A JavaFX 3D Application that allows solving the Rubik's Cube on Desktop, Android and iOS devices.
Read about how the JavaFX 3D Rubik's cube was originally implemented here
We use GluonFX plugin to build a native image for platforms including desktop, android and iOS. Please follow the prerequisites as stated here.
Run the application on JVM/HotSpot:
mvn gluonfx:run
Run the application and explore all scenarios to generate config files for the native image with:
mvn gluonfx:runagent
Build a native image using:
mvn gluonfx:build
Run the native image app:
mvn gluonfx:nativerun
Build a native image for Android using:
mvn gluonfx:build -Pandroid
Package the native image as an 'apk' file:
mvn gluonfx:package -Pandroid
Install it on a connected android device:
mvn gluonfx:install -Pandroid
Run the installed app on a connected android device:
mvn gluonfx:nativerun -Pandroid
Build a native image for iOS using:
mvn gluonfx:build -Pios
Install and run the native image on a connected iOS device:
mvn gluonfx:nativerun -Pios
Create an IPA file (for submission to TestFlight or App Store):
mvn gluonfx:package -Pios