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File metadata and controls

59 lines (44 loc) · 3.92 KB

This program allows you to use one designer file to build multiple systems with different settings or run just one build after the other

Getting started

  • Open PowerShell ISE with domain user that has access to the SQL Server like <username>

  • Open build__00__settings.ps1 in PowerShell ISE and change settings if needed, after that execute that script to create a local settings.json file

    • Please create one section like here for every system you want to run in the order you have specified:
  $systemsSettings += @{
    Name = "Holidays"
    Description = "HolidaysLongerName"
    designFile = "$( $buildDir )Holidays\designs\holidays.xml"
    SystemVariables = @{
        "LOADMONTHS" = 36
        "INCLUDEDUMMY" = "'Real'"
  • Open build__01__credentials.ps1 in PowerShell ISE and execute the script. You will be asked for some credentials that are getting saved encrypted into variables.xml
  • If you want to use the "wait for query script", you should change those queries. In there are examples for asking a Microsoft SQL Server and a DB2. Please change those queries:
$mssqlQuery = "Select * from dbo.StatusTable where datediff(hh, [LastUpdateDate], GETDATE()) <= $( $settings.maxAgeForData ) "
$db2Query = "select * from schema.statustable where TIMESTAMP >= (CURRENT TIMESTAMP - $( $settings.maxAgeForData ) HOURS)"

Daily Business

  • You should create a Windows Task named "Run Build" that runs at minimum every day
  • That Task is running the script build__20__build_system.ps1
  • There are two scripts that are used and triggered by Designer as preload actions:
    • build__10__wait_for_query This one will ask the SQLSERVER-WWS and the DB2-DWH for timestamps so it knows all nightly jobs have been finished first. At the end it will create a file which is the trigger for Designer to proceed with the next steps
    • build__30__export_maerkte.ps1 This one is used to create several files with market data that can be used in FastStats e.g. for mapping an other things


  • There are some debug scripts
    • build__99__watch_log.ps1 Watch the build log life through PowerShell
    • build__99__loop.ps1 Runs the build in a loop
    • build__99__create_windows_task.ps1 Creates a windows task to create a build task, not developed yet
  • If you want to change the design sometimes it it best to open the application first with the domain user that has access to the SQLSERVER


An example how the build__10__wait_for_query script is used in Designer

  • Pre Load Actions:

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Some examples how you can use or implement environment variables

  • System Configuration: Name and Description

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  • System Configuration: Path to use

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  • Data Sources: Directly embedded in SQL Queries:

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  • Post Load Actions: Refer to Credentials that you have used

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  • Post Load Actions: UNC path to deploy the system

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