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Welcome to the Meteo-graph-api project! This GraphQL API provides access to meteorological data from Météo-France observation stations. It is designed to process and serve structured meteorological data collected from official sources.

This project is intended to work alongside the meteo-graph-collector, which retrieves raw meteorological data from external sources and prepares it for use within this API.

Purpose of this API

The Météo-France GraphQL API is designed to structure and expose meteorological data collected from the dataset:

🔗 Base Climatologique - Données Horaires

This dataset includes hourly meteorological observations from Météo-France stations, providing information such as:

  • 🌡️ Temperature
  • 💧 Humidity
  • 🌬️ Wind Speed & Direction
  • 🌦️ Precipitation Levels
  • Atmospheric Pressure
  • 🌤️ Cloud Cover
  • 🌅 Solar Radiation
  • ❄️ Snow Depth
  • 📍 Geographical Location & Altitude...
  • Historical data available since 1850 for some stations

The API ensures that data is structured, accessible, and queryable using GraphQL, making it easy to integrate into applications needing historical meteorological data. The dataset is updated once per day at 07:00 UTC, ensuring the latest observations are available for analysis.

Graphql meteo-france api


  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed.
  • npm: Comes with Node.js. Verify with npm -v.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    Due to an incompatibility between pothos and prisma version 6, use the --legacy-peer-deps flag:

    npm install --legacy-peer-deps


  1. Environment Variables:

    • Duplicate example.env and rename it to .env:

      cp example.env .env
    • Open .env and configure the necessary variables.

  2. Prisma Setup:

    • Generate the Prisma client:

      npx prisma generate
    • Apply database migrations:

      npx prisma migrate deploy

Running the Server

  • Development mode (with auto-reloading):

    npm run dev
  • Production mode:

    1. Build the project:

      npm run build
    2. Start the server:

      npm start


Once the server is running, access the GraphiQL interface at:


This interface allows you to explore and test available GraphQL queries.


For details, see the LICENSE file.

Additional Resources

If you have any suggestions or improvements for the project, feel free to contact me or submit a pull request on GitHub.

Feel free to check these resources to enhance your understanding and make the most of this API.