3. Kubernetes

This section will guide the reader through the deployment process to setup Kubernetes.

If you are new to Kubernetes it is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with Kubernetes. Kubernetes Concepts is a good place to start and will provide an overview.

The following are Kubernetes concepts used within the project. An understanding of these concepts is imperative before attempting the deployment;

  • Deployment
  • Pod
  • ReplicaSets
  • Service
  • Ingress
  • StatefulSet
  • DaemonSet
  • Ingress Controller
  • ConfigMap
  • Secret

Insure kubectl is installed. A complete set of installation instruction are available here.

3.1. Kubernetes Dashboard:

  1. Kubernetes Dashboard roles, services & deployment.

    Install for Dashboard using Helm (not needed if MicroK8s is installed): kubernetes-dashboard

    IMPORTANT: Always verify the current kubernetes-dashboard yaml file is still correct as used in the below command.

    kubectl create -f

    If you have installed MicroK8s, enable the MicroK8s dashboard;

    microk8s.enable dashboard

    Remember to prefix all kubectl commands with microk8s if you opted not to create an alias.

  2. Verify Kubernetes Dashboard. Windows replace grep with findstr;

    kubectl get pod --namespace=kube-system |grep dashboard
  3. Start proxy for local UI in new terminal;

    kubectl proxy ui
  4. Open URI in default browser:


    Select Token. Generate a token to use there by: Windows replace grep with findstr

    kubectl -n kube-system get secrets | grep dashboard-token

    The token to use is shown on the last line of the output of that command;

    kubectl -n kube-system describe secrets/kubernetes-dashboard-token-btbwf

    The {kubernetes-dashboard-token-btbwf} is retrieved from the output in the previous step. For more information on generating the token, follow the Authentication link in the window.


4. Helm

Please review Mojaloop Helm Chart to understand the relationships between the deployed Mojaloop helm charts.

4.1. Helm configuration

  1. Config Helm CLI and install Helm Tiller on K8s cluster:

    helm init

    Note: if helm init fails with connection refused error, refer to troubleshooting

  2. Validate Helm Tiller is up and running. Windows replace grep with findstr:

    kubectl -n kube-system get po | grep tiller
  3. Add mojaloop repo to your Helm config (optional). Linux use with sudo:

    helm repo add mojaloop

    If the repo already exists, substitute 'add' with 'apply' in the above command.

  4. Add the additional dependency Helm repositories. This is needed to resolve Helm Chart dependencies required by Mojaloop charts. Linux use with sudo;

    helm repo add incubator
    helm repo add kiwigrid
    helm repo add elastic
  5. Update helm repositories. Linux use with sudo:

    helm repo update
  6. Install nginx-ingress for load balancing & external access. Linux use with sudo:

    helm --namespace kube-public install stable/nginx-ingress

5. Mojaloop

5.1. Mojaloop Helm Deployment

  1. Install Mojaloop. Linux use with sudo:

    Default installation:

    helm --namespace demo --name moja install mojaloop/mojaloop

    Version specific installation:

    helm --namespace demo --name moja install mojaloop/mojaloop -version {version}

    List of available versions:

    helm search -l mojaloop/mojaloop

    Custom configured installation:

    helm --namespace demo --name moja install mojaloop/mojaloop -f {custom-values.yaml}

    Note: Download and customize the values.yaml. Also ensure that you are using the value.yaml from the correct version which can be found via Helm Releases.

5.2. Verifying Mojaloop Deployment

  1. Update your /ect/hosts for local deployment:

    Note: This is only applicable for local deployments, and is not needed if custom DNS or ingress rules are configured in a customized values.yaml.

    vi /etc/hosts

    Windows the file can be updated in notepad - need to open with Administrative privileges. File location C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

    Include the following lines (or alternatively combine them) to the host config.

    The below required config is applicable to Helm release >= versions 6.2.2 for Mojaloop API Services;       central-ledger.local central-settlement.local ml-api-adapter.local account-lookup-service.local account-lookup-service-admin.local quoting-service.local moja-simulator.local central-ledger central-settlement ml-api-adapter account-lookup-service account-lookup-service-admin quoting-service simulator host.docker.internal

    The below optional config is applicable to Helm release >= versions 6.2.2 for Internal components, please include the following in the host configuration.       forensic-logging-sidecar.local central-kms.local central-event-processor.local email-notifier.local

    For Helm legacy releases prior to versions 6.2.2, please include the following in the host configuration.       interop-switch.local central-end-user-registry.local central-directory.local central-hub.local
  2. Test system health in your browser after installation. This will only work if you have an active helm chart deployment running.

    Note: The examples below are only applicable to a local deployment. The entries should match the DNS values or ingress rules as configured in the values.yaml or otherwise matching any custom ingress rules configured.

    ml-api-adapter health test:


    central-ledger health test:


6. Postman

Postman is used to send requests and receive responses.

6.1. Installing Postman

Please, follow these instructions: Get Postman and install the Postman application.

6.2. Setup Postman

Grab the latest collections & environment files from Mojaloop Postman Github repo:

After an initial setup or new deployment, the OSS New Deployment FSP Setup section needs to be completed. This will seed the Database with the required enumerations and static data to enable the sucessful execution of any manual or automation tests by the other collections.

Refer to the QA and Regression Testing in Mojaloop documentation for more complete information to complement your testing requirements.