Problem Solving with Algorithms All the exercises are solved using Java 11 - unless stated otherwise. List of Subdomains Warmup Implementation List of Exercises Subdomain Challenge Max Score My Solution Warmup Solve Me First 1 Java Warmup Simple Array Sum 10 Java Warmup Compare the Triplets 10 Java Warmup A Very Big Sum 10 Java Warmup Diagonal Difference 10 Java Warmup Plus Minus 10 Java Warmup Staircase 10 Java Warmup Mini-Max Sum 10 Java Warmup Birthday Cake Candles 10 Java Warmup Time Conversion 15 Java Implementation Grading Students 10 Java Implementation Apple and Orange 10 Java Implementation Number Line Jumps 10 Java Implementation Between Two Sets 10 Java Implementation Breaking the Records 10 Java Implementation Sub-array Division 10 Java Implementation Divisible Sum Pairs 10 Java Implementation Migratory Birds 10 Java Implementation Day of the Programmer 15 Java Implementation Bill Division 10 Java Implementation Sales by Match 10 Java Implementation Drawing Book 10 Java Implementation Counting Valleys 15 Java Implementation Electronics Shop 15 Java Implementation Cats and a Mouse 15 Java Implementation Picking Numbers 20 Java Implementation The Hurdle Race 15 Java Implementation Designer PDF Viewer 20 Java