diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index b38ebc96..cd9c03b3 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
diff --git a/.github/workflows/check-standard.yaml b/.github/workflows/check-standard.yaml
index 5bbd54af..2ffa55cb 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/check-standard.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/check-standard.yaml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs:
- uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
- extra-repositories: 'https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable'
+ extra-repositories: 'https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/testing'
r-version: ${{ matrix.config.r }}
http-user-agent: ${{ matrix.config.http-user-agent }}
use-public-rspm: true
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Add inla repo
run: |
- cat('options(repos = c(INLA = "https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable/", getOption("repos")))', file = "~/.Rprofile", append = TRUE)
+ cat('options(repos = c(INLA = "https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/testing/", getOption("repos")))', file = "~/.Rprofile", append = TRUE)
# cat("\noptions(tinytex.verbose = TRUE)\n", file = "~/.Rprofile", append = TRUE)
shell: Rscript {0}
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ jobs:
shell: Rscript {0}
# - name: Install JAGS
-# run: |
+# run: |
# sudo apt-get update -y
# sudo apt-get install -y jags
@@ -67,15 +67,13 @@ jobs:
- name: Install jags (macOS-latest)
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
- run : |
- rm '/usr/local/bin/gfortran'
- brew install jags
+ run : brew install jags
- uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
- extra-packages:
- any::rcmdcheck, local::.
- needs: check
+ dependencies: '"all"'
+ extra-packages: |
+ rcmdcheck
- uses: r-lib/actions/check-r-package@v2
diff --git a/BCEA.Rproj b/BCEA.Rproj
index 9f964990..6843888d 100644
--- a/BCEA.Rproj
+++ b/BCEA.Rproj
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
-PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace
+PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace,vignette
index 5eddd3d7..adf2dc35 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Version: 2.4.2
-Date: 2022-08-23 11:44:30 UTC
-SHA: f0469ce213fba001efa2707da7fa79289b337105
+Version: 2.4.4
+Date: 2023-06-05 12:52:55 UTC
+SHA: 770d3d2d910eca75ebaaccf4c290c20e4668a95a
index 95793658..cb5d13b0 100644
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
Package: BCEA
Type: Package
Title: Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis
+Version: 2.4.5
Authors@R: c(
person("Gianluca", "Baio",
- email = "gianluca@stats.ucl.ac.uk",
- role = c("aut", "cre"),
+ email = "g.baio@ucl.ac.uk",
+ role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-4314-2570")),
person("Andrea", "Berardi",
email = "a.berardi@ucl.ac.uk",
@@ -23,36 +23,38 @@ Imports:
cli (>= 3.3.0),
- gridExtra,
+ gridExtra,
+ MCMCvis,
- scales
+ scales,
+ voi
R (>= 3.5.0)
- MCMCvis,
+ plotrix,
+ RColorBrewer,
- RColorBrewer,
testthat (>= 2.1.0),
RdMacros: Rdpack
-Additional_repositories: https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable/
+VignetteBuilder: knitr
+Additional_repositories: https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/testing/
Description: Produces an economic evaluation of a sample of suitable variables of
cost and effectiveness / utility for two or more interventions,
e.g. from a Bayesian model in the form of MCMC simulations.
@@ -64,6 +66,9 @@ URL: https://gianluca.statistica.it/software/bcea/,
NeedsCompilation: no
-RoxygenNote: 7.2.1
Encoding: UTF-8
BugReports: https://github.com/n8thangreen/BCEA/issues/
+ chjackson/voi
+LazyData: false
index 21791667..bbdfef24 100644
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ export(validate_bcea)
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ importFrom(dplyr,slice)
@@ -131,7 +130,10 @@ importFrom(graphics,text)
@@ -140,10 +142,7 @@ importFrom(scales,label_dollar)
@@ -153,9 +152,8 @@ importFrom(stats,rnorm)
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index 907810a0..8ecf9da3 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,9 +1,47 @@
+# BCEA 2.4.5
+_October 2023_
+Moved internal EVPPI calculation out of `BCEA` and now uses `voi` package instead.
+Refactoring but retaining same interface and functionality.
+* `evppi()` tested against all use cases in BCEA book (1c1457d2)
+* Select parameters by position (as well as name) in new `evppi()` (f2e4d005)
+* Use single parameter case only like `voi` package for methods `sal` and `so` (#140)
+* New `evppi()` matching output of old `evppi()` (1e2c5e7)
+* Latest development version of `voi` needed when we use `check = TRUE` in `voi::evppi()` in order to access fitting data (6e436b5, 94f5fc5)
+* No longer require `INLA` package to be available inside of `BCEA` so can remove direct dependency. This helps with passing CRAN checks and GitHub Actions ()
+# BCEA 2.4.4
+_June 2023_
+* Patch to fix a CRAN checks error. Suggested package `MCMCvis` wasn't used conditionally in unit test. Moved to Required packages in `DESCRIPTION`.
+# BCEA 2.4.3
+_May 2023_
+## Bug fixes
+* Consistent colours across plots for each intervention for grid of plots in `plot.bcea()` (cf1ee43)
+* `make.report()` change variable name (f940f2e)
+* Fixed issue with summary table where names of interventions in the wrong order (6a006e3)
+* `summary.bcea()` now only prints results for chosen comparisons and not always all of them. `kstar` and `best` in `bcea()` object were not updated with subset of interventions (#125)
+## Refactoring
+* `withr::with_par()` used in plotting function `plot.bcea()` to only temporarily change graphics parameters. (725c536)
+* Using `@md` and markdown syntax in function documentation
+* Update `psa.struct()` to add the absolute value in the formula to compute the weights (1cea278)
+* Use `dplyr` piping new syntax from `.data$*` to simply using speech marks `"*"` (2b280ad)
+## Miscellaneous
+* Template added for GitHub Issues (0ea59fa)
# BCEA 2.4.2
-August 2022
+_August 2022_
## Bug fixes
@@ -24,15 +62,14 @@ August 2022
## New features
* Can now specify what order the interventions labels are in the legend for ce plane (and contour plots) for base R and ggplot2 i.e. reference first or second with optional `ref_first` argument (cc38f07)
-* Can specify currency for axes in `ce-plane.plot` and `ceac.plot` `ggplot2` versions (6808aa6)
-* Argument added to `ceplane.plot` of `icer_annot` to annotate each of the ICER points with the text label of the intervention name. Only for `ggplot2` at the moment. (a7b4beb)
+* Can specify currency for axes in `ceplane.plot()` and `ceac.plot()` `ggplot2` versions (6808aa6)
+* Argument added to `ceplane.plot()` of `icer_annot` to annotate each of the ICER points with the text label of the intervention name. Only for `ggplot2` at the moment. (a7b4beb)
* Added `pos` argument to `contour2()` so that its consistent with `contour()` and `ceplane.plot()`. (50f8f8b)
* Allow passing `ref` argument by name as well as index in `bcea()`. (9eab459)
-April 2022
+_April 2022_
## Bug fixes
@@ -64,7 +101,7 @@ April 2022
-Oct 2021
+_Oct 2021_
## Major refactoring
@@ -156,9 +193,9 @@ Oct 2015
* New function for EVPPI using SPDE-INLA
* Modifications to the EVPPI functions
* Documentation updated
-* Allows `xlim` & `ylim` in the `ceplane.plot`, `contour` and `contour2` functions
+* Allows `xlim` & `ylim` in the `ceplane.plot()`, `contour()` and `contour2()` functions
* It is now possible to run `bcea` for a scalar wtp
-* Old `evppi` function and method has been renamed `evppi0`, which means there's also a new `plot.evppi0` method
+* Old `evppi()` function and method has been renamed `evppi0`, which means there's also a new `plot.evppi0` method
# BCEA 2.1-0
13 Jan 2015
diff --git a/R/BCEA-package.R b/R/BCEA-package.R
index 6be356d3..4b0fd1ac 100644
--- a/R/BCEA-package.R
+++ b/R/BCEA-package.R
@@ -1,39 +1,23 @@
+# ___ ___ ___
+# _____ / /\ / /\ / /\
+# / /::\ / /:/ / /:/_ / /::\
+# / /:/\:\ / /:/ / /:/ /\ / /:/\:\
+# / /:/~/::\ / /:/ ___ / /:/ /:/_ / /:/~/::\
+# /__/:/ /:/\:| /__/:/ / /\ /__/:/ /:/ /\ /__/:/ /:/\:\
+# \ \:\/:/~/:/ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\/:/ /:/ \ \:\/:/__\/
+# \ \::/ /:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \::/ /:/ \ \::/
+# \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\
+# \ \::/ \ \::/ \ \::/ \ \:\
+# \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/
-#' BCEA: A package for Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
-#' A package to post-process the results of a Bayesian health economic model
-#' and produce standardised output for the analysis of the results.
-#' \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab BCEA\cr
-#' Type: \tab Package\cr
-#' Version: \tab 2.4.2\cr
-#' Date: \tab 2022-09-03\cr
-#' License: \tab GPL2 \cr
-#' LazyLoad: \tab Yes\cr }
-#' BCEA produces a health economic evaluation given a random sample of
-#' suitable variables of costs and clinical benefits for two or more
-#' interventions, e.g. using results of a Bayesian model (possibly based on
-#' MCMC) in the form of simulations from the posterior distributions.
-#' Compares one of the interventions (the "reference") to the others
-#' ("comparators"). Produces many summaries and plots to analyse the results.
-#' @aliases BCEA-package BCEA
-#' @author Gianluca Baio, Andrea Berardi, Anna Heath, Nathan Green
-#' @references
-#' \insertRef{Baio2011}{BCEA}
-#' \insertRef{Baio2013}{BCEA}
-#' \insertRef{Baio2017}{BCEA}
-#' @keywords package
-#' @docType package
-#' @name BCEA-package
-#' @import dplyr ggplot2 purrr reshape2
-#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
+#' @keywords internal
+## usethis namespace: start
+## usethis namespace: end
diff --git a/R/CEriskav_plot_graph.R b/R/CEriskav_plot_graph.R
index b213c3ef..389f9e67 100644
--- a/R/CEriskav_plot_graph.R
+++ b/R/CEriskav_plot_graph.R
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ CEriskav_plot_ggplot <- function(he, pos_legend) {
eib_dat <-
melt(he$eibr[, default_comp, , drop = FALSE],
value.name = "eibr") %>%
- rename(k = .data$Var1,
- r = .data$Var3) %>%
+ rename(k = "Var1",
+ r = "Var3") %>%
mutate(r = as.factor(.data$r))
eibr_plot <-
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ CEriskav_plot_ggplot <- function(he, pos_legend) {
evi_dat <-
value.name = "evir") %>%
- rename(r = .data$Var2,
- k = .data$Var1) %>%
+ rename(r = "Var2",
+ k = "Var1") %>%
mutate(r = as.factor(.data$r))
evir_plot <-
diff --git a/R/CreateInputs.R b/R/CreateInputs.R
index c5230942..9f42022d 100644
--- a/R/CreateInputs.R
+++ b/R/CreateInputs.R
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
createInputs.default <- function(inputs,
print_is_linear_comb = TRUE) {
+ # remove NA columns
+ if (sum(is.na(inputs)) > 0) {
+ inputs <- inputs[ , colSums(is.na(inputs)) == 0]
+ message("Dropped any columns containing NAs")
+ }
if (!is.logical(print_is_linear_comb))
stop("print_is_linear_comb must be logical.", call. = FALSE)
diff --git a/R/bcea.default.R b/R/bcea.default.R
index 2d6ddd9e..21cd956a 100644
--- a/R/bcea.default.R
+++ b/R/bcea.default.R
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ bcea.default <- function(eff,
if (is.null(ref)) {
ref <- 1
- message("No reference selected. Defaulting to first intervention.")
+ message("No reference selected. Defaulting to first intervention.")
if (!is.null(k) && length(k) == 1)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ bcea.default <- function(eff,
df_ce <-
df_ce %>%
select(-ref) %>%
- rename(ref = .data$ints) %>%
+ rename(ref = "ints") %>%
by = c("ref", "sim"),
suffixes = c("0", "1"),
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ bcea.default <- function(eff,
#' @rdname bcea
#' @param ... Additional arguments
+#' @importFrom MCMCvis MCMCchains
#' @export
bcea.rjags <- function(eff, ...) {
diff --git a/R/best_interv_given_k.R b/R/best_interv_given_k.R
index afb8ef2c..974378e8 100644
--- a/R/best_interv_given_k.R
+++ b/R/best_interv_given_k.R
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
best_interv_given_k <- function(eib,
comp) {
if (length(comp) == 1) {
best <- rep(ref, NROW(eib))
diff --git a/R/ce_table.R b/R/ce_table.R
index 0cf516da..2400c133 100644
--- a/R/ce_table.R
+++ b/R/ce_table.R
@@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ tabulate_means <- function(he,
comp_label = NULL,
...) {
- if (is.null(comp_label))
- comp_label <- 1:he$n_comparisons
+ comp_label <- comp_label %||% seq_len(he$n_comparisons)
lambda.e = vapply(1:he$n_comparisons,
diff --git a/R/ceac.plot.R b/R/ceac.plot.R
index 28154f27..57074c7f 100644
--- a/R/ceac.plot.R
+++ b/R/ceac.plot.R
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ ceac.plot.bcea <- function(he,
pos = c(1, 0),
graph = c("base", "ggplot2", "plotly"),
...) {
graph <- match.arg(graph)
he <- setComparisons(he, comparison)
diff --git a/R/ceac_plot_graph.R b/R/ceac_plot_graph.R
index bbdc9510..b89d0b5f 100644
--- a/R/ceac_plot_graph.R
+++ b/R/ceac_plot_graph.R
@@ -122,21 +122,21 @@ ceac_ggplot <- function(he,
ceac_dat <- he[[ceac]]
n_lines <- ncol(ceac_dat)
+ len_k <- length(he$k)
data_psa <-
tibble(k = rep(he$k,
times = n_lines),
ceac = c(ceac_dat),
- comparison = as.factor(rep(1:n_lines,
- each = length(he$k))))
+ comparison = as.factor(rep(1:n_lines, each = len_k)))
graph_params <- helper_ggplot_params(he, graph_params)
legend_params <- make_legend_ggplot(he, pos_legend)
theme_add <- purrr::keep(extra_params, is.theme)
- ggplot(data_psa, aes(.data$k, .data$ceac)) +
+ ggplot(data_psa, aes(x = .data$k, y = .data$ceac)) +
geom_line(aes(linetype = .data$comparison,
- size = .data$comparison,
+ size = factor(.data$comparison),
colour = factor(.data$comparison))) +
theme_ceac() +
theme_add + # theme
@@ -176,8 +176,7 @@ ceac_plot_plotly <- function(he,
sapply(comparisons_label, function(x) rep(x, length(he$k)))
- if (is.null(graph_params$line$types))
- graph_params$line$type <- rep_len(1:6, he$n_comparisons)
+ graph_params$line$type <- graph_params$line$type %||% rep_len(1:6, he$n_comparisons)
# opacities
if (!is.null(graph_params$area$color))
diff --git a/R/ceaf.plot.R b/R/ceaf.plot.R
index bf05ce95..1f3efb58 100644
--- a/R/ceaf.plot.R
+++ b/R/ceaf.plot.R
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ ceaf.plot.pairwise <- function(mce,
} else {
df <- data.frame(k = mce$k,
ceaf = mce$ceaf)
- ggceaf <-
- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$k, y = .data$ceaf)) +
+ ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$k, y = .data$ceaf)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_line() +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05)) +
@@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ ceaf.plot.pairwise <- function(mce,
face = "bold",
size = 14.3,
hjust = 0.5))
- return(ggceaf)
diff --git a/R/compute_xxx.R b/R/compute_xxx.R
index 246991dc..e8bf2fb2 100644
--- a/R/compute_xxx.R
+++ b/R/compute_xxx.R
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ compute_IB <- function(df_ce, k) {
df_ce <-
df_ce %>%
filter(ints != .data$ref) %>%
- rename(comps = .data$ints)
+ rename(comps = "ints")
ib_df <-
data.frame(k = rep(k, each = nrow(df_ce)),
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ compute_ICER <- function(df_ce) {
ICER = mean(.data$delta_c)/mean(.data$delta_e)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
- select(.data$ICER) %>% # required to match current format
+ select("ICER") %>% # required to match current format
unlist() %>%
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ comp_names_from_ <- function(df_ce) {
filter(.data$ref != .data$ints) %>%
distinct() %>%
arrange(.data$ints) %>%
- select(.data$interv_names) %>%
+ select("interv_names") %>%
diff --git a/R/diag.evppi.R b/R/diag.evppi.R
index 53d268c2..0471a9fe 100644
--- a/R/diag.evppi.R
+++ b/R/diag.evppi.R
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#' 3) None of the residual stands out from the basic random pattern of residuals.
#' This suggests that there are no outliers.
-#' The second possible diagnostic is the qqplot for the fitted value. This is a
+#' The second possible diagnostic is the Q-Q plot for the fitted value. This is a
#' graphical method for comparing the fitted values distributions with the
#' assumed underlying normal distribution by plotting their quantiles against
#' each other. First, the set of intervals for the quantiles is chosen. A point
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#' on a \code{bcea} model.
#' @template args-he
#' @param plot_type The type of diagnostics to be performed. It can be the 'residual
-#' plot' or the 'qqplot plot'.
+#' plot' (\code{residuals}) or the Q-Q (quantile-quantile) plot (\code{qqplot}).
#' @param interv Specifies the interventions for which diagnostic tests should be
#' performed (if there are many options being compared)
#' @return Plot
@@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ diag.evppi <- function(evppi,
+#' Residual Plot
+#' @keywords internal hplot
evppi_residual_plot <- function(evppi,
interv) {
@@ -101,6 +103,9 @@ evppi_residual_plot <- function(evppi,
+#' Q-Q Plot
+#' @keywords internal hplot
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom stats qqnorm qqline
diff --git a/R/eib_plot_graph.R b/R/eib_plot_graph.R
index 222759dd..20ae07e8 100644
--- a/R/eib_plot_graph.R
+++ b/R/eib_plot_graph.R
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ eib_plot_ggplot <- function(he,
data = data.frame("kstar" = he$kstar),
colour = "grey50",
linetype = 2,
- size = 0.5) +
+ linewidth = 0.5) +
labels = graph_params$labels,
@@ -166,8 +166,7 @@ eib_plot_plotly <- function(he,
n_comp <- length(comparison)
- if (is.null(plot_aes$line$types))
- plot_aes$line$types <- rep(1:6, ceiling(he$n_comparisons/6))[1:he$n_comparisons]
+ plot_aes$line$types <- plot_aes$line$types %||% rep(1:6, ceiling(he$n_comparisons/6))[1:he$n_comparisons]
comparisons.label <-
paste0(he$interventions[he$ref], " vs ", he$interventions[he$comp])
diff --git a/R/evi.plot.mixedAn.R b/R/evi.plot.mixedAn.R
index 85c40194..1041eeb9 100644
--- a/R/evi.plot.mixedAn.R
+++ b/R/evi.plot.mixedAn.R
@@ -82,9 +82,7 @@ evi.plot.mixedAn <- function(he,
alt_legend <- pos
base.graphics <- all(pmatch(graph, c("base", "ggplot2")) != 2)
- if (is.null(y.limits)){
- y.limits <- range(he$evi, he$evi.star)
- }
+ y.limits <- y.limits %||% range(he$evi, he$evi.star)
if (base.graphics) {
diff --git a/R/evppi.R b/R/evppi.R
index be5719f7..0b1d59ff 100644
--- a/R/evppi.R
+++ b/R/evppi.R
@@ -39,21 +39,21 @@
#' SPDE-INLA should be plotted. Default set to `FALSE`.
#' @param residuals A logical value indicating whether the fitted values for
#' the SPDE-INLA method should be outputted. Default set to `TRUE`.
-#' @param ... Additional arguments. The default methods to compute the EVPPI
-#' are:
+#' @param method Character string to select which method to use. The default methods are recommended.
+#' However, it is possible (mainly for backward compatibility) to use different methods.
+#' @param ... Additional arguments. Details of the methods to compute the EVPPI and their additional arguments are:
#' - For single-parameter:
-#' GAM regression.
+#' - Generalized additive model (GAM) (default).
+#' - The method of Strong & Oakley use `method` as string `so`.
+#' The user *needs* to also specify the number of "blocks" (e.g. `n.blocks=20`).
+#' Note that the multi-parameter version for this method has been deprecated.
+#' - The method of Sadatsafavi \emph{et al.} where `method` takes as value a string of either `sad` or `sal`.
+#' It is then possible to also specify the number of "separators" (e.g. `n.seps=3`).
+#' If none is specified, the default value `n.seps=1` is used.
+#' Note that the multi-parameter version for this method has been deprecated.
#' - For multi-parameter:
-#' INLA/SPDE. However, it is possible (mainly for backward compatibility) to
-#' use different methods. For single-parameter, the user can specify the method
-#' of Sadatsafavi \emph{et al.} or the method of Strong & Oakley. In order to do so, it
-#' is necessary to include the extra parameter \code{method} which takes as
-#' value a string \code{"sad"} in the former case and a string \code{"so"} in
-#' the latter. In case "sal" is selected, then it is possible to also specify
-#' the number of "separators" (e.g. \code{n.seps=3}). If none is specified, the
-#' default value \code{n.seps=1} is used. If \code{"so"} is used as method for
-#' the calculation of the EVPPI, then the user *needs* to also specify the
-#' number of "blocks" (e.g. \code{n.blocks=20}).
+#' - INLA/SPDE (default).
+#' - Gaussian process regression with `method` of `gp`.
#' @section GAM regression:
#' For multi-parameter, the user can select 3 possible methods. If
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
#' \insertRef{Heath2016}{BCEA}
#' @export
+#' @md
#' @examples
#' # See Baio G., Dawid A.P. (2011) for a detailed description of the
@@ -172,7 +173,8 @@
#' plot(EVPPI.sad)
#' # Compute the EVPPI using INLA/SPDE
-#' x_inla <- evppi(he = m, 39:40, input = inp$mat)
+#' if (require("INLA"))
+#' x_inla <- evppi(he = m, 39:40, input = inp$mat)
#' # using GAM regression
#' x_gam <- evppi(he = m, 39:40, input = inp$mat, method = "GAM")
@@ -181,14 +183,16 @@
#' x_gp <- evppi(he = m, 39:40, input = inp$mat, method = "GP")
#' # plot results
-#' plot(x_inla)
+#' if (require("INLA")) plot(x_inla)
#' points(x_inla$k, x_inla$evppi, type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
#' points(x_gam$k, x_gam$evppi, type = "l", col = "red")
#' points(x_gp$k, x_gp$evppi, type = "l", col = "blue")
-#' plot(x_inla$k, x_inla$evppi, type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
-#' points(x_gam$k, x_gam$evppi, type = "l", col = "red")
-#' points(x_gp$k, x_gp$evppi, type = "l", col = "blue")
+#' if (require("INLA")) {
+#' plot(x_inla$k, x_inla$evppi, type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
+#' points(x_gam$k, x_gam$evppi, type = "l", col = "red")
+#' points(x_gp$k, x_gp$evppi, type = "l", col = "blue")
+#' }
#' data(Smoking)
#' treats <- c("No intervention", "Self-help",
diff --git a/R/evppi.default.R b/R/evppi.default.R
index ac89cd6e..613d4697 100644
--- a/R/evppi.default.R
+++ b/R/evppi.default.R
@@ -1,626 +1,143 @@
#' @rdname evppi
#' @export
+evppi.default <- function(he, ...) {
+ stop("No method available", call. = FALSE)
+#' @rdname evppi
+#' @importFrom voi evppi
+#' @importFrom purrr list_cbind map
+#' @examples
+#' data(Vaccine, package = "BCEA")
+#' treats <- c("Status quo", "Vaccination")
+#' bcea_vacc <- bcea(e.pts, c.pts, ref = 2, interventions = treats)
+#' inp <- createInputs(vaccine_mat)
+#' evppi(bcea_vacc, c("beta.1.", "beta.2."), inp$mat)
+#' @export
evppi.bcea <- function(he,
- param_idx,
+ param_idx = NULL,
- N = NULL,
+ N = NULL,
plot = FALSE,
- residuals = TRUE, ...) {
+ residuals = TRUE,
+ method = NULL, ...) {
- if (is.null(colnames(input))) {
- colnames(input) <- paste0("theta", seq_len(dim(input)[2]))
- }
- if (is.numeric(param_idx[1]) || is.integer(param_idx[1])) {
- params <- colnames(input)[param_idx]
- } else {
- params <- param_idx
- for (i in seq_along(params)) {
- param_idx[i] <- which(colnames(input) == params[i])
- }
- class(param_idx) <- "numeric"
- }
- if (is.null(N)) {
- N <- he$n_sim
- }
+ comp_ids <- c(he$comp, he$ref)
+ outputs <- list(e = he$e[, comp_ids],
+ c = he$c[, comp_ids],
+ k = he$k)
- robust <- NULL
- extra_args <- list(...)
+ if (!is.null(method))
+ method <- tolower(method)
- suppress.messages <-
- if (!exists("suppress.messages", where = extra_args)) {
- } else {
- extra_args$suppress.messages
- }
+ # allow alternative name for Sadatsafavi method
+ if (length(method) > 0 && method == "sad") method <- "sal"
- extra_args$select <-
- if (!exists("select", where = extra_args)) {
- if (N >= he$n_sim) {
- seq_len(he$n_sim)
- } else {
- sample(seq_len(he$n_sim), size = N, replace = FALSE)
- }
+ # replace column numbers with names
+ pars <-
+ if (all(is.numeric(param_idx))) {
+ if (any(!param_idx %in% 1:ncol(input)))
+ stop("Column number(s) not in available parameter inputs")
+ param_idx <- names(input)[param_idx]
+ } else {
+ param_idx
- inputs <- data.frame(input)[extra_args$select, ]
+ n_sims <- nrow(input)
+ n_outputs <- nrow(outputs$c)
- # Sets default for method of calculation
- # If number of params <=4, then use GAM, if not defaults to INLA/SPDE
- if (!exists("method", where = extra_args)) {
+ # this way passes on error checking to voi::evppi
+ if (n_sims == n_outputs) {
- extra_args$method <-
- if (length(param_idx) <= 4) {
- list(rep("GAM", he$n_comparators - 1),
- rep("GAM", he$n_comparators - 1))
+ # subset number of PSA samples; default all
+ row_idxs <-
+ if (is.null(N) || (N >= n_sims)) {
+ 1:n_sims
} else {
- list(rep("INLA", he$n_comparators - 1),
- rep("INLA", he$n_comparators - 1))
+ sample(1:n_sims, size = N, replace = FALSE)
- print(paste("method:", extra_args$method))
+ input <- data.frame(input[row_idxs, ])
+ outputs$e <- outputs$e[row_idxs, ]
+ outputs$c <- outputs$c[row_idxs, ]
- if (!inherits(extra_args$method, "list")) {
- if (extra_args$method != "sad" && extra_args$method != "so") {
- if (length(extra_args$method) > 1) {
- extra_args$method <- list(extra_args$method,
- extra_args$method)
- } else {
- extra_args$method <-
- list(rep(extra_args$method, he$n_comparators - 1),
- rep(extra_args$method, he$n_comparators - 1))
- }
- }
- }
+ res <- voi::evppi(outputs, inputs = input, pars = pars, method = method,
+ check = TRUE, plot_inla_mesh = plot, ...)
- if (inherits(extra_args$method, "list")) {
- len_methods <-
- length(extra_args$method[[1]]) +
- length(extra_args$method[[2]])
- if (len_methods != 2*(he$n_comparators - 1)) {
- stop(paste("The argument 'method' must be a list of length 2 with",
- he$n_comparators - 1, "elements each."), call. = FALSE)
- }
- }
+ voi_methods <- unname(attr(res, "methods"))
+ voi_models <- attr(res, "models")
- if (!exists("int.ord", where = extra_args)) {
- extra_args$int.ord <-
- list(rep(1, he$n_comparators - 1),
- rep(1, he$n_comparators - 1))
- }
+ # method name returned from evppi
+ method_nm <- voi_methods[1]
- if (!inherits(extra_args$int.ord, "list")) {
- extra_args$int.ord <-
- list(
- rep(extra_args$int.ord[1], he$n_comparators - 1),
- rep(extra_args$int.ord[2], he$n_comparators - 1)
- )
- }
+ form <-
+ if (method_nm == "gam") {
+ paste("te(", paste(param_idx, ",", sep = "",
+ collapse = ""), "bs='cr')")
+ } else {NULL}
- if (!inherits(extra_args$method, "list")) {
- if (extra_args$method == "sal" || extra_args$method == "sad") {
- method <- "Sadatsafavi et al"
- n.blocks <- NULL
- n_seps <-
- if (!exists("n_seps", where = extra_args)) {
- 1
- } else {
- extra_args$n_seps}
- if (length(params) == 1) {
- d <- he$n_comparators
- n <- he$n_sim
- w <- params
- param <- inputs[, w]
- o <- order(param)
- param <- param[o]
- nSegs <- matrix(1, d, d)
- nSegs[1, 2] <- n_seps
- nSegs[2, 1] <- n_seps
- res <- segPoints <- numeric()
- for (k in seq_along(he$k)) {
- nbs <- he$U[, k, ]
- nbs <- nbs[o, ]
- for (i in seq_len(d - 1)) {
- for (j in (i + 1):d) {
- cm <- cumsum(nbs[, i] - nbs[, j])/n
- if (nSegs[i, j] == 1) {
- l <- which.min(cm)
- u <- which.max(cm)
- if (cm[u] - max(cm[1], cm[n]) > min(cm[1],
- cm[n]) - cm[l]) {
- segPoint <- u
- } else {
- segPoint <- l
- }
- if (segPoint > 1 && segPoint < n) {
- segPoints <- c(segPoints, segPoint)
- }
- }
- if (nSegs[i, j] == 2) {
- distMaxMin <- 0
- distMinMax <- 0
- minL <- Inf
- maxL <- -Inf
- for (sims in seq_len(n)) {
- if (cm[sims] > maxL) {
- maxLP <- sims
- maxL <- cm[sims]
- } else {
- if (maxL - cm[sims] > distMaxMin) {
- distMaxMin <- maxL - cm[sims]
- segMaxMinL <- maxLP
- segMaxMinR <- sims
- }
- }
- if (cm[sims] < minL) {
- minLP <- sims
- minL <- cm[sims]
- } else {
- if (cm[sims] - minL > distMinMax) {
- distMinMax <- cm[sims] - minL
- segMinMaxL <- minLP
- segMinMaxR <- sims
- }
- }
- }
- siMaxMin <- cm[segMaxMinL] + distMaxMin + (cm[n] - cm[segMaxMinR])
- siMinMax <- -cm[segMaxMinL] + distMinMax - (cm[n] - cm[segMinMaxR])
- if (siMaxMin > siMinMax) {
- segPoint <- c(segMaxMinL, segMaxMinR)
- }
- else {
- segPoint <- c(segMinMaxL, segMinMaxR)
- }
- if (segPoint[1] > 1 && segPoint[1] < n) {
- segPoints <- c(segPoints, segPoint[1])
- }
- if (segPoint[2] > 1 && segPoint[2] < n) {
- segPoints <- c(segPoints, segPoint[2])
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (length(segPoints) > 0) {
- segPoints2 <- unique(c(0, segPoints[order(segPoints)], n))
- res[k] <- 0
- for (j in seq_len(length(segPoints2) - 1)) {
- res[k] <-
- res[k] + max(colSums(
- matrix(nbs[(1 + segPoints2[j]):segPoints2[j + 1], ],
- ncol = d)))/n
- }
- res[k] <- res[k] - max(colMeans(nbs))
- }
- else {
- res[k] <- 0
- }
- }
- }
- if (length(params) > 1) {
- res <- list()
- for (lp in seq_along(params)) {
- d <- he$n_comparators
- n <- he$n_sim
- w <- params[lp]
- param <- inputs[, w]
- o <- order(param)
- param <- param[o]
- nSegs <- matrix(1, d, d)
- nSegs[1, 2] <- n_seps
- nSegs[2, 1] <- n_seps
- temp <- segPoints <- numeric()
- for (k in seq_along(he$k)) {
- nbs <- he$U[, k, ]
- nbs <- nbs[o, ]
- for (i in seq_len(d - 1)) {
- for (j in (i + 1):d) {
- cm <- cumsum(nbs[, i] - nbs[, j])/n
- if (nSegs[i, j] == 1) {
- l <- which.min(cm)
- u <- which.max(cm)
- if (cm[u] - max(cm[1], cm[n]) > min(cm[1], cm[n]) - cm[l]) {
- segPoint <- u
- } else {
- segPoint <- l
- }
- if (segPoint > 1 && segPoint < n) {
- segPoints <- c(segPoints, segPoint)
- }
- }
- if (nSegs[i, j] == 2) {
- distMaxMin <- 0
- distMinMax <- 0
- minL <- Inf
- maxL <- -Inf
- for (sims in seq_len(n)) {
- if (cm[sims] > maxL) {
- maxLP <- sims
- maxL <- cm[sims]
- } else {
- if (maxL - cm[sims] > distMaxMin) {
- distMaxMin <- maxL - cm[sims]
- segMaxMinL <- maxLP
- segMaxMinR <- sims
- }
- }
- if (cm[sims] < minL) {
- minLP <- sims
- minL <- cm[sims]
- } else {
- if (cm[sims] - minL > distMinMax) {
- distMinMax <- cm[sims] - minL
- segMinMaxL <- minLP
- segMinMaxR <- sims
- }
- }
- }
- siMaxMin <- cm[segMaxMinL] + distMaxMin + (cm[n] - cm[segMaxMinR])
- siMinMax <- -cm[segMaxMinL] + distMinMax - (cm[n] - cm[segMinMaxR])
- if (siMaxMin > siMinMax) {
- segPoint <- c(segMaxMinL, segMaxMinR)
- } else {
- segPoint <- c(segMinMaxL, segMinMaxR)
- }
- if (segPoint[1] > 1 && segPoint[1] < n) {
- segPoints <- c(segPoints, segPoint[1])
- }
- if (segPoint[2] > 1 && segPoint[2] < n) {
- segPoints <- c(segPoints, segPoint[2])
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (length(segPoints) > 0) {
- segPoints2 <- unique(c(0, segPoints[order(segPoints)], n))
- temp[k] <- 0
- for (j in seq_len(length(segPoints2) - 1)) {
- temp[k] <-
- temp[k] + max(colSums(
- matrix(nbs[(1 + segPoints2[j]):segPoints2[j + 1], ],
- ncol = d)))/n
- }
- temp[k] <- temp[k] - max(colMeans(nbs))
- } else {
- temp[k] <- 0
- }
- }
- res[[lp]] <- temp
- }
- names(res) <- params
- }
- res <- list(evppi = res,
- index = params,
- parameters = params,
- k = he$k,
- evi = he$evi,
- method = method)
- }
- if (extra_args$method == "so") {
- method <- "Strong & Oakley (univariate)"
- n_seps <- NULL
- if (!exists("n.blocks", where = extra_args)) {
- stop("Please specify the param_idx 'n.blocks' to use the Strong and Oakley univariate method",
- call. = FALSE)
- } else {
- n.blocks <- extra_args$n.blocks
- }
- S <- he$n_sim
- J <- S/extra_args$n.blocks
- check <- S%%extra_args$n.blocks
- if (check > 0) {
- stop("number of simulations/number of blocks must be an integer.
- Please select a different value for n.blocks \n", call. = FALSE)
- }
- D <- he$n_comparators
- if (length(param_idx) == 1) {
- sort.order <- order(inputs[, params])
- sort.U <- array(NA, dim(he$U))
- evpi <- res <- numeric()
- for (i in seq_along(he$k)) {
- evpi[i] <- he$evi[i]
- sort.U[, i, ] <- he$U[sort.order, i, ]
- U.array <- array(sort.U[, i, ],
- dim = c(J, extra_args$n.blocks, D))
- mean.k <- apply(U.array, c(2, 3), mean)
- partial.info <- mean(apply(mean.k, 1, max))
- res[i] <- partial.info - max(apply(he$U[, i, ], 2, mean))
- }
- }
- if (length(param_idx) > 1) {
- res <- list()
- for (j in seq_along(param_idx)) {
- sort.order <- order(inputs[, params[j]])
- sort.U <- array(NA, dim(he$U))
- evpi <- evppi.temp <- numeric()
- for (i in seq_along(he$k)) {
- evpi[i] <- he$evi[i]
- sort.U[, i, ] <- he$U[sort.order, i, ]
- U.array <- array(sort.U[, i, ],
- dim = c(J, n.blocks, D))
- mean.k <- apply(U.array, c(2, 3), mean)
- partial.info <- mean(apply(mean.k, 1, max))
- evppi.temp[i] <- partial.info - max(apply(he$U[, i, ], 2, mean))
- }
- res[[j]] <- evppi.temp
- }
- names(res) <- params
- }
- res <-
- list(evppi = res,
- index = params,
- parameters = params,
- k = he$k,
- evi = he$evi,
- method = method)
- }
- }
+ # fitted values
+ get_fitted_values <- residuals && (method_nm %in% c("inla", "gp", "gam"))
- if (inherits(extra_args$method, "list")) {
- time <- list()
- time[[1]] <- list()
- time[[2]] <- list()
- fit.full <- vector("list")
- fit.full[[1]] <- matrix(
- data = 0,
- nrow = length(extra_args$select),
- ncol = he$n_comparators)
- fit.full[[2]] <-
- matrix(data = 0,
- nrow = length(extra_args$select),
- ncol = he$n_comparators)
- for (k in 1:2) {
- for (l in seq_len(he$n_comparisons)) {
- x <-
- prep.x(he = he,
- seq_rows = extra_args$select,
- k = k,
- l = l)
- method <- toupper(extra_args$method[[k]][l])
- if (method == "GAM" || method == "G") {
- method <- "GAM"
- mesh <- robust <- NULL
- if (!requireNamespace("mgcv", quietly = TRUE)) {
- stop("You need to install the package 'mgcv'. Please run in your R terminal:\n
- install.packages('mgcv')", call. = FALSE)
- }
- if (requireNamespace("mgcv", quietly = TRUE)) {
- if (!suppress.messages) {
- cat("\n")
- cat("Calculating fitted values for the GAM regression \n")
- }
- inp <- names(inputs)[param_idx]
- form <-
- if (exists("formula", where = extra_args)) {
- extra_args$formula
- } else {
- paste("te(", paste(inp, ",", sep = "",
- collapse = ""), "bs='cr')")
- }
- fit <- fit.gam(parameter = param_idx,
- inputs = inputs,
- x = x,
- form = form)
- }
- }
- if (method == "GP") {
- mesh <- NULL
- if (!suppress.messages) {
- cat("\n")
- cat("Calculating fitted values for the GP regression \n")
- # If the number of simulations to be used to estimate the
- # hyper-params is set then use that, else use N/2
- }
- n_sim <-
- if (!exists("n_sim", where = extra_args)) {
- N/2
- } else {
- extra_args$n_sim
- }
- fit <- fit.gp(parameter = param_idx,
- inputs = inputs,
- x = x,
- n.sim = n_sim)
- }
- if (method == "INLA") {
- if (!requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)) {
- stop("You need to install the packages 'INLA'. Please run in your R terminal:\n
- install.packages('INLA',repos=c(getOption('repos'),INLA='https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable/'), dep=TRUE)\n
- If you are under MS Windows, you may need to install the most recent version\n
- of 'Rtools' - see https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/", call. = FALSE)
- }
- if (requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)) {
- if (!is.element("INLA", (.packages()))) {
- attachNamespace("INLA")
- }
- if (length(param_idx) < 2) {
- stop("The INLA method can only be used with 2 or more params", call. = FALSE)
- }
- if (!suppress.messages) {
- cat("\n")
- cat("Finding projections \n")
- }
- projections <- make.proj(parameter = param_idx,
- inputs = inputs,
- x = x,
- k = k,
- l = l)
- data <- projections$data
- if (!suppress.messages) {
- cat("Determining Mesh \n")
- }
- cutoff <-
- if (!exists("cutoff", where = extra_args)) {
- 0.3
- } else {
- extra_args$cutoff
- }
- convex.inner <-
- if (!exists("convex.inner", where = extra_args)) {
- 0.4
- } else {
- extra_args$convex.inner
- }
- convex.outer <-
- if (!exists("convex.outer", where = extra_args)) {
- -0.7
- } else {
- extra_args$convex.outer
- }
- max.edge <-
- if (!exists("max.edge", where = extra_args)) {
- 0.7
- } else {
- extra_args$max.edge
- }
- mesh <-
- make.mesh(
- data = data,
- convex.inner = convex.inner,
- convex.outer = convex.outer,
- cutoff = cutoff,
- max.edge = max.edge
- )
- plot.mesh(mesh = mesh$mesh,
- data = data,
- plot = plot)
- if (!suppress.messages) {
- cat("Calculating fitted values for the GP regression using INLA/SPDE \n")
- }
- if (exists("h.value", where = extra_args)) {
- h.value <- extra_args$h.value
- }
- else {
- h.value <- 5e-05
- }
- if (exists("robust", where = extra_args)) {
- if (extra_args$robust) {
- family <- "T"
- robust <- TRUE
- }
- else {
- family <- "gaussian"
- robust <- FALSE
- }
- } else {
- family <- "gaussian"
- robust <- FALSE
- }
- if (exists("int.ord", where = extra_args)) {
- int.ord <- extra_args$int.ord[[k]][l]
- }
- else {
- int.ord <- 1
- }
- fit <- fit.inla(
- parameter = param_idx,
- inputs = inputs,
- x = x,
- mesh = mesh$mesh,
- data.scale = data,
- int.ord = int.ord,
- convex.inner = convex.inner,
- convex.outer = convex.outer,
- cutoff = cutoff,
- max.edge = max.edge,
- h.value = h.value,
- family = family
- )
- }
- }
- fit.full[[k]][,l] <- fit$fitted
- # calculate time taken
- if (method == "INLA") {
- time. <- c(projections$time, mesh$time, fit$time)
- time. <- sum(time.)
- time[[k]][l] <- (time.)
- } else {
- time. <- fit$time
- time[[k]][l] <- time.
- }
- }
- }
- if (!suppress.messages) cat("Calculating EVPPI \n")
+ # named differently in different methods
+ fitted_lup <- c(inla = "fitted", gp = "fitted", gam = "fitted.values")
+ if (get_fitted_values) {
+ fitted_txt <- fitted_lup[method_nm]
- comp <- compute.evppi(he = he, fit.full = fit.full)
+ fitted_c_ls <-
+ purrr::map(voi_models[[1]]$c,
+ ~unname(as.data.frame(.x[[fitted_txt]]))) |>
+ rev()
- name <- prepare.output(parameters = params, inputs = inputs)
+ fitted_c <-
+ suppressMessages(purrr::list_cbind(fitted_c_ls)) |>
+ as.matrix() |>
+ cbind(0)
- time[[3]] <- comp$time
- names(time) <- c("Fitting for Effects",
- "Fitting for Costs",
- "Calculating EVPPI")
- names(extra_args$method) <- c("Methods for Effects", "Methods for Costs")
+ fitted_e_ls <-
+ purrr::map(voi_models[[1]]$e,
+ ~unname(as.data.frame(.x[[fitted_txt]]))) |>
+ rev()
- if (residuals) {
- res <- list(
- evppi = comp$EVPPI,
- index = params,
- k = he$k,
- evi = he$evi,
- parameters = name,
- time = time,
- method = extra_args$method,
- fitted.costs = fit.full[[2]],
- fitted.effects = fit.full[[1]],
- select = extra_args$select)
- } else {
- res <- list(
- evppi = comp$EVPPI,
- index = params,
- k = he$k,
- evi = he$evi,
- parameters = name,
- time = time,
- method = extra_args$method)
- }
+ fitted_e <-
+ suppressMessages(purrr::list_cbind(fitted_e_ls)) |>
+ as.matrix() |>
+ cbind(0)
+ } else {
+ fitted_c <- NULL
+ fitted_e <- NULL
- structure(res, class = "evppi")
-#' @rdname evppi
-#' @export
-evppi.default <- function(he, ...) {
- stop("No method available", call. = FALSE)
+ residuals_out <-
+ list(fitted.costs = fitted_c,
+ fitted.effects = fitted_e,
+ select = row_idxs)
+ out <- c(
+ list(
+ evppi = res$evppi,
+ index = pars,
+ k = res$k,
+ evi = he$evi,
+ parameters = paste(pars, collapse = " and "),
+ time = list("Fitting for Effects" = NULL,
+ "Fitting for Costs" = NULL,
+ "Calculating EVPPI" = NULL),
+ method = list("Methods for Effects" = voi_methods,
+ "Methods for Costs" = voi_methods)),
+ residuals_out,
+ list(formula = form,
+ pars = res$pars,
+ res = res))
+ structure(out, class = c("evppi", class(out)))
diff --git a/R/evppi2stage.R b/R/evppi2stage.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b853ac0..00000000
--- a/R/evppi2stage.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# ##TODO:...
-# #' Two-stage EVPPI
-# #'
-# #' Performs the (rather computationally expensive) computations for the EVPPI. Effectively, considers
-# #' the vector of parameters theta=(phi,psi), where phi is the parameter of interest and psi is
-# #' the rest of the parameters. First needs to run the Bayesian model assuming psi as random variables
-# #' and taking phi as a fixed value. Then performs the economic analysis calling BCEA and then
-# #' computes some relevant syntheses.
-# #'
-# #' @param phi a vector with simulations from the posterior distribution of the the parameter with respect
-# #' to which the EVPPI is computed (phi), obtained by the full model
-# #' @param phi.name a string containing the name of the parameter phi, as represented in the txt file
-# #' of the full model for psi. In this case phi is considered as fixed. This is has to be
-# #' the same as one of the elements of the list data!
-# #' @param n.out number of simulations used to compute the average with respect to phi (default = 1000)
-# #' @param m a BCEA object in which the full economic analysis is stored as a result of the call to bcea
-# #' @param data a list with the data to be passed to JAGS to run the model for the vector of parameters psi
-# #' (conditionally on each value of the fixed parameter phi)
-# #' @param model.file a txt file containing the full model for psi (but considering the parameter phi as fixed.
-# #' This is in general a modification of the original model file)
-# #' @param params a collection of parameters to be monitored in the conditional model for psi (given phi)
-# #' @param inits specifies the initial values for the MCMC procedure (default = NULL)
-# #' @param n.iter number of iterations to be run
-# #' @param n.burnin number of iterations to be discarded as burn-in
-# #' @param n.thin number of iterations to be considered for thinning (default NULL)
-# #' @param n.mc number of simulations retained to compute the MC estimations (default=1000)
-# #' @param working.dir a string containing the working directory (default is NULL)
-# #' @param ec.vars a string with the name of the R file that contains the commands required to
-# #' compute the relevant variables of costs and benefits. These are usually
-# #' obtained as functions of the parameters estimated by the full Bayesian model
-# #' @param bcea.call a string containing the call to BCEA to perform the C/E evaluation. By default
-# #' assumes no options and the existence of two vectors e,c in which suitable
-# #' values for the measures of effectiveness and costs are stored
-# #'
-# #' @return List
-# #'
-# evppi2stage <- function(phi,
-# phi.name,
-# n.out = 1000,
-# m,
-# data,
-# model.file,
-# params,
-# inits = NULL,
-# n.iter,
-# n.burnin,
-# n.thin = NULL,
-# n.mc = 1000,
-# working.dir = NULL,
-# ec.vars,
-# bcea.call = "bcea(eff, cost)") {
-# # Replicates the C/E analysis for a fixed value of the relevant parameter at each iteration
-# Ustar.phi <-
-# matrix(NA, n.out, length(m$k)) # matrix of conditional net benefits
-# for (i in 1:n.out) {
-# cmd <- paste(phi.name, " <- phi[i]", sep = "")
-# eval(parse(text = cmd))
-# if (is.null(n.thin)) {
-# n.thin <- floor((n.iter - n.burnin) / (n.mc / 2))
-# }
-# model.evppi <-
-# jags(data,
-# inits,
-# params,
-# model.file = model.file,
-# n.chains = 2,
-# n.iter,
-# n.burnin,
-# n.thin,
-# DIC = TRUE,
-# working.directory = working.dir,
-# progress.bar = "text")
-# attach.bugs(model.evppi$BUGSoutput)
-# # performs the economic analysis given the simulations for psi conditionally on phi
-# cmd <- paste("source('", ec.vars, "')", sep = "")
-# eval(parse(text = cmd))
-# # runs BCEA to perform the economic analysis conditionally on phi
-# m.evppi <- eval(parse(text = bcea.call))
-# # now computes the maximum expected utility for the current iteration for each value of k
-# Ustar.phi[i, ] <- apply(apply(m.evppi$U, c(2, 3), mean), 1, max)
-# rm(m.evppi)
-# detach.bugs()
-# print(i) # prints a counter to show the progression in the analysis
-# }
-# # Computes the average value of the maximum expected utility for each value of k
-# Vstar.phi <- apply(Ustar.phi, 2, mean)
-# Umax <- apply(apply(m$U, c(2, 3), mean), 1, max)
-# # Finally computes the EVPPI for each value of k
-# EVPPI <- Vstar.phi - Umax
-# list(evppi = EVPPI,
-# Vstar.phi = Vstar.phi,
-# Ustar.phi = Ustar.phi)
-# }
diff --git a/R/evppi_helpers.R b/R/evppi_helpers.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ecd7f08..00000000
--- a/R/evppi_helpers.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-# evppi() helper functions ------------------------------------------------
-#' Prepare Delta arrays
-#' @template args-he
-#' @param seq_rows Rows of (e,c) to keep
-#' @param k e or c? 1 or 2.
-#' @param l Columns of (e,c) to keep
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-prep.x <- function(he,
- seq_rows,
- k,
- l){
- if (k == 1) {
- x <- as.matrix(he$delta_e)[seq_rows, l]
- }
- if (k == 2) {
- x <- as.matrix(he$delta_c)[seq_rows, l]
- }
- return(x)
-#' Gaussian Additive Model Fitting
-#' @param parameter Parameter
-#' @param inputs Inputs
-#' @param x Response variable
-#' @param form Formula
-#' @return List
-#' @importFrom stats update
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-fit.gam <- function(parameter,
- inputs,
- x,
- form) {
- tic <- proc.time()
- model <- mgcv::gam(update(formula(x ~ .),
- formula(paste(".~", form))),
- data = data.frame(inputs))
- hat <- model$fitted
- ##TODO: should this be used instead of hat?
- # N <- nrow(inputs)
- # p <- length(parameter)
- # fitted <- matrix(hat, nrow = N, ncol = p)
- formula <- form
- toc <- proc.time() - tic
- time <- toc[3]
- names(time) <- "Time to fit GAM regression (seconds)"
- list(fitted = hat,
- formula = formula,
- fit = model,
- time = time)
-#' Gaussian Process Fitting
-#' @param hyperparams Hyperparameters
-#' @param parameter Parameters
-#' @param x Response variable
-#' @param input.matrix Input data matrix
-#' @importFrom stats dist dnorm
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-post.density <- function(hyperparams,
- parameter,
- x,
- input.matrix) {
- dinvgamma <- function(x, alpha, beta) {
- (beta^alpha)/gamma(alpha) *
- x^(-alpha - 1) *
- exp(-beta/x)
- }
- N <- length(x)
- p <- length(parameter)
- H <- cbind(1, input.matrix)
- q <- ncol(H)
- a.sigma <- 0.001
- b.sigma <- 0.001
- a.nu <- 0.001
- b.nu <- 1
- delta <- exp(hyperparams)[1:p]
- nu <- exp(hyperparams)[p + 1]
- A <- exp(-(as.matrix(dist(t(t(input.matrix)/delta),
- upper = TRUE, diag = TRUE))^2))
- Astar <- A + nu * diag(N)
- chol_Astar <- chol(Astar)
- y <- backsolve(t(chol_Astar),(x), upper.tri = FALSE)
- x. <- backsolve(t(chol_Astar), H, upper.tri = FALSE)
- tHAstarinvH <- t(x.) %*% (x.)
- betahat <- solve(tHAstarinvH) %*% t(x.) %*% y
- residSS <- y %*% y - t(y) %*% x. %*% betahat - t(betahat) %*%
- t(x.) %*% y + t(betahat) %*% tHAstarinvH %*% betahat
- prior <- prod(dnorm(log(delta), 0, sqrt(1e+05))) *
- dinvgamma(nu, a.nu, b.nu)
- l <- -sum(log(diag(chol_Astar))) - 1/2 * log(det(tHAstarinvH)) -
- (N - q + 2 * a.sigma)/2 * log(residSS/2 + b.sigma) + log(prior)
- names(l) <- NULL
- return(l)
-#' Estimate hyperparameters
-#' @param x x
-#' @param input.matrix Input matrix
-#' @param parameter Parameters
-#' @param n.sim Number of simulations
-#' @importFrom stats optim
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-estimate.hyperparams <- function(x,
- input.matrix,
- parameter,
- n.sim) {
- p <- length(parameter)
- initial.values <- rep(0, p + 1)
- repeat {
- log.hyperparams <-
- optim(initial.values,
- fn = post.density,
- parameter = parameter,
- x = x[1:n.sim],
- input.matrix = input.matrix[1:n.sim, ],
- method = "Nelder-Mead",
- control = list(fnscale = -1,
- maxit = 10000, trace = 0))$par
- if (sum(abs(initial.values - log.hyperparams)) < 0.01) {
- hyperparams <- exp(log.hyperparams)
- break
- }
- initial.values <- log.hyperparams
- }
- hyperparams
-#' Fit Gaussian Process
-#' @param parameter Parameters
-#' @param inputs Inputs
-#' @param x Response variable
-#' @param n.sim Number of simulations
-#' @return list
-#' @importFrom stats dist
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-fit.gp <- function(parameter,
- inputs,
- x,
- n.sim) {
- tic <- proc.time()
- p <- length(parameter)
- input.matrix <- as.matrix(inputs[, parameter, drop = FALSE])
- colmin <- apply(input.matrix, 2, min)
- colmax <- apply(input.matrix, 2, max)
- colrange <- colmax - colmin
- input.matrix <- sweep(input.matrix, 2, colmin, "-")
- input.matrix <- sweep(input.matrix, 2, colrange, "/")
- N <- nrow(input.matrix)
- H <- cbind(1, input.matrix)
- q <- ncol(H)
- hyperparams <-
- estimate.hyperparams(
- x = x,
- input.matrix = input.matrix,
- parameter = parameter,
- n.sim = n.sim)
- delta.hat <- hyperparams[1:p]
- nu.hat <- hyperparams[p + 1]
- A <- exp(-(as.matrix(dist(t(t(input.matrix)/delta.hat),
- upper = TRUE, diag = TRUE))^2))
- Astar <- A + nu.hat * diag(N)
- Astarinv <- chol2inv(chol(Astar))
- rm(Astar)
- gc()
- AstarinvY <- Astarinv %*% x
- tHAstarinv <- t(H) %*% Astarinv
- tHAHinv <- solve(tHAstarinv %*% H)
- betahat <- tHAHinv %*% (tHAstarinv %*% x)
- Hbetahat <- H %*% betahat
- resid <- x - Hbetahat
- fitted <- Hbetahat + A %*% (Astarinv %*% resid)
- ##TODO: should this be used somewhere?
- # AAstarinvH <- A %*% t(tHAstarinv)
- sigmasqhat <-
- as.numeric(t(resid) %*% Astarinv %*% resid)/(N - q - 2)
- rm(A, Astarinv, AstarinvY, tHAstarinv, tHAHinv,
- Hbetahat, resid, sigmasqhat)
- gc()
- toc <- proc.time() - tic
- time <- toc[3]
- names(time) <- "Time to fit GP regression (seconds)"
- list(fitted = fitted,
- time = time,
- fit = NULL,
- formula = NULL)
-#' INLA Fitting
-#' @param parameter Parameter
-#' @param inputs Inputs
-#' @param x Response variable
-#' @param k k
-#' @param l l
-#' @return list
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_warning
-#' @keywords internal
-make.proj <- function(parameter,
- inputs,
- x, k, l) {
- tic <- proc.time()
- scale <- 8 / (range(x)[2] - range(x)[1])
- scale.x <- scale * x - mean(scale * x)
- # generate basic function
- bx <- bf(scale.x, case = "poly", 2)
- # principle fitted components
- fit1 <-
- pfc(scale(inputs[, parameter]), scale.x, bx, structure = "iso")
- fit2 <-
- pfc(scale(inputs[, parameter]), scale.x, bx, structure = "aniso")
- fit3 <-
- pfc(scale(inputs[, parameter]), scale.x, bx, structure = "unstr")
- struc <-
- c("iso", "aniso", "unstr")[
- which(c(fit1$aic, fit2$aic, fit3$aic) == min(fit1$aic, fit2$aic, fit3$aic))]
- AIC.deg <- array()
- for (i in 2:7) {
- bx <- bf(scale.x, case = "poly", i)
- fit <-
- pfc(scale(inputs[, parameter]), scale.x, bx, structure = struc)
- AIC.deg[i] <- fit$aic
- }
- deg <- which(AIC.deg == min(AIC.deg, na.rm = TRUE))
- d <- min(dim(inputs[, parameter])[2], deg)
- ##TODO: where should this be used?
- # by <- bf(scale.x, case = "poly", deg)
- # likelihood-based dimension reduction
- comp.d <-
- ldr(
- scale(inputs[, parameter]),
- scale.x,
- bx,
- structure = struc,
- model = "pfc",
- numdir = d,
- numdir.test = TRUE)
- dim.d <- which(comp.d$aic == min(comp.d$aic)) - 1
- comp <-
- ldr(
- scale(inputs[, parameter]),
- scale.x,
- bx,
- structure = struc,
- model = "pfc",
- numdir = 2)
- toc <- proc.time() - tic
- time <- toc[3]
- if (dim.d > 2){
- cur <- c("effects", "costs")
- cli::cli_alert_warning(
- "The dimension of the sufficient reduction for the incremental
- {.code cur[k]} column {.code l} is {.code dim.d}.
- Dimensions greater than 2 imply that the EVPPI approximation using INLA may be inaccurate.
- Full residual checking using {.fn diag.evppi} is required.")
- }
- names(time) <- "Time to fit find projections (seconds)"
- list(data = comp$R,
- time = time,
- dim = dim.d)
-#' Mesh Plot
-#' Option of interactively saving the plot.
-#' @param mesh Mesh
-#' @param data Data
-#' @param plot Create plot? logical
-#' @importFrom utils select.list
-#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-plot.mesh <- function(mesh, data, plot) {
- if (!plot) return()
- cat("\n")
- choice <- select.list(c("yes", "no"),
- title = "Would you like to save the graph?",
- graphics = FALSE)
- if (choice == "yes") {
- exts <- c("jpeg", "pdf", "bmp", "png", "tiff")
- ext <- select.list(exts,
- title = "Please select file extension",
- graphics = FALSE)
- name <- paste0(getwd(), "/mesh.", ext)
- txt <- paste0(ext, "('", name, "')")
- eval(parse(text = txt))
- txt <- paste0("Graph saved as: ", name)
- cat(txt)
- on.exit(dev.off())
- }
- cat("\n")
- plot(mesh)
- points(data,
- col = "blue",
- pch = 19,
- cex = 0.8)
-#' Make Mesh
-#' Fit using INLA methods.
-#' @param data Data
-#' @param convex.inner convex.inner
-#' @param convex.outer convex.outer
-#' @param cutoff Cut-off value
-#' @param max.edge Maximum edge
-#' @return list
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-make.mesh <- function(data,
- convex.inner,
- convex.outer,
- cutoff,
- max.edge) {
- tic <- proc.time()
- inner <- suppressMessages({
- INLA::inla.nonconvex.hull(data, convex = convex.inner)
- })
- outer <- INLA::inla.nonconvex.hull(data, convex = convex.outer)
- mesh <-
- INLA::inla.mesh.2d(
- loc = data,
- boundary = list(inner, outer),
- max.edge = c(max.edge, max.edge),
- cutoff = c(cutoff))
- toc <- proc.time() - tic
- time <- toc[3]
- names(time) <- "Time to fit determine the mesh (seconds)"
- list(mesh = mesh,
- pts = data,
- time = time)
-#' Fit INLA
-#' @param parameter Parameters
-#' @param inputs Inputs
-#' @param x Response variable
-#' @param mesh Mesh
-#' @param data.scale data.scale
-#' @param int.ord int.ord
-#' @param convex.inner convex.inner
-#' @param convex.outer convex.outer
-#' @param cutoff Cut-off
-#' @param max.edge Maximum edge
-#' @param h.value h.value
-#' @param family family
-#' @return list
-#' @importFrom stats as.formula
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-fit.inla <- function(parameter,
- inputs,
- x,
- mesh,
- data.scale,
- int.ord,
- convex.inner,
- convex.outer,
- cutoff,
- max.edge,
- h.value,
- family) {
- # @importFrom INLA inla.stack.data
- # @importFrom INLA inla.stack.A
- # @importFrom INLA inla
- tic <- proc.time()
- inputs.scale <-
- scale(inputs, apply(inputs, 2, mean), apply(inputs, 2, sd))
- scale <- 8 / (range(x)[2] - range(x)[1])
- scale.x <- scale * x - mean(scale * x)
- A <-
- INLA::inla.spde.make.A(mesh = mesh,
- loc = data.scale,
- silent = 2L)
- spde <-
- INLA::inla.spde2.matern(
- mesh = mesh,
- alpha = 2)
- stk.real <-
- INLA::inla.stack(
- tag = "est",
- data = list(y = scale.x),
- A = list(A, 1),
- effects = list(s = 1:spde$n.spde,
- data.frame(
- b0 = 1, x = cbind(data.scale, inputs.scale)
- ))
- )
- data <- INLA::inla.stack.data(stk.real)
- ctr.pred <- INLA::inla.stack.A(stk.real)
- inp <- names(stk.real$effects$data)[parameter + 4]
- form <- paste(inp, "+", sep = "", collapse = "")
- formula <- paste("y~0+(",
- form,
- "+0)+b0+f(s,model=spde)",
- sep = "",
- collapse = "")
- if (int.ord[1] > 1) {
- formula <- paste(
- "y~0+(",
- form,
- "+0)^",
- int.ord[1],
- "+b0+f(s,model=spde)",
- sep = "",
- collapse = "")
- }
- Result <- suppressMessages({
- INLA::inla(
- as.formula(formula),
- data = data,
- family = family,
- control.predictor = list(A = ctr.pred, link = 1),
- control.inla = list(h = h.value),
- control.compute = list(config = TRUE)
- )
- })
- fitted <-
- (Result$summary.linear.predictor[seq_along(x), "mean"] + mean(scale * x)) / scale
- fit <- Result
- toc <- proc.time() - tic
- time <- toc[3]
- names(time) <- "Time to fit INLA/SPDE (seconds)"
- list(
- fitted = fitted,
- model = fit,
- time = time,
- formula = formula,
- mesh = list(mesh = mesh, pts = data.scale))
-#' Compute EVPPI
-#' @template args-he
-#' @param fit.full fit.full
-#' @return list
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-compute.evppi <- function(he, fit.full) {
- EVPPI <- array()
- tic <- proc.time()
- for (i in seq_along(he$k)) {
- NB.k <- -(he$k[i]*fit.full[[1]] - fit.full[[2]])
- EVPPI[i] <- (mean(apply(NB.k, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)) -
- max(apply(NB.k, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)))
- }
- toc <- proc.time() - tic
- time <- toc[3]
- names(time) <- "Time to compute the EVPPI (in seconds)"
- list(EVPPI = EVPPI,
- time = time)
-#' Prepare output
-#' @param parameters Parameters
-#' @param inputs Inputs
-#' @return name
-#' @seealso \code{\link{evppi}}
-#' @keywords internal
-prepare.output <- function(parameters,
- inputs) {
- if (length(parameters) == 1) {
- name <-
- if (is.numeric(parameters)) {
- colnames(inputs)[parameters]
- } else {
- parameters}
- } else {
- if (is.numeric(parameters)) {
- n_params <- length(parameters)
- end <- colnames(inputs)[parameters[n_params]]
- name.mid <-
- paste(colnames(inputs)[parameters[1:n_params - 1]],
- ", ",
- sep = "",
- collapse = " ")
- name <- paste(name.mid, "and ", end, sep = "",
- collapse = " ")
- } else {
- n_params <- length(parameters)
- end <- parameters[n_params]
- name.mid <- paste(parameters[1:n_params - 1], ", ",
- sep = "",
- collapse = " ")
- name <- paste(name.mid, "and ", end,
- sep = "",
- collapse = " ")
- }
- }
- name
diff --git a/R/evppi_plot_base.R b/R/evppi_plot_base.R
index f406fa6f..08fb2f09 100644
--- a/R/evppi_plot_base.R
+++ b/R/evppi_plot_base.R
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ evppi_plot_base <- function(evppi_obj,
col = NULL,
annot = FALSE) {
legend_params <-
evppi_legend_base(evppi_obj, pos_legend, col)
diff --git a/R/evppi_base_params.R b/R/evppi_plot_helpers.R
similarity index 100%
rename from R/evppi_base_params.R
rename to R/evppi_plot_helpers.R
diff --git a/R/helper_base_params.R b/R/helper_base_params.R
index 67c64a7b..a173b3d4 100644
--- a/R/helper_base_params.R
+++ b/R/helper_base_params.R
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#' @importFrom grDevices colors
#' @keywords dplot
helper_base_params <- function(he,
graph_params) {
diff --git a/R/helper_ggplot_params.R b/R/helper_ggplot_params.R
index 1b6c517c..8ccc6d4c 100644
--- a/R/helper_ggplot_params.R
+++ b/R/helper_ggplot_params.R
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ helper_ggplot_params <- function(he,
is_enough_types <- length(types) >= n_lines
is_enough_colours <- length(cols) >= n_lines
- is_enough_sizes <- length(sizes) >= n_lines
+ is_enough_sizes <- length(sizes) == n_lines
if (!is_enough_types) {
graph_params$line$type <- rep_len(types, n_lines)}
diff --git a/R/ib_plot_base.R b/R/ib_plot_base.R
index ffdf5692..bf96d1a3 100644
--- a/R/ib_plot_base.R
+++ b/R/ib_plot_base.R
@@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ ib_plot_base <- function(he,
sep = "")
if (he$n_comparisons > 1) {
- if (is.null(comparison)) {
- comparison <- 1
- }
+ comparison <- comparison %||% 1
# nbw <- sd(he$ib[w, , comparison])/1.5
@@ -65,9 +64,9 @@ ib_plot_base <- function(he,
sep = "")
- if (is.null(xlim)) {
- xlim <- range(d$x)
- }
+ xlim <- xlim %||% range(d$x)
diff --git a/R/ib_plot_ggplot.R b/R/ib_plot_ggplot.R
index a1db649c..4daa6c6a 100644
--- a/R/ib_plot_ggplot.R
+++ b/R/ib_plot_ggplot.R
@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ ib_plot_ggplot <- function(he,
xlim) {
- if (is.null(comparison)) {
- comparison <- 1
- }
+ comparison <- comparison %||% 1
if (max(he$k) < wtp) {
wtp <- max(he$k)
@@ -75,9 +73,9 @@ ib_plot_ggplot <- function(he,
df <- data.frame(x = density$x,
y = density$y)
- if (is.null(xlim)) {
- xlim <- range(df$x)
- }
+ xlim <- xlim %||% range(df$x)
ib <-
ggplot(df, aes(.data$x, .data$y)) +
theme_bw() +
diff --git a/R/inforank_params.R b/R/inforank_params.R
index 3e42fec0..cdfa5fe4 100644
--- a/R/inforank_params.R
+++ b/R/inforank_params.R
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ inforank_params <- function(he,
##TODO: what to do for multiple ICER?
if (is.null(wtp)) wtp <- he$k[min(which(he$k >= he$ICER[1]))]
if (!wtp %in% he$k)
stop("wtp must be from values computed in call to bcea().", call. = FALSE)
diff --git a/R/misc_helpers.R b/R/misc_helpers.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d9f261a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/misc_helpers.R
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+`%||%` <- function(x, y) {
+ if (is.null(x)) y else x
diff --git a/R/mixedAn.default.R b/R/mixedAn.default.R
index 5c63a3cd..268bde37 100644
--- a/R/mixedAn.default.R
+++ b/R/mixedAn.default.R
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@
Ubar <- OL.star <- evi.star <- NULL
- if (is.null(value)) {
- value <- rep(1, he$n_comparators)/he$n_comparators
- }
+ value <- value %||% rep(1, he$n_comparators)/he$n_comparators
Ubar <- compute_Ubar(he, value)
OL.star <- he$Ustar - Ubar
diff --git a/R/multiplot.R b/R/multiplot.R
index a0059268..08e79a4e 100644
--- a/R/multiplot.R
+++ b/R/multiplot.R
@@ -17,11 +17,10 @@ multiplot <- function(plotlist = NULL,
n_plots <- length(plotlist)
- if (is.null(layout_config)) {
- layout_config <- matrix(seq(1, cols*ceiling(n_plots/cols)),
- ncol = cols,
- nrow = ceiling(n_plots/cols))
- }
+ layout_config <-
+ layout_config %||% matrix(seq(1, cols*ceiling(n_plots/cols)),
+ ncol = cols,
+ nrow = ceiling(n_plots/cols))
grid_params <-
c(plotlist, list(layout_matrix = layout_config))
diff --git a/R/num_lines.R b/R/num_lines.R
index b3cf6557..ab7ac92d 100644
--- a/R/num_lines.R
+++ b/R/num_lines.R
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# num_lines
+# Number of lines
+# which depends on the type of plot
#' @title Get number of lines
diff --git a/R/orthonorm.R b/R/orthonorm.R
index 907266e6..e902f1c1 100644
--- a/R/orthonorm.R
+++ b/R/orthonorm.R
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
orthonorm <- function (u) {
if (is.null(u))
if (!(is.matrix(u)))
u <- as.matrix(u)
dd <- dim(u)
diff --git a/R/pfc.R b/R/pfc.R
index 1d3b3f28..02c7178d 100644
--- a/R/pfc.R
+++ b/R/pfc.R
@@ -21,417 +21,425 @@
#' @importFrom stats cov
-pfc <-
- function(X, y, fy=NULL, numdir=NULL, structure=c("iso", "aniso", "unstr", "unstr2"), eps_aniso=1e-3, numdir.test=FALSE,...)
- {
- "%^%"<-function(M, pow)
- {
- if (prod(dim(M)==list(1,1))) return( as.matrix(M^pow) )
- eigenM = eigen(M)
- return(eigenM$vectors%*%diag(c(eigenM$values)^pow)%*%t(eigenM$vectors))
- }
- Trace<-function(X)
- {
- if (!is.matrix(X)) stop("Argument to Trace is not a matrix in pfc")
- return(sum(diag(X)))
- }
- if (is.null(fy)) {fy <- scale(y, TRUE, TRUE); numdir <- 1}
- r <- dim(fy)[2]
- X <- as.matrix(X)
- op <- dim(X)
- n <- op[1]
- p <- op[2]
- eff.numdir <- min(numdir, r, p)
- vnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
- if (is.null(vnames)) vnames <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
- if (p==1) return(onepfc(X=X, y=y, fy=fy, p, numdir.test))
- Muhat <- apply(X, 2, mean)
- Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
- P_F <- fy%*%solve(t(fy)%*%fy)%*%t(fy)
- Sigmahat <- cov(X)
- Sigmahat_fit <- cov(P_F%*%X)
- Sigmahat_res <- Sigmahat - Sigmahat_fit
- if (structure=="iso")
+pfc <- function(X,
+ y,
+ fy = NULL,
+ numdir
+ = NULL,
+ structure = c("iso", "aniso", "unstr", "unstr2"),
+ eps_aniso = 1e-3,
+ numdir.test = FALSE,
+ ...) {
+ "%^%"<-function(M, pow)
+ {
+ if (prod(dim(M)==list(1,1))) return( as.matrix(M^pow) )
+ eigenM = eigen(M)
+ return(eigenM$vectors%*%diag(c(eigenM$values)^pow)%*%t(eigenM$vectors))
+ }
+ Trace<-function(X)
+ {
+ if (!is.matrix(X)) stop("Argument to Trace is not a matrix in pfc")
+ return(sum(diag(X)))
+ }
+ if (is.null(fy)) {fy <- scale(y, TRUE, TRUE); numdir <- 1}
+ r <- dim(fy)[2]
+ X <- as.matrix(X)
+ op <- dim(X)
+ n <- op[1]
+ p <- op[2]
+ eff.numdir <- min(numdir, r, p)
+ vnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
+ if (is.null(vnames)) vnames <- paste("X", 1:p, sep="")
+ if (p==1) return(onepfc(X=X, y=y, fy=fy, p, numdir.test))
+ Muhat <- apply(X, 2, mean)
+ Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
+ P_F <- fy%*%solve(t(fy)%*%fy)%*%t(fy)
+ Sigmahat <- cov(X)
+ Sigmahat_fit <- cov(P_F%*%X)
+ Sigmahat_res <- Sigmahat - Sigmahat_fit
+ if (structure=="iso")
+ {
+ iso <- function(i)
- iso <- function(i)
- {
- ev <- eigen(Sigmahat)
- ev.fit <- eigen(Sigmahat_fit)
- all_evalues <-ev.fit$values
- evalues <- all_evalues[1:i]
- sigma2hat <- Re(sum(ev$values)/p)
- Gammahat <- Re(matrix(ev.fit$vectors[,1:i], ncol=i))
- dimnames(Gammahat) <- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep=""))
- Betahat <-Re(t(Gammahat)%*%t(Xc)%*%fy%*%solve(t(fy)%*%fy))
- sigma2hat <- Re((sum(ev$values)-sum(evalues))/p)
- Deltahat <- sigma2hat*diag(1, p)
- dimnames(Deltahat) <- list(vnames, vnames)
- loglik <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi*sigma2hat))
- numpar <- p + (p-i)*i + i*dim(fy)[2] + 1
- aic <- -2*loglik + 2*numpar
- bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*numpar
- return(list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat,
- evalues=evalues, loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar))
- }
+ ev <- eigen(Sigmahat)
+ ev.fit <- eigen(Sigmahat_fit)
+ all_evalues <-ev.fit$values
+ evalues <- all_evalues[1:i]
+ sigma2hat <- Re(sum(ev$values)/p)
- if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
- {
- out <- iso(eff.numdir)
- ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(out$Gammahat), Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=out$Betahat, Gammahat=out$Gammahat,
- Deltahat=out$Deltahat, loglik=out$loglik, aic=out$aic, bic=out$bic, numpar=out$numpar,
- numdir=eff.numdir, evalues=out$evalues, structure="iso", y=y, fy=fy,
- Xc=Xc, call=match.call(expand.dots=TRUE), numdir.test=numdir.test)
- class(ans) <- "pfc"
- return(ans)
- }
+ Gammahat <- Re(matrix(ev.fit$vectors[,1:i], ncol=i))
+ dimnames(Gammahat) <- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep=""))
+ Betahat <-Re(t(Gammahat)%*%t(Xc)%*%fy%*%solve(t(fy)%*%fy))
+ sigma2hat <- Re((sum(ev$values)-sum(evalues))/p)
+ Deltahat <- sigma2hat*diag(1, p)
+ dimnames(Deltahat) <- list(vnames, vnames)
- if (identical(numdir.test, TRUE))
- {
- aic <- bic <- numpar <- loglik <- vector(length=eff.numdir+1)
- Betahat <- Deltahat <- Gammahat <-vector("list")
- # No fitting values (eff.numdir=0)
- ev <- eigen(Sigmahat)
- sigma2hat <- sum(ev$values)/p
- loglik[1] <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi*sigma2hat))
- numpar[1] <- p + 1
- aic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + 2*numpar[1]
- bic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + log(n)*numpar[1]
- for (i in 1:eff.numdir)
- {
- fit <- iso(i)
- Betahat[[i]] <-fit$Betahat
- Gammahat[[i]] <-fit$Gammahat
- Deltahat[[i]] <- fit$Deltahat
- loglik[i+1] <- fit$loglik
- numpar[i+1] <- fit$numpar
- aic[i+1] <- fit$aic
- bic[i+1] <- fit$bic
- }
- ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(Gammahat[[eff.numdir]]), Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat,
- Deltahat=Deltahat, loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar,
- numdir=eff.numdir, model="pfc", evalues=fit$evalues, structure="iso",
- y=y, fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
- class(ans)<- "pfc"
- return(ans)
- }
+ loglik <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi*sigma2hat))
+ numpar <- p + (p-i)*i + i*dim(fy)[2] + 1
+ aic <- -2*loglik + 2*numpar
+ bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*numpar
+ return(list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat,
+ evalues=evalues, loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar))
- if (structure=="aniso")
+ if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
- aniso = function(X, y, fy, d, eps_aniso=1e-3, numdir.test)
- {
- vnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
- if (is.null(vnames)) vnames <- paste("X", seq_len(ncol(X)), sep="")
- op <- dim(X)
- n <- op[1]
- p <- op[2]
- # Initial Step
- fit <- pfc(X=X, y=y, fy=fy, numdir=d, structure="iso", numdir.test=numdir.test)
- if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
- {
- Betahatx <- fit$Betahat
- Gammahatx <- fit$Gammahat
- Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
- deltahat <- diag(cov(Xc))
- repeat
- {
- Xnew = X%*%((1/sqrt(deltahat))*diag(p))
- fit <- pfc(X=Xnew, y=y, fy=fy, numdir=d, structure="iso", numdir.test=FALSE)
- Betahatx <- fit$Betahat
- Gammahatx <- (diag(p)*sqrt(deltahat))%*%fit$Gammahat
- Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
- deltahat0 <- diag(t(Xc)%*%(Xc)/n)
- if (sum(abs(deltahat-deltahat0)) < eps_aniso) break
- deltahat <- deltahat0
- }
- dimnames(Gammahatx) <- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:d, sep=""))
- Deltahat <- deltahat*diag(p)
- dimnames(Deltahat) <- list(vnames, vnames)
- loglik <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(prod(deltahat))
- numpar <- p + d*(p-d) + ncol(fy)*d + p
- aic <- -2*loglik + 2*numpar
- bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*numpar
- ans <- list(Betahat=Betahatx, Gammahat=orthonorm(Gammahatx), Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=fit$evalues,
- loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar, numdir.test=numdir.test)
- return(ans)
- }
- Deltahat <- Betahat <- Gammahat <- vector("list")
- aic <- bic <- numpar <- loglik <- vector(length=eff.numdir + 1)
- # No fitting values (eff.numdir=0)
- ev <- eigen(Sigmahat)
- loglik[1] <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(prod(ev$values))
- numpar[1] <- p + p
- aic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + 2*numpar[1]
- bic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + log(n)*numpar[1]
- for (i in 1:eff.numdir)
- {
- Betahatx <- fit$Betahat[[i]]
- Gammahatx <- fit$Gammahat[[i]]
- Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
- deltahat <- diag(t(Xc)%*%(Xc)/n)
- repeat
- {
- Xnew = X%*%((1/sqrt(deltahat))*diag(p))
- fit2 <- pfc(X=Xnew, y=y, fy=fy, numdir=i, structure="iso", numdir.test=FALSE)
- Betahatx <- fit2$Betahat
- Gammahatx <- (diag(p)*sqrt(deltahat))%*%fit2$Gammahat
- Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
- deltahat0 <- diag(t(Xc)%*%(Xc)/n)
- if (sum(abs(deltahat-deltahat0)) < eps_aniso) break
- deltahat <- deltahat0
- }
- Deltahat[[i]] <- deltahat*diag(p)
- dimnames(Deltahat[[i]]) <- list(vnames, vnames)
- loglik[i+1] = - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(prod(deltahat))
- numpar[i+1] <- p + (p-i)*i + i*dim(fy)[2] + p
- aic[i+1] <- -2*loglik[i+1] + 2*numpar[i+1]
- bic[i+1] <- -2*loglik[i+1] + log(n)*numpar[i+1]
- Betahat[[i]] <- Betahatx
- Gammahat[[i]] <- orthonorm(Gammahatx)
- dimnames(Gammahat[[i]]) <- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep=""))
- }
- ans <- list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=fit2$evalues,
- loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar, numdir.test=numdir.test)
- return(ans)
- }
- fit <- aniso(X=X, y=y, fy=fy, d=eff.numdir, eps_aniso=eps_aniso, numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ out <- iso(eff.numdir)
- ans <- list(Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=fit$Betahat, Gammahat=fit$Gammahat, Deltahat=fit$Deltahat, model="pfc",
- loglik=fit$loglik, aic=fit$aic, bic=fit$bic, numpar=fit$numpar, numdir=eff.numdir,
- evalues=fit$evalues, structure="aniso", Xc=Xc, y=y, fy=fy, call=match.call(), numdir.test=fit$numdir.test)
- if (numdir.test==FALSE) ans$R <- X%*%orthonorm(((fit$Deltahat)%^%(-1))%*%fit$Gammahat) else
- ans$R <- X%*%orthonorm(((fit$Deltahat[[eff.numdir]])%^%(-1))%*%fit$Gammahat[[eff.numdir]])
- class(ans)<- "pfc"
+ ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(out$Gammahat), Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=out$Betahat, Gammahat=out$Gammahat,
+ Deltahat=out$Deltahat, loglik=out$loglik, aic=out$aic, bic=out$bic, numpar=out$numpar,
+ numdir=eff.numdir, evalues=out$evalues, structure="iso", y=y, fy=fy,
+ Xc=Xc, call=match.call(expand.dots=TRUE), numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ class(ans) <- "pfc"
- if (structure=="unstr")
+ if (identical(numdir.test, TRUE))
- unstr<-function(i)
- {
- sqrt_Sigmahat_res <- Sigmahat_res%^%0.5
- Inv_Sqrt_Sigmahat_res <- solve(sqrt_Sigmahat_res)
- lf_matrix <- Inv_Sqrt_Sigmahat_res%*%Sigmahat_fit%*%Inv_Sqrt_Sigmahat_res
- all_evalues <- eigen(lf_matrix, symmetric=T)$values
- evalues <- all_evalues[1:i]
- Vhat <- eigen(lf_matrix, symmetric=T)$vectors
- Vhati <- matrix(Vhat[,1:i], ncol=i)
- Gammahat <- (Sigmahat_res%^%0.5)%*%Vhati%*%solve((t(Vhati)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Vhati)%^%0.5)
- dimnames(Gammahat)<- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep=""))
- Khat<-diag(0, p)
- if (i < min(ncol(fy),p)) {diag(Khat)[(i+1):min(ncol(fy), p )]<- all_evalues[(i+1):min(ncol(fy), p)]}
- Deltahat <- sqrt_Sigmahat_res%*%Vhat%*%(diag(p)+Khat)%*%t(Vhat)%*%sqrt_Sigmahat_res
- dimnames(Deltahat) <- list(vnames, vnames)
- Betahat <- ((t(Vhati)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Vhati)%^%0.5)%*%t(Vhati)%*%solve(Sigmahat_res%^%0.5)%*%t(Xc)%*%fy%*% solve(t(fy)%*%fy)
- temp0 <- -(n*p/2)*(1 + log(2*pi))
- temp1 <- -(n/2)*log(det(Sigmahat_res))
- temp2 <- 0
- if (i < min(ncol(fy),p)) temp2 <- -(n/2)*sum(log(1 + all_evalues[(i+1):p]))
- loglik <- temp0 + temp1 + temp2
- numpar <- p + (p-i)*i + i*ncol(fy) + p*(p+1)/2
- aic <- -2*loglik + 2*numpar
- bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*numpar
- return(list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=evalues,
- loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar))
- }
- if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
- {
- out <- unstr(eff.numdir)
- ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(solve(out$Deltahat)%*%out$Gammahat), Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=out$Betahat, Gammahat=out$Gammahat,
- Deltahat=out$Deltahat, evalues=out$evalues, loglik=out$loglik, aic=out$aic, bic=out$bic, numpar=out$numpar,
- numdir=eff.numdir, model="pfc", structure="unstr", y=y, fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
- class(ans) <- "pfc"
- return(ans)
- }
aic <- bic <- numpar <- loglik <- vector(length=eff.numdir+1)
- evalues <- vector(length=eff.numdir)
- Betahat <- Deltahat <- Gammahat <-vector("list")
+ Betahat <- Deltahat <- Gammahat <-vector("list")
- loglik[1] <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(det(Sigmahat))
- numpar[1] <- p + p*(p+1)/2
+ # No fitting values (eff.numdir=0)
+ ev <- eigen(Sigmahat)
+ sigma2hat <- sum(ev$values)/p
+ loglik[1] <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi*sigma2hat))
+ numpar[1] <- p + 1
aic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + 2*numpar[1]
bic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + log(n)*numpar[1]
- Deltahat[[1]] <- Sigmahat
- dimnames(Deltahat[[1]]) <- list(vnames, vnames)
for (i in 1:eff.numdir)
- fit <- unstr(i)
- Betahat[[i]] <-fit$Betahat
- Gammahat[[i]] <-fit$Gammahat
+ fit <- iso(i)
+ Betahat[[i]] <-fit$Betahat
+ Gammahat[[i]] <-fit$Gammahat
Deltahat[[i]] <- fit$Deltahat
- loglik[i+1] <- fit$loglik
+ loglik[i+1] <- fit$loglik
numpar[i+1] <- fit$numpar
aic[i+1] <- fit$aic
- bic[i+1] <- fit$bic
+ bic[i+1] <- fit$bic
- ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(solve(Deltahat[[eff.numdir]])%*%Gammahat[[eff.numdir]]), Muhat=Muhat,
- Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=fit$evalues, loglik=loglik,
- aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar, numdir=eff.numdir, model="pfc", structure="unstr", y=y,
- fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(Gammahat[[eff.numdir]]), Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat,
+ Deltahat=Deltahat, loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar,
+ numdir=eff.numdir, model="pfc", evalues=fit$evalues, structure="iso",
+ y=y, fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
class(ans)<- "pfc"
- }
- else if (structure=="unstr2")
+ }
+ }
+ if (structure=="aniso")
+ {
+ aniso = function(X, y, fy, d, eps_aniso=1e-3, numdir.test)
- unstr2 <- function(i)
+ vnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
+ if (is.null(vnames)) vnames <- paste("X", seq_len(ncol(X)), sep="")
+ op <- dim(X)
+ n <- op[1]
+ p <- op[2]
+ # Initial Step
+ fit <- pfc(X=X, y=y, fy=fy, numdir=d, structure="iso", numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
- objfun <- function(W)
+ Betahatx <- fit$Betahat
+ Gammahatx <- fit$Gammahat
+ Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
+ deltahat <- diag(cov(Xc))
+ repeat
- Qt <- W$Qt
- dc <- W$dim[1]
- p <- ncol(Qt)
- S <- W$Sigmas
- U <- matrix(Qt[,1:dc], ncol=dc)
- V <- matrix(Qt[,(dc+1):p], ncol=(p-dc))
- value <- -(n/2)*(p*log(2*pi)+p+log(det(t(V)%*%S$Sigmahat%*%V))+ log(det(t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat_res%*%U)))
- terme1 <- solve(t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat_res%*%U)%*%(t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat_res%*%V)
- terme2 <- (t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat%*%V)%*%solve(t(V)%*%S$Sigmahat%*%V)
- gradient <- 2*(terme1 - terme2)
- return(list(value=value, gradient=gradient))
+ Xnew = X%*%((1/sqrt(deltahat))*diag(p))
+ fit <- pfc(X=Xnew, y=y, fy=fy, numdir=d, structure="iso", numdir.test=FALSE)
+ Betahatx <- fit$Betahat
+ Gammahatx <- (diag(p)*sqrt(deltahat))%*%fit$Gammahat
+ Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
+ deltahat0 <- diag(t(Xc)%*%(Xc)/n)
+ if (sum(abs(deltahat-deltahat0)) < eps_aniso) break
+ deltahat <- deltahat0
- sigmas <- list(Sigmahat=Sigmahat, Sigmahat_fit=Sigmahat_fit, Sigmahat_res=Sigmahat_res, p=p, n=n)
- W <- list(Qt = svd(Sigmahat_fit)$u, dim=c(numdir, p),
- Sigmas=list(Sigmahat=Sigmahat, Sigmahat_fit=Sigmahat_fit,
- Sigmahat_res=Sigmahat_res, p=p, n=n))
- objfun <- assign("objfun", objfun, envir=.BaseNamespaceEnv)
- grassoptim <- GrassmannOptim(objfun, W,...)
- Gammahat <- matrix(grassoptim$Qt[,1:i], ncol=i, dimnames=list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep="")))
- Gammahat0 <- matrix(grassoptim$Qt[, (i+1):p], ncol=p-i, dimnames=list(vnames, paste("Dir", (i+1):p, sep="")))
- Betahat <- t(Gammahat)%*%t(Xc)%*%fy%*%solve(t(fy)%*%fy)
- Omegahat <- t(Gammahat)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Gammahat
- Omegahat0 <-t(Gammahat0)%*%Sigmahat%*%Gammahat0
- Deltahat <- Gammahat%*%Omegahat%*%t(Gammahat) + Gammahat0%*%Omegahat0%*%t(Gammahat0)
+ dimnames(Gammahatx) <- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:d, sep=""))
+ Deltahat <- deltahat*diag(p)
dimnames(Deltahat) <- list(vnames, vnames)
- temp0 <- -(n*p/2)*(1+log(2*pi))
- temp1 <- -(n/2)*log(det(t(Gammahat)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Gammahat))
- temp2 <- -(n/2)*log(det(t(Gammahat0)%*%Sigmahat%*%Gammahat0))
- loglik <- temp0 + temp1 + temp2
- numpar <- p + (p-i)*i + i*dim(fy)[2] + i*(i+1)/2 + (p-i)*(p-i+1)/2
+ loglik <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(prod(deltahat))
+ numpar <- p + d*(p-d) + ncol(fy)*d + p
aic <- -2*loglik + 2*numpar
bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*numpar
- ev.fit <- eigen(Sigmahat_fit)
- evalues <- ev.fit$values[1:i]
- return(list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Gammahat0=Gammahat0, Omegahat=Omegahat, Omegahat0=Omegahat0,
- Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=evalues, loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar))
+ ans <- list(Betahat=Betahatx, Gammahat=orthonorm(Gammahatx), Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=fit$evalues,
+ loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar, numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ return(ans)
- if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
+ Deltahat <- Betahat <- Gammahat <- vector("list")
+ aic <- bic <- numpar <- loglik <- vector(length=eff.numdir + 1)
+ # No fitting values (eff.numdir=0)
+ ev <- eigen(Sigmahat)
+ loglik[1] <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(prod(ev$values))
+ numpar[1] <- p + p
+ aic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + 2*numpar[1]
+ bic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + log(n)*numpar[1]
+ for (i in 1:eff.numdir)
- out <- unstr2(numdir)
+ Betahatx <- fit$Betahat[[i]]
+ Gammahatx <- fit$Gammahat[[i]]
+ Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
+ deltahat <- diag(t(Xc)%*%(Xc)/n)
- ans <- list(R = X%*%out$Gammahat, Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=out$Betahat, Gammahat=out$Gammahat,
- Gammahat0=out$Gammahat0, Omegahat=out$Omegahat, Omegahat0=out$Omegahat0,
- Deltahat=out$Deltahat, evalues=out$evalues, loglik=out$loglik, aic=out$aic,
- bic=out$bic, numpar=out$numpar, numdir=numdir, model="pfc", structure="unstr2",
- y=y, fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ repeat
+ {
+ Xnew = X%*%((1/sqrt(deltahat))*diag(p))
+ fit2 <- pfc(X=Xnew, y=y, fy=fy, numdir=i, structure="iso", numdir.test=FALSE)
+ Betahatx <- fit2$Betahat
+ Gammahatx <- (diag(p)*sqrt(deltahat))%*%fit2$Gammahat
+ Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE) - fy%*%t(Gammahatx%*%Betahatx)
+ deltahat0 <- diag(t(Xc)%*%(Xc)/n)
+ if (sum(abs(deltahat-deltahat0)) < eps_aniso) break
+ deltahat <- deltahat0
+ }
- class(ans) <- "pfc"
- return(ans)
+ Deltahat[[i]] <- deltahat*diag(p)
+ dimnames(Deltahat[[i]]) <- list(vnames, vnames)
+ loglik[i+1] = - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(prod(deltahat))
+ numpar[i+1] <- p + (p-i)*i + i*dim(fy)[2] + p
+ aic[i+1] <- -2*loglik[i+1] + 2*numpar[i+1]
+ bic[i+1] <- -2*loglik[i+1] + log(n)*numpar[i+1]
+ Betahat[[i]] <- Betahatx
+ Gammahat[[i]] <- orthonorm(Gammahatx)
+ dimnames(Gammahat[[i]]) <- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep=""))
+ ans <- list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=fit2$evalues,
+ loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar, numdir.test=numdir.test)
- aic <- bic <- numpar <- loglik <- vector(length=numdir+1)
- Betahat <- Deltahat <- Gammahat <- Gammahat0 <- Omegahat <- Omegahat0 <- vector("list")
+ return(ans)
+ }
+ fit <- aniso(X=X, y=y, fy=fy, d=eff.numdir, eps_aniso=eps_aniso, numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ ans <- list(Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=fit$Betahat, Gammahat=fit$Gammahat, Deltahat=fit$Deltahat, model="pfc",
+ loglik=fit$loglik, aic=fit$aic, bic=fit$bic, numpar=fit$numpar, numdir=eff.numdir,
+ evalues=fit$evalues, structure="aniso", Xc=Xc, y=y, fy=fy, call=match.call(), numdir.test=fit$numdir.test)
+ if (numdir.test==FALSE) ans$R <- X%*%orthonorm(((fit$Deltahat)%^%(-1))%*%fit$Gammahat) else
+ ans$R <- X%*%orthonorm(((fit$Deltahat[[eff.numdir]])%^%(-1))%*%fit$Gammahat[[eff.numdir]])
+ class(ans)<- "pfc"
+ return(ans)
+ }
+ if (structure=="unstr")
+ {
+ unstr<-function(i)
+ {
+ sqrt_Sigmahat_res <- Sigmahat_res%^%0.5
+ Inv_Sqrt_Sigmahat_res <- solve(sqrt_Sigmahat_res)
+ lf_matrix <- Inv_Sqrt_Sigmahat_res%*%Sigmahat_fit%*%Inv_Sqrt_Sigmahat_res
+ all_evalues <- eigen(lf_matrix, symmetric=T)$values
+ evalues <- all_evalues[1:i]
- loglik[1] <- -(n*p/2)*(log(2*pi) + (1+log(Trace(Sigmahat)/p)))
- numpar[1] <- p + p*(p+1)/2
- aic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + 2*numpar[1]
- bic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + log(n)*numpar[1]
+ Vhat <- eigen(lf_matrix, symmetric=T)$vectors
+ Vhati <- matrix(Vhat[,1:i], ncol=i)
+ Gammahat <- (Sigmahat_res%^%0.5)%*%Vhati%*%solve((t(Vhati)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Vhati)%^%0.5)
+ dimnames(Gammahat)<- list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep=""))
+ Khat<-diag(0, p)
+ if (i < min(ncol(fy),p)) {diag(Khat)[(i+1):min(ncol(fy), p )]<- all_evalues[(i+1):min(ncol(fy), p)]}
+ Deltahat <- sqrt_Sigmahat_res%*%Vhat%*%(diag(p)+Khat)%*%t(Vhat)%*%sqrt_Sigmahat_res
+ dimnames(Deltahat) <- list(vnames, vnames)
+ Betahat <- ((t(Vhati)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Vhati)%^%0.5)%*%t(Vhati)%*%solve(Sigmahat_res%^%0.5)%*%t(Xc)%*%fy%*% solve(t(fy)%*%fy)
- for(m in 1:numdir)
+ temp0 <- -(n*p/2)*(1 + log(2*pi))
+ temp1 <- -(n/2)*log(det(Sigmahat_res))
+ temp2 <- 0
+ if (i < min(ncol(fy),p)) temp2 <- -(n/2)*sum(log(1 + all_evalues[(i+1):p]))
+ loglik <- temp0 + temp1 + temp2
+ numpar <- p + (p-i)*i + i*ncol(fy) + p*(p+1)/2
+ aic <- -2*loglik + 2*numpar
+ bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*numpar
+ return(list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=evalues,
+ loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar))
+ }
+ if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
+ {
+ out <- unstr(eff.numdir)
+ ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(solve(out$Deltahat)%*%out$Gammahat), Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=out$Betahat, Gammahat=out$Gammahat,
+ Deltahat=out$Deltahat, evalues=out$evalues, loglik=out$loglik, aic=out$aic, bic=out$bic, numpar=out$numpar,
+ numdir=eff.numdir, model="pfc", structure="unstr", y=y, fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ class(ans) <- "pfc"
+ return(ans)
+ }
+ aic <- bic <- numpar <- loglik <- vector(length=eff.numdir+1)
+ evalues <- vector(length=eff.numdir)
+ Betahat <- Deltahat <- Gammahat <-vector("list")
+ loglik[1] <- - 0.5*n*p*(1+log(2*pi)) - 0.5*n*log(det(Sigmahat))
+ numpar[1] <- p + p*(p+1)/2
+ aic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + 2*numpar[1]
+ bic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + log(n)*numpar[1]
+ Deltahat[[1]] <- Sigmahat
+ dimnames(Deltahat[[1]]) <- list(vnames, vnames)
+ for (i in 1:eff.numdir)
+ {
+ fit <- unstr(i)
+ Betahat[[i]] <-fit$Betahat
+ Gammahat[[i]] <-fit$Gammahat
+ Deltahat[[i]] <- fit$Deltahat
+ loglik[i+1] <- fit$loglik
+ numpar[i+1] <- fit$numpar
+ aic[i+1] <- fit$aic
+ bic[i+1] <- fit$bic
+ }
+ ans <- list(R=X%*%orthonorm(solve(Deltahat[[eff.numdir]])%*%Gammahat[[eff.numdir]]), Muhat=Muhat,
+ Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=fit$evalues, loglik=loglik,
+ aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar, numdir=eff.numdir, model="pfc", structure="unstr", y=y,
+ fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ class(ans)<- "pfc"
+ return(ans)
+ }
+ else if (structure=="unstr2")
+ {
+ unstr2 <- function(i)
+ {
+ objfun <- function(W)
- fit <- unstr2(m)
- Betahat[[m]] <-fit$Betahat
- Gammahat[[m]] <-fit$Gammahat
- Omegahat[[m]] <- fit$Omegahat
- Omegahat0[[m]] <- fit$Omegahat0
- Deltahat[[m]] <- fit$Deltahat
- loglik[m+1] <- fit$loglik
- numpar[m+1] <- fit$numpar
- aic[m+1] <- fit$aic
- bic[m+1] <- fit$bic
+ Qt <- W$Qt
+ dc <- W$dim[1]
+ p <- ncol(Qt)
+ S <- W$Sigmas
+ U <- matrix(Qt[,1:dc], ncol=dc)
+ V <- matrix(Qt[,(dc+1):p], ncol=(p-dc))
+ value <- -(n/2)*(p*log(2*pi)+p+log(det(t(V)%*%S$Sigmahat%*%V))+ log(det(t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat_res%*%U)))
+ terme1 <- solve(t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat_res%*%U)%*%(t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat_res%*%V)
+ terme2 <- (t(U)%*%S$Sigmahat%*%V)%*%solve(t(V)%*%S$Sigmahat%*%V)
+ gradient <- 2*(terme1 - terme2)
+ return(list(value=value, gradient=gradient))
- ans <- list(R = X%*%Gammahat[[numdir]], evalues=fit$evalues, loglik =loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numdir=numdir,
- numpar=numpar, Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat,
- Gammahat0=Gammahat0, Omegahat=Omegahat, Omegahat0=Omegahat0,
- Deltahat=Deltahat, model="pfc", structure="unstr2",
+ sigmas <- list(Sigmahat=Sigmahat, Sigmahat_fit=Sigmahat_fit, Sigmahat_res=Sigmahat_res, p=p, n=n)
+ W <- list(Qt = svd(Sigmahat_fit)$u, dim=c(numdir, p),
+ Sigmas=list(Sigmahat=Sigmahat, Sigmahat_fit=Sigmahat_fit,
+ Sigmahat_res=Sigmahat_res, p=p, n=n))
+ objfun <- assign("objfun", objfun, envir=.BaseNamespaceEnv)
+ grassoptim <- GrassmannOptim(objfun, W,...)
+ Gammahat <- matrix(grassoptim$Qt[,1:i], ncol=i, dimnames=list(vnames, paste("Dir", 1:i, sep="")))
+ Gammahat0 <- matrix(grassoptim$Qt[, (i+1):p], ncol=p-i, dimnames=list(vnames, paste("Dir", (i+1):p, sep="")))
+ Betahat <- t(Gammahat)%*%t(Xc)%*%fy%*%solve(t(fy)%*%fy)
+ Omegahat <- t(Gammahat)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Gammahat
+ Omegahat0 <-t(Gammahat0)%*%Sigmahat%*%Gammahat0
+ Deltahat <- Gammahat%*%Omegahat%*%t(Gammahat) + Gammahat0%*%Omegahat0%*%t(Gammahat0)
+ dimnames(Deltahat) <- list(vnames, vnames)
+ temp0 <- -(n*p/2)*(1+log(2*pi))
+ temp1 <- -(n/2)*log(det(t(Gammahat)%*%Sigmahat_res%*%Gammahat))
+ temp2 <- -(n/2)*log(det(t(Gammahat0)%*%Sigmahat%*%Gammahat0))
+ loglik <- temp0 + temp1 + temp2
+ numpar <- p + (p-i)*i + i*dim(fy)[2] + i*(i+1)/2 + (p-i)*(p-i+1)/2
+ aic <- -2*loglik + 2*numpar
+ bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*numpar
+ ev.fit <- eigen(Sigmahat_fit)
+ evalues <- ev.fit$values[1:i]
+ return(list(Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat, Gammahat0=Gammahat0, Omegahat=Omegahat, Omegahat0=Omegahat0,
+ Deltahat=Deltahat, evalues=evalues, loglik=loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numpar=numpar))
+ }
+ if (identical(numdir.test, FALSE))
+ {
+ out <- unstr2(numdir)
+ ans <- list(R = X%*%out$Gammahat, Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=out$Betahat, Gammahat=out$Gammahat,
+ Gammahat0=out$Gammahat0, Omegahat=out$Omegahat, Omegahat0=out$Omegahat0,
+ Deltahat=out$Deltahat, evalues=out$evalues, loglik=out$loglik, aic=out$aic,
+ bic=out$bic, numpar=out$numpar, numdir=numdir, model="pfc", structure="unstr2",
y=y, fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
- class(ans)<- "pfc"
+ class(ans) <- "pfc"
+ aic <- bic <- numpar <- loglik <- vector(length=numdir+1)
+ Betahat <- Deltahat <- Gammahat <- Gammahat0 <- Omegahat <- Omegahat0 <- vector("list")
+ loglik[1] <- -(n*p/2)*(log(2*pi) + (1+log(Trace(Sigmahat)/p)))
+ numpar[1] <- p + p*(p+1)/2
+ aic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + 2*numpar[1]
+ bic[1] <- -2*loglik[1] + log(n)*numpar[1]
+ for(m in 1:numdir)
+ {
+ fit <- unstr2(m)
+ Betahat[[m]] <-fit$Betahat
+ Gammahat[[m]] <-fit$Gammahat
+ Omegahat[[m]] <- fit$Omegahat
+ Omegahat0[[m]] <- fit$Omegahat0
+ Deltahat[[m]] <- fit$Deltahat
+ loglik[m+1] <- fit$loglik
+ numpar[m+1] <- fit$numpar
+ aic[m+1] <- fit$aic
+ bic[m+1] <- fit$bic
+ }
+ ans <- list(R = X%*%Gammahat[[numdir]], evalues=fit$evalues, loglik =loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, numdir=numdir,
+ numpar=numpar, Muhat=Muhat, Betahat=Betahat, Gammahat=Gammahat,
+ Gammahat0=Gammahat0, Omegahat=Omegahat, Omegahat0=Omegahat0,
+ Deltahat=Deltahat, model="pfc", structure="unstr2",
+ y=y, fy=fy, Xc=Xc, call=match.call(), numdir.test=numdir.test)
+ class(ans)<- "pfc"
+ return(ans)
-#' @importFrom stats lm
+#' @importFrom stats lm as.formula
onepfc <- function(X, y, fy, p, numdir.test) {
# X is univariate predictor
nobs <- length(X)
r <- dim(fy)[2]
- P_F <- fy%*%solve(t(fy)%*%fy)%*%t(fy)
+ P_F <- fy %*% solve(t(fy) %*% fy) %*% t(fy)
Xc <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
- Sigmahat_fit <- (1/nobs)*t(Xc)%*%P_F%*%(Xc)
+ Sigmahat_fit <- (1/nobs)*t(Xc) %*% P_F %*% (Xc)
ev.fit <- eigen(Sigmahat_fit)
- temp.dat<-data.frame(cbind(X, fy))
- xnam<-paste("xx", 1:r, sep="")
- names(temp.dat)<-c("yy", xnam)
- fm.lm<- as.formula( paste("yy ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
+ temp.dat <- data.frame(cbind(X, fy))
+ xnam <- paste("xx", 1:r, sep="")
+ names(temp.dat) <- c("yy", xnam)
+ fm.lm <- as.formula( paste("yy ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
summary.fm <- summary(lm(fm.lm, data=temp.dat))
Betahat <- matrix(summary.fm$coefficients[2:(r+1),1], ncol=r)
diff --git a/R/plot.bcea.R b/R/plot.bcea.R
index e7dc27fc..6cf9b23d 100644
--- a/R/plot.bcea.R
+++ b/R/plot.bcea.R
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#' \code{\link{ceac.plot}},
#' \code{\link{evi.plot}}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
+#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @references
diff --git a/R/plot.evppi.R b/R/plot.evppi.R
index 9f70a3dd..053cea43 100644
--- a/R/plot.evppi.R
+++ b/R/plot.evppi.R
@@ -37,23 +37,25 @@
#' inp <- createInputs(vaccine_mat)
#' # Compute the EVPPI using INLA/SPDE
-#' x0 <- evppi(m, c("beta.1." , "beta.2."), input = inp$mat)
+#' if (require("INLA")) {
+#' x0 <- evppi(m, c("beta.1." , "beta.2."), input = inp$mat)
+#' plot(x0, pos = c(0,1))
-#' plot(x0, pos = c(0,1))
+#' x1 <- evppi(m, c(32,48,49), input = inp$mat)
+#' plot(x1, pos = "topright")
-#' x1 <- evppi(m, c(32,48,49), input = inp$mat)
-#' plot(x1, pos = "topright")
+#' plot(x0, col = c("black", "red"), pos = "topright")
+#' plot(x0, col = c(2,3), pos = "bottomright")
-#' plot(x0, col = c("black", "red"), pos = "topright")
-#' plot(x0, col = c(2,3), pos = "bottomright")
+#' plot(x0, pos = c(0,1), graph = "ggplot2")
+#' plot(x1, pos = "top", graph = "ggplot2")
-#' plot(x0, pos = c(0,1), graph = "ggplot2")
-#' plot(x1, pos = "top", graph = "ggplot2")
+#' plot(x0, col = c("black", "red"), pos = "right", graph = "ggplot2")
+#' plot(x0, col = c(2,3), size = c(1,2), pos = "bottom", graph = "ggplot2")
-#' plot(x0, col = c("black", "red"), pos = "right", graph = "ggplot2")
-#' plot(x0, col = c(2,3), size = c(1,2), pos = "bottom", graph = "ggplot2")
-#' plot(x0, graph = "ggplot2", theme = ggplot2::theme_linedraw())
+#' plot(x0, graph = "ggplot2", theme = ggplot2::theme_linedraw())
+#' }
#' if (FALSE)
#' plot(x0, col = 3, pos = "topright")
diff --git a/R/select_plot_type.R b/R/select_plot_type.R
index 6951ad52..9ba48823 100644
--- a/R/select_plot_type.R
+++ b/R/select_plot_type.R
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#' @param graph Type names; string
#' @return Plot ID integer 1:base R; 2:ggplot2; 3:plotly
#' @importFrom cli cli_alert_warning
+#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @keywords dplot internal
select_plot_type <- function(graph) {
@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ select_plot_type <- function(graph) {
graph_lup <- c(base = 1, ggplot2 = 2, plotly =3)
graph_type <- graph_lup[graph]
- is_req_pkgs <- map_lgl(c("ggplot2", "grid"), requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)
+ is_req_pkgs <- purrr::map_lgl(c("ggplot2", "grid"),
+ requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)
if (graph_type == 2 && !all(is_req_pkgs)) {
diff --git a/R/setComparisons.R b/R/setComparisons.R
index 7f5812c3..aaa270d0 100644
--- a/R/setComparisons.R
+++ b/R/setComparisons.R
@@ -45,7 +45,12 @@ setComparisons <- function(he, comparison) {
res$eib <- res$eib[, name_comp, drop = FALSE]
res$ceac <- res$ceac[, name_comp, drop = FALSE]
+ ##TODO: is there a way not to recompute the whole thing?
+ res$best <- best_interv_given_k(res$eib, res$ref, res$comp)
+ res$kstar <- compute_kstar(res$k, res$best, res$ref)
##TODO: currently compute _all_ interventions in compute_U()
+ ## change to this?
# res$U <- res$U[, , name_comp, drop = FALSE]
diff --git a/R/struct.psa.R b/R/struct.psa.R
index 045941d2..a9029d83 100644
--- a/R/struct.psa.R
+++ b/R/struct.psa.R
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ struct.psa <- function(models,
dmin <- min(d) # minimum value to re-scale DICs
- delta_dic <- abs(dmin-d)
+ delta_dic <- abs(dmin - d)
# Only compute w using DIC if the user hasn't passed a suitable value
- if(is.null(w)) {
+ if (is.null(w)) {
w <- exp(-0.5*(delta_dic))/sum(exp(-0.5*(delta_dic))) # model weights (cfr BMHE)
- if ((!is.null(w) & length(w)!=n_models)) {
+ if ((!is.null(w) & length(w) != n_models)) {
stop("If you are considering user-defined weights, you must pass a vector whose length is the same as the number of models to average!")
diff --git a/R/summary.bcea.R b/R/summary.bcea.R
index 3df3e049..3eabb5e7 100644
--- a/R/summary.bcea.R
+++ b/R/summary.bcea.R
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ summary.bcea <- function(object,
# cat(paste0(" : ", green(he$interventions[he$comp[i]]), "\n"))
if (length(he$kstar) == 0 && !is.na(he$step)) {
@@ -144,8 +145,12 @@ summary.bcea <- function(object,
"] \n"))
if (length(he$kstar) == 1 && !is.na(he$step)) {
- kstar <- he$k[which(diff(he$best) == 1) + 1]
+ ##TODO: why recalc when same as he$kstar?
+ kstar <- he$k[which(diff(he$best) != 0) + 1]
"Optimal decision: choose ",
@@ -158,6 +163,7 @@ summary.bcea <- function(object,
if (length(he$kstar) > 1 && !is.na(he$step)) {
@@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ summary.bcea <- function(object,
cat(paste0("Analysis for willingness to pay parameter k = ", wtp, "\n"))
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
index 49321e47..a7a0e5fd 100644
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@
ps.options(encoding = "CP1250")
pdf.options(encoding = "CP1250")
+ Sys.setenv("_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_" = "TRUE")
+#' @title .onAttach
+#' @description prints out a friendly reminder message to the user
+#' @inheritParams base .onAttach
+#' @return NULL
+#' @noRd
+.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
+ packageStartupMessage("The BCEA version loaded is: ", utils::packageVersion("BCEA"))
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3cc80b78..4e934bd2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
> Perform Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in R.
-:rocket: **Version 2.4.2 out now!** [Check out the release notes here](https://github.com/n8thangreen/BCEA/releases/tag/v2.4.2).
+:rocket: **Version 2.4.5 out now!** [Check out the release notes here](https://github.com/n8thangreen/BCEA/releases).
## Contents
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ Main features of `BCEA` include:
* EVPPI calculations and plots
## Installation
-Install the released version from CRAN with
+Install the [released version from CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package=BCEA) with
-The development version can be installed using this GitHub repository. On Windows machines, you need to install a few dependencies, including [Rtools](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) first, e.g. by running
+The stable version (which can be updated more quickly) can be installed using this GitHub repository. On Windows machines, you need to install a few dependencies, including [Rtools](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) first, e.g. by running
pkgs <- c("MASS", "Rtools", "remotes")
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ install.packages(pkgs, repos=repos, dependencies = "Depends")
before installing the package using `remotes`:
-remotes::install_github("giabaio/BCEA", ref="dev")
Under Linux or MacOS, it is sufficient to install the package via `remotes`:
-remotes::install_github("giabaio/BCEA", ref="dev")
## Articles
@@ -72,14 +72,13 @@ Examples of using specific functions and their different arguments are given in
## Further details
The `pkgdown` site is [here](https://n8thangreen.github.io/BCEA/).
-More details on `BCEA` are available in our book [_Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis with the R Package BCEA_](https://gianluca.statistica.it/book/bcea/) (published in the UseR! Springer series). Also, details about the package, including some references and links to a pdf presentation and some posts on my own blog) are given [here](https://gianluca.statistica.it/software/bcea/).
+More details on `BCEA` are available in our book [_Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis with the R Package BCEA_](https://gianluca.statistica.it/books/bcea/) (published in the UseR! Springer series). Also, details about the package, including some references and links to a pdf presentation and some posts on my own blog) are given [here](https://gianluca.statistica.it/software/bcea/).
## License
[![License: GPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)
## Contributing
-Please submit contributions through `Pull Requests`, following the [contributing
+Please submit contributions through `Pull Requests`, following the [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/n8thangreen/BCEA/blob/dev/CONTRIBUTING.md).
To report issues and/or seek support, please file a new ticket in the
[issue](https://github.com/n8thangreen/BCEA/issues) tracker.
diff --git a/README_dev.md b/README_dev.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 62facb3f..00000000
--- a/README_dev.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# BCEA --- development version
-[![Build Status](https://app.travis-ci.com/n8thangreen/BCEA.svg?branch=dev)](https://app.travis-ci.com/n8thangreen/BCEA)
-[![CRAN_Status_Badge](http://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/BCEA)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=BCEA) [![CRAN_Download_Badge](http://cranlogs.r-pkg.org/badges/BCEA)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=BCEA)
-## Contents
-- [Overview](#introduction)
-- [Features](#features)
-- [Installation](#installation)
-- [Further details](#further-details)
-## Overview
-Perform Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in R.
-Given the results of a Bayesian model (possibly based on MCMC) in the form of simulations from the posterior distributions of suitable variables of costs and clinical benefits for two or more interventions, produces a health economic evaluation. Compares one of the interventions (the "reference") to the others ("comparators").
-## Features
-Main features of `BCEA` include:
-* Summary statistics and tables
-* Cost-effectiveness analysis plots, such as CE planes and CEAC
-* EVPPI calculations and plots
-This is the **development** version of BCEA (currently 2.4). It contains a major refactoring of the code to streamline the functions.
-## Installation
-The development version can be installed using this GitHub repository. On Windows machines, you need to install a few dependencies, including [Rtools](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) first, e.g. by running
-pkgs <- c("MASS", "Rtools", "remotes")
-repos <- c("https://cran.rstudio.com", "https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable/")
-install.packages(pkgs, repos=repos, dependencies = "Depends")
-before installing the package using `remotes`:
-remotes::install_github("giabaio/BCEA", ref="dev")
-Under Linux or MacOS, it is sufficient to install the package via `remotes`:
-remotes::install_github("giabaio/BCEA", ref="dev")
-## Further details
-The `pkgdown` site is [here](https://n8thangreen.github.io/BCEA/).
-More details on `BCEA` are available in our book [_Bayesian Cost-Effectiveness Analysis with the R Package BCEA_](https://gianluca.statistica.it/book/bcea/) (published in the UseR! Springer series). Also, details about the package, including some references and links to a pdf presentation and some posts on my own blog) are given [here](https://gianluca.statistica.it/software/bcea/).
-## Licence
-GPL-3 © [G Baio](https://github.com/giabaio/).
-Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct](https://github.com/n8thangreen/BCEA/blob/dev/CONDUCT.md). By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
diff --git a/_pkgdown.yml b/_pkgdown.yml
index e03de6e6..891e1399 100644
--- a/_pkgdown.yml
+++ b/_pkgdown.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,15 @@ template:
font_scale: 1.0
+ structure:
+ left: [intro, reference, articles, tutorials, news, cheatsheet]
+ right: [search, github]
+ components:
+ cheatsheet:
+ text: "Cheatsheet"
+ href: "bcea_cheatsheet.pdf"
- title: "Main"
diff --git a/cran-comments.md b/cran-comments.md
index 01fa3693..1e88fbc5 100644
--- a/cran-comments.md
+++ b/cran-comments.md
@@ -1,19 +1,30 @@
-## Resubmission
-This is a resubmission. In this version I have:
-* Removed from the build large data files so that not more than 5 MB for a CRAN package.
+# Resubmission (2.4.4)
-* Reference about the method added in the Description with doi: prefix
+* Suggested package wasn't used conditionally in unit test causing CRAN check error. `MCMCvis` is now moved to Required packages.
+* Fixed R package CRAN webpage canonical form in README
## R CMD check results
-There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
+0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
* Any notes about using INLA has been condoned in previous versions, as they are only suggested.
+CHECK message:
+ Suggests or Enhances not in mainstream repositories:
+ Availability using Additional_repositories specification:
+ INLA yes https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable/
+Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-windows-x86_64
+Check: package dependencies, Result: NOTE
+ Package suggested but not available for checking: 'INLA'
## Downstream dependencies
-We checked 2 reverse dependencies, comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.
+We checked 2 reverse dependencies (missingHE, heesim), comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.
* We saw 0 new problems
* We failed to check 0 packages
diff --git a/data/Smoking.RData b/data/Smoking.RData
index c855d544..20dfc80f 100644
Binary files a/data/Smoking.RData and b/data/Smoking.RData differ
diff --git a/data/Vaccine.RData b/data/Vaccine.RData
index 86ce7677..c156a13b 100644
Binary files a/data/Vaccine.RData and b/data/Vaccine.RData differ
diff --git a/data/datalist b/data/datalist
index 31677fa0..c1af3b86 100644
--- a/data/datalist
+++ b/data/datalist
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Smoking: cost data eff life.years pi_post smoking treats
-Vaccine: cost cost.time.off cost.trt2 eff N.resources QALYs.inf vaccine_mat cost.GP cost.time.vac cost.vac e.pts QALYs.adv QALYs.pne cost.hosp cost.travel c.pts N QALYs.death treats cost.otc cost.trt1 N.outcomes QALYs.hosp
\ No newline at end of file
+Smoking: cost data eff life.years pi_post smoking smoking_output treats
+Vaccine: c.pts cost cost.GP cost.hosp cost.otc cost.time.off cost.time.vac cost.travel cost.trt1 cost.trt2 cost.vac e.pts eff N N.outcomes N.resources QALYs.adv QALYs.death QALYs.hosp QALYs.inf QALYs.pne treats vaccine_mat
diff --git a/docs/404.html b/docs/404.html
index f8bd2dba..77b316d0 100644
--- a/docs/404.html
+++ b/docs/404.html
@@ -6,33 +6,33 @@