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File metadata and controls

117 lines (76 loc) · 2.72 KB

My personal dotfiles. I use GNU stow to manage them.


Go to your home directory

$ cd

Clone the repo

$ git clone .dotfiles

Important: in order for stow to work, the repo needs to be cloned in the $HOME directory!

Some dotfiles require scripts in ~/.scripts, so stow them first:

$ cd .dotfiles
$ stow scripts

Make sure ~/.scripts is inside your $PATH.


Go to the dotfiles directory

$ cd .dotfiles

Install in $HOME (for example, tmux)

$ stow tmux

Uninstall from $HOME (for example, tmux)

$ stow -D tmux

Dotfiles explained

If any of my dotfiles requires some info, it's explained below.


The config sources ~/Private/zsh/**/*.zsh. I store my project specific aliases and other stuff I don't want to have public there.



  • Python3
  • VIM >= 8 with python3: :echo has('python3') must return 1
  • Neovim python3 interface: pip3 install neovim
  • Exuberant ctags >= 5.5

All plugins will be installed when you start VIM for the first time. I use vim-plug.


I use the following setup:

  • GPG
  • Offlineimap
  • Notmuch
  • Neomutt


I use my YubiKey to encrypt my email addresses and passwords.

For offlineimap, the encrypted files are stored in ~/Private/offlineimap, and a tree looks like this:

$ tree
├── imap-mailinglist-pass.gpg
├── imap-mailinglist-user.gpg
├── imap-personal-pass.gpg
├── imap-personal-user.gpg
├── imap-work-pass.gpg
└── imap-work-user.gpg

0 directories, 6 files

See offlineimap/ on how the decryption is done.

For neomutt, the account configuration files and encrypted files are stored in ~/Private/neomutt, and a tree looks like this:

$ tree
├── addresses
├── neomutt.account.mailinglist
├── neomutt.account.mailinglist.credentials.gpg
├── neomutt.account.personal
├── neomutt.account.personal.credentials.gpg
└── signature_work.html

0 directories, 8 files

The neomutt.account.mailinglist file contains the configuration for neomutt, whereas the neomutt.account.mailinglist.credentials.gpg file contains the encrypted email address and password for that account. There's an example configuration file for Gmail in neomutt/.config/neomutt/neomutt.account.example.

To create the GPG encrypted files, I use the following command:

$ gpg --recipient 0123456789 --encrypt --armor > neomutt.account.example.credentials.gpg
set my_user=""
set my_pass="abc123"

Replace 0123456789 with your key ID.