I really enjoy a buch of developers that find a common goal on making a great piece of software that will not only assist the end user, but will make things standard in today's coding techniques.
If you wish to contribute to this project, there are many ways you can help. Almost everything can use help in some way, and each developer is open to their opinion for this system to become better. I would love to receive input on ways this program can be improved, module ideas, and techniques that make a better expirence for everyone.
If you would like to get involved, please email me and I will be happy to discuss any ideas that you have.
All contributions, developers, document writers, designers will have the approipate acknowledgement.
- This document leveraged heavily from the Markdown-Cheatsheet.
- The original Markdown Syntax Guide at Daring Fireball is an excellent resource for a detailed explanation of standard Markdown.
- The detailed specification for CommonMark can be found in the CommonMark Spec
- The CommonMark Dingus is a handy tool for testing CommonMark syntax.