diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5b0248e3..bbed2a62 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ SRC = \
src/Haskell.sig src/Haskell.sml \
src/RepositoryQuery.sig src/RepositoryQuery.sml \
src/Syntax.sig src/Syntax.sml \
- src/Options.sig src/Options.sml
+ src/Options.sig src/Options.sml \
+ src/Tool.sig src/Tool.sml
diff --git a/Makefile.dev b/Makefile.dev
index e240c76b..11f98283 100644
--- a/Makefile.dev
+++ b/Makefile.dev
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ RELEASE_STAMP = scripts/release_stamp
.PHONY: release-stamp
release-stamp: $(RELEASE_STAMP)
- $(RELEASE_STAMP) -p opentheory doc/*.html src/opentheory.sml
+ $(RELEASE_STAMP) -p opentheory doc/*.html src/Tool.sml
.PHONY: documentation
diff --git a/doc/changelog.html b/doc/changelog.html
index a7be6050..b3f01118 100644
--- a/doc/changelog.html
+++ b/doc/changelog.html
@@ -26,7 +26,13 @@
Changes to the opentheory tool
+Recent changes
+- An ML interface to invoke the opentheory tool.
Version 1.4: 1 March 2018
diff --git a/doc/download.html b/doc/download.html
index af632ebc..7c58bc2a 100644
--- a/doc/download.html
+++ b/doc/download.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Download the opentheory tool
The latest version is
-opentheory 1.4 (release 20180301),
+opentheory 1.4 (release 20180523),
and can be downloaded in the following formats:
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 78519d7f..df5431e7 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Project status
-opentheory 1.4 (release 20180301).
+opentheory 1.4 (release 20180523).
The opentheory tool is free software, released under the
diff --git a/src/Tool.sig b/src/Tool.sig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bf0577b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tool.sig
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2018 Joe Leslie-Hurd, distributed under the MIT license *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+signature Tool =
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tool name. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val name : string
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Invoke the tool on given command-line arguments. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val main : string list -> unit
diff --git a/src/Tool.sml b/src/Tool.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3933898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tool.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,3468 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* Copyright (c) 2018 Joe Leslie-Hurd, distributed under the MIT license *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+structure Tool :> Tool =
+open Useful;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Constants. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val homeEnvVar = "HOME"
+and opentheoryEnvVar = "OPENTHEORY"
+and rootHomeDir = ".opentheory";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tool name and version. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val name = "opentheory";
+val version = "1.4";
+val release = " (release 20180523)";
+val homepage = "http://www.gilith.com/software/opentheory"
+val versionString = name^" "^version^release^"\n";
+val versionHtml =
+ let
+ val nameLink =
+ let
+ val attrs = Html.singletonAttrs ("href",homepage)
+ in
+ Html.Anchor (attrs, [Html.Text name])
+ end
+ in
+ [nameLink, Html.Text (" " ^ version ^ release)]
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Helper functions. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun annotateOptions s =
+ let
+ fun mk {switches,arguments,description,processor} =
+ {switches = switches,
+ arguments = arguments,
+ description = "(" ^ s ^ ") " ^ description,
+ processor = processor}
+ in
+ fn opts => List.map mk opts
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Basic format descriptions. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val describeDirFormat =
+ "DIR is a directory on the file system";
+val describeFileFormat =
+ "FILE is a filename; use - to read from stdin or write to stdout";
+val describeRepoFormat =
+ "REPO is the name of a repo in the config file (e.g., gilith)";
+val describeNameFormat =
+ "NAME is a package name (e.g., base)";
+val describeVersionFormat =
+ "VERSION is a package version (e.g., 1.0)";
+val describeListQueryFormat =
+ "QUERY is a package query (e.g., UpToDate, Upgradable or Obsolete)";
+val describeUninstallQueryFormat =
+ "QUERY is a package query (e.g., NAME-VERSION or Obsolete)";
+val describeUpgradeQueryFormat =
+ "QUERY is a package query (e.g., NAME or Upgradable)";
+val describeQueryFormat =
+ "QUERY represents a subset S of the installed packages P, as follows:\n" ^
+ " 1. A FUNCTION expression in the grammar below is parsed from the command\n" ^
+ " line, which represents a function f of type S -> S\n" ^
+ " 2. Another function g of type S -> S is computed, which may be represented\n" ^
+ " by the FUNCTION expression ~Empty (Latest - Subtheories)\n" ^
+ " 3. The set f(g(P)) is evaluated as the result of the query\n" ^
+ "FUNCTION // represents a function with type S -> S\n" ^
+ " <- SET // the constant function with return value SET\n" ^
+ " || PREDICATE // the filter function with predicate PREDICATE\n" ^
+ " || FUNCTION FUNCTION // \\f g s. f (g s)\n" ^
+ " || FUNCTION | FUNCTION // \\f g s. { p in P | p in f(s) \\/ p in g(s) }\n" ^
+ " || FUNCTION & FUNCTION // \\f g s. { p in P | p in f(s) /\\ p in g(s) }\n" ^
+ " || FUNCTION - FUNCTION // \\f g s. { p in P | p in f(s) /\\ ~p in g(s) }\n" ^
+ " || FUNCTION? // \\f. Identity | f\n" ^
+ " || FUNCTION* // \\f. Identity | f | f f | f f f | ...\n" ^
+ " || FUNCTION+ // \\f. f | f f | f f f | ...\n" ^
+ " || Identity // \\s. s\n" ^
+ " || Requires // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. q requires p }\n" ^
+ " || RequiredBy // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p requires q }\n" ^
+ " || Includes // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. q includes p }\n" ^
+ " || IncludedBy // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p includes q }\n" ^
+ " || Subtheories // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p is a subtheory of q }\n" ^
+ " || SubtheoryOf // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. q is a subtheory of p }\n" ^
+ " || Versions // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p is a version of q }\n" ^
+ " || Latest // \\s. { p in s | ~?q in s. q is a later version of p }\n" ^
+ " || Deprecated // (Identity - Latest) (Requires | Includes)*\n" ^
+ " || Obsolete // All - (Requires | Includes)*\n" ^
+ " || Upgradable // EarlierThanRepo\n" ^
+ " || Uploadable // Mine /\\ ~OnRepo /\\ ~EarlierThanRepo /\\ ConsistentWithRepo\n" ^
+ "PREDICATE // represents a predicate with type P -> bool\n" ^
+ " <- PREDICATE \\/ PREDICATE // \\f g p. f(p) \\/ g(p)\n" ^
+ " || PREDICATE /\\ PREDICATE // \\f g p. f(p) /\\ g(p)\n" ^
+ " || ~PREDICATE // \\f p. ~f(p)\n" ^
+ " || Empty // does the package have an empty theory (i.e., main { })?\n" ^
+ " || Mine // does the package author match a name in the config file?\n" ^
+ " || Closed // are all the required theories installed?\n" ^
+ " || Acyclic // is the required theory graph free of cycles?\n" ^
+ " || UpToDate // are all assumptions satisfied and inputs grounded?\n" ^
+ " || OnRepo // is there a package with the same name on the repo?\n" ^
+ " || IdenticalOnRepo // is this exact same package on the repo?\n" ^
+ " || ConsistentWithRepo // are all included packages consistent with the repo?\n" ^
+ " || EarlierThanRepo // is there a later version on the repo?\n" ^
+ " || LaterThanRepo // is the package later than all versions on the repo?\n" ^
+ " || ExportHaskell // can the package be exported as a Haskell package?\n" ^
+ "SET // represents a set with type S\n" ^
+ " <- All // P\n" ^
+ " || None // {}\n" ^
+ " || NAME // Latest { p in P | p has name NAME }\n" ^
+ " || NAME-VERSION // { p in P | p has name NAME and version VERSION }\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Input types. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype input =
+ ArticleInput of {filename : string}
+ | PackageInput of PackageNameVersion.nameVersion
+ | PackageNameInput of PackageName.name
+ | PackageQueryInput of RepositoryQuery.function
+ | StagedPackageInput of PackageNameVersion.nameVersion
+ | TarballInput of {filename : string}
+ | TheoryInput of {filename : string};
+fun fromStringInput inp =
+ case total (destPrefix "article:") inp of
+ SOME f => ArticleInput {filename = f}
+ | NONE =>
+ case total (destPrefix "tarball:") inp of
+ SOME f => TarballInput {filename = f}
+ | NONE =>
+ case total (destPrefix "theory:") inp of
+ SOME f => TheoryInput {filename = f}
+ | NONE =>
+ case total (destPrefix "staged:") inp of
+ SOME nv =>
+ (case total PackageNameVersion.fromString nv of
+ SOME namever => StagedPackageInput namever
+ | NONE => raise Error ("bad staged package name: " ^ inp))
+ | NONE =>
+ case total PackageNameVersion.fromString inp of
+ SOME namever => PackageInput namever
+ | NONE =>
+ case total PackageName.fromString inp of
+ SOME name => PackageNameInput name
+ | NONE =>
+ case total RepositoryQuery.fromString inp of
+ SOME query => PackageQueryInput query
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val f = {filename = inp}
+ in
+ if Article.isFilename f then ArticleInput f
+ else if PackageTarball.isFilename f then TarballInput f
+ else if PackageInformation.isFilename f then TheoryInput f
+ else raise Error ("unknown type of input: " ^ inp)
+ end;
+val describeInfoInputFormat =
+ "INPUT is one of the following:\n" ^
+ " - A package: NAME-VERSION or NAME (for the latest version)\n" ^
+ " - A theory source file: FILE.thy or theory:FILE\n" ^
+ " - A proof article file: FILE.art or article:FILE\n" ^
+ " - A package tarball: FILE.tgz or tarball:FILE\n" ^
+ " - A package staged for installation: staged:NAME-VERSION";
+val describeInputFormat =
+ describeInfoInputFormat ^ "\n" ^
+ " - A subset of the installed packages: QUERY";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Output format for basic package information. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype infoItem =
+ ChecksumItem
+ | DescriptionItem
+ | EmptyItem
+ | NameItem
+ | SeparatorItem of string
+ | VersionItem;
+datatype infoFormat = InfoFormat of infoItem list;
+fun emptyToString empty = if empty then "T" else "F";
+ fun getSep acc l =
+ case l of
+ SeparatorItem s :: l => getSep (s :: acc) l
+ | _ => (String.concat (List.rev acc), l);
+ fun compress l =
+ let
+ val (sl,l) = getSep [] l
+ val l = compress' l
+ in
+ if sl = "" then l else SeparatorItem sl :: l
+ end
+ and compress' l =
+ case l of
+ [] => []
+ | s :: l => s :: compress l;
+ fun compressInfoFormat (InfoFormat l) = InfoFormat (compress l);
+ infixr 9 >>++
+ infixr 8 ++
+ infixr 7 >>
+ infixr 6 ||
+ open Parse;
+ val checksumKeywordParser = exactString "CHECKSUM"
+ and descriptionKeywordParser = exactString "DESCRIPTION"
+ and emptyKeywordParser = exactString "EMPTY"
+ and nameKeywordParser = exactString "NAME"
+ and versionKeywordParser = exactString "VERSION";
+ val itemParser =
+ (checksumKeywordParser >> K ChecksumItem) ||
+ (descriptionKeywordParser >> K DescriptionItem) ||
+ (emptyKeywordParser >> K EmptyItem) ||
+ (nameKeywordParser >> K NameItem) ||
+ (versionKeywordParser >> K VersionItem) ||
+ any >> (fn c => SeparatorItem (str c));
+ val itemListParser = many itemParser;
+ val parserInfoFormat = itemListParser >> (compressInfoFormat o InfoFormat);
+val describeInfoFormat =
+ "FORMAT is a string containing " ^
+fun fromStringInfoFormat fmt =
+ Parse.fromString parserInfoFormat fmt
+ handle Parse.NoParse =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "bad package information format:\n \"" ^ fmt ^ "\"\n" ^
+ "correct " ^ describeInfoFormat
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end;
+ fun mkItem repo namever item =
+ case item of
+ ChecksumItem =>
+ let
+ val chk =
+ case Repository.peek repo namever of
+ SOME pkg => Package.checksum pkg
+ | NONE => raise Error "corrupt installation"
+ in
+ Checksum.toString chk
+ end
+ | DescriptionItem =>
+ let
+ val info =
+ case Repository.peek repo namever of
+ SOME pkg => Package.information pkg
+ | NONE => raise Error "corrupt installation"
+ val {description} = PackageInformation.description info
+ in
+ description
+ end
+ | EmptyItem =>
+ let
+ val empty =
+ case Repository.peek repo namever of
+ SOME pkg => Package.emptyTheories pkg
+ | NONE => raise Error "corrupt installation"
+ in
+ emptyToString empty
+ end
+ | NameItem =>
+ let
+ val name = PackageNameVersion.name namever
+ in
+ PackageName.toString name
+ end
+ | SeparatorItem s => s
+ | VersionItem =>
+ let
+ val version = PackageNameVersion.version namever
+ in
+ PackageVersion.toString version
+ end;
+ fun packageToStringInfoFormat repo fmt namever =
+ let
+ val InfoFormat items = fmt
+ in
+ String.concat (List.map (mkItem repo namever) items)
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^ ": " ^ err
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Clean up a staged package. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun cleanupStagedPackage repo nv =
+ let
+ val () = Repository.cleanupStaged repo nv
+ val mesg =
+ "cleaned up staged package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString nv
+ val () = chat mesg
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Root directory of the local package repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val rootDirectoryOption : string option ref = ref NONE;
+val rootDirectory =
+ let
+ val rdir : {directory : string, autoInit : bool} option ref = ref NONE
+ in
+ fn () =>
+ case !rdir of
+ SOME dir => dir
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val dir =
+ case !rootDirectoryOption of
+ SOME d => {directory = d, autoInit = false}
+ | NONE =>
+ case OS.Process.getEnv opentheoryEnvVar of
+ SOME d => {directory = d, autoInit = false}
+ | NONE =>
+ case OS.Process.getEnv homeEnvVar of
+ NONE =>
+ raise Error "please specify the package directory"
+ | SOME homeDir =>
+ let
+ val d =
+ OS.Path.joinDirFile
+ {dir = homeDir, file = rootHomeDir}
+ in
+ {directory = d, autoInit = true}
+ end
+ val () = rdir := SOME dir
+ in
+ dir
+ end
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Initializing a package repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val remoteInit = ref false;
+fun initRepository {rootDirectory = r} =
+ let
+ val c =
+ if !remoteInit then RepositoryConfig.remoteDefault
+ else RepositoryConfig.default
+ val () = Repository.create {rootDirectory = r, config = c}
+ in
+ Repository.mk {rootDirectory = r}
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The local package repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val repository =
+ let
+ fun existsDirectory d =
+ OS.FileSys.isDir d
+ handle OS.SysErr _ => false
+ val rrepo : Repository.repository option ref = ref NONE
+ in
+ fn () =>
+ case !rrepo of
+ SOME repo => repo
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val repo =
+ let
+ val {directory = r, autoInit} = rootDirectory ()
+ in
+ if existsDirectory r then
+ let
+ val repo = Repository.mk {rootDirectory = r}
+ val () =
+ let
+ val cfg = Repository.config repo
+ val cfg = RepositoryConfig.cleanup cfg
+ in
+ case RepositoryConfig.autoCleanup cfg of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME t =>
+ let
+ val maxAge = {maxAge = SOME t}
+ val nvs = Repository.listStaged repo maxAge
+ val () =
+ PackageNameVersionSet.app
+ (cleanupStagedPackage repo) nvs
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ end
+ in
+ repo
+ end
+ else if autoInit then
+ let
+ val x = initRepository {rootDirectory = r}
+ val msg =
+ "auto-initialized package repo " ^
+ Print.toString Repository.pp x
+ val () = chat msg
+ in
+ x
+ end
+ else
+ raise Error ("package repo does not exist: " ^ r)
+ end
+ val () = rrepo := SOME repo
+ in
+ repo
+ end
+ end;
+fun config () = Repository.config (repository ());
+fun system () = RepositoryConfig.system (config ());
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Remote repositories. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ val remoteOption : RepositoryRemote.name list ref = ref [];
+ fun addRemote s =
+ let
+ val n = PackageName.fromString s
+ val () = remoteOption := !remoteOption @ [n]
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+ fun remote () =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val remotes = Repository.remotes repo
+ val () =
+ if not (List.null remotes) then ()
+ else raise Error "no repos listed in config file"
+ in
+ case !remoteOption of
+ [] => hd remotes
+ | [n] => Repository.getRemote repo n
+ | _ :: _ :: _ => raise Error "multiple repos given on command line"
+ end;
+ fun remotes () =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val remotes = Repository.remotes repo
+ val ns = !remoteOption
+ in
+ if List.null ns then remotes
+ else List.map (Repository.getRemote repo) ns
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finding packages in the local repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun finder () = Repository.finder (repository ());
+fun stagedFinder () = Repository.stagedFinder (repository ());
+fun possiblyStagedFinder () =
+ PackageFinder.orelsef (finder ()) (stagedFinder ());
+fun latestVersion name =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ in
+ Repository.latestNameVersion repo name
+ end;
+fun getLatestVersion name =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ in
+ Repository.getLatestNameVersion repo name
+ end;
+fun previousVersion namever =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ in
+ Repository.previousNameVersion repo namever
+ end;
+fun evaluateQuery query =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val rems = remotes ()
+ in
+ RepositoryQuery.evaluate repo rems query
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Finding packages on remote repositories. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun latestVersionRemotes name chko =
+ let
+ val rems = remotes ()
+ in
+ RepositoryRemote.latestNameVersionList rems name chko
+ end;
+fun firstRemote namever chko =
+ let
+ val rems = remotes ()
+ in
+ case chko of
+ NONE =>
+ (case RepositoryRemote.first rems namever of
+ SOME rc => rc
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "can't find package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " in any repo"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end)
+ | SOME chk =>
+ (case RepositoryRemote.find rems (namever,chk) of
+ SOME rem => (rem,chk)
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "can't find package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " with specified checksum in any repo"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end)
+ end;
+fun previousVersionRemotes nv =
+ let
+ val rems = remotes ()
+ in
+ RepositoryRemote.previousNameVersionList rems nv
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Auto-installing packages from remote repositories. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val stageInstall = ref false;
+val autoInstall = ref true;
+ fun installAuto fndr namever chko =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val (rem,chk) = firstRemote namever chko
+ val errs = Repository.checkStagePackage repo rem namever chk
+ val () =
+ if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val s = RepositoryError.report errs
+ in
+ if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
+ else chat ("included package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " install warnings:\n" ^ s)
+ end
+ val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
+ val () = Repository.stagePackage repo fndr rem namever chk tool
+ val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
+ val () = chat ("auto-installed package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever)
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+ fun installAutoFinder fndr =
+ let
+ fun findOrInstall namever chko =
+ case PackageFinder.find fndr namever chko of
+ SOME pkg => SOME pkg
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val inst = installAutoFinder fndr
+ val () = installAuto inst namever chko
+ val repo = repository ()
+ in
+ Repository.peek repo namever
+ end
+ in
+ PackageFinder.mk findOrInstall
+ end;
+ fun installFinder () =
+ let
+ val fndr =
+ if not (!stageInstall) then finder ()
+ else possiblyStagedFinder ()
+ in
+ if not (!autoInstall) then fndr else installAutoFinder fndr
+ end;
+ fun remoteLater nvl nvr =
+ case nvr of
+ | SOME (_,nv,chk) =>
+ let
+ val later =
+ case nvl of
+ NONE => true
+ | SOME nv' =>
+ case PackageNameVersion.compareVersion (nv',nv) of
+ LESS => true
+ | _ => false
+ in
+ if later then SOME (nv,chk) else NONE
+ end;
+ fun installPreviousVersion nv =
+ let
+ val nvl = previousVersion nv
+ val nvr = if !autoInstall then previousVersionRemotes nv else NONE
+ in
+ case remoteLater nvl nvr of
+ NONE => nvl
+ | SOME (nvp,chk) =>
+ let
+ val fndr = installFinder ()
+ val () = PackageFinder.check fndr nvp (SOME chk)
+ in
+ SOME nvp
+ end
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for cleaning up staged packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ open Useful Options;
+ val cleanupOpts : opt list = [];
+val cleanupFooter =
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ "Given no arguments this command will clean up all staged packages.\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for exporting installed packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype export =
+ HaskellExport;
+ val exportType : export option ref = ref NONE;
+ fun getExport () =
+ case !exportType of
+ SOME exp => exp
+ | NONE => raise Error "no export type specified";
+ fun setExport exp =
+ case !exportType of
+ SOME _ => raise Error "multiple export types specified"
+ | NONE => exportType := SOME exp;
+val reexport = ref false;
+ open Useful Options;
+ val exportOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["--haskell"], arguments = [],
+ description = "export as a Haskell package",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setExport HaskellExport)},
+ {switches = ["--reexport"], arguments = [],
+ description = "re-export package if target already exists",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => reexport := true)},
+ {switches = ["--manual-install"], arguments = [],
+ description = "do not auto-install packages",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoInstall := false)}];
+val exportFooter =
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ "Given a NAME input this command will export the latest installed version.\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for displaying command help. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ open Useful Options;
+ val helpOpts : opt list = [];
+val helpFooter = "";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for displaying package information. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype info =
+ ArticleInfo of ArticleVersion.version option
+ | AssumptionsInfo
+ | DirectoryInfo
+ | DocumentInfo
+ | FilesInfo
+ | FormatInfo of infoFormat
+ | IncludesInfo
+ | InferenceInfo
+ | RequiresInfo
+ | RequiresVersionsInfo
+ | SummaryInfo
+ | SymbolsInfo
+ | TagsInfo
+ | TheoremsInfo
+ | TheoryInfo;
+fun savableInfo info =
+ case info of
+ ArticleInfo _ => true
+ | SymbolsInfo => true
+ | _ => false;
+datatype packageInfo =
+ PackageInfo of string * info * {filename : string} option;
+fun mkInfoOutput flag info = PackageInfo (flag,info,NONE);
+ fun mkDefaultInfoOutput info = [mkInfoOutput "default" info];
+ fun defaultInfoOutputList inp =
+ let
+ val info =
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => SummaryInfo
+ | PackageInput _ => TagsInfo
+ | PackageNameInput _ => TagsInfo
+ | PackageQueryInput _ => TagsInfo
+ | StagedPackageInput _ => TagsInfo
+ | TarballInput _ => FilesInfo
+ | TheoryInput _ => SummaryInfo
+ in
+ mkDefaultInfoOutput info
+ end;
+val outputListInfo : packageInfo list ref = ref [];
+val upgradeTheoryInfo = ref false;
+val preserveTheoryInfo = ref false;
+val clearLocalNamesInfo = ref false;
+val skipDefinitions = ref false;
+val showAssumptionsInfo = ref false;
+val showDerivationsInfo = ref false;
+val showChecksumsInfo = ref false;
+fun infoSummaryGrammar () =
+ let
+ val Summary.Grammar
+ {assumptionGrammar,
+ axiomGrammar,
+ theoremGrammar,
+ ppTypeOp,
+ ppConst,
+ showTheoremAssumptions = _} = Summary.defaultGrammar
+ val showTheoremAssumptions = !showDerivationsInfo
+ in
+ Summary.Grammar
+ {assumptionGrammar = assumptionGrammar,
+ axiomGrammar = axiomGrammar,
+ theoremGrammar = theoremGrammar,
+ ppTypeOp = ppTypeOp,
+ ppConst = ppConst,
+ showTheoremAssumptions = showTheoremAssumptions}
+ end;
+fun addInfoOutput flag info =
+ let
+ val ref l = outputListInfo
+ val () = outputListInfo := mkInfoOutput flag info :: l
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+fun setInfoOutputFilename flag filename =
+ let
+ val ref l = outputListInfo
+ val l =
+ case l of
+ [] =>
+ raise Error ("no package information specified before " ^
+ flag ^ " argument")
+ | PackageInfo (x,i,f) :: l =>
+ case f of
+ SOME {filename = f} =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "multiple " ^ flag ^ " arguments:\n" ^
+ " " ^ f ^ " and\n " ^ filename
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ | NONE => PackageInfo (x, i, SOME {filename = filename}) :: l
+ val () = outputListInfo := l
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+fun setInfoOutputVersion flag version =
+ let
+ val ref l = outputListInfo
+ val l =
+ case l of
+ [] =>
+ raise Error ("no package information specified before " ^
+ flag ^ " argument")
+ | PackageInfo (x,i,f) :: l =>
+ case i of
+ ArticleInfo vo =>
+ (case vo of
+ SOME v =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "multiple " ^ flag ^ " arguments: " ^
+ ArticleVersion.toString v ^ " and " ^ version
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val v = ArticleVersion.fromString version
+ in
+ PackageInfo (x, ArticleInfo (SOME v), f) :: l
+ end)
+ | _ =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "cannot specify output version for " ^ x ^
+ " package information"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ val () = outputListInfo := l
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+ fun readList inp =
+ let
+ val l = List.rev (!outputListInfo)
+ in
+ if List.null l then defaultInfoOutputList inp else l
+ end;
+ val defaultInfoOutputFilename = {filename = "-"};
+ fun defaultize (PackageInfo (_,i,f)) =
+ (i, Option.getOpt (f,defaultInfoOutputFilename));
+ fun readInfoOutputList inp = List.map defaultize (readList inp);
+ open Useful Options;
+ val infoOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["--format"], arguments = ["FORMAT"],
+ description = "format package information",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn f => fn s =>
+ addInfoOutput f (FormatInfo (fromStringInfoFormat s)))},
+ {switches = ["--information"], arguments = [],
+ description = "display all package information",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f TagsInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--theory"], arguments = [],
+ description = "display the package theory",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f SummaryInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--article"], arguments = [],
+ description = "output the package theory in article format",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt endOpt
+ (fn f => addInfoOutput f (ArticleInfo NONE))},
+ {switches = ["--requires"], arguments = [],
+ description = "list required packages",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f RequiresInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--requires-versions"], arguments = [],
+ description = "list satisfying versions of required packages",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f RequiresVersionsInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--inference"], arguments = [],
+ description = "display count of inference rules",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f InferenceInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--files"], arguments = [],
+ description = "list package files",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f FilesInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--directory"], arguments = [],
+ description = "output package directory",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f DirectoryInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--document"], arguments = [],
+ description = "output package document in HTML format",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f DocumentInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--theory-source"], arguments = [],
+ description = "output package theory source",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f TheoryInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--theorems"], arguments = [],
+ description = "output package theorems in article format",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f TheoremsInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--assumptions"], arguments = [],
+ description = "output package assumptions in article format",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f AssumptionsInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--symbols"], arguments = [],
+ description = "list all symbols in the package",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f SymbolsInfo)},
+ {switches = ["--includes"], arguments = [],
+ description = "list included packages",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f IncludesInfo)},
+ {switches = ["-o","--output"], arguments = ["FILE"],
+ description = "write previous information to FILE",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn f => fn s => setInfoOutputFilename f s)},
+ {switches = ["--output-version"], arguments = ["N"],
+ description = "set previous information output version",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn f => fn s => setInfoOutputVersion f s)},
+ {switches = ["--show-assumptions"], arguments = [],
+ description = "do not hide satisfied assumptions",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => showAssumptionsInfo := true)},
+ {switches = ["--show-derivations"], arguments = [],
+ description = "show assumptions and axioms for each theorem",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => showDerivationsInfo := true)},
+ {switches = ["--show-checksums"], arguments = [],
+ description = "show package checksums in theory source",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => showChecksumsInfo := true)},
+ {switches = ["--upgrade-theory"], arguments = [],
+ description = "upgrade theory source to latest versions",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => upgradeTheoryInfo := true)},
+ {switches = ["--preserve-theory"], arguments = [],
+ description = "do not clean up and optimize theory source",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => preserveTheoryInfo := true)},
+ {switches = ["--clear-local-names"], arguments = [],
+ description = "clear names of symbols local to the theory",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => clearLocalNamesInfo := true)},
+ {switches = ["--skip-definitions"], arguments = [],
+ description = "replace definitions with theory assumptions",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => skipDefinitions := true)},
+ {switches = ["--manual-install"], arguments = [],
+ description = "do not auto-install packages",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoInstall := false)}];
+val infoFooter =
+ describeInfoInputFormat ^ "\n" ^
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeFileFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeInfoFormat ^ ".\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for displaying command help. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ open Useful Options;
+ val initOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["--remote"], arguments = [],
+ description = "configure new package repo for remote use",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt endOpt
+ (fn _ => remoteInit := true)}];
+val initFooter = "";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for uninstalling packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val autoUninstall = ref false;
+ open Useful Options;
+ val uninstallOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["--auto"], arguments = [],
+ description = "also uninstall including packages",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoUninstall := true)}];
+val uninstallFooter =
+ describeUninstallQueryFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for installing packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+val reinstall = ref false;
+val nameInstall : PackageNameVersion.nameVersion option ref = ref NONE;
+val checksumInstall : Checksum.checksum option ref = ref NONE;
+ open Useful Options;
+ fun addSuffix s {switches,arguments,description,processor} =
+ {switches = List.map (fn x => x ^ s) switches,
+ arguments = arguments,
+ description = description,
+ processor = processor};
+ val installOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["--reinstall"], arguments = [],
+ description = "uninstall package if it already exists",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => reinstall := true)}] @
+ List.map (addSuffix "-uninstall") uninstallOpts @
+ [{switches = ["--manual"], arguments = [],
+ description = "do not also install included packages",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoInstall := false)},
+ {switches = ["--name"], arguments = ["NAME-VERSION"],
+ description = "confirm package name",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn _ => fn s =>
+ nameInstall := SOME (PackageNameVersion.fromString s))},
+ {switches = ["--checksum"], arguments = ["CHECKSUM"],
+ description = "confirm package checksum",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn _ => fn s => checksumInstall := SOME (Checksum.fromString s))},
+ {switches = ["--stage"], arguments = [],
+ description = "stage package for installation",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => stageInstall := true)}];
+val installFooter =
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ "Given a NAME input this command will install the latest available version.\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for listing installed packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype orderList =
+ AlphabeticalList
+ | DependencyList
+ | IncludeList
+ | ReverseList of orderList;
+ val refOrderList = ref AlphabeticalList;
+ fun setOrderList ord = refOrderList := ord;
+ fun reverseOrderList () = refOrderList := ReverseList (!refOrderList);
+ fun orderList () = !refOrderList;
+ val refFormatList : infoFormat option ref = ref NONE;
+ val defaultFormatList = InfoFormat [NameItem, SeparatorItem "-", VersionItem];
+ fun getFormatList () = Option.getOpt (!refFormatList, defaultFormatList);
+ fun setFormatList fmt =
+ let
+ val () = refFormatList := SOME fmt
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+val outputList = ref "-";
+val quietList = ref false;
+ open Useful Options;
+ val listOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["--dependency-order"], arguments = [],
+ description = "list packages in dependency order",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setOrderList DependencyList)},
+ {switches = ["--include-order"], arguments = [],
+ description = "list packages in include order",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setOrderList IncludeList)},
+ {switches = ["--reverse-order"], arguments = [],
+ description = "reverse the order",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => reverseOrderList ())},
+ {switches = ["--format"], arguments = ["FORMAT"],
+ description = "set output format",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn _ => fn s => setFormatList (fromStringInfoFormat s))},
+ {switches = ["--quiet"], arguments = [],
+ description = "just raise an error if no packages match",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => quietList := true)}];
+val listFooter =
+ describeListQueryFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeInfoFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ "If the QUERY argument is missing the latest installed packages are listed.\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for updating remote repository package lists. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ open Useful Options;
+ val updateOpts : opt list =
+ [];
+val updateFooter = "";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for upgrading installed packages with later versions on a remote *)
+(* repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ open Useful Options;
+ val upgradeOpts : opt list =
+ [];
+val upgradeFooter =
+ describeUpgradeQueryFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ "If the QUERY argument is missing all installed packages are upgraded.\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Options for uploading installed packages to a remote repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype setUpload =
+ ManualUpload
+ | SubtheoryUpload;
+val setUpload = ref SubtheoryUpload;
+val confirmUpload = ref true;
+ open Useful Options;
+ val uploadOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["--manual"], arguments = [],
+ description = "do not also upload subtheory packages",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setUpload := ManualUpload)},
+ {switches = ["--yes"], arguments = [],
+ description = "do not ask for confirmation",
+ processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => confirmUpload := false)}];
+val uploadFooter =
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ "Given NAME inputs this command will upload the latest installed versions.\n";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Commands. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+datatype command =
+ Cleanup
+ | Export
+ | Help
+ | Info
+ | Init
+ | Install
+ | List
+ | Uninstall
+ | Update
+ | Upgrade
+ | Upload;
+val allCommands =
+ [Cleanup,
+ Export,
+ Help,
+ Info,
+ Init,
+ Install,
+ List,
+ Uninstall,
+ Update,
+ Upgrade,
+ Upload];
+fun commandString cmd =
+ case cmd of
+ Cleanup => "cleanup"
+ | Export => "export"
+ | Help => "help"
+ | Info => "info"
+ | Init => "init"
+ | Install => "install"
+ | List => "list"
+ | Uninstall => "uninstall"
+ | Update => "update"
+ | Upgrade => "upgrade"
+ | Upload => "upload";
+fun commandArgs cmd =
+ case cmd of
+ Cleanup => " staged:NAME-VERSION ..."
+ | Export => " NAME|NAME-VERSION"
+ | Help => ""
+ | Info => " INPUT"
+ | Init => ""
+ | Install => " NAME|NAME-VERSION|FILE.thy"
+ | List => " QUERY"
+ | Uninstall => " QUERY"
+ | Update => ""
+ | Upgrade => " QUERY"
+ | Upload => " NAME|NAME-VERSION ...";
+fun commandDescription cmd =
+ case cmd of
+ Cleanup => "clean up packages staged for installation"
+ | Export => "export an installed package"
+ | Help => "display help on all available commands"
+ | Info => "extract information from packages and files"
+ | Init => "initialize a new package repo"
+ | Install => "install a package from a theory file or repo"
+ | List => "list installed packages"
+ | Uninstall => "uninstall packages"
+ | Update => "update repo package lists"
+ | Upgrade => "upgrade packages with later versions on a repo"
+ | Upload => "upload installed packages to a repo";
+fun commandFooter cmd =
+ case cmd of
+ Cleanup => cleanupFooter
+ | Export => exportFooter
+ | Help => helpFooter
+ | Info => infoFooter
+ | Init => initFooter
+ | Install => installFooter
+ | List => listFooter
+ | Uninstall => uninstallFooter
+ | Update => updateFooter
+ | Upgrade => upgradeFooter
+ | Upload => uploadFooter;
+fun commandOpts cmd =
+ case cmd of
+ Cleanup => cleanupOpts
+ | Export => exportOpts
+ | Help => helpOpts
+ | Info => infoOpts
+ | Init => initOpts
+ | Install => installOpts
+ | List => listOpts
+ | Uninstall => uninstallOpts
+ | Update => updateOpts
+ | Upgrade => upgradeOpts
+ | Upload => uploadOpts;
+val allCommandStrings = List.map commandString allCommands;
+ val allCommandCommandStrings =
+ List.map (fn c => (c, commandString c)) allCommands;
+ fun commandFromString s =
+ case List.find (equal s o snd) allCommandCommandStrings of
+ SOME (c,_) => SOME c
+ | NONE => NONE;
+val allCommandOpts =
+ let
+ fun mk cmd = annotateOptions (commandString cmd) (commandOpts cmd)
+ in
+ List.concat (List.map mk allCommands)
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Tool options. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ open Useful Options;
+ val globalOpts : opt list =
+ [{switches = ["-d","--root-dir"], arguments = ["DIR"],
+ description = "set package repo directory",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn _ => fn s => rootDirectoryOption := SOME s)},
+ {switches = ["--repo"], arguments = ["REPO"],
+ description = "use given remote package repo",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
+ (fn _ => fn s => addRemote s)},
+ {switches = ["--show-types"], arguments = [],
+ description = "annotate every term variable with its type",
+ processor =
+ beginOpt endOpt
+ (fn _ => Var.showTypes := true)}];
+ fun mkToolOptions header footer opts =
+ {name = name,
+ version = versionString,
+ header = "usage: " ^ name ^ " " ^ header ^ "\n",
+ footer = footer,
+ options = opts @ Options.basicOptions};
+ val globalUsage = "[global options] command [command options] INPUT ...";
+ val globalHeader =
+ let
+ fun f cmd =
+ [" " ^ name ^ " " ^ commandString cmd ^ " ...",
+ " " ^ commandDescription cmd]
+ val alignment =
+ [{leftAlign = true, padChar = #"."},
+ {leftAlign = true, padChar = #" "}]
+ val table = alignTable alignment (List.map f allCommands)
+ in
+ globalUsage ^ "\n" ^
+ "where the available commands are:\n" ^
+ join "\n" table ^ "\n"
+ end;
+ val globalFooter = "";
+ val allFormatsFooter =
+ describeInputFormat ^ "\n" ^
+ describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeFileFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeInfoFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeDirFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeRepoFormat ^ ".\n" ^
+ describeQueryFormat;
+ val globalOptions =
+ mkToolOptions
+ (globalHeader ^ "Displaying global options:")
+ globalFooter
+ globalOpts;
+ fun commandOptions cmd =
+ let
+ val header =
+ commandString cmd ^ " [" ^ commandString cmd ^ " options]" ^
+ commandArgs cmd ^ "\n" ^
+ capitalize (commandDescription cmd) ^ ".\n" ^
+ "Displaying " ^ commandString cmd ^ " options:"
+ val footer = commandFooter cmd
+ val opts = commandOpts cmd
+ in
+ mkToolOptions header footer opts
+ end;
+ fun toolOptions () =
+ let
+ val header = globalHeader ^ "Displaying global options:"
+ val footer = globalFooter
+ val opts = globalOpts
+ in
+ mkToolOptions header footer opts
+ end;
+ fun allCommandOptions () =
+ let
+ val header = globalHeader ^ "Displaying all options:"
+ val footer = globalFooter ^ allFormatsFooter;
+ val opts = annotateOptions "global" globalOpts @ allCommandOpts
+ in
+ mkToolOptions header footer opts
+ end;
+fun exit x : unit = Options.exit (toolOptions ()) x;
+fun succeed () = Options.succeed (toolOptions ());
+fun fail mesg = Options.fail (toolOptions ()) mesg;
+fun usage mesg = Options.usage (toolOptions ()) mesg;
+fun commandUsage cmd mesg = Options.usage (commandOptions cmd) mesg;
+fun allCommandHelp mesg =
+ Options.exit (allCommandOptions ())
+ {message = SOME mesg, usage = true, success = true};
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Cleaning up staged packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ fun cleanupInput inp =
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up an article file"
+ | PackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up an installed package"
+ | PackageNameInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a package name"
+ | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a package query"
+ | StagedPackageInput namever => namever
+ | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a tarball"
+ | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a theory source file";
+ fun cleanup nameverl =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val nameverl =
+ if not (List.null nameverl) then List.map cleanupInput nameverl
+ else
+ let
+ val namevers = Repository.listStaged repo {maxAge = NONE}
+ in
+ PackageNameVersionSet.toList namevers
+ end
+ val () = List.app (cleanupStagedPackage repo) nameverl
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\ncleaning up failed");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Exporting installed packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ fun exportInput inp =
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot export an article file"
+ | PackageInput namever => namever
+ | PackageNameInput name => getLatestVersion name
+ | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a package query"
+ | StagedPackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a staged package"
+ | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a tarball"
+ | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a theory source file";
+ fun export inp =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val namever = exportInput inp
+ val msg =
+ case getExport () of
+ HaskellExport =>
+ let
+ val rex = {reexport = !reexport}
+ and prev = {previousVersion = installPreviousVersion}
+ val (n,rvo) = Haskell.exportPackage rex repo prev namever
+ in
+ case rvo of
+ NONE =>
+ "skipped re-export of package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " as Haskell package " ^
+ PackageName.toString n
+ | SOME ({reexport = r}, v) =>
+ let
+ val nv =
+ PackageNameVersion.mk
+ (PackageNameVersion.NameVersion'
+ {name = n,
+ version = v})
+ in
+ (if r then "re-" else "") ^
+ "exported package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " as Haskell package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString nv
+ end
+ end
+ val () = chat msg
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage export failed");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Displaying command help. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun help () = allCommandHelp "displaying help on all available commands";
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Displaying package information. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ type 'a cache = 'a option option ref;
+ fun getCached r f () =
+ case !r of
+ SOME x => x
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val x = f ()
+ val () = r := SOME x
+ in
+ x
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheSavable : bool cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeSavable () = NONE;
+ in
+ fun setSavable sav = cacheSavable := SOME (SOME sav);
+ fun getSavable () =
+ case getCached cacheSavable computeSavable () of
+ SOME sav => sav
+ | NONE => raise Bug "opentheory.info.getSavable";
+ end;
+ local
+ val cachePackage : Package.package cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computePackage () = NONE;
+ in
+ fun setPackage pkg = cachePackage := SOME (SOME pkg);
+ val getPackage = getCached cachePackage computePackage;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheTarball : PackageTarball.tarball cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeTarball () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.tarball pkg)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ fun setTarball tar = cacheTarball := SOME (SOME tar);
+ val getTarball = getCached cacheTarball computeTarball;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheInformation : PackageInformation.information cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeInformation () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.information pkg)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ fun setInformation info = cacheInformation := SOME (SOME info);
+ val getInformation = getCached cacheInformation computeInformation;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheNameVersion : PackageNameVersion.nameVersion cache =
+ ref NONE;
+ fun computeNameVersion () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.nameVersion pkg)
+ | NONE =>
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME info => total PackageInformation.nameVersion info
+ | NONE =>
+ case getTarball () of
+ SOME tar => total PackageTarball.nameVersion tar
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ fun setNameVersion namever = cacheNameVersion := SOME (SOME namever);
+ val getNameVersion = getCached cacheNameVersion computeNameVersion;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheChecksum : Checksum.checksum cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeChecksum () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.checksum pkg)
+ | NONE =>
+ case getTarball () of
+ SOME tar => SOME (PackageTarball.checksum tar)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ val getChecksum = getCached cacheChecksum computeChecksum;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheRequires : PackageName.name list cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeRequires () =
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME info => SOME (PackageInformation.requires info)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ val getRequires = getCached cacheRequires computeRequires;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheTags : PackageTag.tag list cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeTags () =
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME info => SOME (PackageInformation.tags info)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ val getTags = getCached cacheTags computeTags;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheDirectory : {directory : string} cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeDirectory () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.directory pkg)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ fun setDirectory dir = cacheDirectory := SOME (SOME dir);
+ val getDirectory = getCached cacheDirectory computeDirectory;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheTheoryFile : {filename : string} cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeTheoryFile () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.theoryFile pkg)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ fun setTheoryFile file = cacheTheoryFile := SOME (SOME file);
+ val getTheoryFile = getCached cacheTheoryFile computeTheoryFile;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheFiles : {filename : string} list cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeFiles () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.allFiles pkg)
+ | NONE =>
+ case getTarball () of
+ SOME tar => SOME (PackageTarball.allFiles tar)
+ | NONE =>
+ case getTheoryFile () of
+ | SOME thy =>
+ case getInformation () of
+ | SOME info =>
+ let
+ val arts = PackageInformation.articleFiles info
+ and ints = PackageInformation.interpretationFiles info
+ and exts = PackageInformation.extraFiles info
+ val exts = List.map PackageExtra.filename exts
+ in
+ SOME (thy :: arts @ ints @ exts)
+ end;
+ in
+ val getFiles = getCached cacheFiles computeFiles;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheTheories : PackageTheory.theory list cache =
+ ref NONE;
+ fun upgradeTheories info =
+ if not (!upgradeTheoryInfo) then info
+ else
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val info =
+ case Repository.upgradeTheory repo info of
+ SOME i => i
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val err = "no upgrade possible: theory source is up to date"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ in
+ info
+ end;
+ fun optimizeTheories thys =
+ if !preserveTheoryInfo then SOME thys
+ else
+ case getDirectory () of
+ | SOME {directory = dir} =>
+ let
+ val fndr = finder ()
+ val thys =
+ PackageTheoryGraph.clean
+ {finder = fndr,
+ directory = dir,
+ outputWarning = true,
+ theories = thys}
+ in
+ SOME thys
+ end;
+ fun computeTheories () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg =>
+ let
+ val info = Package.information pkg
+ val info = upgradeTheories info
+ val thys = PackageInformation.theories info
+ in
+ SOME thys
+ end
+ | NONE =>
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME info =>
+ let
+ val info = upgradeTheories info
+ val thys = PackageInformation.theories info
+ in
+ optimizeTheories thys
+ end
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ val getTheories = getCached cacheTheories computeTheories;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheTheory : (TheoryGraph.graph * Theory.theory) cache =
+ ref NONE;
+ fun computeTheory () =
+ case getDirectory () of
+ | SOME {directory = dir} =>
+ case getTheories () of
+ | SOME thys =>
+ let
+ val sav = getSavable ()
+ val fndr = finder ()
+ val graph = TheoryGraph.empty {savable = sav}
+ val imps = TheorySet.empty
+ val int = Interpretation.natural
+ val (graph,env) =
+ TheoryGraph.importTheories fndr graph
+ {directory = dir,
+ imports = imps,
+ interpretation = int,
+ theories = thys}
+ val thy = TheoryGraph.mainEnvironment env
+ in
+ SOME (graph,thy)
+ end;
+ in
+ val getTheory = getCached cacheTheory computeTheory;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheArticle : Article.article cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeArticle () =
+ case getTheory () of
+ SOME (_,thy) => SOME (Theory.article thy)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ fun setArticle art = cacheArticle := SOME (SOME art);
+ val getArticle = getCached cacheArticle computeArticle;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheThms : Thms.thms cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeThms () =
+ case getArticle () of
+ SOME art => SOME (Article.thms art)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ val getThms = getCached cacheThms computeThms;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheTheorems : PackageTheorems.theorems cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeTheorems () =
+ case getPackage () of
+ SOME pkg => SOME (Package.theorems pkg)
+ | NONE =>
+ case getNameVersion () of
+ | SOME nv =>
+ case getThms () of
+ | SOME ths =>
+ let
+ val seqs = Sequents.fromThms ths
+ in
+ SOME (PackageTheorems.mk nv seqs)
+ end;
+ in
+ val getTheorems = getCached cacheTheorems computeTheorems;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheSummary : Summary.summary cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeSummary () =
+ case getThms () of
+ SOME ths => SOME (Summary.fromThms ths)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ val getSummary = getCached cacheSummary computeSummary;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheRequiresTheorems : PackageTheorems.theorems list cache =
+ ref NONE;
+ fun computeRequiresTheorems () =
+ case getRequires () of
+ | SOME reqs =>
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ in
+ Repository.requiresTheorems repo reqs
+ end;
+ in
+ val getRequiresTheorems =
+ getCached cacheRequiresTheorems computeRequiresTheorems;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheInference : Inference.inference cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeInference () =
+ case getTheory () of
+ SOME (graph,_) =>
+ SOME (TheorySet.inference (TheoryGraph.theories graph))
+ | NONE =>
+ case getArticle () of
+ SOME art => SOME (Article.inference art)
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ in
+ val getInference = getCached cacheInference computeInference;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheBrand : Name.name cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeBrand () =
+ case getNameVersion () of
+ SOME nv => SOME (PackageNameVersion.toGlobal nv)
+ | NONE => SOME (Name.mkGlobal "unknown")
+ in
+ val getBrand = getCached cacheBrand computeBrand;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheObjectTheorems : ObjectTheorems.theorems cache = ref NONE;
+ fun computeObjectTheorems () =
+ case getTheorems () of
+ SOME ths => SOME (PackageTheorems.theorems ths)
+ | NONE =>
+ case getBrand () of
+ | SOME brand =>
+ case getThms () of
+ | SOME ths =>
+ let
+ val seqs = Sequents.fromThms ths
+ in
+ SOME (ObjectTheorems.mk brand seqs)
+ end;
+ in
+ val getObjectTheorems =
+ getCached cacheObjectTheorems computeObjectTheorems;
+ end;
+ local
+ val cacheObjectAssumptions : ObjectTheorems.theorems cache = ref NONE;
+ fun unsatisfiedAssumptions sum =
+ let
+ val ths =
+ case getRequiresTheorems () of
+ NONE => raise Error "no requires information available"
+ | SOME ths => ths
+ val isSatisfied =
+ case PackageTheorems.context sum ths of
+ Summary.NoContext => raise Bug "unsatisfiedAssumptions"
+ | Summary.Context {groundedExternal = _, satisfiedAssumption} =>
+ satisfiedAssumption
+ val seqs = Sequents.sequents (Summary.requires sum)
+ in
+ Sequents.fromSet (SequentSet.filter (not o isSatisfied) seqs)
+ end;
+ fun computeObjectAssumptions () =
+ case getBrand () of
+ | SOME brand =>
+ case getSummary () of
+ | SOME sum =>
+ let
+ val seqs =
+ if !showAssumptionsInfo then Summary.requires sum
+ else unsatisfiedAssumptions sum
+ in
+ SOME (ObjectTheorems.mk brand seqs)
+ end;
+ in
+ val getObjectAssumptions =
+ getCached cacheObjectAssumptions computeObjectAssumptions;
+ end;
+ fun processFormat (InfoFormat items) =
+ let
+ fun mkItem item =
+ case item of
+ ChecksumItem =>
+ let
+ val chk =
+ case getChecksum () of
+ SOME c => c
+ | NONE => raise Error "no checksum information available"
+ in
+ Checksum.toString chk
+ end
+ | DescriptionItem =>
+ let
+ val info =
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME i => i
+ | NONE => raise Error "no package information available"
+ val {description} = PackageInformation.description info
+ in
+ description
+ end
+ | EmptyItem =>
+ let
+ val info =
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME i => i
+ | NONE => raise Error "no package information available"
+ val empty = PackageInformation.emptyTheories info
+ in
+ emptyToString empty
+ end
+ | NameItem =>
+ let
+ val namever =
+ case getNameVersion () of
+ SOME nv => nv
+ | NONE => raise Error "no name information available"
+ val name = PackageNameVersion.name namever
+ in
+ PackageName.toString name
+ end
+ | SeparatorItem s => s
+ | VersionItem =>
+ let
+ val namever =
+ case getNameVersion () of
+ SOME nv => nv
+ | NONE => raise Error "no name information available"
+ val version = PackageNameVersion.version namever
+ in
+ PackageVersion.toString version
+ end
+ in
+ List.map mkItem items
+ end;
+ fun outputPackageNameVersionSet namevers file =
+ let
+ fun mk nv = PackageNameVersion.toString nv ^ "\n"
+ val namevers = PackageNameVersionSet.toList namevers
+ val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList namevers)
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end;
+ fun processInfoOutput (inf,file) =
+ case inf of
+ ArticleInfo vo =>
+ let
+ val art =
+ case getArticle () of
+ SOME a => a
+ | NONE => raise Error "no article information available"
+ val version = Option.getOpt (vo,ArticleVersion.writeDefault)
+ val {filename} = file
+ in
+ Article.toTextFile
+ {article = art,
+ version = version,
+ clearLocalNames = !clearLocalNamesInfo,
+ skipDefinitions = !skipDefinitions,
+ filename = filename}
+ end
+ | AssumptionsInfo =>
+ let
+ val ths =
+ case getObjectAssumptions () of
+ SOME ths => ths
+ | NONE => raise Error "no assumption information available"
+ val {filename} = file
+ in
+ ObjectTheorems.toTextFile {theorems = ths, filename = filename}
+ end
+ | DirectoryInfo =>
+ let
+ val {directory} =
+ case getDirectory () of
+ SOME d => d
+ | NONE => raise Error "no directory information available"
+ val sl = [directory, "\n"]
+ val strm = Stream.fromList sl
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | DocumentInfo =>
+ let
+ val info = getInformation ()
+ val chk = getChecksum ()
+ val sum =
+ case getTheory () of
+ SOME (_,t) => TheoryGraph.summary t
+ | NONE =>
+ case getSummary () of
+ SOME s =>
+ let
+ val e : PackageSummary.sequentSource = SequentMap.new ()
+ val ps =
+ PackageSummary.Summary'
+ {summary = s,
+ requires = e,
+ provides = e}
+ in
+ PackageSummary.mk ps
+ end
+ | NONE => raise Error "no theory information available"
+ val files =
+ let
+ val theory =
+ case getDirectory () of
+ | SOME {directory = dir} =>
+ case getTheoryFile () of
+ | SOME {filename = file} =>
+ SOME (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dir, file = file})
+ val tarball =
+ case getTarball () of
+ | SOME tar =>
+ let
+ val {filename} = PackageTarball.filename tar
+ in
+ SOME filename
+ end
+ in
+ {theory = theory,
+ tarball = theory}
+ end
+ val tool = versionHtml
+ val doc =
+ PackageDocument.Document'
+ {information = info,
+ checksum = chk,
+ summary = sum,
+ files = files,
+ tool = tool}
+ val doc = PackageDocument.mk doc
+ val {filename} = file
+ in
+ PackageDocument.toHtmlFile
+ {document = doc,
+ filename = filename}
+ end
+ | FilesInfo =>
+ let
+ fun mk {filename} = filename ^ "\n"
+ val files =
+ case getFiles () of
+ SOME f => f
+ | NONE => raise Error "no files information available"
+ val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList files)
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | FormatInfo fmt =>
+ let
+ val sl = processFormat fmt @ ["\n"]
+ val strm = Stream.fromList sl
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | IncludesInfo =>
+ let
+ fun mk (nv,_) = PackageNameVersion.toString nv ^ "\n"
+ val info =
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME i => i
+ | NONE => raise Error "no includes information available"
+ val incs = PackageInformation.includes info
+ val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList incs)
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | InferenceInfo =>
+ let
+ val inf =
+ case getInference () of
+ SOME i => i
+ | NONE => raise Error "no inference information available"
+ val strm = Print.toStream Inference.pp inf
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | RequiresInfo =>
+ let
+ fun mk n = PackageName.toString n ^ "\n"
+ val info =
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME i => i
+ | NONE => raise Error "no requires information available"
+ val reqs = PackageInformation.requires info
+ val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList reqs)
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | RequiresVersionsInfo =>
+ let
+ fun checkPrevious oldest ths vs =
+ if Queue.null ths then oldest
+ else
+ let
+ val (th,ths) = Queue.hdTl ths
+ val nv = PackageTheorems.nameVersion th
+ in
+ case installPreviousVersion nv of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val n = PackageNameVersion.name nv
+ and v = PackageNameVersion.version nv
+ val oldest = PackageNameMap.insert oldest (n,v)
+ in
+ checkPrevious oldest ths vs
+ end
+ | SOME nv' =>
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val pkg = Repository.get repo nv'
+ val th = Package.theorems pkg
+ in
+ case total (PackageTheorems.addVersion vs) th of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val n = PackageNameVersion.name nv
+ and v = PackageNameVersion.version nv
+ val oldest = PackageNameMap.insert oldest (n,v)
+ in
+ checkPrevious oldest ths vs
+ end
+ | SOME vs =>
+ let
+ val ths = Queue.add th ths
+ in
+ checkPrevious oldest ths vs
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ val ths =
+ case getRequiresTheorems () of
+ SOME r => r
+ | NONE => raise Error "no requires information available"
+ val sum =
+ case getSummary () of
+ SOME s => s
+ | NONE => raise Error "no theory information available"
+ val vs = PackageTheorems.mkVersions sum ths
+ val oldest =
+ checkPrevious (PackageNameMap.new ()) (Queue.fromList ths) vs
+ fun mk th =
+ let
+ val nv = PackageTheorems.nameVersion th
+ val n = PackageNameVersion.name nv
+ and new = PackageNameVersion.version nv
+ val old =
+ case PackageNameMap.peek oldest n of
+ SOME v => v
+ | NONE => raise Bug "opentheory.info.RequiresInfo.mk"
+ in
+ PackageName.toString n ^
+ (if PackageVersion.equal new old then
+ " == " ^ PackageVersion.toString new
+ else
+ " >= " ^ PackageVersion.toString old ^
+ " /\\ <= " ^ PackageVersion.toString new) ^ "\n"
+ end
+ val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList ths)
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | SummaryInfo =>
+ let
+ val sum =
+ case getSummary () of
+ SOME s => s
+ | NONE => raise Error "no theory information available"
+ val grammar = infoSummaryGrammar ()
+ val context =
+ if !showAssumptionsInfo then Summary.NoContext
+ else
+ case getRequiresTheorems () of
+ NONE => Summary.NoContext
+ | SOME ths => PackageTheorems.context sum ths
+ val show =
+ case getInformation () of
+ SOME info => PackageInformation.show info
+ | NONE => Show.default
+ val {filename} = file
+ val () = SymbolSet.warnClashing (Summary.symbol sum)
+ in
+ Summary.toTextFileWithGrammar grammar
+ {context = context,
+ show = show,
+ summary = sum,
+ filename = filename}
+ end
+ | SymbolsInfo =>
+ let
+ val art =
+ case getArticle () of
+ SOME a => a
+ | NONE => raise Error "no article information available"
+ val sym = Article.symbols art
+ val () = SymbolSet.warnClashing sym
+ val strm = Print.toStream SymbolSet.pp sym
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | TagsInfo =>
+ let
+ val tags =
+ case getTags () of
+ SOME t => t
+ | NONE => raise Error "no package information available"
+ val strm = Print.toStream PackageTag.ppList tags
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end
+ | TheoremsInfo =>
+ let
+ val ths =
+ case getObjectTheorems () of
+ SOME ths => ths
+ | NONE => raise Error "no theorem information available"
+ val {filename} = file
+ in
+ ObjectTheorems.toTextFile {theorems = ths, filename = filename}
+ end
+ | TheoryInfo =>
+ let
+ val thys =
+ case getTheories () of
+ SOME t => t
+ | NONE => raise Error "no theory source information available"
+ val thys =
+ if !showChecksumsInfo then thys
+ else
+ let
+ fun del nv chko =
+ case chko of
+ | SOME _ => SOME (nv,NONE)
+ in
+ Option.getOpt (PackageTheory.updateIncludes del thys, thys)
+ end
+ val strm = Print.toStream PackageTheory.ppList thys
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile file strm
+ end;
+ fun processInfoOutputList infs =
+ let
+ val () = List.app processInfoOutput infs
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+ fun infoArticle {filename} infs =
+ let
+ val sav = getSavable ()
+ and imp = Article.empty
+ and int = Interpretation.natural
+ val art =
+ Article.fromTextFile
+ {savable = sav,
+ import = imp,
+ interpretation = int,
+ filename = filename}
+ val () = setArticle art
+ in
+ processInfoOutputList infs
+ end;
+ fun infoPackage namever infs =
+ let
+ val fndr = finder ()
+ in
+ case PackageFinder.find fndr namever NONE of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " is not installed"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ | SOME pkg =>
+ let
+ val () = setPackage pkg
+ in
+ processInfoOutputList infs
+ end
+ end;
+ fun infoPackageName name infs =
+ let
+ val namever = getLatestVersion name
+ in
+ infoPackage namever infs
+ end;
+ fun infoStagedPackage namever infs =
+ let
+ val fndr = stagedFinder ()
+ in
+ case PackageFinder.find fndr namever NONE of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " is not staged for installation"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ | SOME pkg =>
+ let
+ val () = setPackage pkg
+ in
+ processInfoOutputList infs
+ end
+ end;
+ fun infoTarball {filename = tarFile} infs =
+ let
+ val sys = system ()
+ val tar =
+ PackageTarball.mk
+ {system = sys,
+ filename = tarFile,
+ checksum = NONE}
+ val () = setTarball tar
+ in
+ processInfoOutputList infs
+ end;
+ fun infoTheory {filename = thyFile} infs =
+ let
+ val info = PackageInformation.fromTextFile {filename = thyFile}
+ and dir = OS.Path.dir thyFile
+ and file = OS.Path.file thyFile
+ val () = setInformation info
+ and () = setDirectory {directory = dir}
+ and () = setTheoryFile {filename = file}
+ in
+ processInfoOutputList infs
+ end;
+ fun info inp =
+ let
+ val infs = readInfoOutputList inp
+ val sav = List.exists (savableInfo o fst) infs
+ val () = setSavable sav
+ in
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput file => infoArticle file infs
+ | PackageInput namever => infoPackage namever infs
+ | PackageNameInput name => infoPackageName name infs
+ | PackageQueryInput _ =>
+ raise Error "cannot display information about a package query"
+ | StagedPackageInput namever => infoStagedPackage namever infs
+ | TarballInput file => infoTarball file infs
+ | TheoryInput file => infoTheory file infs
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Initializing a package directory. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun init () =
+ let
+ val {directory = r, autoInit = _} = rootDirectory ()
+ val x = initRepository {rootDirectory = r}
+ val msg =
+ "initialized new package repo " ^
+ Print.toString Repository.pp x ^
+ (if !remoteInit then " for remote use" else "")
+ val () = chat msg
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Uninstalling packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ fun uninstallInput inp =
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot uninstall an article file"
+ | PackageInput namever =>
+ RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.NameVersion namever)
+ | PackageNameInput name =>
+ RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.Name name)
+ | PackageQueryInput query => query
+ | StagedPackageInput _ =>
+ let
+ val err = "cannot uninstall a staged package (use cleanup instead)"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot uninstall a tarball"
+ | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot uninstall a theory source file";
+ fun complain errs =
+ if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val s = RepositoryError.report errs
+ in
+ if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
+ else chat ("package uninstall warnings:\n" ^ s)
+ end;
+ fun uninstallPackages repo namevers =
+ let
+ fun uninstall1 namever =
+ let
+ val auto = not (PackageNameVersionSet.member namever namevers)
+ val () = Repository.uninstall repo namever
+ val () =
+ let
+ val msg =
+ (if auto then "auto-" else "") ^
+ "uninstalled package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever
+ in
+ chat msg
+ end
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ val errs = Repository.checkUninstall repo namevers
+ val errs =
+ if not (!autoUninstall) then errs
+ else
+ let
+ val (_,errs) = RepositoryError.removeInstalledUser errs
+ in
+ errs
+ end
+ val () = complain errs
+ val namevers =
+ if not (!autoUninstall) then namevers
+ else Repository.includedByRTC repo namevers
+ val namevers = List.rev (Repository.includeOrder repo namevers)
+ val () = List.app uninstall1 namevers
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+ fun uninstallPackage namever =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ in
+ uninstallPackages repo (PackageNameVersionSet.singleton namever)
+ end;
+ fun uninstall inp =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val query = uninstallInput inp
+ val namevers = evaluateQuery query
+ in
+ if PackageNameVersionSet.null namevers then
+ raise Error "no matching installed packages"
+ else
+ uninstallPackages repo namevers
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage uninstall failed");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Installing packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun installPackage rem namever chk =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val errs = Repository.checkStagePackage repo rem namever chk
+ val errs =
+ if not (!reinstall) then errs
+ else
+ let
+ val (staged,errs) = RepositoryError.removeAlreadyStaged errs
+ val () =
+ if not staged then ()
+ else Repository.cleanupStaged repo namever
+ in
+ errs
+ end
+ val (replace,errs) =
+ if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
+ else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyInstalled errs
+ val () =
+ if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val s = RepositoryError.report errs
+ in
+ if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
+ else chat ("package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
+ end
+ val () =
+ if not replace then ()
+ else uninstallPackage namever
+ val fndr = installFinder ()
+ val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
+ val () = Repository.stagePackage repo fndr rem namever chk tool
+ val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
+ val () =
+ chat ((if replace then "re" else "") ^ "installed package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever)
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+ fun installStagedPackage namever =
+ let
+ val () =
+ if not (Option.isSome (!nameInstall)) then ()
+ else raise Error "can't specify name for a staged package install"
+ val () =
+ if not (!stageInstall) then ()
+ else raise Error "can't stage a staged package install"
+ val () =
+ if not (!reinstall) then ()
+ else raise Error "can't reinstall a staged package install"
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val pkg =
+ let
+ val fndr = stagedFinder ()
+ and chko = !checksumInstall
+ in
+ case PackageFinder.find fndr namever chko of
+ SOME p => p
+ | NONE =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "can't find staged package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ end
+ val errs = Repository.checkInstallStaged repo namever
+ val () =
+ if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val s = RepositoryError.report errs
+ in
+ if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
+ else chat ("staged package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
+ end
+ val chk = Package.checksum pkg
+ val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
+ val () =
+ chat ("installed staged package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever)
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\nstaged package install failed");
+ fun installPackageNameVersion namever =
+ let
+ val () =
+ if not (Option.isSome (!nameInstall)) then ()
+ else raise Error "can't specify name for a package install"
+ val () =
+ if not (!stageInstall) then ()
+ else raise Error "can't stage a package install"
+ val (rem,chk) = firstRemote namever (!checksumInstall)
+ val () = installPackage rem namever chk
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage install failed");
+ fun installPackageName name =
+ let
+ val () =
+ if not (Option.isSome (!nameInstall)) then ()
+ else raise Error "can't specify name for a package name install"
+ val () =
+ if not (!stageInstall) then ()
+ else raise Error "can't stage a package name install"
+ val () =
+ case latestVersion name of
+ SOME nv =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString nv ^
+ " is already installed"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ | NONE => ()
+ in
+ case latestVersionRemotes name (!checksumInstall) of
+ NONE =>
+ let
+ val err =
+ "can't find a version of package " ^
+ PackageName.toString name
+ val err =
+ if not (Option.isSome (!checksumInstall)) then err
+ else err ^ " with specified checksum"
+ val err = err ^ " in any repo"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ | SOME (rem,nv,chk) => installPackage rem nv chk
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage name install failed");
+ fun installTarball {filename = tarFile} =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ and sys = system ()
+ val tar =
+ PackageTarball.mk
+ {system = sys,
+ filename = tarFile,
+ checksum = NONE}
+ val chk = PackageTarball.checksum tar
+ val () =
+ case !checksumInstall of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME chk' =>
+ if Checksum.equal chk' chk then ()
+ else raise Error "tarball checksum does not match"
+ val namever = PackageTarball.nameVersion tar
+ val () =
+ case !nameInstall of
+ NONE => ()
+ | SOME namever' =>
+ if PackageNameVersion.equal namever' namever then ()
+ else raise Error "tarball name does not match"
+ val errs = Repository.checkStageTarball repo tar
+ val errs =
+ if not (!reinstall) then errs
+ else
+ let
+ val (staged,errs) = RepositoryError.removeAlreadyStaged errs
+ val () =
+ if not staged then ()
+ else Repository.cleanupStaged repo namever
+ in
+ errs
+ end
+ val (replace,errs) =
+ if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
+ else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyInstalled errs
+ val () =
+ if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val s = RepositoryError.report errs
+ in
+ if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
+ else chat ("package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
+ end
+ val () =
+ if not replace then ()
+ else uninstallPackage namever
+ val fndr = installFinder ()
+ val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
+ val () = Repository.stageTarball repo fndr tar tool
+ val () =
+ if !stageInstall then ()
+ else Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
+ val () =
+ let
+ val verb =
+ if !stageInstall then
+ (if replace then "uninstalled and staged" else "staged")
+ else
+ (if replace then "reinstalled" else "installed")
+ val msg =
+ verb ^ " package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " from tarball"
+ in
+ chat msg
+ end
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage install from tarball failed");
+ fun installTheory thyFile =
+ let
+ val () =
+ if not (Option.isSome (!checksumInstall)) then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val err =
+ "can't specify checksum for a theory source file install"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ val () =
+ if not (!stageInstall) then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val err = "can't stage a theory source file install"
+ in
+ raise Error err
+ end
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val info = PackageInformation.fromTextFile thyFile
+ val errs = Repository.checkStageTheory repo (!nameInstall) info
+ val (cleanup,errs) =
+ if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
+ else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyStaged errs
+ val (replace,errs) =
+ if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
+ else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyInstalled errs
+ val errs =
+ if not (!autoInstall) then errs
+ else snd (RepositoryError.removeUninstalledInclude errs)
+ val () =
+ if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val s = RepositoryError.report errs
+ in
+ if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
+ else chat ("package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
+ end
+ val namever = PackageInformation.nameVersion info
+ val () = if cleanup then Repository.cleanupStaged repo namever else ()
+ val () = if replace then uninstallPackage namever else ()
+ val fndr = installFinder ()
+ val srcDir =
+ let
+ val {filename} = thyFile
+ in
+ {directory = OS.Path.dir filename}
+ end
+ val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
+ val chk = Repository.stageTheory repo fndr namever info srcDir tool
+ val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
+ val () =
+ let
+ val msg =
+ (if replace then "re" else "") ^ "installed package " ^
+ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
+ " from theory source file"
+ in
+ chat msg
+ end
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage install from theory source file failed");
+ fun install inp =
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot install an article file"
+ | PackageInput namever => installPackageNameVersion namever
+ | PackageNameInput name => installPackageName name
+ | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot install a package query"
+ | StagedPackageInput namever => installStagedPackage namever
+ | TarballInput file => installTarball file
+ | TheoryInput file => installTheory file;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Listing installed packages. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun sortList repo pkgs ord =
+ case ord of
+ AlphabeticalList => PackageNameVersionSet.toList pkgs
+ | IncludeList => Repository.includeOrder repo pkgs
+ | DependencyList => Repository.dependencyOrder repo pkgs
+ | ReverseList ord => List.rev (sortList repo pkgs ord);
+ fun listInput inpo =
+ case inpo of
+ NONE => RepositoryQuery.Identity
+ | SOME inp =>
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot list an article file"
+ | PackageInput namever =>
+ RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.NameVersion namever)
+ | PackageNameInput name =>
+ RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.Name name)
+ | PackageQueryInput query => query
+ | StagedPackageInput _ =>
+ raise Error "cannot list a staged package"
+ | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot list a tarball"
+ | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot list a theory source file";
+ fun list inp =
+ let
+ val query = listInput inp
+ val namevers = evaluateQuery query
+ val () =
+ if not (!quietList) then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val status =
+ if PackageNameVersionSet.null namevers
+ then OS.Process.failure
+ else OS.Process.success
+ in
+ OS.Process.exit status
+ end
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val namevers = sortList repo namevers (orderList ());
+ val fmt = getFormatList ()
+ val strm =
+ let
+ fun mk namever = packageToStringInfoFormat repo fmt namever ^ "\n"
+ in
+ Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList namevers)
+ end
+ val ref f = outputList
+ in
+ Stream.toTextFile {filename = f} strm
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Update remote repository package lists. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun updateRemote rem =
+ let
+ val () = RepositoryRemote.update rem
+ val () =
+ let
+ val msg =
+ "updated package list for " ^ RepositoryRemote.toString rem
+ in
+ chat msg
+ end
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\nrepo update failed");
+fun update () =
+ let
+ val rems = remotes ()
+ in
+ List.app updateRemote rems
+ end;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Upgrade installed packages with later versions on a remote repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ fun upgradeInput inpo =
+ case inpo of
+ NONE => RepositoryQuery.Upgradable
+ | SOME inp =>
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade an article file"
+ | PackageInput namever =>
+ RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.NameVersion namever)
+ | PackageNameInput name =>
+ RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.Name name)
+ | PackageQueryInput query => query
+ | StagedPackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade a staged package"
+ | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade a tarball"
+ | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade a theory source file";
+ fun upgradeList namevers =
+ let
+ fun upgradeName name upgraded =
+ case latestVersionRemotes name NONE of
+ NONE => upgraded
+ | SOME (rem,nvr,chk) =>
+ let
+ val nvl =
+ case latestVersion name of
+ SOME nv => nv
+ | NONE => raise Bug "opentheory.upgrade: not found"
+ val vl = PackageNameVersion.version nvl
+ and vr = PackageNameVersion.version nvr
+ in
+ case PackageVersion.compare (vl,vr) of
+ LESS =>
+ let
+ val () = installPackage rem nvr chk
+ in
+ true
+ end
+ | _ => upgraded
+ end
+ fun upgrade1 (namever,(names,upgraded)) =
+ let
+ val name = PackageNameVersion.name namever
+ in
+ if PackageNameSet.member name names then (names,upgraded)
+ else
+ let
+ val names = PackageNameSet.add names name
+ val upgraded = upgradeName name upgraded
+ in
+ (names,upgraded)
+ end
+ end
+ val (_,upgraded) =
+ List.foldl upgrade1 (PackageNameSet.empty,false) namevers
+ in
+ upgraded
+ end;
+ fun upgrade inp =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val query = upgradeInput inp
+ val namevers = evaluateQuery query
+ val upgraded = upgradeList (Repository.includeOrder repo namevers)
+ val () =
+ if upgraded then ()
+ else chat "everything up-to-date"
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage upgrade failed");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Upload installed packages to a remote repository. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+ fun uploadInput inp =
+ case inp of
+ ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload an article file"
+ | PackageInput namever => namever
+ | PackageNameInput name => getLatestVersion name
+ | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a package query"
+ | StagedPackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a staged package"
+ | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a tarball"
+ | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a theory source file";
+ fun computeSupport repo rem namevers =
+ let
+ fun notInRepo nv = not (Repository.member nv repo)
+ fun notInRemote nv = not (RepositoryRemote.member nv rem)
+ val (unknown,namevers) = List.partition notInRepo namevers
+ val namevers = PackageNameVersionSet.fromList namevers
+ val namevers =
+ let
+ val subs =
+ case !setUpload of
+ ManualUpload => PackageNameVersionSet.empty
+ | SubtheoryUpload => Repository.subtheoriesRTC repo namevers
+ val subs = PackageNameVersionSet.filter notInRemote subs
+ in
+ PackageNameVersionSet.union subs namevers
+ end
+ val support =
+ let
+ val incs = Repository.includesRTC repo namevers
+ val incs = PackageNameVersionSet.filter notInRemote incs
+ val incs = PackageNameVersionSet.difference incs namevers
+ in
+ Repository.dependencyOrder repo incs
+ end
+ val namevers = unknown @ Repository.dependencyOrder repo namevers
+ in
+ (support,namevers)
+ end;
+ fun summarizeUpload upl =
+ let
+ val msg = Print.toString RepositoryUpload.pp upl
+ val () = chat msg
+ val () = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
+ in
+ ()
+ end;
+ fun askToConfirmUpload () =
+ let
+ val () = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, "Continue [y/N]? ")
+ val () = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
+ val s =
+ case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of
+ SOME s => String.map Char.toLower s
+ | NONE => raise Error "standard input terminated"
+ in
+ if s = "y\n" then true
+ else if s = "n\n" orelse s = "\n" then false
+ else askToConfirmUpload ()
+ end;
+ fun upload inps =
+ let
+ val repo = repository ()
+ val rem = remote ()
+ val namevers = List.map uploadInput inps
+ val () = RepositoryRemote.update rem
+ val (support,namevers) = computeSupport repo rem namevers
+ val upl =
+ RepositoryUpload.mk
+ {repository = repo,
+ remote = rem,
+ support = support,
+ packages = namevers}
+ val errs = RepositoryUpload.check upl
+ val () =
+ if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val s = RepositoryError.report errs
+ in
+ if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
+ else chat ("package upload warnings:\n" ^ s)
+ end
+ val () = summarizeUpload upl
+ val proceed = not (!confirmUpload) orelse askToConfirmUpload ()
+ in
+ if not proceed then ()
+ else
+ let
+ val () = RepositoryUpload.upload upl
+ in
+ ()
+ end
+ end
+ handle Error err =>
+ raise Error (err ^ "\npackage upload failed");
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Invoke the tool on given command-line arguments. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+fun main args =
+ let
+ (* Process global options *)
+ val (_,work) = Options.processOptions globalOptions args
+ (* Read the command *)
+ val (cmd,work) =
+ case work of
+ [] => usage "no command specified"
+ | s :: work =>
+ case commandFromString s of
+ SOME cmd => (cmd,work)
+ | NONE => usage ("bad command specified: \"" ^ s ^ "\"")
+ (* Process command options *)
+ val (_,work) = Options.processOptions (commandOptions cmd) work
+ val work =
+ List.map fromStringInput work
+ handle Error err => commandUsage cmd err
+ in
+ case (cmd,work) of
+ (Cleanup,pkgs) => cleanup pkgs
+ | (Export,[pkg]) => export pkg
+ | (Help,[]) => help ()
+ | (Info,[inp]) => info inp
+ | (Init,[]) => init ()
+ | (Install,[inp]) => install inp
+ | (List,[]) => list NONE
+ | (List,[inp]) => list (SOME inp)
+ | (Uninstall,[inp]) => uninstall inp
+ | (Update,[]) => update ()
+ | (Upgrade,[]) => upgrade NONE
+ | (Upgrade,[inp]) => upgrade (SOME inp)
+ | (Upload, pkgs as _ :: _) => upload pkgs
+ | _ =>
+ let
+ val err = "bad arguments for " ^ commandString cmd ^ " command"
+ in
+ commandUsage cmd err
+ end
+ end;
diff --git a/src/opentheory.sml b/src/opentheory.sml
index cc96c168..d3e6019d 100644
--- a/src/opentheory.sml
+++ b/src/opentheory.sml
@@ -5,3469 +5,14 @@
open Useful;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Constants. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val homeEnvVar = "HOME"
-and opentheoryEnvVar = "OPENTHEORY"
-and rootHomeDir = ".opentheory";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The program name and version. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val program = "opentheory";
-val version = "1.4";
-val release = " (release 20180301)";
-val homepage = "http://www.gilith.com/software/opentheory"
-val versionString = program^" "^version^release^"\n";
-val versionHtml =
- let
- val programLink =
- let
- val attrs = Html.singletonAttrs ("href",homepage)
- in
- Html.Anchor (attrs, [Html.Text program])
- end
- in
- [programLink, Html.Text (" " ^ version ^ release)]
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Helper functions. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun annotateOptions s =
- let
- fun mk {switches,arguments,description,processor} =
- {switches = switches,
- arguments = arguments,
- description = "(" ^ s ^ ") " ^ description,
- processor = processor}
- in
- fn opts => List.map mk opts
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Basic format descriptions. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val describeDirFormat =
- "DIR is a directory on the file system";
-val describeFileFormat =
- "FILE is a filename; use - to read from stdin or write to stdout";
-val describeRepoFormat =
- "REPO is the name of a repo in the config file (e.g., gilith)";
-val describeNameFormat =
- "NAME is a package name (e.g., base)";
-val describeVersionFormat =
- "VERSION is a package version (e.g., 1.0)";
-val describeListQueryFormat =
- "QUERY is a package query (e.g., UpToDate, Upgradable or Obsolete)";
-val describeUninstallQueryFormat =
- "QUERY is a package query (e.g., NAME-VERSION or Obsolete)";
-val describeUpgradeQueryFormat =
- "QUERY is a package query (e.g., NAME or Upgradable)";
-val describeQueryFormat =
- "QUERY represents a subset S of the installed packages P, as follows:\n" ^
- " 1. A FUNCTION expression in the grammar below is parsed from the command\n" ^
- " line, which represents a function f of type S -> S\n" ^
- " 2. Another function g of type S -> S is computed, which may be represented\n" ^
- " by the FUNCTION expression ~Empty (Latest - Subtheories)\n" ^
- " 3. The set f(g(P)) is evaluated as the result of the query\n" ^
- "FUNCTION // represents a function with type S -> S\n" ^
- " <- SET // the constant function with return value SET\n" ^
- " || PREDICATE // the filter function with predicate PREDICATE\n" ^
- " || FUNCTION FUNCTION // \\f g s. f (g s)\n" ^
- " || FUNCTION | FUNCTION // \\f g s. { p in P | p in f(s) \\/ p in g(s) }\n" ^
- " || FUNCTION & FUNCTION // \\f g s. { p in P | p in f(s) /\\ p in g(s) }\n" ^
- " || FUNCTION - FUNCTION // \\f g s. { p in P | p in f(s) /\\ ~p in g(s) }\n" ^
- " || FUNCTION? // \\f. Identity | f\n" ^
- " || FUNCTION* // \\f. Identity | f | f f | f f f | ...\n" ^
- " || FUNCTION+ // \\f. f | f f | f f f | ...\n" ^
- " || Identity // \\s. s\n" ^
- " || Requires // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. q requires p }\n" ^
- " || RequiredBy // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p requires q }\n" ^
- " || Includes // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. q includes p }\n" ^
- " || IncludedBy // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p includes q }\n" ^
- " || Subtheories // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p is a subtheory of q }\n" ^
- " || SubtheoryOf // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. q is a subtheory of p }\n" ^
- " || Versions // \\s. { p in P | ?q in s. p is a version of q }\n" ^
- " || Latest // \\s. { p in s | ~?q in s. q is a later version of p }\n" ^
- " || Deprecated // (Identity - Latest) (Requires | Includes)*\n" ^
- " || Obsolete // All - (Requires | Includes)*\n" ^
- " || Upgradable // EarlierThanRepo\n" ^
- " || Uploadable // Mine /\\ ~OnRepo /\\ ~EarlierThanRepo /\\ ConsistentWithRepo\n" ^
- "PREDICATE // represents a predicate with type P -> bool\n" ^
- " <- PREDICATE \\/ PREDICATE // \\f g p. f(p) \\/ g(p)\n" ^
- " || PREDICATE /\\ PREDICATE // \\f g p. f(p) /\\ g(p)\n" ^
- " || ~PREDICATE // \\f p. ~f(p)\n" ^
- " || Empty // does the package have an empty theory (i.e., main { })?\n" ^
- " || Mine // does the package author match a name in the config file?\n" ^
- " || Closed // are all the required theories installed?\n" ^
- " || Acyclic // is the required theory graph free of cycles?\n" ^
- " || UpToDate // are all assumptions satisfied and inputs grounded?\n" ^
- " || OnRepo // is there a package with the same name on the repo?\n" ^
- " || IdenticalOnRepo // is this exact same package on the repo?\n" ^
- " || ConsistentWithRepo // are all included packages consistent with the repo?\n" ^
- " || EarlierThanRepo // is there a later version on the repo?\n" ^
- " || LaterThanRepo // is the package later than all versions on the repo?\n" ^
- " || ExportHaskell // can the package be exported as a Haskell package?\n" ^
- "SET // represents a set with type S\n" ^
- " <- All // P\n" ^
- " || None // {}\n" ^
- " || NAME // Latest { p in P | p has name NAME }\n" ^
- " || NAME-VERSION // { p in P | p has name NAME and version VERSION }\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Input types. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype input =
- ArticleInput of {filename : string}
- | PackageInput of PackageNameVersion.nameVersion
- | PackageNameInput of PackageName.name
- | PackageQueryInput of RepositoryQuery.function
- | StagedPackageInput of PackageNameVersion.nameVersion
- | TarballInput of {filename : string}
- | TheoryInput of {filename : string};
-fun fromStringInput inp =
- case total (destPrefix "article:") inp of
- SOME f => ArticleInput {filename = f}
- | NONE =>
- case total (destPrefix "tarball:") inp of
- SOME f => TarballInput {filename = f}
- | NONE =>
- case total (destPrefix "theory:") inp of
- SOME f => TheoryInput {filename = f}
- | NONE =>
- case total (destPrefix "staged:") inp of
- SOME nv =>
- (case total PackageNameVersion.fromString nv of
- SOME namever => StagedPackageInput namever
- | NONE => raise Error ("bad staged package name: " ^ inp))
- | NONE =>
- case total PackageNameVersion.fromString inp of
- SOME namever => PackageInput namever
- | NONE =>
- case total PackageName.fromString inp of
- SOME name => PackageNameInput name
- | NONE =>
- case total RepositoryQuery.fromString inp of
- SOME query => PackageQueryInput query
- | NONE =>
- let
- val f = {filename = inp}
- in
- if Article.isFilename f then ArticleInput f
- else if PackageTarball.isFilename f then TarballInput f
- else if PackageInformation.isFilename f then TheoryInput f
- else raise Error ("unknown type of input: " ^ inp)
- end;
-val describeInfoInputFormat =
- "INPUT is one of the following:\n" ^
- " - A package: NAME-VERSION or NAME (for the latest version)\n" ^
- " - A theory source file: FILE.thy or theory:FILE\n" ^
- " - A proof article file: FILE.art or article:FILE\n" ^
- " - A package tarball: FILE.tgz or tarball:FILE\n" ^
- " - A package staged for installation: staged:NAME-VERSION";
-val describeInputFormat =
- describeInfoInputFormat ^ "\n" ^
- " - A subset of the installed packages: QUERY";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Output format for basic package information. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype infoItem =
- ChecksumItem
- | DescriptionItem
- | EmptyItem
- | NameItem
- | SeparatorItem of string
- | VersionItem;
-datatype infoFormat = InfoFormat of infoItem list;
-fun emptyToString empty = if empty then "T" else "F";
- fun getSep acc l =
- case l of
- SeparatorItem s :: l => getSep (s :: acc) l
- | _ => (String.concat (List.rev acc), l);
- fun compress l =
- let
- val (sl,l) = getSep [] l
- val l = compress' l
- in
- if sl = "" then l else SeparatorItem sl :: l
- end
- and compress' l =
- case l of
- [] => []
- | s :: l => s :: compress l;
- fun compressInfoFormat (InfoFormat l) = InfoFormat (compress l);
- infixr 9 >>++
- infixr 8 ++
- infixr 7 >>
- infixr 6 ||
- open Parse;
- val checksumKeywordParser = exactString "CHECKSUM"
- and descriptionKeywordParser = exactString "DESCRIPTION"
- and emptyKeywordParser = exactString "EMPTY"
- and nameKeywordParser = exactString "NAME"
- and versionKeywordParser = exactString "VERSION";
- val itemParser =
- (checksumKeywordParser >> K ChecksumItem) ||
- (descriptionKeywordParser >> K DescriptionItem) ||
- (emptyKeywordParser >> K EmptyItem) ||
- (nameKeywordParser >> K NameItem) ||
- (versionKeywordParser >> K VersionItem) ||
- any >> (fn c => SeparatorItem (str c));
- val itemListParser = many itemParser;
- val parserInfoFormat = itemListParser >> (compressInfoFormat o InfoFormat);
-val describeInfoFormat =
- "FORMAT is a string containing " ^
-fun fromStringInfoFormat fmt =
- Parse.fromString parserInfoFormat fmt
- handle Parse.NoParse =>
- let
- val err =
- "bad package information format:\n \"" ^ fmt ^ "\"\n" ^
- "correct " ^ describeInfoFormat
- in
- raise Error err
- end;
- fun mkItem repo namever item =
- case item of
- ChecksumItem =>
- let
- val chk =
- case Repository.peek repo namever of
- SOME pkg => Package.checksum pkg
- | NONE => raise Error "corrupt installation"
- in
- Checksum.toString chk
- end
- | DescriptionItem =>
- let
- val info =
- case Repository.peek repo namever of
- SOME pkg => Package.information pkg
- | NONE => raise Error "corrupt installation"
- val {description} = PackageInformation.description info
- in
- description
- end
- | EmptyItem =>
- let
- val empty =
- case Repository.peek repo namever of
- SOME pkg => Package.emptyTheories pkg
- | NONE => raise Error "corrupt installation"
- in
- emptyToString empty
- end
- | NameItem =>
- let
- val name = PackageNameVersion.name namever
- in
- PackageName.toString name
- end
- | SeparatorItem s => s
- | VersionItem =>
- let
- val version = PackageNameVersion.version namever
- in
- PackageVersion.toString version
- end;
- fun packageToStringInfoFormat repo fmt namever =
- let
- val InfoFormat items = fmt
- in
- String.concat (List.map (mkItem repo namever) items)
- end
- handle Error err =>
- let
- val err =
- "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^ ": " ^ err
- in
- raise Error err
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Clean up a staged package. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun cleanupStagedPackage repo nv =
- let
- val () = Repository.cleanupStaged repo nv
- val mesg =
- "cleaned up staged package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString nv
- val () = chat mesg
- in
- ()
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Root directory of the local package repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val rootDirectoryOption : string option ref = ref NONE;
-val rootDirectory =
- let
- val rdir : {directory : string, autoInit : bool} option ref = ref NONE
- in
- fn () =>
- case !rdir of
- SOME dir => dir
- | NONE =>
- let
- val dir =
- case !rootDirectoryOption of
- SOME d => {directory = d, autoInit = false}
- | NONE =>
- case OS.Process.getEnv opentheoryEnvVar of
- SOME d => {directory = d, autoInit = false}
- | NONE =>
- case OS.Process.getEnv homeEnvVar of
- NONE =>
- raise Error "please specify the package directory"
- | SOME homeDir =>
- let
- val d =
- OS.Path.joinDirFile
- {dir = homeDir, file = rootHomeDir}
- in
- {directory = d, autoInit = true}
- end
- val () = rdir := SOME dir
- in
- dir
- end
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Initializing a package repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val remoteInit = ref false;
-fun initRepository {rootDirectory = r} =
- let
- val c =
- if !remoteInit then RepositoryConfig.remoteDefault
- else RepositoryConfig.default
- val () = Repository.create {rootDirectory = r, config = c}
- in
- Repository.mk {rootDirectory = r}
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* The local package repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val repository =
- let
- fun existsDirectory d =
- OS.FileSys.isDir d
- handle OS.SysErr _ => false
- val rrepo : Repository.repository option ref = ref NONE
- in
- fn () =>
- case !rrepo of
- SOME repo => repo
- | NONE =>
- let
- val repo =
- let
- val {directory = r, autoInit} = rootDirectory ()
- in
- if existsDirectory r then
- let
- val repo = Repository.mk {rootDirectory = r}
- val () =
- let
- val cfg = Repository.config repo
- val cfg = RepositoryConfig.cleanup cfg
- in
- case RepositoryConfig.autoCleanup cfg of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME t =>
- let
- val maxAge = {maxAge = SOME t}
- val nvs = Repository.listStaged repo maxAge
- val () =
- PackageNameVersionSet.app
- (cleanupStagedPackage repo) nvs
- in
- ()
- end
- end
- in
- repo
- end
- else if autoInit then
- let
- val x = initRepository {rootDirectory = r}
- val msg =
- "auto-initialized package repo " ^
- Print.toString Repository.pp x
- val () = chat msg
- in
- x
- end
- else
- raise Error ("package repo does not exist: " ^ r)
- end
- val () = rrepo := SOME repo
- in
- repo
- end
- end;
-fun config () = Repository.config (repository ());
-fun system () = RepositoryConfig.system (config ());
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Remote repositories. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- val remoteOption : RepositoryRemote.name list ref = ref [];
- fun addRemote s =
- let
- val n = PackageName.fromString s
- val () = remoteOption := !remoteOption @ [n]
- in
- ()
- end;
- fun remote () =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val remotes = Repository.remotes repo
- val () =
- if not (List.null remotes) then ()
- else raise Error "no repos listed in config file"
- in
- case !remoteOption of
- [] => hd remotes
- | [n] => Repository.getRemote repo n
- | _ :: _ :: _ => raise Error "multiple repos given on command line"
- end;
- fun remotes () =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val remotes = Repository.remotes repo
- val ns = !remoteOption
- in
- if List.null ns then remotes
- else List.map (Repository.getRemote repo) ns
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Finding packages in the local repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun finder () = Repository.finder (repository ());
-fun stagedFinder () = Repository.stagedFinder (repository ());
-fun possiblyStagedFinder () =
- PackageFinder.orelsef (finder ()) (stagedFinder ());
-fun latestVersion name =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- in
- Repository.latestNameVersion repo name
- end;
-fun getLatestVersion name =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- in
- Repository.getLatestNameVersion repo name
- end;
-fun previousVersion namever =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- in
- Repository.previousNameVersion repo namever
- end;
-fun evaluateQuery query =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val rems = remotes ()
- in
- RepositoryQuery.evaluate repo rems query
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Finding packages on remote repositories. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun latestVersionRemotes name chko =
- let
- val rems = remotes ()
- in
- RepositoryRemote.latestNameVersionList rems name chko
- end;
-fun firstRemote namever chko =
- let
- val rems = remotes ()
- in
- case chko of
- NONE =>
- (case RepositoryRemote.first rems namever of
- SOME rc => rc
- | NONE =>
- let
- val err =
- "can't find package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " in any repo"
- in
- raise Error err
- end)
- | SOME chk =>
- (case RepositoryRemote.find rems (namever,chk) of
- SOME rem => (rem,chk)
- | NONE =>
- let
- val err =
- "can't find package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " with specified checksum in any repo"
- in
- raise Error err
- end)
- end;
-fun previousVersionRemotes nv =
- let
- val rems = remotes ()
- in
- RepositoryRemote.previousNameVersionList rems nv
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Auto-installing packages from remote repositories. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val stageInstall = ref false;
-val autoInstall = ref true;
- fun installAuto fndr namever chko =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val (rem,chk) = firstRemote namever chko
- val errs = Repository.checkStagePackage repo rem namever chk
- val () =
- if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
- else
- let
- val s = RepositoryError.report errs
- in
- if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
- else chat ("included package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " install warnings:\n" ^ s)
- end
- val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
- val () = Repository.stagePackage repo fndr rem namever chk tool
- val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
- val () = chat ("auto-installed package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever)
- in
- ()
- end;
- fun installAutoFinder fndr =
- let
- fun findOrInstall namever chko =
- case PackageFinder.find fndr namever chko of
- SOME pkg => SOME pkg
- | NONE =>
- let
- val inst = installAutoFinder fndr
- val () = installAuto inst namever chko
- val repo = repository ()
- in
- Repository.peek repo namever
- end
- in
- PackageFinder.mk findOrInstall
- end;
- fun installFinder () =
- let
- val fndr =
- if not (!stageInstall) then finder ()
- else possiblyStagedFinder ()
- in
- if not (!autoInstall) then fndr else installAutoFinder fndr
- end;
- fun remoteLater nvl nvr =
- case nvr of
- | SOME (_,nv,chk) =>
- let
- val later =
- case nvl of
- NONE => true
- | SOME nv' =>
- case PackageNameVersion.compareVersion (nv',nv) of
- LESS => true
- | _ => false
- in
- if later then SOME (nv,chk) else NONE
- end;
- fun installPreviousVersion nv =
- let
- val nvl = previousVersion nv
- val nvr = if !autoInstall then previousVersionRemotes nv else NONE
- in
- case remoteLater nvl nvr of
- NONE => nvl
- | SOME (nvp,chk) =>
- let
- val fndr = installFinder ()
- val () = PackageFinder.check fndr nvp (SOME chk)
- in
- SOME nvp
- end
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for cleaning up staged packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- open Useful Options;
- val cleanupOpts : opt list = [];
-val cleanupFooter =
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- "Given no arguments this command will clean up all staged packages.\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for exporting installed packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype export =
- HaskellExport;
- val exportType : export option ref = ref NONE;
- fun getExport () =
- case !exportType of
- SOME exp => exp
- | NONE => raise Error "no export type specified";
- fun setExport exp =
- case !exportType of
- SOME _ => raise Error "multiple export types specified"
- | NONE => exportType := SOME exp;
-val reexport = ref false;
- open Useful Options;
- val exportOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["--haskell"], arguments = [],
- description = "export as a Haskell package",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setExport HaskellExport)},
- {switches = ["--reexport"], arguments = [],
- description = "re-export package if target already exists",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => reexport := true)},
- {switches = ["--manual-install"], arguments = [],
- description = "do not auto-install packages",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoInstall := false)}];
-val exportFooter =
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- "Given a NAME input this command will export the latest installed version.\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for displaying command help. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- open Useful Options;
- val helpOpts : opt list = [];
-val helpFooter = "";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for displaying package information. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype info =
- ArticleInfo of ArticleVersion.version option
- | AssumptionsInfo
- | DirectoryInfo
- | DocumentInfo
- | FilesInfo
- | FormatInfo of infoFormat
- | IncludesInfo
- | InferenceInfo
- | RequiresInfo
- | RequiresVersionsInfo
- | SummaryInfo
- | SymbolsInfo
- | TagsInfo
- | TheoremsInfo
- | TheoryInfo;
-fun savableInfo info =
- case info of
- ArticleInfo _ => true
- | SymbolsInfo => true
- | _ => false;
-datatype packageInfo =
- PackageInfo of string * info * {filename : string} option;
-fun mkInfoOutput flag info = PackageInfo (flag,info,NONE);
- fun mkDefaultInfoOutput info = [mkInfoOutput "default" info];
- fun defaultInfoOutputList inp =
- let
- val info =
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => SummaryInfo
- | PackageInput _ => TagsInfo
- | PackageNameInput _ => TagsInfo
- | PackageQueryInput _ => TagsInfo
- | StagedPackageInput _ => TagsInfo
- | TarballInput _ => FilesInfo
- | TheoryInput _ => SummaryInfo
- in
- mkDefaultInfoOutput info
- end;
-val outputListInfo : packageInfo list ref = ref [];
-val upgradeTheoryInfo = ref false;
-val preserveTheoryInfo = ref false;
-val clearLocalNamesInfo = ref false;
-val skipDefinitions = ref false;
-val showAssumptionsInfo = ref false;
-val showDerivationsInfo = ref false;
-val showChecksumsInfo = ref false;
-fun infoSummaryGrammar () =
- let
- val Summary.Grammar
- {assumptionGrammar,
- axiomGrammar,
- theoremGrammar,
- ppTypeOp,
- ppConst,
- showTheoremAssumptions = _} = Summary.defaultGrammar
- val showTheoremAssumptions = !showDerivationsInfo
- in
- Summary.Grammar
- {assumptionGrammar = assumptionGrammar,
- axiomGrammar = axiomGrammar,
- theoremGrammar = theoremGrammar,
- ppTypeOp = ppTypeOp,
- ppConst = ppConst,
- showTheoremAssumptions = showTheoremAssumptions}
- end;
-fun addInfoOutput flag info =
- let
- val ref l = outputListInfo
- val () = outputListInfo := mkInfoOutput flag info :: l
- in
- ()
- end;
-fun setInfoOutputFilename flag filename =
- let
- val ref l = outputListInfo
- val l =
- case l of
- [] =>
- raise Error ("no package information specified before " ^
- flag ^ " argument")
- | PackageInfo (x,i,f) :: l =>
- case f of
- SOME {filename = f} =>
- let
- val err =
- "multiple " ^ flag ^ " arguments:\n" ^
- " " ^ f ^ " and\n " ^ filename
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- | NONE => PackageInfo (x, i, SOME {filename = filename}) :: l
- val () = outputListInfo := l
- in
- ()
- end;
-fun setInfoOutputVersion flag version =
- let
- val ref l = outputListInfo
- val l =
- case l of
- [] =>
- raise Error ("no package information specified before " ^
- flag ^ " argument")
- | PackageInfo (x,i,f) :: l =>
- case i of
- ArticleInfo vo =>
- (case vo of
- SOME v =>
- let
- val err =
- "multiple " ^ flag ^ " arguments: " ^
- ArticleVersion.toString v ^ " and " ^ version
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- | NONE =>
- let
- val v = ArticleVersion.fromString version
- in
- PackageInfo (x, ArticleInfo (SOME v), f) :: l
- end)
- | _ =>
- let
- val err =
- "cannot specify output version for " ^ x ^
- " package information"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- val () = outputListInfo := l
- in
- ()
- end;
- fun readList inp =
- let
- val l = List.rev (!outputListInfo)
- in
- if List.null l then defaultInfoOutputList inp else l
- end;
- val defaultInfoOutputFilename = {filename = "-"};
- fun defaultize (PackageInfo (_,i,f)) =
- (i, Option.getOpt (f,defaultInfoOutputFilename));
- fun readInfoOutputList inp = List.map defaultize (readList inp);
- open Useful Options;
- val infoOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["--format"], arguments = ["FORMAT"],
- description = "format package information",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn f => fn s =>
- addInfoOutput f (FormatInfo (fromStringInfoFormat s)))},
- {switches = ["--information"], arguments = [],
- description = "display all package information",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f TagsInfo)},
- {switches = ["--theory"], arguments = [],
- description = "display the package theory",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f SummaryInfo)},
- {switches = ["--article"], arguments = [],
- description = "output the package theory in article format",
- processor =
- beginOpt endOpt
- (fn f => addInfoOutput f (ArticleInfo NONE))},
- {switches = ["--requires"], arguments = [],
- description = "list required packages",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f RequiresInfo)},
- {switches = ["--requires-versions"], arguments = [],
- description = "list satisfying versions of required packages",
- processor =
- beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f RequiresVersionsInfo)},
- {switches = ["--inference"], arguments = [],
- description = "display count of inference rules",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f InferenceInfo)},
- {switches = ["--files"], arguments = [],
- description = "list package files",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f FilesInfo)},
- {switches = ["--directory"], arguments = [],
- description = "output package directory",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f DirectoryInfo)},
- {switches = ["--document"], arguments = [],
- description = "output package document in HTML format",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f DocumentInfo)},
- {switches = ["--theory-source"], arguments = [],
- description = "output package theory source",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f TheoryInfo)},
- {switches = ["--theorems"], arguments = [],
- description = "output package theorems in article format",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f TheoremsInfo)},
- {switches = ["--assumptions"], arguments = [],
- description = "output package assumptions in article format",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f AssumptionsInfo)},
- {switches = ["--symbols"], arguments = [],
- description = "list all symbols in the package",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f SymbolsInfo)},
- {switches = ["--includes"], arguments = [],
- description = "list included packages",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn f => addInfoOutput f IncludesInfo)},
- {switches = ["-o","--output"], arguments = ["FILE"],
- description = "write previous information to FILE",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn f => fn s => setInfoOutputFilename f s)},
- {switches = ["--output-version"], arguments = ["N"],
- description = "set previous information output version",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn f => fn s => setInfoOutputVersion f s)},
- {switches = ["--show-assumptions"], arguments = [],
- description = "do not hide satisfied assumptions",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => showAssumptionsInfo := true)},
- {switches = ["--show-derivations"], arguments = [],
- description = "show assumptions and axioms for each theorem",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => showDerivationsInfo := true)},
- {switches = ["--show-checksums"], arguments = [],
- description = "show package checksums in theory source",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => showChecksumsInfo := true)},
- {switches = ["--upgrade-theory"], arguments = [],
- description = "upgrade theory source to latest versions",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => upgradeTheoryInfo := true)},
- {switches = ["--preserve-theory"], arguments = [],
- description = "do not clean up and optimize theory source",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => preserveTheoryInfo := true)},
- {switches = ["--clear-local-names"], arguments = [],
- description = "clear names of symbols local to the theory",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => clearLocalNamesInfo := true)},
- {switches = ["--skip-definitions"], arguments = [],
- description = "replace definitions with theory assumptions",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => skipDefinitions := true)},
- {switches = ["--manual-install"], arguments = [],
- description = "do not auto-install packages",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoInstall := false)}];
-val infoFooter =
- describeInfoInputFormat ^ "\n" ^
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeFileFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeInfoFormat ^ ".\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for displaying command help. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- open Useful Options;
- val initOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["--remote"], arguments = [],
- description = "configure new package repo for remote use",
- processor =
- beginOpt endOpt
- (fn _ => remoteInit := true)}];
-val initFooter = "";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for uninstalling packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val autoUninstall = ref false;
- open Useful Options;
- val uninstallOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["--auto"], arguments = [],
- description = "also uninstall including packages",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoUninstall := true)}];
-val uninstallFooter =
- describeUninstallQueryFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for installing packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val reinstall = ref false;
-val nameInstall : PackageNameVersion.nameVersion option ref = ref NONE;
-val checksumInstall : Checksum.checksum option ref = ref NONE;
- open Useful Options;
- fun addSuffix s {switches,arguments,description,processor} =
- {switches = List.map (fn x => x ^ s) switches,
- arguments = arguments,
- description = description,
- processor = processor};
- val installOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["--reinstall"], arguments = [],
- description = "uninstall package if it already exists",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => reinstall := true)}] @
- List.map (addSuffix "-uninstall") uninstallOpts @
- [{switches = ["--manual"], arguments = [],
- description = "do not also install included packages",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => autoInstall := false)},
- {switches = ["--name"], arguments = ["NAME-VERSION"],
- description = "confirm package name",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn _ => fn s =>
- nameInstall := SOME (PackageNameVersion.fromString s))},
- {switches = ["--checksum"], arguments = ["CHECKSUM"],
- description = "confirm package checksum",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn _ => fn s => checksumInstall := SOME (Checksum.fromString s))},
- {switches = ["--stage"], arguments = [],
- description = "stage package for installation",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => stageInstall := true)}];
-val installFooter =
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- "Given a NAME input this command will install the latest available version.\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for listing installed packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype orderList =
- AlphabeticalList
- | DependencyList
- | IncludeList
- | ReverseList of orderList;
- val refOrderList = ref AlphabeticalList;
- fun setOrderList ord = refOrderList := ord;
- fun reverseOrderList () = refOrderList := ReverseList (!refOrderList);
- fun orderList () = !refOrderList;
- val refFormatList : infoFormat option ref = ref NONE;
- val defaultFormatList = InfoFormat [NameItem, SeparatorItem "-", VersionItem];
- fun getFormatList () = Option.getOpt (!refFormatList, defaultFormatList);
- fun setFormatList fmt =
- let
- val () = refFormatList := SOME fmt
- in
- ()
- end;
-val outputList = ref "-";
-val quietList = ref false;
- open Useful Options;
- val listOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["--dependency-order"], arguments = [],
- description = "list packages in dependency order",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setOrderList DependencyList)},
- {switches = ["--include-order"], arguments = [],
- description = "list packages in include order",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setOrderList IncludeList)},
- {switches = ["--reverse-order"], arguments = [],
- description = "reverse the order",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => reverseOrderList ())},
- {switches = ["--format"], arguments = ["FORMAT"],
- description = "set output format",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn _ => fn s => setFormatList (fromStringInfoFormat s))},
- {switches = ["--quiet"], arguments = [],
- description = "just raise an error if no packages match",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => quietList := true)}];
-val listFooter =
- describeListQueryFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeInfoFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- "If the QUERY argument is missing the latest installed packages are listed.\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for updating remote repository package lists. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- open Useful Options;
- val updateOpts : opt list =
- [];
-val updateFooter = "";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for upgrading installed packages with later versions on a remote *)
-(* repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- open Useful Options;
- val upgradeOpts : opt list =
- [];
-val upgradeFooter =
- describeUpgradeQueryFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- "If the QUERY argument is missing all installed packages are upgraded.\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Options for uploading installed packages to a remote repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype setUpload =
- ManualUpload
- | SubtheoryUpload;
-val setUpload = ref SubtheoryUpload;
-val confirmUpload = ref true;
- open Useful Options;
- val uploadOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["--manual"], arguments = [],
- description = "do not also upload subtheory packages",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => setUpload := ManualUpload)},
- {switches = ["--yes"], arguments = [],
- description = "do not ask for confirmation",
- processor = beginOpt endOpt (fn _ => confirmUpload := false)}];
-val uploadFooter =
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- "Given NAME inputs this command will upload the latest installed versions.\n";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Commands. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-datatype command =
- Cleanup
- | Export
- | Help
- | Info
- | Init
- | Install
- | List
- | Uninstall
- | Update
- | Upgrade
- | Upload;
-val allCommands =
- [Cleanup,
- Export,
- Help,
- Info,
- Init,
- Install,
- List,
- Uninstall,
- Update,
- Upgrade,
- Upload];
-fun commandString cmd =
- case cmd of
- Cleanup => "cleanup"
- | Export => "export"
- | Help => "help"
- | Info => "info"
- | Init => "init"
- | Install => "install"
- | List => "list"
- | Uninstall => "uninstall"
- | Update => "update"
- | Upgrade => "upgrade"
- | Upload => "upload";
-fun commandArgs cmd =
- case cmd of
- Cleanup => " staged:NAME-VERSION ..."
- | Export => " NAME|NAME-VERSION"
- | Help => ""
- | Info => " INPUT"
- | Init => ""
- | Install => " NAME|NAME-VERSION|FILE.thy"
- | List => " QUERY"
- | Uninstall => " QUERY"
- | Update => ""
- | Upgrade => " QUERY"
- | Upload => " NAME|NAME-VERSION ...";
-fun commandDescription cmd =
- case cmd of
- Cleanup => "clean up packages staged for installation"
- | Export => "export an installed package"
- | Help => "display help on all available commands"
- | Info => "extract information from packages and files"
- | Init => "initialize a new package repo"
- | Install => "install a package from a theory file or repo"
- | List => "list installed packages"
- | Uninstall => "uninstall packages"
- | Update => "update repo package lists"
- | Upgrade => "upgrade packages with later versions on a repo"
- | Upload => "upload installed packages to a repo";
-fun commandFooter cmd =
- case cmd of
- Cleanup => cleanupFooter
- | Export => exportFooter
- | Help => helpFooter
- | Info => infoFooter
- | Init => initFooter
- | Install => installFooter
- | List => listFooter
- | Uninstall => uninstallFooter
- | Update => updateFooter
- | Upgrade => upgradeFooter
- | Upload => uploadFooter;
-fun commandOpts cmd =
- case cmd of
- Cleanup => cleanupOpts
- | Export => exportOpts
- | Help => helpOpts
- | Info => infoOpts
- | Init => initOpts
- | Install => installOpts
- | List => listOpts
- | Uninstall => uninstallOpts
- | Update => updateOpts
- | Upgrade => upgradeOpts
- | Upload => uploadOpts;
-val allCommandStrings = List.map commandString allCommands;
- val allCommandCommandStrings =
- List.map (fn c => (c, commandString c)) allCommands;
- fun commandFromString s =
- case List.find (equal s o snd) allCommandCommandStrings of
- SOME (c,_) => SOME c
- | NONE => NONE;
-val allCommandOpts =
- let
- fun mk cmd = annotateOptions (commandString cmd) (commandOpts cmd)
- in
- List.concat (List.map mk allCommands)
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Program options. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- open Useful Options;
- val globalOpts : opt list =
- [{switches = ["-d","--root-dir"], arguments = ["DIR"],
- description = "set package repo directory",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn _ => fn s => rootDirectoryOption := SOME s)},
- {switches = ["--repo"], arguments = ["REPO"],
- description = "use given remote package repo",
- processor =
- beginOpt (stringOpt endOpt)
- (fn _ => fn s => addRemote s)},
- {switches = ["--show-types"], arguments = [],
- description = "annotate every term variable with its type",
- processor =
- beginOpt endOpt
- (fn _ => Var.showTypes := true)}];
- fun mkProgramOptions header footer opts =
- {name = program,
- version = versionString,
- header = "usage: " ^ program ^ " " ^ header ^ "\n",
- footer = footer,
- options = opts @ Options.basicOptions};
- val globalUsage = "[global options] command [command options] INPUT ...";
- val globalHeader =
- let
- fun f cmd =
- [" " ^ program ^ " " ^ commandString cmd ^ " ...",
- " " ^ commandDescription cmd]
- val alignment =
- [{leftAlign = true, padChar = #"."},
- {leftAlign = true, padChar = #" "}]
- val table = alignTable alignment (List.map f allCommands)
- in
- globalUsage ^ "\n" ^
- "where the available commands are:\n" ^
- join "\n" table ^ "\n"
- end;
- val globalFooter = "";
- val allFormatsFooter =
- describeInputFormat ^ "\n" ^
- describeNameFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeVersionFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeFileFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeInfoFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeDirFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeRepoFormat ^ ".\n" ^
- describeQueryFormat;
- val globalOptions =
- mkProgramOptions
- (globalHeader ^ "Displaying global options:")
- globalFooter
- globalOpts;
- fun commandOptions cmd =
- let
- val header =
- commandString cmd ^ " [" ^ commandString cmd ^ " options]" ^
- commandArgs cmd ^ "\n" ^
- capitalize (commandDescription cmd) ^ ".\n" ^
- "Displaying " ^ commandString cmd ^ " options:"
- val footer = commandFooter cmd
- val opts = commandOpts cmd
- in
- mkProgramOptions header footer opts
- end;
- fun programOptions () =
- let
- val header = globalHeader ^ "Displaying global options:"
- val footer = globalFooter
- val opts = globalOpts
- in
- mkProgramOptions header footer opts
- end;
- fun allCommandOptions () =
- let
- val header = globalHeader ^ "Displaying all options:"
- val footer = globalFooter ^ allFormatsFooter;
- val opts = annotateOptions "global" globalOpts @ allCommandOpts
- in
- mkProgramOptions header footer opts
- end;
-fun exit x : unit = Options.exit (programOptions ()) x;
-fun succeed () = Options.succeed (programOptions ());
-fun fail mesg = Options.fail (programOptions ()) mesg;
-fun usage mesg = Options.usage (programOptions ()) mesg;
-fun commandUsage cmd mesg = Options.usage (commandOptions cmd) mesg;
-fun allCommandHelp mesg =
- Options.exit (allCommandOptions ())
- {message = SOME mesg, usage = true, success = true};
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Cleaning up staged packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- fun cleanupInput inp =
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up an article file"
- | PackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up an installed package"
- | PackageNameInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a package name"
- | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a package query"
- | StagedPackageInput namever => namever
- | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a tarball"
- | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot clean up a theory source file";
- fun cleanup nameverl =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val nameverl =
- if not (List.null nameverl) then List.map cleanupInput nameverl
- else
- let
- val namevers = Repository.listStaged repo {maxAge = NONE}
- in
- PackageNameVersionSet.toList namevers
- end
- val () = List.app (cleanupStagedPackage repo) nameverl
- in
- ()
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\ncleaning up failed");
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Exporting installed packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- fun exportInput inp =
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot export an article file"
- | PackageInput namever => namever
- | PackageNameInput name => getLatestVersion name
- | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a package query"
- | StagedPackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a staged package"
- | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a tarball"
- | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot export a theory source file";
- fun export inp =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val namever = exportInput inp
- val msg =
- case getExport () of
- HaskellExport =>
- let
- val rex = {reexport = !reexport}
- and prev = {previousVersion = installPreviousVersion}
- val (n,rvo) = Haskell.exportPackage rex repo prev namever
- in
- case rvo of
- NONE =>
- "skipped re-export of package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " as Haskell package " ^
- PackageName.toString n
- | SOME ({reexport = r}, v) =>
- let
- val nv =
- PackageNameVersion.mk
- (PackageNameVersion.NameVersion'
- {name = n,
- version = v})
- in
- (if r then "re-" else "") ^
- "exported package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " as Haskell package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString nv
- end
- end
- val () = chat msg
- in
- ()
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage export failed");
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Displaying command help. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun help () = allCommandHelp "displaying help on all available commands";
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Displaying package information. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- type 'a cache = 'a option option ref;
- fun getCached r f () =
- case !r of
- SOME x => x
- | NONE =>
- let
- val x = f ()
- val () = r := SOME x
- in
- x
- end;
- local
- val cacheSavable : bool cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeSavable () = NONE;
- in
- fun setSavable sav = cacheSavable := SOME (SOME sav);
- fun getSavable () =
- case getCached cacheSavable computeSavable () of
- SOME sav => sav
- | NONE => raise Bug "opentheory.info.getSavable";
- end;
- local
- val cachePackage : Package.package cache = ref NONE;
- fun computePackage () = NONE;
- in
- fun setPackage pkg = cachePackage := SOME (SOME pkg);
- val getPackage = getCached cachePackage computePackage;
- end;
- local
- val cacheTarball : PackageTarball.tarball cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeTarball () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.tarball pkg)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- fun setTarball tar = cacheTarball := SOME (SOME tar);
- val getTarball = getCached cacheTarball computeTarball;
- end;
- local
- val cacheInformation : PackageInformation.information cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeInformation () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.information pkg)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- fun setInformation info = cacheInformation := SOME (SOME info);
- val getInformation = getCached cacheInformation computeInformation;
- end;
- local
- val cacheNameVersion : PackageNameVersion.nameVersion cache =
- ref NONE;
- fun computeNameVersion () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.nameVersion pkg)
- | NONE =>
- case getInformation () of
- SOME info => total PackageInformation.nameVersion info
- | NONE =>
- case getTarball () of
- SOME tar => total PackageTarball.nameVersion tar
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- fun setNameVersion namever = cacheNameVersion := SOME (SOME namever);
- val getNameVersion = getCached cacheNameVersion computeNameVersion;
- end;
- local
- val cacheChecksum : Checksum.checksum cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeChecksum () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.checksum pkg)
- | NONE =>
- case getTarball () of
- SOME tar => SOME (PackageTarball.checksum tar)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- val getChecksum = getCached cacheChecksum computeChecksum;
- end;
- local
- val cacheRequires : PackageName.name list cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeRequires () =
- case getInformation () of
- SOME info => SOME (PackageInformation.requires info)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- val getRequires = getCached cacheRequires computeRequires;
- end;
- local
- val cacheTags : PackageTag.tag list cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeTags () =
- case getInformation () of
- SOME info => SOME (PackageInformation.tags info)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- val getTags = getCached cacheTags computeTags;
- end;
- local
- val cacheDirectory : {directory : string} cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeDirectory () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.directory pkg)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- fun setDirectory dir = cacheDirectory := SOME (SOME dir);
- val getDirectory = getCached cacheDirectory computeDirectory;
- end;
- local
- val cacheTheoryFile : {filename : string} cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeTheoryFile () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.theoryFile pkg)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- fun setTheoryFile file = cacheTheoryFile := SOME (SOME file);
- val getTheoryFile = getCached cacheTheoryFile computeTheoryFile;
- end;
- local
- val cacheFiles : {filename : string} list cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeFiles () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.allFiles pkg)
- | NONE =>
- case getTarball () of
- SOME tar => SOME (PackageTarball.allFiles tar)
- | NONE =>
- case getTheoryFile () of
- | SOME thy =>
- case getInformation () of
- | SOME info =>
- let
- val arts = PackageInformation.articleFiles info
- and ints = PackageInformation.interpretationFiles info
- and exts = PackageInformation.extraFiles info
- val exts = List.map PackageExtra.filename exts
- in
- SOME (thy :: arts @ ints @ exts)
- end;
- in
- val getFiles = getCached cacheFiles computeFiles;
- end;
- local
- val cacheTheories : PackageTheory.theory list cache =
- ref NONE;
- fun upgradeTheories info =
- if not (!upgradeTheoryInfo) then info
- else
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val info =
- case Repository.upgradeTheory repo info of
- SOME i => i
- | NONE =>
- let
- val err = "no upgrade possible: theory source is up to date"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- in
- info
- end;
- fun optimizeTheories thys =
- if !preserveTheoryInfo then SOME thys
- else
- case getDirectory () of
- | SOME {directory = dir} =>
- let
- val fndr = finder ()
- val thys =
- PackageTheoryGraph.clean
- {finder = fndr,
- directory = dir,
- outputWarning = true,
- theories = thys}
- in
- SOME thys
- end;
- fun computeTheories () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg =>
- let
- val info = Package.information pkg
- val info = upgradeTheories info
- val thys = PackageInformation.theories info
- in
- SOME thys
- end
- | NONE =>
- case getInformation () of
- SOME info =>
- let
- val info = upgradeTheories info
- val thys = PackageInformation.theories info
- in
- optimizeTheories thys
- end
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- val getTheories = getCached cacheTheories computeTheories;
- end;
- local
- val cacheTheory : (TheoryGraph.graph * Theory.theory) cache =
- ref NONE;
- fun computeTheory () =
- case getDirectory () of
- | SOME {directory = dir} =>
- case getTheories () of
- | SOME thys =>
- let
- val sav = getSavable ()
- val fndr = finder ()
- val graph = TheoryGraph.empty {savable = sav}
- val imps = TheorySet.empty
- val int = Interpretation.natural
- val (graph,env) =
- TheoryGraph.importTheories fndr graph
- {directory = dir,
- imports = imps,
- interpretation = int,
- theories = thys}
- val thy = TheoryGraph.mainEnvironment env
- in
- SOME (graph,thy)
- end;
- in
- val getTheory = getCached cacheTheory computeTheory;
- end;
- local
- val cacheArticle : Article.article cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeArticle () =
- case getTheory () of
- SOME (_,thy) => SOME (Theory.article thy)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- fun setArticle art = cacheArticle := SOME (SOME art);
- val getArticle = getCached cacheArticle computeArticle;
- end;
- local
- val cacheThms : Thms.thms cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeThms () =
- case getArticle () of
- SOME art => SOME (Article.thms art)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- val getThms = getCached cacheThms computeThms;
- end;
- local
- val cacheTheorems : PackageTheorems.theorems cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeTheorems () =
- case getPackage () of
- SOME pkg => SOME (Package.theorems pkg)
- | NONE =>
- case getNameVersion () of
- | SOME nv =>
- case getThms () of
- | SOME ths =>
- let
- val seqs = Sequents.fromThms ths
- in
- SOME (PackageTheorems.mk nv seqs)
- end;
- in
- val getTheorems = getCached cacheTheorems computeTheorems;
- end;
- local
- val cacheSummary : Summary.summary cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeSummary () =
- case getThms () of
- SOME ths => SOME (Summary.fromThms ths)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- val getSummary = getCached cacheSummary computeSummary;
- end;
- local
- val cacheRequiresTheorems : PackageTheorems.theorems list cache =
- ref NONE;
- fun computeRequiresTheorems () =
- case getRequires () of
- | SOME reqs =>
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- in
- Repository.requiresTheorems repo reqs
- end;
- in
- val getRequiresTheorems =
- getCached cacheRequiresTheorems computeRequiresTheorems;
- end;
- local
- val cacheInference : Inference.inference cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeInference () =
- case getTheory () of
- SOME (graph,_) =>
- SOME (TheorySet.inference (TheoryGraph.theories graph))
- | NONE =>
- case getArticle () of
- SOME art => SOME (Article.inference art)
- | NONE => NONE;
- in
- val getInference = getCached cacheInference computeInference;
- end;
- local
- val cacheBrand : Name.name cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeBrand () =
- case getNameVersion () of
- SOME nv => SOME (PackageNameVersion.toGlobal nv)
- | NONE => SOME (Name.mkGlobal "unknown")
- in
- val getBrand = getCached cacheBrand computeBrand;
- end;
- local
- val cacheObjectTheorems : ObjectTheorems.theorems cache = ref NONE;
- fun computeObjectTheorems () =
- case getTheorems () of
- SOME ths => SOME (PackageTheorems.theorems ths)
- | NONE =>
- case getBrand () of
- | SOME brand =>
- case getThms () of
- | SOME ths =>
- let
- val seqs = Sequents.fromThms ths
- in
- SOME (ObjectTheorems.mk brand seqs)
- end;
- in
- val getObjectTheorems =
- getCached cacheObjectTheorems computeObjectTheorems;
- end;
- local
- val cacheObjectAssumptions : ObjectTheorems.theorems cache = ref NONE;
- fun unsatisfiedAssumptions sum =
- let
- val ths =
- case getRequiresTheorems () of
- NONE => raise Error "no requires information available"
- | SOME ths => ths
- val isSatisfied =
- case PackageTheorems.context sum ths of
- Summary.NoContext => raise Bug "unsatisfiedAssumptions"
- | Summary.Context {groundedExternal = _, satisfiedAssumption} =>
- satisfiedAssumption
- val seqs = Sequents.sequents (Summary.requires sum)
- in
- Sequents.fromSet (SequentSet.filter (not o isSatisfied) seqs)
- end;
- fun computeObjectAssumptions () =
- case getBrand () of
- | SOME brand =>
- case getSummary () of
- | SOME sum =>
- let
- val seqs =
- if !showAssumptionsInfo then Summary.requires sum
- else unsatisfiedAssumptions sum
- in
- SOME (ObjectTheorems.mk brand seqs)
- end;
- in
- val getObjectAssumptions =
- getCached cacheObjectAssumptions computeObjectAssumptions;
- end;
- fun processFormat (InfoFormat items) =
- let
- fun mkItem item =
- case item of
- ChecksumItem =>
- let
- val chk =
- case getChecksum () of
- SOME c => c
- | NONE => raise Error "no checksum information available"
- in
- Checksum.toString chk
- end
- | DescriptionItem =>
- let
- val info =
- case getInformation () of
- SOME i => i
- | NONE => raise Error "no package information available"
- val {description} = PackageInformation.description info
- in
- description
- end
- | EmptyItem =>
- let
- val info =
- case getInformation () of
- SOME i => i
- | NONE => raise Error "no package information available"
- val empty = PackageInformation.emptyTheories info
- in
- emptyToString empty
- end
- | NameItem =>
- let
- val namever =
- case getNameVersion () of
- SOME nv => nv
- | NONE => raise Error "no name information available"
- val name = PackageNameVersion.name namever
- in
- PackageName.toString name
- end
- | SeparatorItem s => s
- | VersionItem =>
- let
- val namever =
- case getNameVersion () of
- SOME nv => nv
- | NONE => raise Error "no name information available"
- val version = PackageNameVersion.version namever
- in
- PackageVersion.toString version
- end
- in
- List.map mkItem items
- end;
- fun outputPackageNameVersionSet namevers file =
- let
- fun mk nv = PackageNameVersion.toString nv ^ "\n"
- val namevers = PackageNameVersionSet.toList namevers
- val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList namevers)
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end;
- fun processInfoOutput (inf,file) =
- case inf of
- ArticleInfo vo =>
- let
- val art =
- case getArticle () of
- SOME a => a
- | NONE => raise Error "no article information available"
- val version = Option.getOpt (vo,ArticleVersion.writeDefault)
- val {filename} = file
- in
- Article.toTextFile
- {article = art,
- version = version,
- clearLocalNames = !clearLocalNamesInfo,
- skipDefinitions = !skipDefinitions,
- filename = filename}
- end
- | AssumptionsInfo =>
- let
- val ths =
- case getObjectAssumptions () of
- SOME ths => ths
- | NONE => raise Error "no assumption information available"
- val {filename} = file
- in
- ObjectTheorems.toTextFile {theorems = ths, filename = filename}
- end
- | DirectoryInfo =>
- let
- val {directory} =
- case getDirectory () of
- SOME d => d
- | NONE => raise Error "no directory information available"
- val sl = [directory, "\n"]
- val strm = Stream.fromList sl
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | DocumentInfo =>
- let
- val info = getInformation ()
- val chk = getChecksum ()
- val sum =
- case getTheory () of
- SOME (_,t) => TheoryGraph.summary t
- | NONE =>
- case getSummary () of
- SOME s =>
- let
- val e : PackageSummary.sequentSource = SequentMap.new ()
- val ps =
- PackageSummary.Summary'
- {summary = s,
- requires = e,
- provides = e}
- in
- PackageSummary.mk ps
- end
- | NONE => raise Error "no theory information available"
- val files =
- let
- val theory =
- case getDirectory () of
- | SOME {directory = dir} =>
- case getTheoryFile () of
- | SOME {filename = file} =>
- SOME (OS.Path.joinDirFile {dir = dir, file = file})
- val tarball =
- case getTarball () of
- | SOME tar =>
- let
- val {filename} = PackageTarball.filename tar
- in
- SOME filename
- end
- in
- {theory = theory,
- tarball = theory}
- end
- val tool = versionHtml
- val doc =
- PackageDocument.Document'
- {information = info,
- checksum = chk,
- summary = sum,
- files = files,
- tool = tool}
- val doc = PackageDocument.mk doc
- val {filename} = file
- in
- PackageDocument.toHtmlFile
- {document = doc,
- filename = filename}
- end
- | FilesInfo =>
- let
- fun mk {filename} = filename ^ "\n"
- val files =
- case getFiles () of
- SOME f => f
- | NONE => raise Error "no files information available"
- val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList files)
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | FormatInfo fmt =>
- let
- val sl = processFormat fmt @ ["\n"]
- val strm = Stream.fromList sl
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | IncludesInfo =>
- let
- fun mk (nv,_) = PackageNameVersion.toString nv ^ "\n"
- val info =
- case getInformation () of
- SOME i => i
- | NONE => raise Error "no includes information available"
- val incs = PackageInformation.includes info
- val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList incs)
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | InferenceInfo =>
- let
- val inf =
- case getInference () of
- SOME i => i
- | NONE => raise Error "no inference information available"
- val strm = Print.toStream Inference.pp inf
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | RequiresInfo =>
- let
- fun mk n = PackageName.toString n ^ "\n"
- val info =
- case getInformation () of
- SOME i => i
- | NONE => raise Error "no requires information available"
- val reqs = PackageInformation.requires info
- val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList reqs)
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | RequiresVersionsInfo =>
- let
- fun checkPrevious oldest ths vs =
- if Queue.null ths then oldest
- else
- let
- val (th,ths) = Queue.hdTl ths
- val nv = PackageTheorems.nameVersion th
- in
- case installPreviousVersion nv of
- NONE =>
- let
- val n = PackageNameVersion.name nv
- and v = PackageNameVersion.version nv
- val oldest = PackageNameMap.insert oldest (n,v)
- in
- checkPrevious oldest ths vs
- end
- | SOME nv' =>
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val pkg = Repository.get repo nv'
- val th = Package.theorems pkg
- in
- case total (PackageTheorems.addVersion vs) th of
- NONE =>
- let
- val n = PackageNameVersion.name nv
- and v = PackageNameVersion.version nv
- val oldest = PackageNameMap.insert oldest (n,v)
- in
- checkPrevious oldest ths vs
- end
- | SOME vs =>
- let
- val ths = Queue.add th ths
- in
- checkPrevious oldest ths vs
- end
- end
- end
- val ths =
- case getRequiresTheorems () of
- SOME r => r
- | NONE => raise Error "no requires information available"
- val sum =
- case getSummary () of
- SOME s => s
- | NONE => raise Error "no theory information available"
- val vs = PackageTheorems.mkVersions sum ths
- val oldest =
- checkPrevious (PackageNameMap.new ()) (Queue.fromList ths) vs
- fun mk th =
- let
- val nv = PackageTheorems.nameVersion th
- val n = PackageNameVersion.name nv
- and new = PackageNameVersion.version nv
- val old =
- case PackageNameMap.peek oldest n of
- SOME v => v
- | NONE => raise Bug "opentheory.info.RequiresInfo.mk"
- in
- PackageName.toString n ^
- (if PackageVersion.equal new old then
- " == " ^ PackageVersion.toString new
- else
- " >= " ^ PackageVersion.toString old ^
- " /\\ <= " ^ PackageVersion.toString new) ^ "\n"
- end
- val strm = Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList ths)
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | SummaryInfo =>
- let
- val sum =
- case getSummary () of
- SOME s => s
- | NONE => raise Error "no theory information available"
- val grammar = infoSummaryGrammar ()
- val context =
- if !showAssumptionsInfo then Summary.NoContext
- else
- case getRequiresTheorems () of
- NONE => Summary.NoContext
- | SOME ths => PackageTheorems.context sum ths
- val show =
- case getInformation () of
- SOME info => PackageInformation.show info
- | NONE => Show.default
- val {filename} = file
- val () = SymbolSet.warnClashing (Summary.symbol sum)
- in
- Summary.toTextFileWithGrammar grammar
- {context = context,
- show = show,
- summary = sum,
- filename = filename}
- end
- | SymbolsInfo =>
- let
- val art =
- case getArticle () of
- SOME a => a
- | NONE => raise Error "no article information available"
- val sym = Article.symbols art
- val () = SymbolSet.warnClashing sym
- val strm = Print.toStream SymbolSet.pp sym
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | TagsInfo =>
- let
- val tags =
- case getTags () of
- SOME t => t
- | NONE => raise Error "no package information available"
- val strm = Print.toStream PackageTag.ppList tags
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end
- | TheoremsInfo =>
- let
- val ths =
- case getObjectTheorems () of
- SOME ths => ths
- | NONE => raise Error "no theorem information available"
- val {filename} = file
- in
- ObjectTheorems.toTextFile {theorems = ths, filename = filename}
- end
- | TheoryInfo =>
- let
- val thys =
- case getTheories () of
- SOME t => t
- | NONE => raise Error "no theory source information available"
- val thys =
- if !showChecksumsInfo then thys
- else
- let
- fun del nv chko =
- case chko of
- | SOME _ => SOME (nv,NONE)
- in
- Option.getOpt (PackageTheory.updateIncludes del thys, thys)
- end
- val strm = Print.toStream PackageTheory.ppList thys
- in
- Stream.toTextFile file strm
- end;
- fun processInfoOutputList infs =
- let
- val () = List.app processInfoOutput infs
- in
- ()
- end;
- fun infoArticle {filename} infs =
- let
- val sav = getSavable ()
- and imp = Article.empty
- and int = Interpretation.natural
- val art =
- Article.fromTextFile
- {savable = sav,
- import = imp,
- interpretation = int,
- filename = filename}
- val () = setArticle art
- in
- processInfoOutputList infs
- end;
- fun infoPackage namever infs =
- let
- val fndr = finder ()
- in
- case PackageFinder.find fndr namever NONE of
- NONE =>
- let
- val err =
- "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " is not installed"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- | SOME pkg =>
- let
- val () = setPackage pkg
- in
- processInfoOutputList infs
- end
- end;
- fun infoPackageName name infs =
- let
- val namever = getLatestVersion name
- in
- infoPackage namever infs
- end;
- fun infoStagedPackage namever infs =
- let
- val fndr = stagedFinder ()
- in
- case PackageFinder.find fndr namever NONE of
- NONE =>
- let
- val err =
- "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " is not staged for installation"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- | SOME pkg =>
- let
- val () = setPackage pkg
- in
- processInfoOutputList infs
- end
- end;
- fun infoTarball {filename = tarFile} infs =
- let
- val sys = system ()
- val tar =
- PackageTarball.mk
- {system = sys,
- filename = tarFile,
- checksum = NONE}
- val () = setTarball tar
- in
- processInfoOutputList infs
- end;
- fun infoTheory {filename = thyFile} infs =
- let
- val info = PackageInformation.fromTextFile {filename = thyFile}
- and dir = OS.Path.dir thyFile
- and file = OS.Path.file thyFile
- val () = setInformation info
- and () = setDirectory {directory = dir}
- and () = setTheoryFile {filename = file}
- in
- processInfoOutputList infs
- end;
- fun info inp =
- let
- val infs = readInfoOutputList inp
- val sav = List.exists (savableInfo o fst) infs
- val () = setSavable sav
- in
- case inp of
- ArticleInput file => infoArticle file infs
- | PackageInput namever => infoPackage namever infs
- | PackageNameInput name => infoPackageName name infs
- | PackageQueryInput _ =>
- raise Error "cannot display information about a package query"
- | StagedPackageInput namever => infoStagedPackage namever infs
- | TarballInput file => infoTarball file infs
- | TheoryInput file => infoTheory file infs
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Initializing a package directory. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun init () =
- let
- val {directory = r, autoInit = _} = rootDirectory ()
- val x = initRepository {rootDirectory = r}
- val msg =
- "initialized new package repo " ^
- Print.toString Repository.pp x ^
- (if !remoteInit then " for remote use" else "")
- val () = chat msg
- in
- ()
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Uninstalling packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- fun uninstallInput inp =
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot uninstall an article file"
- | PackageInput namever =>
- RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.NameVersion namever)
- | PackageNameInput name =>
- RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.Name name)
- | PackageQueryInput query => query
- | StagedPackageInput _ =>
- let
- val err = "cannot uninstall a staged package (use cleanup instead)"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot uninstall a tarball"
- | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot uninstall a theory source file";
- fun complain errs =
- if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
- else
- let
- val s = RepositoryError.report errs
- in
- if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
- else chat ("package uninstall warnings:\n" ^ s)
- end;
- fun uninstallPackages repo namevers =
- let
- fun uninstall1 namever =
- let
- val auto = not (PackageNameVersionSet.member namever namevers)
- val () = Repository.uninstall repo namever
- val () =
- let
- val msg =
- (if auto then "auto-" else "") ^
- "uninstalled package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever
- in
- chat msg
- end
- in
- ()
- end
- val errs = Repository.checkUninstall repo namevers
- val errs =
- if not (!autoUninstall) then errs
- else
- let
- val (_,errs) = RepositoryError.removeInstalledUser errs
- in
- errs
- end
- val () = complain errs
- val namevers =
- if not (!autoUninstall) then namevers
- else Repository.includedByRTC repo namevers
- val namevers = List.rev (Repository.includeOrder repo namevers)
- val () = List.app uninstall1 namevers
- in
- ()
- end;
- fun uninstallPackage namever =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- in
- uninstallPackages repo (PackageNameVersionSet.singleton namever)
- end;
- fun uninstall inp =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val query = uninstallInput inp
- val namevers = evaluateQuery query
- in
- if PackageNameVersionSet.null namevers then
- raise Error "no matching installed packages"
- else
- uninstallPackages repo namevers
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage uninstall failed");
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Installing packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun installPackage rem namever chk =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val errs = Repository.checkStagePackage repo rem namever chk
- val errs =
- if not (!reinstall) then errs
- else
- let
- val (staged,errs) = RepositoryError.removeAlreadyStaged errs
- val () =
- if not staged then ()
- else Repository.cleanupStaged repo namever
- in
- errs
- end
- val (replace,errs) =
- if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
- else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyInstalled errs
- val () =
- if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
- else
- let
- val s = RepositoryError.report errs
- in
- if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
- else chat ("package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
- end
- val () =
- if not replace then ()
- else uninstallPackage namever
- val fndr = installFinder ()
- val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
- val () = Repository.stagePackage repo fndr rem namever chk tool
- val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
- val () =
- chat ((if replace then "re" else "") ^ "installed package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever)
- in
- ()
- end;
- fun installStagedPackage namever =
- let
- val () =
- if not (Option.isSome (!nameInstall)) then ()
- else raise Error "can't specify name for a staged package install"
- val () =
- if not (!stageInstall) then ()
- else raise Error "can't stage a staged package install"
- val () =
- if not (!reinstall) then ()
- else raise Error "can't reinstall a staged package install"
- val repo = repository ()
- val pkg =
- let
- val fndr = stagedFinder ()
- and chko = !checksumInstall
- in
- case PackageFinder.find fndr namever chko of
- SOME p => p
- | NONE =>
- let
- val err =
- "can't find staged package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- end
- val errs = Repository.checkInstallStaged repo namever
- val () =
- if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
- else
- let
- val s = RepositoryError.report errs
- in
- if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
- else chat ("staged package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
- end
- val chk = Package.checksum pkg
- val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
- val () =
- chat ("installed staged package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever)
- in
- ()
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\nstaged package install failed");
- fun installPackageNameVersion namever =
- let
- val () =
- if not (Option.isSome (!nameInstall)) then ()
- else raise Error "can't specify name for a package install"
- val () =
- if not (!stageInstall) then ()
- else raise Error "can't stage a package install"
- val (rem,chk) = firstRemote namever (!checksumInstall)
- val () = installPackage rem namever chk
- in
- ()
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage install failed");
- fun installPackageName name =
- let
- val () =
- if not (Option.isSome (!nameInstall)) then ()
- else raise Error "can't specify name for a package name install"
- val () =
- if not (!stageInstall) then ()
- else raise Error "can't stage a package name install"
- val () =
- case latestVersion name of
- SOME nv =>
- let
- val err =
- "package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString nv ^
- " is already installed"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- | NONE => ()
- in
- case latestVersionRemotes name (!checksumInstall) of
- NONE =>
- let
- val err =
- "can't find a version of package " ^
- PackageName.toString name
- val err =
- if not (Option.isSome (!checksumInstall)) then err
- else err ^ " with specified checksum"
- val err = err ^ " in any repo"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- | SOME (rem,nv,chk) => installPackage rem nv chk
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage name install failed");
- fun installTarball {filename = tarFile} =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- and sys = system ()
- val tar =
- PackageTarball.mk
- {system = sys,
- filename = tarFile,
- checksum = NONE}
- val chk = PackageTarball.checksum tar
- val () =
- case !checksumInstall of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME chk' =>
- if Checksum.equal chk' chk then ()
- else raise Error "tarball checksum does not match"
- val namever = PackageTarball.nameVersion tar
- val () =
- case !nameInstall of
- NONE => ()
- | SOME namever' =>
- if PackageNameVersion.equal namever' namever then ()
- else raise Error "tarball name does not match"
- val errs = Repository.checkStageTarball repo tar
- val errs =
- if not (!reinstall) then errs
- else
- let
- val (staged,errs) = RepositoryError.removeAlreadyStaged errs
- val () =
- if not staged then ()
- else Repository.cleanupStaged repo namever
- in
- errs
- end
- val (replace,errs) =
- if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
- else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyInstalled errs
- val () =
- if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
- else
- let
- val s = RepositoryError.report errs
- in
- if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
- else chat ("package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
- end
- val () =
- if not replace then ()
- else uninstallPackage namever
- val fndr = installFinder ()
- val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
- val () = Repository.stageTarball repo fndr tar tool
- val () =
- if !stageInstall then ()
- else Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
- val () =
- let
- val verb =
- if !stageInstall then
- (if replace then "uninstalled and staged" else "staged")
- else
- (if replace then "reinstalled" else "installed")
- val msg =
- verb ^ " package " ^ PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " from tarball"
- in
- chat msg
- end
- in
- ()
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage install from tarball failed");
- fun installTheory thyFile =
- let
- val () =
- if not (Option.isSome (!checksumInstall)) then ()
- else
- let
- val err =
- "can't specify checksum for a theory source file install"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- val () =
- if not (!stageInstall) then ()
- else
- let
- val err = "can't stage a theory source file install"
- in
- raise Error err
- end
- val repo = repository ()
- val info = PackageInformation.fromTextFile thyFile
- val errs = Repository.checkStageTheory repo (!nameInstall) info
- val (cleanup,errs) =
- if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
- else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyStaged errs
- val (replace,errs) =
- if not (!reinstall) then (false,errs)
- else RepositoryError.removeAlreadyInstalled errs
- val errs =
- if not (!autoInstall) then errs
- else snd (RepositoryError.removeUninstalledInclude errs)
- val () =
- if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
- else
- let
- val s = RepositoryError.report errs
- in
- if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
- else chat ("package install warnings:\n" ^ s)
- end
- val namever = PackageInformation.nameVersion info
- val () = if cleanup then Repository.cleanupStaged repo namever else ()
- val () = if replace then uninstallPackage namever else ()
- val fndr = installFinder ()
- val srcDir =
- let
- val {filename} = thyFile
- in
- {directory = OS.Path.dir filename}
- end
- val tool = {tool = versionHtml}
- val chk = Repository.stageTheory repo fndr namever info srcDir tool
- val () = Repository.installStaged repo namever chk
- val () =
- let
- val msg =
- (if replace then "re" else "") ^ "installed package " ^
- PackageNameVersion.toString namever ^
- " from theory source file"
- in
- chat msg
- end
- in
- ()
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage install from theory source file failed");
- fun install inp =
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot install an article file"
- | PackageInput namever => installPackageNameVersion namever
- | PackageNameInput name => installPackageName name
- | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot install a package query"
- | StagedPackageInput namever => installStagedPackage namever
- | TarballInput file => installTarball file
- | TheoryInput file => installTheory file;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Listing installed packages. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun sortList repo pkgs ord =
- case ord of
- AlphabeticalList => PackageNameVersionSet.toList pkgs
- | IncludeList => Repository.includeOrder repo pkgs
- | DependencyList => Repository.dependencyOrder repo pkgs
- | ReverseList ord => List.rev (sortList repo pkgs ord);
- fun listInput inpo =
- case inpo of
- NONE => RepositoryQuery.Identity
- | SOME inp =>
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot list an article file"
- | PackageInput namever =>
- RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.NameVersion namever)
- | PackageNameInput name =>
- RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.Name name)
- | PackageQueryInput query => query
- | StagedPackageInput _ =>
- raise Error "cannot list a staged package"
- | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot list a tarball"
- | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot list a theory source file";
- fun list inp =
- let
- val query = listInput inp
- val namevers = evaluateQuery query
- val () =
- if not (!quietList) then ()
- else
- let
- val status =
- if PackageNameVersionSet.null namevers
- then OS.Process.failure
- else OS.Process.success
- in
- OS.Process.exit status
- end
- val repo = repository ()
- val namevers = sortList repo namevers (orderList ());
- val fmt = getFormatList ()
- val strm =
- let
- fun mk namever = packageToStringInfoFormat repo fmt namever ^ "\n"
- in
- Stream.map mk (Stream.fromList namevers)
- end
- val ref f = outputList
- in
- Stream.toTextFile {filename = f} strm
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Update remote repository package lists. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-fun updateRemote rem =
+val () =
- val () = RepositoryRemote.update rem
+ val args = CommandLine.arguments ()
- val () =
- let
- val msg =
- "updated package list for " ^ RepositoryRemote.toString rem
- in
- chat msg
- end
+ val () = Tool.main args
- ()
+ OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\nrepo update failed");
-fun update () =
- let
- val rems = remotes ()
- in
- List.app updateRemote rems
- end;
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Upgrade installed packages with later versions on a remote repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- fun upgradeInput inpo =
- case inpo of
- NONE => RepositoryQuery.Upgradable
- | SOME inp =>
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade an article file"
- | PackageInput namever =>
- RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.NameVersion namever)
- | PackageNameInput name =>
- RepositoryQuery.Constant (RepositoryQuery.Name name)
- | PackageQueryInput query => query
- | StagedPackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade a staged package"
- | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade a tarball"
- | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot upgrade a theory source file";
- fun upgradeList namevers =
- let
- fun upgradeName name upgraded =
- case latestVersionRemotes name NONE of
- NONE => upgraded
- | SOME (rem,nvr,chk) =>
- let
- val nvl =
- case latestVersion name of
- SOME nv => nv
- | NONE => raise Bug "opentheory.upgrade: not found"
- val vl = PackageNameVersion.version nvl
- and vr = PackageNameVersion.version nvr
- in
- case PackageVersion.compare (vl,vr) of
- LESS =>
- let
- val () = installPackage rem nvr chk
- in
- true
- end
- | _ => upgraded
- end
- fun upgrade1 (namever,(names,upgraded)) =
- let
- val name = PackageNameVersion.name namever
- in
- if PackageNameSet.member name names then (names,upgraded)
- else
- let
- val names = PackageNameSet.add names name
- val upgraded = upgradeName name upgraded
- in
- (names,upgraded)
- end
- end
- val (_,upgraded) =
- List.foldl upgrade1 (PackageNameSet.empty,false) namevers
- in
- upgraded
- end;
- fun upgrade inp =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val query = upgradeInput inp
- val namevers = evaluateQuery query
- val upgraded = upgradeList (Repository.includeOrder repo namevers)
- val () =
- if upgraded then ()
- else chat "everything up-to-date"
- in
- ()
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage upgrade failed");
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Upload installed packages to a remote repository. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
- fun uploadInput inp =
- case inp of
- ArticleInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload an article file"
- | PackageInput namever => namever
- | PackageNameInput name => getLatestVersion name
- | PackageQueryInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a package query"
- | StagedPackageInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a staged package"
- | TarballInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a tarball"
- | TheoryInput _ => raise Error "cannot upload a theory source file";
- fun computeSupport repo rem namevers =
- let
- fun notInRepo nv = not (Repository.member nv repo)
- fun notInRemote nv = not (RepositoryRemote.member nv rem)
- val (unknown,namevers) = List.partition notInRepo namevers
- val namevers = PackageNameVersionSet.fromList namevers
- val namevers =
- let
- val subs =
- case !setUpload of
- ManualUpload => PackageNameVersionSet.empty
- | SubtheoryUpload => Repository.subtheoriesRTC repo namevers
- val subs = PackageNameVersionSet.filter notInRemote subs
- in
- PackageNameVersionSet.union subs namevers
- end
- val support =
- let
- val incs = Repository.includesRTC repo namevers
- val incs = PackageNameVersionSet.filter notInRemote incs
- val incs = PackageNameVersionSet.difference incs namevers
- in
- Repository.dependencyOrder repo incs
- end
- val namevers = unknown @ Repository.dependencyOrder repo namevers
- in
- (support,namevers)
- end;
- fun summarizeUpload upl =
- let
- val msg = Print.toString RepositoryUpload.pp upl
- val () = chat msg
- val () = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
- in
- ()
- end;
- fun askToConfirmUpload () =
- let
- val () = TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, "Continue [y/N]? ")
- val () = TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdOut
- val s =
- case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of
- SOME s => String.map Char.toLower s
- | NONE => raise Error "standard input terminated"
- in
- if s = "y\n" then true
- else if s = "n\n" orelse s = "\n" then false
- else askToConfirmUpload ()
- end;
- fun upload inps =
- let
- val repo = repository ()
- val rem = remote ()
- val namevers = List.map uploadInput inps
- val () = RepositoryRemote.update rem
- val (support,namevers) = computeSupport repo rem namevers
- val upl =
- RepositoryUpload.mk
- {repository = repo,
- remote = rem,
- support = support,
- packages = namevers}
- val errs = RepositoryUpload.check upl
- val () =
- if RepositoryError.isClean errs then ()
- else
- let
- val s = RepositoryError.report errs
- in
- if RepositoryError.fatal errs then raise Error s
- else chat ("package upload warnings:\n" ^ s)
- end
- val () = summarizeUpload upl
- val proceed = not (!confirmUpload) orelse askToConfirmUpload ()
- in
- if not proceed then ()
- else
- let
- val () = RepositoryUpload.upload upl
- in
- ()
- end
- end
- handle Error err =>
- raise Error (err ^ "\npackage upload failed");
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Top level. *)
-(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-val () =
- val work = CommandLine.arguments ();
- (* Process global options *)
- val (_,work) = Options.processOptions globalOptions work
- (* Read the command *)
- val (cmd,work) =
- case work of
- [] => usage "no command specified"
- | s :: work =>
- case commandFromString s of
- SOME cmd => (cmd,work)
- | NONE => usage ("bad command specified: \"" ^ s ^ "\"")
- (* Process command options *)
- val (_,work) = Options.processOptions (commandOptions cmd) work
- val work =
- List.map fromStringInput work
- handle Error err => commandUsage cmd err
- (* Process command options *)
- val () =
- case (cmd,work) of
- (Cleanup,pkgs) => cleanup pkgs
- | (Export,[pkg]) => export pkg
- | (Help,[]) => help ()
- | (Info,[inp]) => info inp
- | (Init,[]) => init ()
- | (Install,[inp]) => install inp
- | (List,[]) => list NONE
- | (List,[inp]) => list (SOME inp)
- | (Uninstall,[inp]) => uninstall inp
- | (Update,[]) => update ()
- | (Upgrade,[]) => upgrade NONE
- | (Upgrade,[inp]) => upgrade (SOME inp)
- | (Upload, pkgs as _ :: _) => upload pkgs
- | _ =>
- let
- val err = "bad arguments for " ^ commandString cmd ^ " command"
- in
- commandUsage cmd err
- end
- succeed ()
-handle Error s => die (program^" failed:\n" ^ s)
- | Bug s => die ("BUG found in "^program^" program:\n" ^ s)
- | e => die (program^" exception:\n"^ exnMessage e);
+ handle Error s => die (Tool.name^" failed:\n" ^ s)
+ | Bug s => die ("BUG found in "^Tool.name^" program:\n" ^ s)
+ | e => die (Tool.name^" exception:\n"^ exnMessage e);