Below you'll find the steps to deploy our Kafka cluster (and creation of a topic) by simply pushing changes/yaml to Git. The GitOps tool, in this case Flux v2 observes the Git repo and applies any detected changes to the Kubernetes cluster.
Since Flux creates a Git repo on bootstrapping, you need a personal access token for GitHub (because I am using GitHub, but GitLab is also possible), so that Flux is able to authentiacate and create a repository (check all permissions under repo) ==> please find instructions to create access token here.
Within the Flux Docu you'll find very good explanations for starting as well as enhanced aspects of using Flux !!
Below steps are demoing a scenario where you can deploy Kafka cluster in two different stages, "testing" and "production". Both stages are separated by putting them into different namespaces. Via kustomize you can configure both stages independant via their corresponding directories, and Flux is observing those directories.
The base configuration for the Kafka cluster is in folder strimzi-jaeger-eval/kafka-setup/base and as an example for how to set properties per stage, you'll find *-patch.yml files in the production subdir for setting a higher number of brokers and zookeeper servers in production environment.
cluster stage | namespace | kustomize dir |
testing | testing | strimzi-jaeger-eval/kafka-setup/testing |
production | kafka-cluster | strimzi-jaeger-eval/kafka-setup/production |
export your GitHub data
export GITHUB_USER=<your Github username> export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your GitHub token>
install Flux (on Linux):
curl -s | sudo bash
(at time of writing this doc, I got v 0.14.1 installed)
or grab a binary release from here -
verify that the K8s cluster and tools are covering Flux prerequisites
flux check --pre
produced the output:
► checking prerequisites ✔ kubectl 1.20.5 >=1.18.0-0 ✔ Kubernetes 1.19.9-gke.1400 >=1.16.0-0 ✔ prerequisites checks passed
bootstrapping Flux
flux bootstrap github \ --owner=$GITHUB_USER \ --repository=flux-kafka-demo \ --branch=main \ --path=./my-flux \ --personal
this creates several lines of output, at the end it should show success, like:
... ◎ waiting for Kustomization "flux-system/flux-system" to be reconciled ✔ Kustomization reconciled successfully ► confirming components are healthy ✔ source-controller: deployment ready ✔ kustomize-controller: deployment ready ✔ helm-controller: deployment ready ✔ notification-controller: deployment ready ✔ all components are healthy
From now on the repo flux-kafka-demo is the source of truth for your Flux installation !
Now that we have the base setup Flux done, we can start configuring a repo to be observed by our Flux setup.
To be able to make config changes on your own, I recommend to fork/clone my repo, then configure it for Flux and apply some config changes to see Flux in action.
The goal is, to have the yaml manifests within kafka-setup being observed.
fork/clone my repo gkoenig/strimzi-jaeger-eval , e.g.
git clone
into your own GitHub account -
clone your Flux Github repo:
git clone$GITHUB_USER/flux-kafka-demo.git
create a manifest, pointing to your strimzi-jaeger-eval repository (since this is the one we want to be observed ;)
ensure the export of env variable GITHUB_USER with your GitHub username is in place !
export GITHUB_USER=\<your-github-username\> cd flux-kafka-demo \
flux create source git strimzi-jaeger-eval-main \ --url=$GITHUB_USER/strimzi-jaeger-eval \ --branch=main \ --interval=30s \ --export > ./my-flux/strimzi-jaeger-eval-main-branch-source.yaml
commit and push the -source.yaml
git add -A && git commit -m "created source link to Git repo" git push
now that we have only the info about the source git repo configure, let's actually deploy an "application", which is basically a Strimzi Kafka cluster here. Flux offers different template mechanisms for that (helm, kustomize, plain yaml manifests,..). We'll use kustomize. The corresponding kustomize yaml is located in folder kafka-setup under the referenced Git repository (the strimzi-jaeger-eval one). Let's create the flux-kustomization for both our environments, production and testing .
We will do it one by one, starting with creating the Kafka cluster in namespace testing , waiting until all resources are up, then do the same for namespace kafka-cluster. Reason for that is, that I ran into weird errors (maybe race conditions) by creating both clusters in parallel, means by pushing both kustomizations together to let kafka-setup/production and kafka-setup/testing being creatd in parallel.flux create kustomization strimzi-jaeger-eval-testing-kustomization \ --source=strimzi-jaeger-eval-main \ --path="./kafka-setup/testing" \ --prune=true \ --validation=client \ --interval=5m \ --export > ./my-flux/strimzi-jaeger-eval-testing-kustomization.yaml
Your directory layout should like the following:
. └── my-flux ├── flux-system │ ├── gotk-components.yaml │ ├── gotk-sync.yaml │ └── kustomization.yaml ├── strimzi-jaeger-eval-testing-kustomization.yaml └── strimzi-jaeger-eval-main-branch-source.yaml
git add -A && git commit -m "created Kustomization for kafka-cluster in testing namespace" git push
- Flux reconsiliation (==checking that target state is equal to Git)
watch flux get kustomizations
until you see something like:
NAME READY MESSAGE REVISION flux-system True Applied revision: main/80655111cfe968f1bf37c1e9a8e639af7c1fb2eb main/80655111cfe968f1bf37c1e9a8e639af7c1fb2eb strimzi-jaeger-eval-testing-kustomization True Applied revision: main/7b83b08a58ec359accd9001ea66d28f112f52a5c main/7b83b08a58ec359accd9001ea66d28f112f52a5c
! of course, the commit hash will be different !
- Kafka and Zookeeper resources
wait a couple of minutes....and amazingly, you'll see that they got created, e.g. our "testing" cluster in namespace "testing":
kubectl get po,service -n testing
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/testing-strimzi-cluster-entity-operator-5db67f65fc-8pmjl 3/3 Running 0 14m pod/testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 15m pod/testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-1 1/1 Running 0 15m pod/testing-strimzi-cluster-zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 15m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-0 NodePort <none> 9094:31681/TCP 15m service/testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-1 NodePort <none> 9094:31002/TCP 15m service/testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-bootstrap ClusterIP <none> 9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP 15m service/testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-brokers ClusterIP None <none> 9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP 15m service/testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap NodePort <none> 9094:30321/TCP 15m service/testing-strimzi-cluster-zookeeper-client ClusterIP <none> 2181/TCP 15m service/testing-strimzi-cluster-zookeeper-nodes ClusterIP None <none> 2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP 15m
now let the production kafka cluster be created
# create flux kustomization flux create kustomization strimzi-jaeger-eval-prod-kustomization \ --source=strimzi-jaeger-eval-main \ --path="./kafka-setup/production" \ --prune=true \ --validation=client \ --interval=5m \ --export > ./my-flux/strimzi-jaeger-eval-prod-kustomization.yaml # push it to flux repo git add -A && git commit -m "created Kustomization for kafka-cluster in kafka-cluster namespace" git push # wait some minutes until all pods are up and running kubectl get po,svc -n kafka-cluster NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/prod-strimzi-cluster-entity-operator-cbf979547-28gqx 3/3 Running 0 13m pod/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 14m pod/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-1 1/1 Running 0 14m pod/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-2 1/1 Running 0 14m pod/prod-strimzi-cluster-zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 14m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-0 NodePort <none> 9094:31145/TCP 14m service/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-1 NodePort <none> 9094:30991/TCP 14m service/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-2 NodePort <none> 9094:31685/TCP 14m service/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-bootstrap ClusterIP <none> 9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP 14m service/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-brokers ClusterIP None <none> 9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP 14m service/prod-strimzi-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap NodePort <none> 9094:32405/TCP 14m service/prod-strimzi-cluster-zookeeper-client ClusterIP <none> 2181/TCP 14m service/prod-strimzi-cluster-zookeeper-nodes ClusterIP None <none> 2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP 14m
Let's create a topic
The same mechanism as before applies also to the topic creation. In the Git repo there are dedicated directories for production and testing , because topic configurations will differ between environments and you'll find the according .yaml files in the corresponding subdirectories per environment. Let's also create flux-kustomizations to observe changes to those topic configuration files.
flux create kustomization kafkatopic-testing-kustomization \ --source=strimzi-jaeger-eval-main \ --path="./kafka-topics/testing" \ --prune=true \ --validation=client \ --depends-on 'strimzi-jaeger-eval-testing-kustomization' \ --interval=5m \ --export > ./my-flux/kafkatopic-testing-kustomization.yaml git add -A && git commit -m "created Kustomization for kafka-topics in namespace testing" git push
now let's list the topics, and grep for our custom topic starting with 'my-'
#first by listing the Strimzi resource 'kafkatopic' kubectl get kafkatopics -n testing | grep 'my-' #output my-first-topic testing-strimzi-cluster 2 1 True
#second, by calling the Kafka API directly, means by executing kafka cli tool kubectl run kafka-producer -ti \ --image=strimzi/kafka:0.20.0-rc1-kafka-2.6.0 \ --rm=true \ --restart=Never \ -- bin/ --bootstrap-server testing-strimzi-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.testing:9092 --list | grep "my-" #provides the (expected) output of exactly one topic, "my-first-topic": If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. my-first-topic
Now let's do the same for namespace kafka-cluster , our "production"
flux create kustomization kafkatopic-prod-kustomization \ --source=strimzi-jaeger-eval-main \ --path="./kafka-topics/production" \ --prune=true \ --validation=client \ --interval=5m \ --depends-on 'strimzi-jaeger-eval-prod-kustomization' \ --export > ./my-flux/kafkatopic-prod-kustomization.yaml git add -A && git commit -m "created Kustomization for kafka-topics in namespace kafka-cluster" git push